Butterfly's Child

By Alan Chin

Butterfly's Child
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 280
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-659-0
  • SKU 2066
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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While back in the West to attend his grandmother’s funeral, Cord Bridger uncovers two shocking revelations: his grandmother had a lesbian lover named Juanita, and he has a teenaged son named Kalin. Fate brings all three together, but to preserve his new family, Cord must leave his safe life in New York City behind to carve a living from the harsh ranch lands of Nevada.

To forge a life with Juanita and Kalin, Cord must first discover the dark secret burning a hole in Kalin’s heart. With the help of Tomeo, a handsome Japanese veterinarian, Cord travels a gut-wrenching road of triumphs and tragedies to insure his son will survive the sinister violence of his past. But as Tomeo becomes more than just a helpful friend to Cord, a new set of problems arise between Cord and Kalin that may threaten the happiness of them all.

Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay