Paranormal Romance books

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Jacob van Willingen arrives in a remote Romanian village aiming for a short visit. A member of the highly secretive Society for Psychical Research, Jacob has been charged with exterminating Caleb Donnithorn--but the society's intelligence about the reclusive nobleman is less than complete. As he studies his target, Van Willingen is drawn to Donnithorn, enthralled with the nobleman's alluring brides, three of society's most luminous geniuses gathered from the corners of Europe to create a fantastical machine: a resurrection engine that can capture a human soul at the moment of death.

Caleb Donnithorn represents everything that is evil in the world, but there is more to him than is initially apparent. What he knows about van Willingen is a truth so shocking it will shake the young scholar's world to its very foundations. Cast out from his friends and his beloved Society of Psychical Research, Jacob van Willingen will jettison everything he holds dear to remain with one whose love commands the highest price of all.


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At first glance, Carter Cross and Josh Lessard seem like an ordinary couple. They make love and fight, know each other's strengths and weaknesses, deal with the "in-laws," and share their life and home. They even work together. One day, they’ll probably die together – possibly a lot sooner than they’d prefer, given their profession as members of a paramilitary special unit formed to thwart a gory apocalypse. While Carter and Josh are used to cheating death on a daily basis, this time the odds are stacked against them. Between a deadly mission to complete and Josh's grandma coming for a visit, it’ll take a miracle to get them out as horror invades not only a major city but also their home.


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Patto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Alleanza di Sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 2

I maghi e i vampiri hanno stretto un’alleanza basata sul sangue e sulla magia, sperando di dare una svolta alla guerra contro i maghi oscuri. Alcuni legami mago/vampiro hanno lo stesso successo di quello di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, ma altri molto meno e, nonostante i fini comuni, sono fonte di discussioni, risentimenti e litigi tra alleati.

Seguendo l’esempio del suo migliore amico Alain, Thierry Dumont stringe un legame col vampiro Sebastien Noyer, nonostante si senta a disagio a essere così vicino a un vampiro – un uomo – poco tempo dopo la morte della moglie. Tuttavia, essi si rendono conto che la disperazione può essere la chiave per un’unione di successo e i due si trovano subito dediti alla sicurezza l’uno dell’altro.

Supportati dalle nuove forze, i capi dell’Alleanza ne annunciano l’esistenza al mondo intero, sperando così di raccogliere altri alleati contro i maghi oscuri, che minacciano di distruggere la vita sul pianeta. Mentre cerca di farsi strada all’interno del conflitto, l’Alleanza scopre che, nonostante i loro vantaggi, le collaborazioni mago/vampiro stanno alterando l’equilibrio dei poteri magici nel mondo, cosa, questa, che potrebbe costituire una minaccia addirittura maggiore della guerra stessa.


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The Pack or the Panther

Tales of the Harker Pack | Book One

Cole Harker, son of an alpha werewolf, is bigger and more powerful than most wolves, tongue-tied in groups, and gay. For twenty-four years, he’s lived to please his family and pack—even letting them promise him in marriage to female werewolf Analiese to secure a pack alliance and help save them from a powerful gangster who wants their land. Then Cole meets Analiese’s half-brother, panther shifter Paris Marketo, and for the first time, Cole wants something for himself.

When Analiese runs off to marry a human, Cole finally has a chance with Paris, but the solitary cat rejects him, the pack, and everything it represents. Then Cole discovers the gangster wants Paris too and won’t rest until he has him. What started as a land dispute turns into World War Wolf! But the bigger fight is the battle between cats and dogs.


La voie du loup

Le Grand Dévoilement | Tome 1
$4.99 $3.74

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1

Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé – mais c’était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King.

Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l’université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d’entre eux n’inclut d’être lié pour toujours à quelqu’un qu’il n’a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l’appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu’est-ce qui est pire que d’avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ?

Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu’il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s’avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l’amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?


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The God Hunters: Light and Shadow

The God Hunters | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The God Hunters: Book Three

The treachery of an ancient and sinister evil is on the rise again. The races that live in the universe known as the Expanse have been deceived by the MST, their so-called guardians, and the truth has finally emerged. Change is inevitable, but not without a fight.

As Keeper of the Citadel and endowed with supernatural abilities beyond imagination, David will shine as a beacon of hope to those in need, to those who have succumbed to what is known as the weakening agenda—for their so-called guardians fear losing control above all else. Worlds will perish. That much is certain. But from loss often comes a greater strength, a greater understanding of right and wrong, of duty and devotion.

Aided by his boyfriend Doug and his beloved companions, David will stand against both old threats and new. His newly acquired powers of spirit calling and shifting will serve as impressive fronts, and he will draw strength from his passionate love for Doug. The time nears when they will learn if that will be enough, if the races of the Expanse will be consumed by the coming shadows or if they will bathe in David’s light.


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Red Rogue

Brown-Eyed Devil and Red Rogue
$5.99 $4.49

Sequel to Brown-Eyed Devil

Necromancer Anoki doesn't understand his deep love for Myron. They have only known each other a few days, but it feels like they have loved each other for a lifetime. Because of the curse that transforms Myron into an uncontrollable monster, Anoki had no choice but to condemn him to hell. Now the only way he can reunite with Myron is to track down the person who placed that curse and remove it.

But Anoki’s quest leads him to long hidden family secrets and draws the attention of demonic forces determined to stop him. Slowly the true nature of his relationship with Myron comes to light, and that places him in a final confrontation with the deadliest obstacle standing between them—his merciless, powerful mother.


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$4.99 $3.74

Centuries ago, the sorrow of a spurned mermaid cursed the ocean. Now the fate of the sea rests on the shoulders of her great-nephew, Prince Caspian of Atlantis. Upon inheriting his ancestor’s magical voice, he is also entrusted with breaking her curse by finding true love with a human. But Caspian doesn’t believe love comes at the swish of the tail, at least, not until he meets oceanographer Stefan Firth.

In spite of the bond that forms between them from the beginning, Stefan’s skepticism and his heartbreak over a lost love keep him from even considering a relationship with Caspian. Caspian has no choice but to follow the path his great aunt once did and resort to the Sea Witch’s assistance. He must help Stefan love again if he is to break the curse and bring them their fairytale ending.


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Another mission to rescue yet another lost soul—Emmanuel isn’t sure how much more of the same old routine he can withstand. Get the fallen’s attention, save them from themselves, usher them back to grace, and return, simply to receive another assignment. But there’s something different about the troubled painter, Cameron Anderson, that grabs Emmanuel and won’t let him go.

Falling in love was never the plan. Committing the unpardonable sin is not an option for Emmanuel. He must choose: return home to stay and hope Cameron survives alone, or face the consequences of what he’s done in the hope of securing a life with Cameron.

Second Edition
First edition published as a short story of the same title in October 2007 by Dreamspinner Press.


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$6.99 $5.24

Il est neuf heures du matin, après les funérailles de son père, et Ezra Jones sait déjà qu’il va passer une mauvaise journée. Il se réveille avec une gueule de bois, il a mal partout et se trouve couvert de sang. Puis ça empire : le séduisant et irrésistible Callum Dawson fait son apparition sur le pas de sa porte, clamant qu’Ezra a été transformé en loup-garou. Ezra voudrait être sceptique, mais les preuves sont difficiles à ignorer.

Ezra n’a pas beaucoup de temps pour s’habituer aux règles du jeu que l’Alpha Callum lui impose – ou à la façon dont son corps répond à la domination de Callum – tandis qu’il commence à travailler pour le Centre pour le Contrôle des Maladies afin de découvrir l’origine d’une épidémie de lycans. Quand la tension sexuelle explose enfin, Ezra a à peine le temps d’en profiter parce qu’un autre danger les menace. Quelqu’un veut s’en prendre à lui à des fins peu scrupuleuses et fera tout pour y arriver.


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Motel. Pool.

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

In the mid-1950s, Jack Dayton flees his working-class prospects in Omaha and heads to Hollywood, convinced he’ll be the next James Dean. But sleazy casting couches don't earn him stardom, and despair leads to a series of poor decisions that ultimately find him at a cheap motel off Route 66, lifeless at the bottom of the pool.

Sixty years later, Tag Manning, feeling hopeless and empty, flees his most recent relationship mistake and takes to the open road. On a roundabout route to Las Vegas, he pulls over to rest at an isolated spot on Route 66. There’s no longer a motel or pool, but when Tag resumes his journey to Vegas, he finds he’s transporting a hitchhiking ghost. Jack and Tag come to find much-needed friends in each other, but one man is a phantom and the other is strangely cursed. Time is running out for each of them, and they must face the fact that a future together may not only be a gamble... it may not be in the cards.


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Into the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

With a foreword by C. Kennedy.

Sequel to Stealing the Wind
Mermen of Ea: Book Two

Since learning of his merman shifter heritage, Taren has begun building a life with Ian Dunaidh among the mainland Ea. But memories of his past life still haunt him, and as the threat of war with the hostile island merfolk looms ever closer, Taren fears he will lose Ian the same way he lost his beloved centuries before. Together they sail to the Gateway Islands in search of the fabled rune stone—a weapon of great power the Ea believe will protect them—and Odhrán, the pirate rumored to possess it.

After humans attack the Phantom, Taren finds himself washed up on an island, faced with a mysterious boy named Brynn who promises to lead him to Odhrán. But Taren isn’t sure if he can trust Brynn, and Odhrán is rumored to enslave Ea to protect his stronghold. Taren will have to put his life on the line to find his way back to Ian and attempt to recover the stone. Even if he does find it, his troubles are far from over: he and Ian are being stalked by an enemy who wants them dead at all costs.


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The Mongrel Trilogy | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Mongrel Trilogy: Book Three

The closing-day flea market at the Marvelous Mechanical Circus always draws a colorful crowd, but salesman Will Marchman doesn’t expect to see a large, elaborate gold wagon on the plaza—especially one called the Spiritorium. The wagon’s exotic looking owner claims he can perform “cleansings and siphonings” via a miracle-working machine housed within. He can supposedly flush the wickedness out of people and places.

The Spiritorium appears in the Mongrel village of Taintwell the next day, setting off a potentially tragic chain of events that begins with a shocking revelation. To make matters worse, Fanule Perfidor, de facto mayor and Will’s lover, has been neglecting to take the tonic that stabilizes his moods. Besieged by his illness, Fan drives Will away. Then Fan’s best friend, vampire Clancy Marrowbone, vanishes, causing a rift between him and his mortal lover. Then Will disappears.

As Fan regains control of his mind, he knows what he must do to save his village and the people most important to him. He must solve the mystery of the Spiritorium and confront a man he’d hoped never to see again.


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Cœur confiant

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur Sauvage
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 2

Jin Rayne a bien du mal à se faire à sa nouvelle vie, qu’il est pourtant censé adorer. Au lieu d’apprécier simplement d’être le compagnon du chef de tribu Logan Church, il ne parvient pas à accepter le fait que son amant ait été hétéro avant de le rencontrer. Il a trouvé le bonheur en se livrant entièrement à Logan, mais reste terrorisé à l’idée que sa nouvelle vie puisse disparaître du jour au lendemain, malgré l’affirmation catégorique de Logan que leur relation est pour la vie.

Jin veut vraiment croire Logan, mais ce souhait va être mis à rude épreuve par le chef d’une tribu rivale, mais aussi par une révélation cruciale concernant son existence même. C’est la vie de Jin et son rang dans la tribu qui seront en jeu. S’il veut survivre à cette épreuve et retrouver Logan, il lui faudra se défaire de ses craintes et accepter pleinement leur lien sacré, condition sine qua non pour qu’il puisse lui faire pleinement confiance.


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Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

El guardián Jackson Tybalt siempre ha sido uno de los buenos, hasta que descubre al hombre al que ama besando a otro. Traicionado y furioso, Jackson comienza a jugar con el peligro y la muerte, ignorando los ruegos de los demás Guardianes para que vaya con cuidado. Su estado de ánimo no es el más recomendable para iniciar un romance, pero eso no detiene a Raphael, el kyrie, que más que nada desea poseer a Jackson.

Jackson no desea un Hogar, no desea un amante… solo busca oscuridad y dolor, y Raphael está dispuesto a darle lo que quiere. Pero a veces los pecados de la carne son lo que el cuerpo necesita para vendar las heridas del corazón, y Raphael ocultará la ternura que siente por Jackson mientras el Guardián siga vistiendo los hábitos del Pecador.


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Wild Magic

Triad | Book Four

Joseph Anderson was heartbroken when his childhood best friend Dominick Levent moved away. Years later, Joseph is a successful real estate broker with good friends, an easy smile, and a stunning house. When he finds a dying mountain lion who miraculously shifts into Dominick’s sister, Joseph must find Dominick and reunite him with the two young sons she left behind.

When mountain lion shifter Dominick gets a call telling him his sister is dead, he rushes home to protect his nephews and avenge his sister. Seeing Joseph brings back the feelings Dominick tried to bury and he dares to hope Joseph’s newfound knowledge of shifters means they can finally be together.


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Some houses come with secrets, and some secrets should never be forgotten.

After eight years together, Peter and Rhys have finally achieved success: good jobs that keep them comfortably fed and a happy married life. The icing on the cake is their move from a small city duplex to a large farmhouse in need of repair.

Peter instantly senses something going on in the house that he can’t put his finger on, something a bit sinister. Things start to happen: whispers in the night, crying only Peter can hear, faucets that turn on for no reason. When Peter starts to dream of a dark-haired young man who tells him how much he loves him, he feels like he’s losing his mind, especially since Rhys doesn’t see or hear anything.

Only after suffering accidents and injuries does Rhys agree the house is haunted, and they’ll have to figure out how to fight a lovesick ghost.


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$6.99 $5.24

Jason Day, brilliant designer of video games, is not only a confirmed bachelor, but he’s as gay as a maypole. One wouldn’t think being saddled with his precocious four-year-old nephew for four weeks would be enough to throw him off-kilter.

Wrong. Timmy, Jason’s nephew, is a true handful.

But just when Timmy and Uncle Jason begin to bond, and Jason feels he’s getting a grip on this babysitting business once and for all, he’s thrown for a loop by a couple of visitors—one from Tucson, the other from beyond the grave.

I’m sorry. Say what?

Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


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