The Final Seduction

By Allison Cassatta

The Final Seduction
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 230
  • ISBN-13 978-1-62798-788-2
  • SKU 4848
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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Sin & Seduction: Book Three

Sin & Seduction is closing its doors for good, and Dorian Grant’s being arrested for murder. The world has finally spun off its axis, and everybody involved has a role to play.

In the midst of this tragedy and strife, “Golden Boy” Lance moves his heart out of no-man’s-land, thanks to a Portuguese beauty, Davi “Amante Quente,” who shakes his sweet little physique all over Sin & Seduction’s stage. But Lance can’t consider a future with someone else until he faces the issues that have kept him out of relationships in the past. His belief that love is a myth is high on that list.

Meanwhile, Jason’s relationship with Brad has turned surreally domestic. Their lives are consumed with raising Brad’s little girl. Couple that with the urgency of saving jobs, and Jason’s stress level skyrockets into the red.

Life looks grim for the Sin & Seduction crew, and it will take something close to a miracle to save them all.

Cover Artist: Allison Cassatta


Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay