Fantasy Romance books

$6.99 $5.24

In the kingdom of Ailis, the Council removes all magicians from their family at the onset of their powers. All except one—Knox Cane, whose father hid him to keep him safe. But when Knox's skills become known, the Council captures his father and gives him an ultimatum: use his abilities to help them locate and kill the last prince of the Phela line, the royal family the Council overthrew twenty years before, or never see his father again.

When he was just a child, Cailean Phela lost most of his family in a senseless slaughter perpetuated by a power-hungry group of men. His race—the Mac Tire—were banished to the nearly uninhabitable northern mountains of Cairn, where their numbers have dwindled. Luckily for the Mac Tire, the rising resistance is finally ready to make a move. If they can harness the magic the land holds for them before time runs out, they might find the strength to take back their kingdom.

Cailean knows he is a hunted man. He anticipates a difficult battle to free his land from the Council’s tyranny, but he never expected to fall in love with the man charged with ending his life.


$6.99 $5.24

Forging the Future

Change of Heart | Book 5
$6.99 $5.24

A Change of Heart Novel

Jin Church is back where he started, alone, wandering, and uncertain of his path. It’s not by choice but by circumstance, as he remembers he’s a werepanther… but not much else. He knows one thing for sure—he needs to find the beautiful blond man who haunts his dreams.

Logan Church is trapped in a living hell. His mate is missing, his tribe is falling apart, and he’s estranged from the son he loves with all his heart. His world is unraveling without his mate by his side, and he has no one to blame but himself.

If Jin can regain his memory and Logan can overcome the threats to his leadership, then perhaps they can resume their lives. The question is: Is that what they want? Back to the same house, the same tribe, the same troubles? They can choose from various roads leading to their future… or they can forge their own path.


$6.99 $5.24

Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


$6.99 $5.24


2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$1.99 $1.49

First a soldier and then a diplomat, Juberi now spends his solitary days on a single ambition: trying to resurrect the phoenix, which has been extinct for centuries. He’s not pleased when he is obligated to attend a public ceremony in memory of an elderly friend and former colleague. But at the ceremony, Juberi meets the friend’s beguiling son, Desen. Despite being from a markedly different culture, Desen has much to offer. But after decades of denying his own desires, Juberi fears there is no alchemy that will reopen him to love.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$1.99 $1.49

The Guardian's Destiny

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

Jarmal has been the Guardian of Scryer’s Well for three decades. Romantic liaisons with the warriors and wizards who come to the Well for mystical insight no longer satisfy a man who has grown old alone. His forty-seventh birthday is a hard reminder that he has not yet chosen a successor, and he’s never been granted a vision by the Well he’s spent his life guarding.

Fortunately, Jarmal receives a distraction in the form of the handsome foreign magician Tariq. Though Tariq’s beautiful body stirs Jarmal’s lust, his inexperience and tender affections move Jarmal’s heart. But Tariq is seeking the Well’s guidance as part of a quest to free his homeland from evil, and although Jarmal thinks he’s finally found someone he’d like to spend his life with, he can no more ask Tariq to stay with him than he can leave the Well to be with Tariq. The Well offers him a glimpse of his destiny, but no easy answers.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Joe se despierta desnudo en un campo de cebada, sin recuerdos y sin saber cómo ha llegado hasta allí. Antes de que se dé cuenta, emprende el último gran viaje de su vida. Junto a su guía espiritual, Baker, y la orden de tener valor que recibe de boca de un misterioso y atrayente desconocido, que de alguna manera le resulta familiar, Joe parte por un paisaje extraño y cambiante para enfrentarse a su pasado.

La misión no está exenta de desafíos. El pasado de Joe no es siempre fácil de rememorar, pero si quiere encontrar paz, y reunirse con el desconocido por el que se siente tan atraído, debe continuar hasta el final por mucho que le tiente detenerse por el camino.


$6.99 $5.24


2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

When Teyth was but a child, a cruel prince took over his village, building a great granite tower to rule over the folk. Greedy and capricious, the man will be the bane of Teyth’s existence as an adult, but as a boy, Teyth is too busy escaping his stepfather to worry about his ruler.

Sold into apprenticeship to the local blacksmith, Teyth finds that what was meant as a punishment is actually his salvation. Cairsten, the smith, and Diarmuid, his adopted son, are kind, and the smithy is the prosperous heart of a thriving village. As Teyth grows in the craft of metalwork, he also grows in love for Diarmuid, the gentle, clever young man who introduces him to smithing.

Their prince wants Diarmuid too. As the tyrant inflicts loss upon loss on Teyth and Diarmuid, Teyth's passion for his craft twists into obsession. By the time Teyth resurfaces from his quest to create immortality, he’s nearly lost the love that makes being human worth the pain. Teyth was born to sculpt his emotion into metal, and Diarmuid was born to lead. Together, can they keep their village safe and sustain the love that will make them immortal?


$6.99 $5.24

Kiss of Death

Alchemists and Elementals | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book Three

Before Headmaster Oberon Bertolini stands the lover he lost seventeen years ago: Hazrael, the most powerful etherealthant to ever live. Abducted and presumed dead, Hazrael has no memory of his time with the necromancers or the atrocities he was forced to inflict on humanity while under their control. Torn between his memories of the man Hazrael used to be and the one with blood on his hands, Oberon tries to offer the support Hazrael needs to heal and regain his life.

The only evidence Hazrael has of seventeen lost years are the necromantic carvings decorating his body and the chasm between those he thought were his friends and himself. Hazrael attempts to make amends for deeds performed without his consent, but as he heals, odd powers manifest. A visit from the Hierophant, a religious seer, warns Hazrael that the marks he bears are the Kiss of Death, a way for the necromancers to track him. He knows he must sacrifice himself to save those he loves. If he can’t help defeat the necromancers and gain vengeance for their crimes, he will never find redemption or win the future he and Oberon had planned.


$6.99 $5.24

Allianz des Blutes

$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Können ein verzweifelter Magier und ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir einen Weg finden, Partner zu werden und ihre Welt zu retten?

In einer Welt, in der ein Krieg der Magier tobt, werden Vampire von vielen als minderwertig angesehen, als die stereotypischen Geschöpfe der Nacht, denen die Menschen zum Opfer fallen. Doch der Krieg wird immer bedrohlicher und die Magier wissen, dass sie Hilfe brauchen, um das Geschick zu ihren Gunsten zu wenden. Die dunklen Magier wollen die bestehende Welt auslöschen, und die Stärke der Vampire könnte den Ausschlag geben, um das zu verhindern.

Die Magier gehen das Wagnis ein, den Chef de la Cour der Vampire zu einem geheimen Treffen zu überreden, um ihn von ihrem guten Willen zu überzeugen und seine Unterstützung zu gewinnen. Alain Magnier, ein verzweifelter Magier, und Orlando St. Clair, ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir, treffen sich in Paris auf einem Friedhof. Das Schicksal der Welt hängt vom Ausgang dieses Treffens ab. Werden die Vampire sich dem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier anschließen und sich mit den Magiern auf eine Partnerschaft einlassen, um den Krieg gemeinsam zu gewinnen?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Bruto conduce una vita solitaria in un mondo dove la magia è all’ordine del giorno. È un gigante di due metri e trenta di bruttezza e dai natali ignobili. Nessuno, incluso Bruto, si aspetta che lui sia più di un operaio. Ma gli eroi si presentano in tutte le forme e dimensioni e, dopo aver subito una mutilazione per salvare il principe, la vita di Bruto cambia bruscamente: è chiamato a servire al palazzo di Tellomer come guardia per un singolo detenuto. Sembra facile, ma si rivela essere la sfida della sua vita.

Le voci di palazzo dicono che il prigioniero, Gray Leynham, sia uno stregone e un traditore. Quel che è certo è che ha trascorso anni nello squallore: cieco, incatenato, reso quasi muto da una balbuzie estrema. Sogna la morte della gente, e quei sogni si avverano.

Mentre Bruto si abitua alla vita di palazzo e comincia a conoscere Gray, scopre anche il proprio valore, in primo luogo come amico e uomo, poi come amante. Ma Bruto impara anche che gli eroi, a volte, devono affrontare scelte difficili e che fare ciò che è giusto può portare nuovi pericoli.


$6.99 $5.24


Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book One

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She's terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she's sure she could never be.

And then Adrian walks in, bearing a wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover he's afraid she won't understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down. When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian's lover—and prince—walks into the picture, she's forced to explore feelings and abilities she's never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn't fit into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you'll kill to protect.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by iUniverse, February 2005.


$6.99 $5.24

Bloody Aria

The Laitha Chronicles
$6.99 $5.24

A Laitha Chronicles Tale

When the aero Antoine Suvalese is traveling on comes under attack by the infamous pirate ship, the Bloody Aria, Antoine is taken hostage by the Aria’s dreaded captain, Rivas the Ramshot. Antoine is uncertain if he’s to be ransomed to his father, owner of the powerful Suva Coal Company, or something far more sinister. While awaiting his fate, Antoine is unexpectedly accepted into the crew.

Sailing on the Bloody Aria opens Antoine’s eyes to a wider world and his unexpected attraction to the handsome pirate captain who holds him captive. When he realizes the attraction is reciprocated, Antoine is intrigued. But can he afford to trust Rivas when everyone on the Aria seems to have their own agenda?

Antoine learns there was more to his kidnapping than money, and that morality isn’t as simple as he grew up believing. As the date of the ransom exchange draws near, so do the forces conspiring against the Bloody Aria's crew. Antoine will have to determine who he can trust and who will profit from betraying him, or none of them will survive the imminent confrontation.


$6.99 $5.24

Fractured Souls

Elemental Lovers | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Beyond the Rift
Elemental Lovers: Book Two

Centuries ago, a group of Aranken mages left their homeland and became the ancestors of the Nikari. Now a Nikari prince will return, seeking truth and finding far more than he expected.

Shuri Fezenda has one goal in mind when he departs for A’rankin—to identify the culprit behind the conspiracy targeting Ivy, his brother’s consort and a man Shuri cares for deeply. But when he meets Prince Tynare’Or’Therar, Shuri’s world is turned upside down.

Beautiful and mysterious, Tynare draws Shuri like no other. The secrets he whispers taunt and tease, but Shuri’s treacherous heart races and his body responds when Tynare shoots him a knowing smile. And then Shuri meets Tynare’s twin brother, Nari, and in Nari’s kindness and blind eyes, he finds refuge and a love beyond anything he thought he could feel.

Torn between duty and confused emotions, Shuri faces an A’rankin on the brink of civil war and a foe he didn’t count on—the neighboring land of Shyrn. At the heart of the conflict, one question remains. Who is Tynare really, and who is Nari? Shuri is almost afraid to learn the answer.


$6.99 $5.24

A Bond of Three

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $5.24

In the kingdom of Teruna, the red-cloaked Seruani teach the Terunans the art of love. Taken from their homes at seventeen to be trained, they are shunned as outcasts by society and considered the lowest of the low. So when Prince Tanish falls in love with the Seruan Feyar, the man who took his virginity and the only one to share his bed, he is not about to declare that love. No one can ever know, because the consequences would be too painful to consider for both of them.

When the king of Vancor visits Teruna, he promises that his son, Prince Sorran, will marry Prince Tanish to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, with the proviso that the virginal Sorran is instructed in the art of pleasing his husband-to-be. When Tanish’s father chooses Feyar to be this instructor, the lovers decide Prince Sorran must be taught that this is to be a marriage in name only….

A resentful prince, unwilling to share his lover.

A resentful Seruan, unwilling to share his prince.

And the shy prince whose very nature sparks changes in the lives of all those around them.

Teruna is about to change forever.


$6.99 $5.24

Una promessa rispettata

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Legame di Fiducia
Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 3

Jin Rayne si sta ancora abituando ai suoi terrificanti nuovi poteri di pantera nekhene e al suo ruolo di reah della tribù di Logan Church, quando viene a sapere che è stato convocato un sepat: una sfida d’onore. Logan, che non ha mai voluto far altro che guidare la sua piccola tribù, deve andare dall’altra parte del mondo, in Mongolia, e combattere per diventare il più potente leader di pantere mannare del mondo.

Logan non sarà l’unico ad affrontare quel viaggio: essendo il suo compagno, Jin deve lottare al suo fianco per onorare il suo impegno verso Logan, la sua cultura e la sua tribù. Ma la prova è lunga e prevede che i due uomini restino separati a lungo: l’umanità di Logan è in gioco. Per superare il terribile sepat, Jin e Logan devono accettare il loro fato, fidarsi l’uno dell’altro, e rispettare le promesse che si sono fatti, costi quel che costi.


$6.99 $5.24

Alliance in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Partnership in Blood: Volume One

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $5.24

Reparation in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Conflict in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Four

The war is at a fever pitch with both sides stretched to the limit, when the dark wizards score a shocking victory and capture Orlando St. Clair. Haggard with worry and grief at the separation from his lover, Alain fears that even if they find Orlando, the vampire’s heart and mind may be far too broken to save.

Knowing the Alliance teeters on the brink, Christophe Lombard, the oldest, most powerful vampire in Paris leaves his self-imposed seclusion to join the fight. Alain’s lost friend Eric Simonet, who betrayed him to join the dark wizards, is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption. And Jean, enraged by Orlando’s capture, faces the most agonizing decision in his unlife as the final battle looms: Will their actions lead to the shattering of the Alliance or the salvation of the world?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $5.24

Beyond the Rift

Elemental Lovers | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Elemental Lovers: Book One

Across the centuries, the Nikari, a race of vicious elemental mages, have built an empire, bringing an entire continent to its knees. The course of history seems set... until one innocent Andari mage changes everything and claims a greater prize—the heart of the Nikari emperor.

Behnivyr ‘Ivy’ Erethe knows his duty is to wed another Andari Pure-Blood. Craving one moment of freedom before his loveless bonding, he escapes his father’s suffocating protection and goes to a masquerade ball, only to unexpectedly meet a mysterious Nikari named Kris. Kris makes Ivy ache with a need he barely dares to acknowledge. One kiss, one dance—and Ivy’s life changes forever. Unbeknownst to Ivy, Kris is actually Kristelien Fezenda, the Nikari emperor. Forced to make a difficult choice, Ivy picks love over duty and becomes Kris’s concubine.

Poorly prepared for the whirlwind of emotion Ivy summons inside him, Kris now faces the hardest battle of his life. In a ruthless world where all weakness is exploited, where allies become enemies in the blink of an eye, where love can mean death, he will have to defeat more than his own personal demons to breach the rift between him and Ivy.


$6.99 $5.24