Seducing C.C.

By Ariel Tachna

Seducing C.C.
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 210
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-283-7
  • SKU 1777
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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When Astro—as his fellow counselors dub him—signed up to spend the summer at Camp Laguna, North Carolina’s premier girls’ camp, he had two goals in mind: escape the memories of his cheating ex and avoid any other romantic entanglements. Then he meets C.C., the camp’s EMT and handyman. It doesn’t take long for Astro to realize that C.C. will pose far more problems to his peace of mind than his ex ever did.

C.C. is gay, unattached, and interested. He’s also a playboy of the worst order, and Astro is all too aware that they only have nine weeks together before the summer ends. So Astro has a choice: fan the flames between them and hope he can seduce C.C. into a relationship that lasts past the end of the summer, or let the chance pass him by and protect his heart.

Cover Artist: Mara McKennen

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay