The Eye of Heaven

By JoAnne Soper-Cook

The Eye of Heaven
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 320
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-734-4
  • SKU 2235
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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When Dante di Salvatore, former prostitute and adopted son of one of Florence’s reigning nobles, is bitten by the ancient vampire goddess Lillith, his mortal life is over. Once enslaved by the vampire queen’s malign influence, Dante allies himself with Rouen, a young man of dazzling beauty and great influence who is enamored with Dante. But they cannot truly be together unless Dante changes Rouen into a vampire, and for Rouen, accepting the dark gift may ultimately cost him his immortal soul. Soon the great city of Florence will be taken to account for her sins as the streets are scourged of everything the fanatical preacher Serenola deems unnatural.

But many silent, mostly unseen creatures of the night are coming together from the disparate corners of the earth to do battle one last time against Serenola, evil disguised as good. What Dante does not realize is that he, above all others, holds the key to not only his own salvation, but the preservation of all of vampire kind—and perhaps even the human race.

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Genres Gay / Historical Romance / Paranormal Romance