Books by "Parker Williams" (25)


Jemand, der mich hält

Collars & Cuffs (Deutsch) | Buch 3
$6.99 $5.24

Der achtzehnjährige Scott Keating weiß, dass es jenseits seines strengen Elternhauses noch eine andere Welt gibt, aber er hat keine Ahnung, was es dort alles zu entdecken gibt. Das ändert sich, als er Zugang zum Internet bekommt und in einem Chatroom JeffUK kennenlernt, der ihn liebt und versteht. Als Jeff ihn nach Großbritannien einlädt, ergreift Scott die Chance, seinem eintönigen Leben zu entkommen und mehr von der Welt zu sehen. Doch dann landet das Flugzeug in Manchester und Jeff ist nirgendwo zu sehen. Scott wird von Panik erfasst.

Ben Winters ist Barmann und Dom-in-Training im Collars&Cuffs. Als er seine Schwester zum Flughafen bringt, trifft er dort auf den verängstigten Scott, der nicht weiß, was er tun soll. Nachdem Ben Scotts Geschichte gehört hat, klingeln bei ihm sämtliche Alarmglocken. Sein Beschützerinstinkt wird geweckt und er nimmt den naiven Jungen mit ins Collars&Cuffs, weil er hofft, dass einer seiner Chefs Scott helfen kann.

Scott träumt davon, mit Herz und Seele einem Mann zu gehören. Ben sehnt sich nach seinem eigenen Sub. Keiner der beiden erkennt, was sie direkt vor Augen haben.


$6.99 $5.24

Le parc de Lincoln

Des Maillons dans la Chaîne
$6.99 $5.24

Lincoln Merriweather a toujours été un sale gosse pensant avoir tous les droits, avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche enfoncée si loin qu’elle aurait pu ne jamais en sortir. Au club BDSM ou dans les affaires, Lincoln est une tempête, déboulant et perturbant la vie de tous ceux qu’il touche, jusqu’au jour où il rencontre un homme qui retire toutes les couches ternies pour exposer un homme bien.

Lincoln a trouvé – puis perdu – l’amour.

Depuis lors, il essaie d’expier son passé, notamment en s’éloignant de la fortune de sa famille. Il a ouvert un snack, engagé des personnes travaillant pour lui sur lesquelles il aurait craché avant sa révélation. Il a trouvé la paix, qu’il est sur le point de perdre pour un homme aux yeux marron.

Noel Simmons s’est retrouvé à la rue quand ses parents ont découvert qu’il était gay. Son chemin le conduit jusqu’au snack de Lincoln, où il demande un travail. Il est ravi quand Lincoln accepte de l’engager, mais trouve son nouveau patron déconcertant. Une personne peut-elle être aussi gentille et honnête ?

Ce qui commence comme un simple travail devient quelque chose de plus. Noel découvre qu’il a besoin de Lincoln pour se sentir en sécurité. Lincoln a besoin de Noel pour le compléter. Mais quand le passé de Lincoln se met en travers de son présent, auront-ils tous les deux un futur ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Matt Bowers bisheriges Leben endete mit sechzehn, als ein gemeiner Verrat von jemanden, dem er eigentlich hätte vertrauen können, ihn zum Schatten seiner selbst werden ließ. Seit damals hat er mit einer Zwangs- und einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung zu kämpfen, lebt in permanenter Angst und läuft vor allem davon. Durch den Kauf eines abgeschiedenen Stück Lands glaubt er, den perfekten Ort gefunden zu haben, um sich vor der Welt zu verstecken und etwas Frieden zu finden. Zehn Jahre lang verspürt er ein gewisses Maß an Geborgenheit, bis eines Tages ein Fremder beginnt, Matts Straße entlangzulaufen.

Er kommt täglich wieder und dringt damit unwillkommen in Matts sorgfältig strukturiertes Leben ein. Matt beschwert sich beim Sheriff, doch der kann ihm nicht helfen, da der Jogger nichts Unrechtes tut. Nachdem zaghaft das Eis gebrochen ist, beginnt Matt, Schritt für Schritt die Anwesenheit des Mannes zu akzeptieren …

Als der Mann dann aber eines Tages nicht auftaucht, gerät Matts Leben ins Wanken und er muss die schwierigste Entscheidung seines Lebens treffen.


$6.99 $5.24

Reclaiming Quinn

The Wolves of Lydon | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The Wolves of Lydon: Book Two

Shifter Quinn Adler knew he would live and die as a slave.

Quinn’s life was filled with pain until he was rescued from an abusive pack. But in Lydon, Quinn can’t be sure of anything, so he’s terrified of everything. With no one to give him direction, he is lost—until Deke takes control of him.

Deke Timmons hates that he has to play the role of master to his mate.

Unfortunately, Quinn won’t accept his love until Deke can show him what being mates means. Vowing to help Quinn, Deke takes him into the world he’s never seen. Though sometimes their relationship is tense, his methods seem to be working.

Then a power-mad Alpha swoops in to kidnap Quinn and ends up getting Deke by mistake.

Now Deke must play submissive to a wolf complicit in Quinn’s abuse. He’ll do whatever it takes to get back to his mate—but with Deke in peril, Quinn must find his courage and reclaim the person he was meant to be.


$6.99 $5.24

The Night Wolf

The Wolves of Lydon | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Wolves of Lydon: Book One

The night wolf is a legend told to scare children into obeying their parents. It is said that to control a night wolf is to harness limitless power….

Gareth Blackthorn has been Alpha of the prosperous Lydon pack for nearly two decades. Breaking with tradition, Gareth doesn’t take over other packs by challenge. Instead, he lets wolves come to him and petition for admittance. He’s had his pick of the best, the brightest, and the most talented.

Until now.

A power-hungry Alpha desires Omega Sean Adler’s talent… and his submission, whether given freely or not. He’s been on the run since he was fifteen, surviving any way he could, until one night, he knows he’ll finally succumb to the injuries from his latest attack—and he’s ready to go. That’s when Gareth finds him, and Gareth’s wolf insists on claiming Sean as his mate. But there’s something mysterious about Sean, something tied to the mark on his shoulder….

Now Gareth must decide. Will he keep Sean despite the dangers that will arise, or will he throw the young man back to the wolves?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Patrick Lane escaped his alcoholic parents when he made it to college. But when they ditched his siblings under the pretense of returning in a few hours, Patrick made a solemn vow that he would raise Joey and Jenna as his own, ensuring they would never doubt they were loved. And it’s a promise he’s done his best to keep, no matter how hard it’s been.

Seth Clarke owns his own business, has a nice house, and parents and a brother who love him. But he isn’t satisfied and never has been. The men he’s been with complain he’s a perfectionist, and Seth knows it’s true. When he meets Patrick, he’s intrigued. Just when it seems something wonderful is getting off the ground between them, Seth meets Joey and Jenna, and he panics. He hates messes, and kids are the worst.

It takes two very strong women to open Seth’s eyes to the truths he’s been doing his best to forget. Now Seth has a choice. He can walk away from Patrick, leaving his heart behind, or he can step up and discover that family matters more than anything.

Contains light BDSM elements.


$6.99 $5.24

On the Same Page

Secrets | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Four

When a Dom invites a shy bookstore owner to live out his fantasies, more than one life will be transformed.

Words are Heath Snow’s life. He can’t remember a time when he didn’t have his nose buried in a book. He couldn’t make a living as a writer, so he did the next best thing—he bought a bookstore. But when he’s not selling books, he’s living vicariously through the characters he encounters. Real men can’t hold a candle to the hot men in his favorite genre.

The Pride display in the bookstore window may be what captured Xavier James’s attention, but the man enthusing about books interests him more. The BDSM book lying next to the cash register is a pleasant surprise, and when he draws attention to it, Heath’s flushed cheeks and bright eyes pique Xavier’s curiosity even further.

Xavier is about to learn that some things are more important than work, and Heath is about to step out of his comfort zone, into a place where fantasy and real life coexist.


$6.99 $5.24

Un esprit libéré

Secrets (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets, tome 2

Rob Daniels est déterminé à prouver que son frère Alex se trompe sur toute la ligne. Alex pense avoir trouvé l’amour à travers la pratique du BDSM ; Rob est certain que ce n’est pas possible. Il se rend à plusieurs reprises dans un club de Londres pour lui donner tort. En assistant à la soirée d’inauguration du Secrets, Rob a droit à une mauvaise surprise qui le fait fuir en jurant de ne plus jamais revenir… Mais il ne peut pas s’empêcher d’y remettre les pieds et tombe sur un homme imposant : le Dom Vic Prentiss. Leur première rencontre est un désastre.

Mais plus Vic passe de temps avec Rob, plus il est convaincu de deux choses : primo, ce jeune homme est rongé de l’intérieur et deuzio, il est à la recherche de quelque chose. Son instinct le pousse à lui venir en aide, mais une clé est nécessaire pour libérer les secrets dissimulés dans l’esprit de Rob. Il suffit de la trouver. Alors seulement pourra-t-il découvrir le véritable Rob, l’homme qui est effrayé à l’idée de lâcher prise…


$6.99 $5.24

Stained Hearts

Links In the Chain
$6.99 $5.24

A Links In the Chain Story

Can two hearts stained by past pain find healing together?

Tom Kotke held his husband of twenty-five years on the day he died and spent nearly a year adrift. Determined to force Tom back into the world, his family takes him to the Park View Diner, where he meets young stained-glass artist Aiden Dawson. For a brief moment, Tom doesn’t think about his deceased husband—a terrifying prospect.

Slowly, Aiden draws Tom out of his shell and helps him feel alive once more. But Tom isn’t the only one who has suffered. Aiden fears no one sees beyond his wheelchair. Even if Tom can convince him he’s different, they’ll still have to overcome their age difference and a secret that could destroy their future together.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A sedici anni, Matt Bowers è vittima del crudele tradimento di qualcuno di cui avrebbe dovuto potersi fidare. Ridotto all’ombra di se stesso, deve combattere contro un disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo e la sindrome da stress post traumatico. Vive in un terrore costante, in esilio dal mondo. Dopo aver acquistato un remoto lotto di terra, pensa di aver trovato il luogo perfetto in cui nascondersi e ritrovare un po’ di pace. Per dieci anni, resta aggrappato a questo senso di tranquillità, finché uno sconosciuto non decide di mettersi a correre proprio davanti alla sua casa. 

Quell’intruso sgradito fa la sua comparsa ogni giorno, sconvolgendo la sua vita organizzata nei più minimi dettagli. Matt si rivolge allo sceriffo della città, ma questi si rifiuta di aiutarlo: dopotutto, il corridore non sta facendo niente di male. Col tempo, dopo aver goffamente rotto il ghiaccio con lui, Matt comincia ad accettare la sua presenza.

Ma un giorno l’uomo non passa. La sua assenza manda di nuovo nel caos il mondo di Matt, che sarà costretto a prendere la decisione più difficile della sua vita. 


$6.99 $5.24

Galen’s Redemption

Links In the Chain
$6.99 $1.00

A Links In the Chain Story

A rich man is about to set foot into an unknown world, while a Good Samaritan fears he’ll have to close the charity he’s spent his life building. Poised to lose it all, they might find what they need most in each other.

Son of a wealthy importer, Galen Merriweather lives to broker deals, and he’s damn good at it. But it’s getting harder to ignore the kind of man his father is—a man who would pay Galen’s brother’s lover to leave… a man who’d demand Galen retrieve a quarter-million-dollar check from a struggling homeless shelter.

Robert Kotke knows the money is too good to be true, but it’s a godsend that could help so many people. Still, he hands it over when Galen shows up. But he isn’t done with Galen yet, and he’s going to challenge everything Galen ever believed.

Galen will face an impossible decision: the redemption he’s come to realize he wants, or the life he’d always dreamed of.


$6.99 $1.00

The Spirit Key

Lock and Key | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Lock and Key: Book One

When he was eight years old, Scott Fogel died. Paramedics revived him, but he came back changed. Ghosts and spirits tormented Scott for over a decade until, thinking he was going mad, he did the only thing he could.

He ran—leaving behind his best friend, Tim Jennesee.

Scott’s had five normal, ghost-free years in Chicago, when the spirit of Tim’s mother comes to him and begs him to go home because Tim’s in trouble and needs him.

He isn’t prepared for what he finds when he goes home—a taller and sexier Tim, but a Tim who hasn’t forgiven Scott for abandoning him… a Tim whose body is no longer his own. The ghost of a serial murderer has attached itself to Tim, and it’s whispering dark and evil things. It wants Tim to kill, and it’s becoming harder for Tim to resist. To free the man who has always meant so much to him, Scott must unravel the mystery of the destiny he shares with Tim.


$6.99 $5.24

Lincoln's Park

Links In the Chain
$6.99 $1.00

A Links In the Chain Story

Lincoln Merriweather was born an entitled brat with a silver spoon lodged so deep, it might never have come out. At the BDSM club or in business, Lincoln was a storm, blowing in and disrupting the lives of everyone he touched, until the day he met a man who peeled away the tarnished layers to expose a decent person.

Lincoln found—then lost—love. 

Since then, he’s tried to atone for his past, including walking away from his family’s wealth. He opened a diner, hiring people to work for him that he would have spit on before his epiphany. He’s found peace, which he’s about to lose to a hazel-eyed man.

Noel Simmons wound up on the street when his parents discovered he was gay. His path leads him to Lincoln’s diner, where he asks for a job. He’s thrilled when Lincoln agrees to hire him, but finds his new boss perplexing. Can anyone be this kind and decent?

What starts out as business becomes something more. Noel discovers he needs Lincoln in order to feel safe. Lincoln needs Noel to complete him. But when Lincoln’s past gets in the way of his present, will the two have a future?


$6.99 $1.00


Secrets | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Three

Can two Doms open their hearts again for a young man desperately in need of their help?

Two years ago, Aaron Greene and Sam Thompson were devastated when their submissive broke the contract that bound the three of them together. They still wonder what happened and whether they can find a way to move forward. When Aaron finds a sick young man by the curbside, his protective instincts kick in, and after consulting Sam, he takes Tim home.

After being thrown out of his home, Tim Waterman finds himself on the street, doing whatever he needs to survive. Until a bear of a Good Samaritan scoops him up and saves him. Then one bear becomes two, and a chance discovery gets him thinking about what might be, if he’s bold enough to make a move.

So what happens when Aaron and Sam wake up one morning to find Tim naked in their bed? Will they get a new chance at life, or will history Threepeat itself?


$6.99 $5.24

Prima di cadere

Secrets (Italiano) | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Secrets, Libro 1

Da sei anni Ellis fa parte delle teste di cuoio della polizia di Londra. Fin dal primo giorno il suo partner è Wayne, che diventa presto anche il suo migliore amico. Quando Wayne nota i suoi sbalzi d’umore e la sua crescente irritabilità, conseguenza dell’insonnia, capisce di dover intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi. Decide così di portare Ellis all’inaugurazione di un nuovo club BDSM di cui è socio, il Secrets. Lo scopo? Dargli un assaggio di quello stile di vita prima di fargli una proposta. Wayne è convinto di poter riavere il suo amico solo se Ellis gli permetterà di prenderlo per mano e assumere il controllo della sua vita.

Ci sono però dei problemi. Intanto Ellis è etero. Poi è testardo. E infine è attraente. Wayne sa che dovrà mettere da parte i sentimenti per essergli d’aiuto. Ma saranno i veri bisogni di Ellis a prenderlo in contropiede.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets, tome 1

Il y a six ans, Ellis assistait à son premier briefing en tant que nouvelle recrue de l’unité d’élite de Londres. Son nouvel équipier, Wayne, devint rapidement son meilleur ami. Lorsque Wayne commence à remarquer des changements dans le comportement d’Ellis – son attitude imprévisible, les effets néfastes de son manque de sommeil –, il comprend qu’il doit agir avant que son ami finisse par craquer. Il lui propose alors de venir à la soirée d’inauguration d’un nouveau club BDSM, le Secrets, dont il est membre. Son objectif ? Donner l’occasion à Ellis de voir en quoi consiste ce club avant de lui faire une proposition. Wayne veut retrouver son meilleur ami et, selon lui, le meilleur moyen d’y arriver est de prendre Ellis en main et de contrôler sa vie.

Cependant, il doit faire face à quelques obstacles. Ellis est hétérosexuel, borné et sexy. Wayne sait qu’il doit mettre ses propres sentiments de côté afin de venir en aide à son ami, mais il est stupéfait quand il découvre ce dont Ellis a réellement besoin.


$6.99 $5.24

An Unlocked Mind

Secrets | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Two

Rob Daniels is determined to prove to himself that his brother Alex got it wrong. Alex believes he found love through BDSM; Rob is certain that’s not possible. He even makes several visits to a London club to prove his point. But when he attends the grand opening of Secrets, Rob gets a shock, one that has him fleeing, vowing never to return—until he does… and runs into the brick wall that is Dom Vic Prentiss. As first meetings go, theirs is a disaster.

The more time he spends around Rob, the more convinced Vic becomes of two things—one, something is eating away at Rob, and two, he’s looking for something. Every instinct tells Vic to help him, but trying to unlock the secrets hidden in Rob’s mind requires a key. All Vic has to do is find it. Because maybe then he’ll get to see the real Rob, the man who’s scared to let go….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $1.00

Matt Bowers’s life ended at sixteen, when a vicious betrayal by someone who he should have been able to trust left him a shell of himself, fighting OCD and PTSD, living in constant fear and always running. When he buys a remote tract of land, he thinks he’s found the perfect place to hide from the world and attempt to establish some peace. For ten years he believes he’s found a measure of comfort, until the day a stranger begins to run on Matt’s road.

He returns every day, an unwelcome intrusion into Matt’s carefully structured life. Matt appeals to the local sheriff, who cannot help him since the jogger is doing nothing wrong. Gradually, after tentatively breaking the ice, Matt begins to accept the man’s presence—

But when the runner doesn’t show up one day, it throws Matt’s world into chaos and he must make the hardest decision of his life.


$6.99 $1.00