A King and a Pawn

By Liv Olteano

A King and a Pawn
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 81,790
  • Pages 234
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63477-342-3
  • SKU 7849
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Leader Murders: Case Three

Bert Cooper’s life used to be great, until his sister turned out to be a traitor. Now Bert feels the whole pack looks on him with doubt and suspicion. To prove his loyalty, he volunteers to be the first ambassador at Fey Court, gathering information to finally solve the Leader Murders and punish those plotting against the Council and community. At least, that was the plan….

When Bert meets Sir William Matthew Sims, Court Interrogator, and one hell of a sexy man, life becomes a balancing act. And when the Fey King is assassinated, things become really messy.

Pack politics, fey politics, treason, suspicions of treason…. Bert has to choose between being ruled by his fears or standing up for what—and who—he believes in. And it might just break his heart.

Cover Artist: AngstyG


Genres Gay / Paranormal Romance / Romantic Suspense / Urban Fantasy