Books by "Bru Baker" (30)


Monster Hall Pass

Monster Dads
$4.99 $3.74

Special Illustrated Edition

White-collar dad Hugh Whitby dotes on his adopted daughter, but she’s away at camp. Now it's time let the vampiric urges he so tightly controls run wild and take advantage of his monster hall pass to feed on criminals. But when fae prince Rykoff of Harlow interrupts Hugh feeding, he catches Hugh’s daughter’s scent and vows to avenge the fae youngling he believes Hugh has captured. Hugh had no idea his daughter wasn’t human, and it rocks the foundation of his world. He must convince Rykoff that the fae youngling in question is safe with her vampire dad and can prosper in the mortal realm—or risk losing her forever.

Previously released as part of the anthology Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Dreamspinner Press, October 2020


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Over a decade ago, Avery Laniston fell in love with his brother Bran’s best friend but walked out on him and married his career instead. He’s regretted it ever since. After twelve years abroad, he returns for Bran’s wedding, hoping to make amends—only to get stranded in an airport with the man he left behind.

When Paul Gladwell finds himself stuck in Dallas with Avery on the way to Bran’s wedding, he decides a one-night stand might be the ticket to closure. Instead it rekindles a spark that threatens to burn him a second time. The romantic atmosphere at the wedding venue doesn’t help, nor does scheming from their friends and family. But the worst culprit is Paul’s heart, which refuses to listen to his head’s warning that Avery hasn’t changed.

Avery knows he hurt Paul before, and he’s determined to make it right. But he doesn’t know where his next job might take him, and Paul is hesitant to trust him again. Can Avery prove he’ll be the partner Paul deserves—that he can balance his career and his personal life? Or will he add one night in Dallas to his years of regrets?


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Propriétaire d’un magasin de loisirs créatifs, Grant a toujours eu un faible pour les jolis visages, et c’est deux fois pire pour un joli visage avec un adorable acolyte. Quand Aubrey, sept ans, veut à tout prix participer à la série d’ateliers de fêtes déjà complets de Grant, il cède et abandonne son seul jour de congé par semaine pour qu’elle (et son tuteur canon, Josh) puisse avoir des cours particuliers. Le flirt entre eux monte en puissance semaine après semaine, et même si Josh n’est pas avec la mère d’Aubrey, Grant ne peut pas être sûr qu’il soit hétéro. Peut-être qu’il est simplement amical. Et Josh, qui n’est définitivement pas hétéro, craint d’être le type louche qui drague le professeur.

Frustrée par leur entêtement et leur ignorance, Aubrey prend les choses en main. Elle décide que le meilleur cadeau à offrir à Josh est quelque chose fait maison avec le cœur – un petit ami qu’ils aimeront tous les deux.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

When the kids are away, the monsters will play.

School’s out for summer, and these dads are ready to ship their kids off to camp. Not just because their kids are monsters—whose aren’t?—but because they’re ready for some alone time to let their hair down and their fangs out. You see, not only are the kids monsters—their dads are too.

Even the most dangerous of creatures has a soft spot. These bad, dangerous dads love their kids to death, but they need romance.

Every year, for a few short weeks, these hot men with a little extra in their blood get to be who they truly are. And this year, life has a surprise for them. Whether they be mage, shifter, vampire, or changeling, these heartbreakingly handsome dads might be looking to tear up the town… but they’ll end up falling in love. All it takes is the right man to bring them to their knees.


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Couple de la Lune

Dreamspun Beyond (Français)
Camp H.U.R.L.
$6.99 $5.24

Un livre de la série Camp H.U.R.L.

Les Couples de la Lune existent, mais ils sont rares…

Adrian Rothschild n’ayant jamais atteint le stade de sa puberté de loup, il se croit humain, en quelque sorte. Ce n’est pas le cas et le voilà prêt à subir sa Transition avec huit ans de retard dans un État étranger, loinde sa meute, seul et terrorisé.

Le Dr Tate Lewis a vécu une Transition catastrophique sous la houlette de son père, fanatique partisan de la libération totale de l’animalité du loup. Désormais autonome, Tate travaille au camp H.U.R.L., un centre dont le but est def aciliter la Transition des jeunes loups. Tate ne s’attendait pas à avoir un adulte parmi ses patients ni à se découvrir une très forte connexion avec Adrian. En vérité, Tate n’était même pas certain de croire à cette légende des Compagnons de Lune. Après tout, son père, qui pratiquait la polygamie, avait revendiqué cinq partenaires. Il n’en reste pas moins évident qu’Adrian a besoin de lui. Si Tate accepte de baisser sa garde, peut-être découvrira-t-il que lui aussi a besoin d’Adrian.

Un loup n’est complet qu’avec son alter-ego. Et Tate a déjà perdu tant de morceaux essentiels de son être !

Mais Adrian saura-t-il affronter le défi qu’il représente ?


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Love is trying to catch up to two lonely men. Can they stop long enough to let it?

Running defines Kincaid’s life. It’s not until he loses it that he realizes how isolated he’s become. But even if an injury hadn’t forced him to slow down, the hottie in the yoga studio would have given him pause. In fact, admiring the man each morning is the only thing keeping the spring in his step when it feels like he’s lost everything.

Owen’s busy life as a yoga instructor doesn’t leave him much time to meet guys, let alone date. He’s convinced his passion for helping people is worth the sacrifice, but he’s willing to spare a few moments for the cutie who walks past the studio every morning.

When their lives intersect and romance is set in motion, they stumble off the starting block. But no matter the obstacles in their path, this race won’t be over until they reach the finish… together.


$3.99 $2.99

Grand, ténébreux et sans visa

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Traverser la frontière de l'amour.

Décisions hâtives sur idées malencontreuses rapprochent le Portugais Mateus Fontes et l'homme d'affaires Crawford Hargrave au poste de frontière canadien.

Mateus se retrouve dans une impasse. Avec un permis de tourisme qui expire sous peu, son entrée au Canada lui est refusée et on rejette sa demande pour repasser la frontière des États-Unis. En inventant de toute pièce leurs prétendues fiançailles, Crawford pense avoir réglé le problème, et cela fonctionne, jusqu’à ce qu’ils apprennent qu’ils doivent réellement se marier avant de pouvoir rentrer aux États-Unis. Mais Crawford s’est déjà fait avoir une fois par le mariage et il est déterminé à ne pas reproduire la même erreur.

Aucun d’entre eux ne s’attend à ce que de réels sentiments naissent de ce mariage blanc, et c’est pourtant ce qui est sur le point d’arriver. Ils devront apprendre à être honnêtes l’un envers l’autre s’ils espèrent que cela fonctionne entre eux, chose particulièrement difficile lorsque leur mariage entier est basé sur des mensonges.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Die aufstrebenden Kochtalente Beck Douglas und Duncan Walters befinden sich seit Jahren auf dem Radar der Gourmetpaparazzi, da ihr Status als Erben der beiden größten Kochimperien weit und breit sie zu Kochkönigen macht. Beck ist durch seinen Charme und seine klassischen Gerichte als Co-Moderator in der beliebten Fernseh-Kochshow seines Onkels bekannt geworden. Duncan dagegen hat sich durch seine Weigerung, im Restaurant seines Vaters zu arbeiten, und seine avantgardistischen Methoden einen Ruf als Bad Boy in der Kochszene erworben. 

Außerdem haben sie eine Kochrivalität geerbt, die die berühmte Familienfehde der Hatfields und McCoys harmlos erscheinen lässt. Als sie mitten in einer hitzigen Diskussion fotografiert werden, überschlägt sich die Presse mit wilden Spekulationen. Zur Schadensbegrenzung fädeln Freunde aus dem PR-Bereich eine Scheinfreundschaft ein. Schnell wünschen sich beide aber insgeheim mehr.

Die Gängelungen seines Onkels reiben Beck auf und Duncans Verhältnis zu seinem homophoben Vater spitzt sich noch mehr zu, als sich Beck und Duncan näherkommen. Als Duncan in Becks Kochshow einsteigt, fällt es ihnen schwer, im überregionalen Fernsehen die Chemie zwischen ihnen zu verbergen. Ganz ohne Scherben wird sich ihre Beziehung – oder ihre Karriere – jedoch nicht auf die nächste Stufe heben lassen.


$6.99 $5.24

Stealing His Heart

Connoll Pack
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Connoll Pack

Love sneaks in like a thief in the night.

Danny’s parents raised him to believe his wolf was a curse. He’s part of the wealthy and powerful Connoll Pack, but only nominally. He abandoned that world to volunteer with supernatural kids, and he isn’t looking for a mate….

Max is a shifter who is also a detective. He’s working a case that could make or break his career. Danny’s caught up in the case he’s on, and he’s also irresistible. They’re a bad match—Max, an Alpha having trouble with his new powers and Danny, who trusts Alphas as far as he could throw one. But they can’t get enough of each other, and they might bond before they even see it coming.

They could be amazing together, but they have to get past a few obstacles—especially since someone close to Danny might be involved in the thefts Max is investigating.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Empires rivaux du monde de la gastronomie, les noms de Douglas et Walters se disputent la couronne depuis des temps immémoriaux. La presse s’arrache le moindre scoop sur les deux talentueux héritiers de ces magnats de la restauration, les jeunes Beck Douglas et Duncan Walters. Beck, qui anime une émission de cuisine à succès avec son oncle, est réputé pour son charme et sa cuisine traditionnelle. Duncan, quant à lui, n’a pas peur de sortir des sentiers battus et s’est construit une réputation de rebelle en refusant de travailler pour son père.

Lorsqu’un cliché d’eux en train de se disputer violemment commence à circuler, les médias s’enflamment. Afin de contrôler les dommages qu’une rixe entre les deux familles pourrait porter à leur réputation, leurs chargés de communication respectifs orchestrent une réconciliation factice. Au cours de cette mascarade, et malgré les projecteurs et la mise en scène, une étincelle naît secrètement entre les deux jeunes hommes. 

Beck ploie sous la pression continuelle que lui inflige son oncle, et les relations déjà tendues de Duncan avec son père se détériorent encore davantage lorsqu’il commence à soupçonner un rapprochement entre Duncan et Beck. Il faut dire qu’il est difficile d’ignorer l’alchimie qui brûle entre eux à l’écran, lorsque Duncan rejoint Beck sur le plateau de son émission. Une chose est sûre, au travail comme en amour, c’est un parcours semé d’embûches qui les attend, et comme le dit le dicton, on ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser des œufs…


$6.99 $5.24

Holidays Are Where Your Heart Is

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$1.99 $1.49

Jared’s been all over the world as a traveling manny with Holiday Helpers, and the itch to put down roots is is starting to eclipse his wanderlust—especially since his current family is a handful. 

After culinary school, Wes did some wandering of his own, exploring Central America before settling as a resort chef in his mother’s homeland of Costa Rica, a place he loves and plans to stay. If he’s learned one thing, it’s to be wary of flings with vacationers. Still, he can’t stand to watch two little Swiss kids lose their belief in Saint Nicholas, so he’ll lend a hand to the manny assisting the family. It won’t be easy to recreate a traditional European Christmas in a tropical paradise. 

Between a snowball fight on a sunny beach and sledding down an active volcano, Jared and Wes discover some renewed holiday magic of their own. Can they make it last a lifetime?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


$1.99 $1.49

Hiding In Plain Sight

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Happily ever after is right under their noses.

Harris has been keeping a big secret for years—his unrequited mate bond with his best friend, Jackson. He’s convinced himself that having Jackson in his life is enough. That, and his work at Camp H.O.W.L., keeps him going.

Things get complicated when Jackson applies for a high-ranking Tribunal job in New York City—far from Camp H.O.W.L. The position requires he relinquish all Pack bonds… and that’s when his wolf decides to choose a mate. Suddenly Jackson sees his best friend in a sizzling new light.

Their chemistry is through the roof, but they're setting themselves up for broken hearts—and broken bonds—if Jackson can't figure out a way to balance his career and the love that’s just been waiting for him to take notice. 


$4.99 $3.74

Under a Blue Moon

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Once in a blue moon, opposites find they’re a perfect match.

Nick Perry is tired of helping people with their marriages, so when a spot opens up to work with teens at Camp H.O.W.L., he jumps at it. He doesn’t expect to fall in lust with the dreamy new camp doctor, Drew Welch. But Drew is human, and Nick has seen secrets ruin too many relationships to think that a human/werewolf romance can go anywhere.

Happy-go-lucky Drew may not sprout claws, but he’s been part of the Were community all his life. He has no trouble fitting in at the camp—except for Nick’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge the growing attraction between them and his ridiculous stance on dating humans. Fate intervenes when one of his private practice patients threatens Drew’s life. Will the close call help Nick to see a connection like theirs isn’t something to let go of?


$4.99 $3.74

Homemade from the Heart

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Craft store owner Grant has always been a sucker for a pretty face, and that goes double for a pretty face with an adorable sidekick. When seven-year-old Aubrey has her heart set on taking Grant’s already-full holiday craft series, he caves and gives up his one day off a week so she (and her hot guardian, Josh) can take private lessons. Their flirting ramps up week after week, and even though Josh isn’t with Aubrey’s mother, Grant can’t be sure the man isn’t straight. Maybe he’s just being friendly. And Josh, who most definitely is not straight, is afraid of being the creepy guy hitting on the teacher.

Frustrated by their stubbornness and cluelessness, Aubrey takes matters into her own hands. She decides the best gift to give Josh is something homemade and from the heart—a boyfriend they’ll both love.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Camp H.O.W.L.

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Moonmates exist, but getting together is going to be a beast….

When Adrian Rothschild skipped his “werewolf puberty,” he assumed he was, somehow, human. But he was wrong, and he’s about to go through his Turn with a country between him and his Pack—scared, alone, and eight years late.

Dr. Tate Lewis’s werewolf supremacist father made his Turn miserable, and now Tate works for Camp H.O.W.L. to ease the transition for young werewolves. He isn’t expecting to offer guidance to a grown man—or find his moonmate in Adrian. Tate doesn’t even believe in the legendary bond; after all, his polygamist father claimed five. But it’s clear Adrian needs him, and if Tate can let his guard down, he might discover he needs Adrian too.

A moonmate is a wolf’s missing piece, and Tate is missing a lot of pieces. But is Adrian up to the challenge?


$4.99 $3.74

Tall, Dark, and Deported

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Crossing the border into love.

Snap decisions and misguided ideas bring Portuguese national Mateus Fontes and businessman Crawford Hargrave together at the Canadian border crossing.

Mateus is caught in a catch-22. With his almost-expired tourist visa, entrance to Canada is denied, but the US won’t let him back in either. Crawford thinks he’s solved things when he tells the border agent they’re engaged, and it works—except now they have to actually get married before either of them can get back into the United States. But Crawford has been burned by marriage once, and he’s determined not to make that mistake again.

Neither of them expects real feelings to bloom out of their fake marriage, but they do. And the two of them have to learn how to be honest with each other to make things work, which is especially hard when their entire marriage is based on lies.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Something in Jake’s relationship with Connor is changing, and not for the better. The only thing that’s been growing between them recently is silence, and when Connor starts lying about where he’s been and slipping out of bed at night, Jake fears the worst.

Jake gets the surprise of his life when he finds out what Connor has really been doing. It couldn’t be further from what he’d expected. Instead of ending the relationship, Connor has been building up to taking the next step together with a huge romantic surprise for Jake.

The scare shows Jake what’s really important, and the ordeal might make them stronger and bring them closer together than ever before.


$3.99 $2.99

Some Assembly Required

2016 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Everyone wishes they were dead when wandering the purgatory of a home furnishings store, but these guys actually are.

Benji Goss is the quintessential good guy. When his boyfriend dumps him and moves out, Benji obligingly keeps the cat—even though he’s allergic—because his ex’s new place doesn’t accept pets. He’s always joked the cat would be the death of him, but not in a way he expects when a feline mishap crushes him under a DEL TORO bookcase.

Snarky loner Patrick Bryant is in such a rut he barely remembers the life he used to lead. The last thing he recalls is being decapitated by a DEL TORO bookcase in a freak accident. As a spiritual CASA resident, he haunts the aisles of affordable Italian furniture, assisting fellow spirits in moving on to their final destinations.

When Benji appears in the CASA café, Patrick considers the naïve spirit just the man to cure his boredom. Benji’s relentless optimism chips away at Patrick’s sarcasm, making him question if there’s something beyond what he can see. But the heart is like CASA furniture—there’s always some assembly required.


$6.99 $5.24