Books by "Shira Anthony" (32)

$6.99 $5.24

Un cygne peut-il faire la paix avec son passé de vilain petit canard ?

Jimmy Zebulon, gars joufflu et geek de première, voit son cœur être brisé le jour où son béguin de lycée, Danny Parker, laisse ses camarades le harceler sans rien faire pour lui venir en aide. Quinze ans plus tard, Jimmy disparaît et de ses cendres naît Graham Swann, le propriétaire d’un cabinet d’avocats à la beauté digne des plus grandes stars du grand écran. Graham croit Jimmy et son passé loin derrière lui, jusqu’à ce qu’un avocat du nom de Dan Parker se présente pour son premier jour de travail.

Se blesser lors d’un match à l’université est la meilleure chose qui soit jamais arrivée à Dan. Cela change le cours de son destin du tout au tout vers un avenir plus favorable à ce qu’il sorte du placard dans lequel il était jusqu’alors enfermé.

Graham aimerait croire que son rêve d’enfance est destiné à s’accomplir, mais s’il ne parvient pas à révéler à Dan la vérité sur son identité, leurs passés risquent bien de ruiner toute chance d’une fin heureuse pour l’un comme pour l’autre…


$6.99 $5.24

Chasing the Story

Coastal Carolina
$6.99 $5.24

A Coastal Carolina Novel

When TV reporter Brand Josephson attends an industry awards dinner in Charlotte, North Carolina, the last person he expects to bump into is the man he’s idolized since he was a high school student. Back then, Zach Caldwell was a New York City anchor riding terrific ratings to a prized spot on the national news. But when Zach disappeared before taking the job, he left many people, including Brand, wondering what happened.

Since leaving New York for North Carolina four years before, Zach’s kept to himself and avoided relationships. He tells himself he’s happy with his reclusive life as editor of the local Wilmington newspaper, but when he and Brand end up chasing the same story of industry corruption, Brand’s romantic charm and all-around good nature sneak past his defenses and into his heart. Brand’s discovery of the scandal behind Zach’s hasty exit from broadcast television puts their newly fledged relationship to the test, but the story they’re working on together puts their lives on the line....


$6.99 $5.24

The First Step

Coastal Carolina
$6.99 $5.24

A Coastal Carolina Novel

The first step is the hardest. After a scandal, New York political reporter Reed Barfield is lying low at the North Carolina coast, writing a story about the seafood industry. But it’s the harbor pilots on the Cape Fear River who capture his interest—men who jump across ten feet of open ocean to grab a rope ladder and guide huge container ships into port. Men like sexy but prickly Justin Vance. 

After surviving an abusive childhood and a tour in the Navy, Justin isn’t fazed by his dangerous job—it’s certainly easier to face than Reed’s annoying questions. Justin isn’t out at work, and he doesn’t need Reed digging into his personal life or his past. 

But Reed’s no stranger to using his considerable charm to get what he wants, and as he wears Justin down, they realize they have a lot in common—and that they like spending time together. Moving beyond that, though, will mean Justin confessing his sexuality and learning to trust Reed with his secrets—if Reed even decides to stay. Both men want a future together, but can they find the courage to take the first step?


$6.99 $5.24

Paradis perdu

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Il est dangereux de chercher des secrets enfouis.

Lorsqu’une énorme société menace de reprendre son entreprise, Adam Preston, prodige de la programmation, échappe au stress en prenant des vacances plus que méritées en République Dominicaine. Il y rencontre Jonah James, un instructeur de plongée sous-marine, séduisant, intelligent et perspicace. Ce qui commence comme une aventure de vacances devient bientôt beaucoup plus sérieux. 

Mais Jonah a un secret : dix ans auparavant, il s’est réveillé sur une plage de l’île sans savoir comment il y est arrivé… ni même qui il est. Leur paradis n’est peut-être pas aussi parfait qu’il le paraît. Lorsque les souvenirs de Jonah recommencent à affluer comme des vagues sur le sable, Adam s’agrippera-t-il au radeau de sauvetage ou les deux hommes trouveront-ils un havre de sécurité pour se sortir de la tempête ?


$6.99 $5.24

Blood and Eternity

Blood | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood and Ghosts
Blood: Book Three

Vampire hunter Adrien Gilbert never dreamed he’d fall for his prey or that his love, Nicolas Lambert, would give him the gift of immortality. But when a hunter bent on destroying the truce between vampires and hunters throws the gauntlet at Adrien’s feet, Adrien must travel through time to save Nicolas, and with him, the entire vampire race.

The time has come to make a choice—one they will live with for eternity. 

In this final installment in the Blood Trilogy, Adrien and Nicolas must face their greatest enemy in a deadly last confrontation. But to prevail, they’ll need to master the enemies within. 

When Adrien awakens to a future he doesn’t recognize, he faces an impossible decision: live a perfect life with Nicolas in a shattered world, or risk everything to repair a broken past. But before he can challenge vampire hunter Verel Pelletier, he must master the demon who lives in his own mind—and learn to control his ability to travel through time. With Nicolas by his side, he prepares for a final battle against a powerful adversary who likes to play games with the past and future. 

But the price of ensuring a future for their loved ones may be an eternity spent alone. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

David Somers, chef d’orchestre réputé, n’a jamais voulu de la société d’investissement qu’il a héritée de son grand-père autoritaire. Il ne rêve que de composer. Et pourtant, malgré tous ses efforts, David ne parvient pas à coucher sur le papier la musique qui le hante.

Lorsqu’un violoniste invité à l’Orchestre Symphonique de Chicago tombe malade, David rencontre Alex Bishop, son remplaçant. David reste de marbre devant la célébrité et les tatouages du violoniste, mais son talent et sa profondeur le subjuguent.

David a juré de ne plus jamais s’attacher à personne, de peur de faire fuir ceux qu’il aime, ou de les perdre comme il a perdu sa femme et ses parents. Alex est sympathique, sociable, détendu – tout le contraire de David – et il parvient rapidement à ouvrir une brèche dans la muraille qui isole le cœur du chef d’orchestre. Celui-ci commence à rêver d’Alex – des rêves plein de musique. Composer semble redevenir possible.

Mais David, méprisé pendant des années par son grand-père, manque de confiance en lui et a du mal à s’abandonner. Lorsque des failles apparaissent dans son univers rigoureusement ordonné, sa relation naissante avec Alex est la première à en pâtir. Et pourtant, il ne cesse d’entendre la resplendissante mélodie d’Alex. Il voudrait aimer Alex, mais il doit d’abord trouver la force de s’accepter.


$6.99 $5.24

Swann's Revenge

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $0.99

Can a swan make peace with his ugly duckling past?

Chubby geek Jimmy Zebulon’s heart broke the day his high school crush, Danny Parker, looked on as his teammates tormented Jimmy. Fifteen years later, Jimmy is long gone, and from his ashes has risen Graham Swann, a movie-star-handsome law firm owner. Graham thinks Jimmy and his past are long forgotten—until attorney Dan Parker shows up for his first day of work.

Getting injured playing college ball was the best thing that ever happened to Dan. It turned his future in a better direction and allowed him to emerge from the closet that trapped him.

Graham wants to believe his childhood dream can come true, but he can’t bring himself to tell Dan who he really is—and their pasts might ruin any chance for a happily ever after….


$4.99 $0.99

Il ladro di melodie

Blue Notes (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Blue Notes

Cary Redding è una contraddizione in carne e ossa. È un famoso violoncellista, ricercato dalle orchestre di tutto il mondo, ma sotto le vesti del musicista c’è un uomo profondamente tormentato, che ama l’alcol e il sesso occasionale. Il motivo di questa ‘stonatura’? Cary sa di essere un bugiardo. Un farabutto. Lui è il ladro di melodie.

Cary riesce a gestire bene la sua doppia vita fino alla notte in cui, in un vicolo buio di Milano, non viene aggredito da due malviventi. Proprio quando le cose stanno per mettersi male, l’affascinante Antonio Bianchi, un avvocato di successo, lo soccorre salvandogli la vita. Antonio, però, gli offre anche qualcosa che lui non conosce – l’amore – e Cary non sa più cosa fare. La situazione è complicata. Innanzitutto, Antonio ha un figlio di sei anni. E inoltre, Cary deve confessargli il suo alter ego e sperare che l’uomo lo perdoni.

Quando Cary pensa di aver messo finalmente ordine nella sua vita, passato e presente si scontrano, costringendolo a scegliere tra due famiglie: quella che aveva sempre voluto da bambino, e quella che ama adesso, da adulto.


$6.99 $5.24

Finder's Keeper

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Heart's Gate Story

The truth might ruin his dreams—or make them come true.

When Zane moves into an old gothic brownstone, he discovers the house comes equipped with a caretaker—Kit, who lives in the basement. Zane is immediately drawn to the charming and attractive Kit. But Kit is much more than he seems. He is a two-hundred-year-old half-human, half–red-fox spirit who guards a Gate between the mortal and spirit worlds—a fact Zane should recognize, but doesn’t.

Orphaned at a young age, Zane never learned he comes from a long line of mystical Keepers. Kit needs Zane’s help to protect the Gate, but how can he tell Zane of his legacy when that will crush Zane’s dreams of traveling the world? If he takes up the mantle, Zane will be bound to the Gate, unable to leave it. But when Zane realizes Kit’s true nature, and his own, he’ll have to make a choice—fight to protect Kit and the Gate, or deny his destiny and any chance of a future with Kit.


$4.99 $3.74

Blue Notes (Italiano)

Blue Notes (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Blue Notes

Forse è colpa del jet lag. Jason Greene pensava di avere tutto dalla vita: il lavoro dei suoi sogni in un rinomato studio legale di Filadelfia, una fidanzata bellissima, e tanti soldi da non sapere neppure come spenderli. Quando scopre la futura sposa a letto con un altro, è costretto a riconsiderare la sua vita e tutte le scelte fatte fino ad allora. Senza quasi riflettere, deciso a fuggire da tutto e da tutti, prende un aereo per Parigi, con la speranza di trovare lì un po’ di pace. 

Ma il periodo di riposo di Jason si tramuta in un viaggio del cuore quando incontra Jules, un violinista jazz in difficoltà e con un grosso peso sulle spalle. Nella città dell’amore, non ci vuole molto prima che i due si trovino a dividere il letto. Eppure, come entrambi capiranno presto, nessuno può sfuggire al proprio passato. Prima o poi, dovranno guardare in faccia la realtà. 


$6.99 $5.24

Forgotten Paradise

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

It’s dangerous diving for secrets.

When a megacompany threatens to take over his family-owned business, programming prodigy Adam Preston escapes the stress with a much-needed vacation in the Dominican Republic. There he meets attractive, intelligent, insightful Jonah James, a scuba dive instructor, and what starts as a holiday fling soon blossoms into much more.

But Jonah has a secret: ten years ago he woke up on an island beach with no idea how he got there… or even who he is. Their paradise may not be as perfect as it seems. When Jonah’s memories come crashing back like waves on the sand, will it be Adam clinging to the proverbial life raft, or will the two men find a safe harbor to ride out the storm?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

“One of my favorite reads of the summer!” — Two Chicks Obsessed

Lights, camera, action! When Professor Wesley Coolidge accepts a summer job as a historical consultant to a pirate movie being filmed in North Carolina, the last person he expects to bump into is his soon-to-be ex, movie star Sander Carson.

Just like the flamboyant pirate he’s playing, Sander, aka Sam Carr, is used to getting what he wants, and he makes it clear he wants Wesley back in his life. Sam lost Wesley when he left their life in New York City behind for a career in Hollywood. But Wesley has finally managed to put the pieces of his heart back together, and he isn’t interested in Sam and Wesley: The Sequel.

Convincing Wesley to give their relationship a second chance will take much more than Sam’s apologies and reminders of good times past. If Sam wants Wesley back, he’ll have to show Wesley that they really can sail into the sunset together—a real-life happily-ever-after that won’t end once the final credits roll.


$6.99 $5.24

Mariage à tout prix

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

L’amour  n’avait pas sa place dans leur mariage…

Lorsque Chris Valentine, jeune écrivain en galère, rencontre Jesse Donovan, il espère tout au plus décrocher un contrat pour son manuscrit, ou un rendez-vous galant… Il ne s’attendait certainement pas à une demande en mariage de la part du célibataire le plus convoité de New York !

Jesse est dans de beaux draps… Pour rester à la tête de son entreprise, il doit se marier. Il fait donc une proposition alléchante à Chris : si ce dernier accepte de vivre pendant un an dans un splendide manoir et de jouer les époux énamourés, il pourra disposer de tout le temps qu’il souhaite pour écrire et repartira en prime avec un million de dollars. Le défi semble facile à relever. Il suffit à Chris de vivre aux côtés de l’homme le plus séduisant et le plus charmant qu’il ait jamais rencontré, un homme qu’il a désiré dès la première seconde et qu’il n’aura jamais. À moins que…


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Il loro matrimonio doveva essere solo una questione d’affari…

Quando Chris Valentine, scrittore in cerca di editore, incontra Jesse Donovan, è interessato a un contratto letterario o magari a un appuntamento. L’ultima cosa che si aspetta è una proposta di matrimonio dallo scapolo d’oro di New York!

Jesse è nei guai. Per mantenere il controllo della sua compagnia deve sposarsi, perciò offre a Chris un accordo: dovrà vivere nella sua splendida villa per un anno e recitare la parte del marito devoto. In cambio avrà tutto il tempo per scrivere e, al termine del contratto, se ne andrà via con un milione di dollari. Chris ce la può fare. Sì, ce la può fare a vivere con l’uomo più bello e affettuoso che abbia mai incontrato, un uomo che lui desidera disperatamente e non può avere. Perché, quando serve, al cuor si comanda. O forse no?


$4.99 $3.74
$9.99 $7.49

Immerse yourself in the best-selling Blue Notes universe, where music and romance are intrinsically intertwined. In Blue Notes, a struggling jazz violinist meets an attorney for a true journey of the heart; in The Melody Thief, a renowned cellist, sought after by conductors the world over, seeks hope and forgiveness from a lawyer; in Aria, rekindled lust blossoms into a true romance in world of opera; in Prelude, a world-renowned conductor clashes with a substitute violinist; in Symphony in Blue, revisit the couples of the Blue Notes series; in Encore, the cool kid violinist and the wannabe conductor dance in and out of a relationship and in Dissonance, a British noble on the run meets a busker in a subway.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49

First Comes Marriage

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Their marriage was supposed to be all business....

When struggling novelist Chris Valentine meets Jesse Donovan, he’s interested in a book contract, or possibly a date. The last thing Chris expects is a marriage proposal from New York City’s most eligible bachelor!

Jesse’s in a pinch. To keep control of his company, he has to marry. So he has valid reasons for offering Chris this business deal: in exchange for living in a gorgeous mansion for a year, playing the doting husband, Chris gets all the writing time he wants and walks away with a million-dollar payoff. Surely Chris can handle that. He can handle living with the most handsome and endearing man he’s ever met, a man he immediately knows he wants in the worst way and can’t have. Or can he?


$4.99 $3.74

A Solitary Man

2016 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Sparks fly when Chance meets tall, sexy Xav at a Wilmington bar and they have the hottest one-nighter of their lives. But Chance doesn’t do repeats, Xav seems detached, and they go their separate ways without a word. Later, when closeted Assistant District Attorney C. Evan “Chance” Fairchild meets Dare's Landing's newest deputy sheriff, Xavier “Xav” Constantine, Evan isn’t only wary. He’s irritated as hell.

Xavier is a former FBI agent turned deputy sheriff who is hot on the trail of a South American child prostitution ring. Evan is fighting to put an end to rampant cocaine trafficking and chafing under the thumb of an election-hungry boss. When someone tries to kill the eleven-year-old witness who holds the key to both their investigations, they’re forced to work together as they put their lives on the line to protect him. As Chance and Xav collide in the heat of a sweltering North Carolina summer, dodging bullets and chasing bad guys isn’t the only action going on.


$6.99 $5.24

Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


$6.99 $5.24