
By A.B. Gayle

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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Pages 122
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-591-3
  • SKU 1975
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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When Daniel's invalid landlady asks for his help preventing a possible suicide from the clifftop near their home, he doesn't want to disappoint her. So he grits his teeth, picks up his camera, and goes out to play the Chinese tourist. He's done it before: befriended the lonely, lured them away from the danger zone, acted as a safety net.

This time, the figure staring out to sea is way out of his league, his complete opposite, the sort of man Daniel's always admired from afar. Then the attractive Taylor turns the tables and lures Daniel out from behind the safety of his camera, and as Daniel finds himself fighting off an attraction he can't deny, he realizes he's in danger of being caught. Will the camera expose truths about himself that he wants to keep hidden?

Cover Artist: Mara McKennen

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay