Fantasy books


Ice and Embers

Blessed Epoch | Book Two
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Book Two of the Blessed Epoch

Despite their disparate natures, Yarrow, Duncan, and Sasha united against overwhelming odds to save Prince Garith’s life. Now Garith is king and the three friends may be facing their undoing.

Distraught over Yarrow’s departure to find the cure to his magical affliction, Duncan struggles with his new role as Bairn of Windwake, a realm left bankrupt and in turmoil by his predecessor. Many of Duncan’s vassals conspire against him, and Sasha’s unorthodox solutions to Duncan’s problem have earned them the contempt of Garith’s nobles.

When word reaches Duncan and Sasha that Yarrow is in danger, they want nothing more than to rush to his aid. But Duncan’s absence could tip Windwake into the hands of his enemies. In addition, a near-mythic order of assassins wants Sasha dead. Without Yarrow, Duncan and Sasha can’t take the fight to the assassins. They are stuck, entangled in a political world they don’t understand. But finding Yarrow may cause more problems, and with his court divided, King Garith must strike a balance between supporting his friends and assuaging the nobles who want Duncan punished—and Sasha executed.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013.


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Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book One

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She's terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she's sure she could never be.

And then Adrian walks in, bearing a wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover he's afraid she won't understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down. When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian's lover—and prince—walks into the picture, she's forced to explore feelings and abilities she's never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn't fit into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you'll kill to protect.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by iUniverse, February 2005.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gay teenager Hart could finish his fairy tale for class if his horrible stepsiblings would stop harassing him. Talia’s depression is like a sleeping curse and may kill her if she doesn’t ask for help. Independent, overweight bisexual Sienna deals with her “nice guy” neighbor while visiting her grandmother. When a mysterious girl climbs up Rachael’s fire escape, Rachael might finally break free from her overprotective mother. Transgender Amelia is bullied regularly for her identity, but she’ll show everyone exactly who she is. Princess Rellyn must face down a dragon since she’s seventh in line and battle her father since she's not a boy, and she’s not sure which one is scarier. An adventurous knight whisks away genderfluid Noll when all they want is a quiet life on their farm. Mermaid Astrid wants revenge on the man who betrayed her, but is confused by her attraction to the one sailor immune to her song. Asexual Myka might love Princess Lysandria, but Myka must learn to control her inner werewolf before the king marries her off to “cure” her. With the help of a witch, blacksmith’s apprentice Malcolm must find his missing prince.

You’ve never heard stories like these at bedtime.


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Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Marcus Roth es un abogado criminalista de éxito por el día y un Guardián cazador de demonios por la noche. Simplemente es uno de los cinco Guardianes de su ciudad y no es realmente importante para nadie salvo para Joseph Locke, su Hogar. O por lo menos, eso es lo que erróneamente él cree.

Durante un viaje a Lexington, Kentucky, para celebrar el cumpleaños del abuelo de Joe, Marcus descubre por casualidad, una trama de corrupción de Guardianes, por lo que se ve obligado a revelarle su identidad a la familia de Joe. Debe enfrentarse a un traidor, a demonios y al regreso de una vieja enemiga, por lo que tiene que dejar de lado sus necesidades para salvar a sus amigos, aunque haciéndolo pueda perder para siempre al hombre que ama. Ni siquiera sobrevivir a la experiencia podría ser suficiente, si Marcus no puede perdonarse a sí mismo y aprender que su Hogar y su patrulla no podrían continuar sin él.


$4.99 $3.74

The Relics of Gods

Between Heaven and Earth | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Between Heaven and Earth: Book One

What is worse: Being so broke you can barely afford food, getting hired for dangerous missions way out of your league, suffocating under mountains of unanswered questions—or wanting to sexually dominate someone who can kill you without lifting a finger?

Lu Delong is a mercenary who evaluates antiques most of the time and deals with the paranormal on rare occasions—even though it's supposed to be the other way around. When he joins a dangerous quest for an ancient artifact, he meets and becomes strongly attracted to a mysterious and powerful immortal named Cangji. Despite his friends’ warnings and Cangji's icy, unsociable demeanor, Delong is unable to resist befriending him. However, Cangji is deeply involved in a matter beyond mortals, and Delong is drawn into a chaotic struggle by both visible and invisible forces.

Always the pacifist who wanted to live a simple human life, Delong never imagined he'd end up involved in a conflict that will affect everything from the lowest insects on earth to the highest gods in heaven.


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$3.99 $2.99

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Connor Roth is a fire mage who’s going places. He's powerful, popular, and he has a plan. But his plan for fame and glory is disrupted when the Oracle sticks him with Landyn Glendower for Senior Trial. This is an act unprecedented in their school's history. Landyn is a water mage, and everyone knows mages with opposing elements can’t work magic together.

Connor is left with a choice: work alone and fail or swallow his pride and work with Landyn to find a way to combine their magic in a display the Archmages will never forget—if they don't get kicked out of school in the process.


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Una promessa rispettata

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Legame di Fiducia
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 3

Jin Rayne si sta ancora abituando ai suoi terrificanti nuovi poteri di pantera nekhene e al suo ruolo di reah della tribù di Logan Church, quando viene a sapere che è stato convocato un sepat: una sfida d’onore. Logan, che non ha mai voluto far altro che guidare la sua piccola tribù, deve andare dall’altra parte del mondo, in Mongolia, e combattere per diventare il più potente leader di pantere mannare del mondo.

Logan non sarà l’unico ad affrontare quel viaggio: essendo il suo compagno, Jin deve lottare al suo fianco per onorare il suo impegno verso Logan, la sua cultura e la sua tribù. Ma la prova è lunga e prevede che i due uomini restino separati a lungo: l’umanità di Logan è in gioco. Per superare il terribile sepat, Jin e Logan devono accettare il loro fato, fidarsi l’uno dell’altro, e rispettare le promesse che si sono fatti, costi quel che costi.


$6.99 $5.24

Ash and Echoes

Blessed Epoch | Book One
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Book One of the Blessed Epoch

For the past few years Yarroway L’Estrella has lived in exile, gathering arcane power.  But that power came at a price, and he carries the scars to prove it. Now he must do his duty: his uncle, the king, needs him to escort Prince Garith to his wedding, a union that will create an alliance between the two strongest countries in the known world. But Yarrow isn’t the prince’s only guard. A whole company of knights is assigned to the mission, and Yarrow’s not sure he trusts their leader.

Knight Duncan Purefroy isn’t sure he trusts Yarrow either, but after a bizarre occurrence during their travels, they have no choice but to work together—especially since the incident also reveals a disturbing secret, one that might threaten the entire kingdom.

The precarious alliance is strained further when a third member joins the cause for reasons of his own—reasons that may not be in the best interests of the prince or the kingdom. With enemies at every turn, no one left to trust, and the dark power within Yarrow pulling dangerously away from his control, the fragile bond the three of them have built may be all that stands between them and destruction.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2012.


$6.99 $5.24

Creature Feature

Creature Feature | Volume One

Diagnosis: Wolf by Poppy Dennison

Thanks to his good-for-nothing brother, Andrew Hughes is up to his eyeballs in debt and needs a job fast. When a nursing position opens up in Myerson, Arizona, Andrew has no choice but to take it, despite a warning about how difficult a patient Caleb DiMartino can be. Andrew can deal with a little trouble—but Caleb’s strange family, the armed guards, and the unknown cause of Caleb’s mysterious illness may be beyond his skill set.

Landslide by Mary Calmes

For three years, paranormal courier Frank Corrigan has been working for incubus demon Cael Berith. Cael knows Frank is his mate, but Frank is pretty sure Cael doesn’t even like him, never mind want to spend the rest of his life with him, so their personal relationship is at an impasse. When Frank’s sister, Lindsey, gets bitten by a werewolf she's sleeping with—and possibly witnesses a murder—Frank rides to her rescue. If he’s lucky, he might just save his love life too.


$4.99 $3.74

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Draven, a fledgling monster, faces an impossible choice just three days before his fifteenth birthday. If he doesn’t make his first human kill and release the beast within him, his father will kill his mortal mother. But Draven doesn’t want to become a sadistic, ruthless fiend like his father.

Help arrives in the form of Ahmad, a powerful 1500-year-old djinn whose soul is trapped in a brass ring, and handsome Inky, who is also much older than he seems. In turn, they introduce Draven to the eerie, mysterious Mina, who has information they need to rescue Draven’s mother. But their quest to free her is not without obstacles. Draven falls head over heels in love with Inky, only to discover how deadly this can be. And Ahmad’s ring falls into the hands of an enemy who won’t hesitate to use Ahmad against his friends.


$4.99 $3.74

Into This River I Drown

2013 Award Winners

Five years ago, Benji Green lost his beloved father, Big Eddie, when his truck crashed into a river. Everyone called it an accident, but Benji knows it was more. Even years later, he’s buried in his grief, throwing himself into managing Big Eddie’s convenience store in the small-town of Roseland, Oregon. Surrounded by his mother and three aunts, he lives day to day, struggling to keep his head above water.

But Roseland is no ordinary place.

With ever more frequent dreams of his father’s death and waking visions of feathers on the river’s surface, Benji finds his definition of reality bending. He thinks himself haunted; by ghosts or memories, he can no longer tell. Not until a man falls from the sky, leaving the burning imprint of wings on the ground, does Benji begin to understand that the world is more mysterious than he ever imagined—and more dangerous. As uncontrollable forces descend on Roseland, they reveal long-hidden truths about friends, family, and the stranger Calliel—a man Benji can no longer live without.


Votos de honor

Cambio de actitud | Volumen 3
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Vínculo de confianza
Volumen 3 de la serie Cambio de actitud

Jin Rayne aún está adaptándose a sus nuevos y aterradores poderes como gato nekhene, y a su posición como reah de la tribu de Logan Church, cuando se entera de que han convocado un sepat, un lance de honor. Logan, quien jamás ha deseado otra cosa excepto dirigir su pequeña tribu provinciana, debe viajar a Mongolia, al otro lado del mundo, y luchar para convertirse en el líder más poderoso en el mundo de los hombres panteras.

Logan no será el único que viajará. Como su pareja, Jin deberá luchar con él para honrar su compromiso con Logan, su cultura y a su tribu. Pero el periodo de la prueba es largo, lo que significa una prolongada separación entre ambos, y que la humanidad de Logan estará en riesgo. Para sobrevivir al horrible sepat, Jin y Logan deberán aceptar sus destinos, confiar en el otro, y honrar los votos entre ellos, cueste lo que cueste.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Celebrate with Harmony Ink Press as we recognize the talented winners of our first annual Young Author Challenge. This anthology showcases the LGBTQ genre’s best up-and-coming-authors between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one.

The transition from childhood to adulthood is never easy, and growing up presents unique challenges for LGBTQ youth. Confusion, bigotry, and struggle transcend time and place, but fortunately, so does love. Travel with these exceptional young authors from country cottages to big cities, into the past and the future, from fantastic lands of magic to the recognizable landscapes of our world. Regardless of the setting, the characters in these stories, along with families, friends, lovers, and allies, fight to claim their places in life. Their identities and situations are different, but the young people in this collection share the strength and courage to succeed, sometimes against great odds, and they invite you to join them on their journeys.

Cigar, Parasol, Star by Laura Beaird
Counting Stars by L.A. Buchanan
The King of Dorkdom by Avery Burrow
Happy Endings Take Work by Morgan Cair
Tess by Becca Ehlers
Our First Anniversary by Trisha Harrington
The Dragon Princess by Eleanor Hawtin
An IRL Love Life by Rebecca Long
On Their Own Terms by D. William Pfifer
Glitterhead by Benjamin Shepherd Quiñones
City Lights Will Carry You Home by Amanda Reed
The Gift of Flame by Scotia Roth
Waiting by Annie Schoonover
Quiet Love by Gil Segev
Paranormal Honor Society by Leigh Taylor


$6.99 $5.24

The Unseen Tempest

Lords of Arcadia | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Eye of the Storm
Lords of Arcadia: Act Three

Kane used to be a normal boy with normal worries. Now he fights alongside his boyfriend, Hawk, and an unlikely group of allies as they attempt to reclaim Hawk's throne and save the Nine Realms. With time running out, Hawk decides to raise an army against the evil shapeshifter, Puck, and his army of The Dark. The adventurers split up in search of a force that will join their cause and help restore order to the Nine Realms.

New allies aren't as easy to find as they hoped. Kane, Hawk, and their friends face unforeseen danger as centuries-old grudges threaten their quest. Nothing is what they thought it was, and Kane and Hawk must find the truth in time to defend against Puck's encroaching army. But the truth about who their true foe is will change everything.


$6.99 $5.24

La voie du loup

Le Grand Dévoilement | Tome 1
$4.99 $3.74

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1

Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé – mais c’était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King.

Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l’université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d’entre eux n’inclut d’être lié pour toujours à quelqu’un qu’il n’a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l’appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu’est-ce qui est pire que d’avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ?

Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu’il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s’avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l’amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Centuries ago, the sorrow of a spurned mermaid cursed the ocean. Now the fate of the sea rests on the shoulders of her great-nephew, Prince Caspian of Atlantis. Upon inheriting his ancestor’s magical voice, he is also entrusted with breaking her curse by finding true love with a human. But Caspian doesn’t believe love comes at the swish of the tail, at least, not until he meets oceanographer Stefan Firth.

In spite of the bond that forms between them from the beginning, Stefan’s skepticism and his heartbreak over a lost love keep him from even considering a relationship with Caspian. Caspian has no choice but to follow the path his great aunt once did and resort to the Sea Witch’s assistance. He must help Stefan love again if he is to break the curse and bring them their fairytale ending.


$4.99 $3.74

Pretty Peg

Oaktown Fey
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

An Oaktown Fey Book

High school senior Josy Grant already had plenty on her plate before she found the magic puppet theater her murdered sister left behind. Despite Josy’s grief, the responsibility of taking care of her family falls to her, and being queer doesn’t make dealing with school any easier. Things only get worse when sexy new girl Nicky tells Josy her sister died at the hands of a mysterious figure from the Faerie Realm called the Woodcutter, and if they can’t stop him, Josy and her remaining sister will be next.

They have just days before the Woodcutter strikes again on the autumn equinox, so Josy follows Nicky into the Faerie Realm to hunt him. Along the way, she discovers Fey gifts of her own and answers to the questions that have driven the Grant family apart. Nothing comes for free when dealing with Fey, though, and those gifts and answers might come at a terrible price.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur confiant

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur Sauvage
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 2

Jin Rayne a bien du mal à se faire à sa nouvelle vie, qu’il est pourtant censé adorer. Au lieu d’apprécier simplement d’être le compagnon du chef de tribu Logan Church, il ne parvient pas à accepter le fait que son amant ait été hétéro avant de le rencontrer. Il a trouvé le bonheur en se livrant entièrement à Logan, mais reste terrorisé à l’idée que sa nouvelle vie puisse disparaître du jour au lendemain, malgré l’affirmation catégorique de Logan que leur relation est pour la vie.

Jin veut vraiment croire Logan, mais ce souhait va être mis à rude épreuve par le chef d’une tribu rivale, mais aussi par une révélation cruciale concernant son existence même. C’est la vie de Jin et son rang dans la tribu qui seront en jeu. S’il veut survivre à cette épreuve et retrouver Logan, il lui faudra se défaire de ses craintes et accepter pleinement leur lien sacré, condition sine qua non pour qu’il puisse lui faire pleinement confiance.


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