Urban Fantasy books


The Gryphon King's Consort

Golden Kingdom
Dreamspun Beyond

A Golden Kingdom Novel

Love takes flight.

The sudden death of the Gryphon King throws the kingdom of Mythos into uncertainty, and Crown Prince Luca rushes both his coronation and an arranged marriage to a man he’s never met. Eirian is young and idealistic, and while they both want what’s best for their people, their philosophies couldn’t be more different. While Luca believes in honoring tradition, Eirian is determined to infuse modern values into their kingdom of magical creatures. When given the choice between loyalty to his husband and his own crusade, Eirian makes a decision that might doom their marriage.

Still, Luca is committed to making their union work, and that means forgiving his brash consort. But when Eirian becomes the target of a deadly conspiracy, Luca must act fast—or forever lose the chance to explore their burgeoning love.


Beauty, Inc. (Français)

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

La beauté se limite-t-elle à notre apparence extérieure ?

Le docteur Robert Belleterre, surnommé Belle, a trois grandes passions dans la vie : les plantes, sa meilleure amie, Judy, et son "bébé" : un projet de nouvelle crème pour le visage qu’il a mis au point afin d’aider au développement du petit commerce de cosmétiques de son père.

Malheureusement pour lui, son père est un alcoolique notoire, accro aux jeux, et après une fatidique partie de poker durant laquelle il a parié son propre fils, Belle se retrouve à la merci de Magnus Strong, le PDG de Beauty Inc., la plus grande société de cosmétiques des États-Unis. Magnus Strong est réputé pour son apparence effroyable et son visage couvert de cicatrices, plus proche de la bête que de l’homme.

Du jour au lendemain, Belle est arraché à sa propre vie, et enfermé dans le gigantesque appartement d’un certain monsieur Pennymaker, un endroit à la décoration ahurissante. Très vite, et malgré lui, Belle développe une attirance incontrôlable pour le charismatique Magnus Strong. Révolté par ses propres sentiments, il les refoule avec force, mais plus le temps passe, et plus la bonté et l’humilité de Magnus lui font oublier son terrible visage. Et lorsque la famille de Belle décide contre toute attente de venir mettre son nez dans cette affaire, le destin se retourne contre lui et menace de faire voler en éclats le bonheur fragile qu’il a cousu avec sa tendre bête…


$6.99 $5.24

Dog Days

Wolf Winter | Book Four

A Wolf Winter Novel

The world ends not with a bang, but with a downpour. Tornadoes spin through the heart of London, New York cooks in a heat wave that melts tarmac, and Russia freezes under an ever-thickening layer of permafrost. People rally at first—organizing aid drops and evacuating populations—but the weather is only getting worse.

In Durham, mild-mannered academic Danny Fennick has battened down to sit out the storm. He grew up in the Scottish Highlands, so he’s seen harsh winters before. Besides, he has an advantage. He’s a werewolf. Or, to be precise, a weredog. Less impressive, but still useful.

Except the other werewolves don’t believe this is any ordinary winter, and they’re coming down over the Wall to mark their new territory. Including Danny’s ex, Jack—the Crown Prince Pup of the Numitor’s pack—and the prince's brother, who wants to kill him.

A wolf winter isn’t white. It’s red as blood.


Blanc comme neige

Les contes de Pennymaker
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Le jeune Snowden « Snow » Reynaldi est brillant, beau et seul. Bien qu’il soit timide, étrange et toléré par les étudiants de l’Université NorCal parce que c’est un champion d’échecs réputé et qu’il aide à faire connaître l’école, cela ne l’empêche pas de fantasmer sur l’objet de ses désirs : Riley Prince, quarterback de l’équipe de football.

Lorsque Riley a besoin de cours de soutien en physique, Snow saute sur l’occasion et très vite, leur relation fait des étincelles – mais Riley doit encore sortir du placard avant de pouvoir avancer. Entre-temps, le véritable ami et mentor de Snow, le professeur Kingsley, épouse une femme qui veut secrètement s’accaparer la gloire et l’argent du championnat d’échecs. Peu de temps après, le professeur perd connaissance et Snow se retrouve submergé – littéralement. Dans une voiture !

Sept membres d’une fraternité de l’université de Grimm sauvent Snow juste à temps pour que sa vie aille de mal en pis et qu’il découvre que la seule relation qu’il a toujours désirée est en train de lui échapper. Avec le « diable » qui l’attend à chaque tournant, Snow se doit de survivre ne serait-ce que pour prouver qu’il est le plus honnête de tous et retrouver la confiance de son prince charmant.


$6.99 $5.24

Dragon's Hoard

Dreamspun Beyond

To be loved by a dragon is to be treasured.

A hundred years ago, werewolf Alpha Montgomery took a risk driven by desperation—he borrowed money from the ancient dragon Warwick Ehecatl, putting up the pack lands as collateral. Now the debt is due, and dragons don’t forget—or forgive. Warwick demands Montgomery’s son, Avery, and three businesses as compensation. As an Omega, Avery knows he is basically useless to his pack, so he might as well agree. He soon has second thoughts, though. Warwick is fearsome, and he’s free to do as he likes with Avery.

Warwick knows his race’s reputation, and he even admits some of it is deserved. But he’d rather cut off his tail than let his innocent mate’s light go out. It won’t be easy, but buried deep, there’s something between them worth safeguarding.



The Haffling | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Haffling: Book Three

The human and fey worlds plummet toward an ancient war. Enter two unlikely lovers, a myth, and a mad queen hell-bent on conquest and revenge. Fire Marshal Finn Hulain, tormented by the death of his best friend and an unrequited love, is tossed from the world he knows into the upside-down realm of the fey. Dr. Redmond Fall, psychiatrist to the deadliest criminals in the Unsee, awakes to find the brutal Queen May deposited within the walls of his hospital for a bit of therapy. While May would like to get over her daddy issues, it’s sometimes easier to bite off heads.

Hound, the epic finale to the Haffling trilogy, delves into the darkest reaches of the addictions we all carry. To save the worlds and themselves, Finn, Redmond, and even May must confront the ghosts of their past and the demons of their present. The clock is ticking. There are no second chances. Everything is on the line.


$6.99 $5.24

Blood Drop

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Five

A single drop of blood might hold the key to the fate of the magical world, and Aiden Teine must choose between his bond of love and embracing the power to defeat his enemies.

Aiden’s adjustment to being the first vampyre fae hasn’t been easy, but his ties to warlock Thad Blackmoor prevent him from becoming a monster. With Thad, Aiden has a new family, a new purpose, and a new reason to live—though he’s technically undead. There’s one problem: Aiden’s control over his vampyre is weakening. He must learn what’s triggering his violent reactions before he surrenders to the creature within. To complicate matters, Aiden discovers his transformation might not be complete, and he fears what he will become.

Aiden’s search for answers thrusts him into a frightening world filled with deception, new dangers, and apocalyptic visions. The part destiny intends Aiden to play could alter his relationship with Thad forever. If Aiden, Thad, and the entire magical community are to survive Icarian’s latest scheme, Aiden must interpret the meaning of the prophetic blood drop before it falls and ushers in the destruction of all creation—and the warlock he loves.


$6.99 $5.24

Black Dog Blues (Italiano)

Serie Kai Gracen | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Kai Gracen, Libro 1

L’elfo reietto Kai Gracen è convinto di aver esaurito il suo karma positivo quando uno Stalker umano vince la partita di poker in cui Kai è stato messo in palio e lo prende con sé. In seguito alla violenta fusione tra la Terra e l’Underhill, la razza umana e quella elfica si ritrovano a vivere in un mondo caotico e infestato da mostri, e gli Stalker sono gli unici disposti ad accorrere quando all’orizzonte si profilano oscure minacce.

Anche se difficile, quella dello Stalker è una vita che Kai ama: buone ricompense, qualche amico e, soprattutto, è priva di altri elfi che possano ricordargli il suo passato. E poi uccidere i mostri è facile, specialmente perché anche lui è un mostro.

Quando un signore dei sidhe di nome Ryder arriva a San Diego, a Kai viene affidato un incarico per la nuova Corte dell’alba. Sulla carta si tratta di una semplice spedizione lungo la costa durante la stagione degli amori dei draghi, allo scopo di salvare una donna umana incinta in cerca di protezione. Facile, veloce e, cosa più importante, remunerativo. Tuttavia Kai si trova invischiato in una faida familiare all’ultimo sangue dalla quale non ha alcuna speranza di sottrarsi. 

Nessuno si è mai arricchito facendo lo Stalker. Anzi, pochi di loro arrivano alla vecchiaia, e sembra che Kai non farà eccezione.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Return to Tachna’s world of vampires and wizards in the second volume of Partnership in Blood.

With the war over, the wizards and vampires of l’ANS are faced with a series of new challenges as they explore everything their partnerships have come to signify. While the depth of individual partnerships varies, one thing is certain: there is more to their partnerships—and the Aveu de sang—than meets the eye.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Harmony Ink Press is proud to present the winners of the fourth annual Young Author Challenge. This book contains the best of the best in short LGBTQ+ fiction by authors from age fourteen to twenty-one. They represent the future of both our literature and our community, and the future looks as bright as these voices are strong, inventive, and unique. These fifteen stories range from the realistic to the fantastical, and they are populated with characters from all across the rainbow. They explore love, friendship, being different, finding one’s purpose and place, and what it means to grow up—in the modern world or one of pure imagination.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Angel

Familiar Love | Book One
$6.99 $1.00

Familiar Love: Book One

One hundred and forty years ago, Harry, Edward, and Francis met an angel, a demon, and a sorceress while escaping imprisonment and worse! They emerged with a new family—and shapeshifting powers beyond their wildest dreams. 

Now Harry and his brothers use their sorcery to rescue those enslaved in human trafficking—but Harry’s not doing so well. Pining for Suriel the angel has driven him to take more and more risks until his family desperately asks Suriel for an intervention. 

In order for Suriel to escape the bindings of heaven, he needs to be sure enough of his love to fight to be with Harry. Back when they first met, Harry was feral and angry, and he didn’t know enough about love for Suriel to justify that risk. Can Suriel trust in Harry enough now to break his bonds of service for the boy who has loved his Familiar Angel for nearly a century and a half?


$6.99 $1.00

Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 2

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

After a rocky start and some unexpected battles, Teague Sullivan may have found a home at Green’s Hill. With Jack and Katy by his side, he has the chance to achieve a happiness he only dreamed of during his impoverished childhood.

But much of Teague’s happiness depends upon being worthy of serving Green and Lady Cory, two leaders he’d die for and two people who gave him a chance to be a good man. Teague needs to serve them to feel worthy of love, but Jack resents anything that takes Teague away from his lovers, even his duty.

The three of them, Jack, Teague, and Katy, perform a delicate dance with an uncertain crescendo. What's more likely to destroy them? Jack's jealousy, Cory's wrath, or the true enemy, the rival wolf pack with the insane leaders who are trying to take over Green's turf? Teague Sullivan, who never thought much of himself, is suddenly the crux of everything he's ever loved. Can he become the man and alpha wolf his people need? 

For the first time in print: Becoming and Being.


$6.99 $5.24

Finder's Keeper

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Heart's Gate Story

The truth might ruin his dreams—or make them come true.

When Zane moves into an old gothic brownstone, he discovers the house comes equipped with a caretaker—Kit, who lives in the basement. Zane is immediately drawn to the charming and attractive Kit. But Kit is much more than he seems. He is a two-hundred-year-old half-human, half–red-fox spirit who guards a Gate between the mortal and spirit worlds—a fact Zane should recognize, but doesn’t.

Orphaned at a young age, Zane never learned he comes from a long line of mystical Keepers. Kit needs Zane’s help to protect the Gate, but how can he tell Zane of his legacy when that will crush Zane’s dreams of traveling the world? If he takes up the mantle, Zane will be bound to the Gate, unable to leave it. But when Zane realizes Kit’s true nature, and his own, he’ll have to make a choice—fight to protect Kit and the Gate, or deny his destiny and any chance of a future with Kit.


$4.99 $3.74

Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 1

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

Teague Sullivan and Jack Barnes work in the dangerous gray area between the natural and supernatural worlds, helping people who get separated from the safety of Green’s Hill find their way home. Teague's in the game for redemption—but Jack's in the game for Teague. 

Teague is damaged, haunted, and about the loneliest man Jack has ever met, but Jack sees beyond Teague's scars and gruffness to the kindness and bravery underneath. Teague is pretty sure Jack's a green idealist—a scarred old dog like Teague will never be good enough for a sweet young pup like his Jacky. 

When Jack is injured, the two hunters are sucked into the paranormal world they’ve been defending. Teague must reevaluate everything he's believed about their relationship. While Teague is sorting out his life both with Jacky and as a member of Green's Hill, Katy steps into the mix. She’s loved Teague since she was a child, and that love has only gotten stronger now that they’ve survived into adulthood. Teague Sullivan, who has lived “without” since he was born, is suddenly given all the things that make live worth living “with.” Does Teague have the courage to reach for two lovers and a place on Green's Hill?

For the first time in print: Yearning, Waiting, Reaching, and Changing.


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$5.99 $4.49

There is another world existing alongside the one most see everyday, and although it is a place of magic and wonder, the dangers are very real. 

Aran, an artist, grew up on his grandmother’s tales of the Side-by-Side world. He never expected his knowledge of folklore would aid his boyfriend, Brandon, in an arson investigation, but the snakes that burst into flames when agitated are something he recalls from those childhood stories. 

When Aran vanishes, Brandon knows his time as a state trooper won’t help find him, so he enlists the aid of Aran’s grandmother, Ruth, and they venture into the Side-by-Side world. 

But Aran has no memory of his life prior to crossing between worlds, and he’s enjoying the company of his handsome new companion, Ren. Even if Brandon and Ruth reach him, convincing him to return to his former home won’t be easy. In a contemporary fairy-tale adventure set among forests and trails, Aran must choose between a mystical fantasy world and the man he loves.


$5.99 $4.49

Quickening, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Five, Vol. 2
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book Five
Volume Two

The elf queen who infected the werewolf population isn’t going away—and neither are the two heartbeats that will soon be the children in Cory’s arms.

Cory’s used to throwing herself physically into the fray, but as their enemy gets closer and more dangerous, she’s forced to choose between her safety and the people sworn to protect her. Her guardians are tired of worrying about Cory and her unborn children, and Cory is getting plain tired.

The preternatural world isn’t her only worry—basic human birthing rituals are going to be a pain in the ass for a woman whose children will be sidhe. Cory’s mother is still fuzzy on the concept of a polyamorous multispecies marriage and sets her up with an OBGYN obsessed with the inhuman silhouettes of her babies.

Cory doesn’t want her children born in the middle of a turf war, but the people she and Green have nurtured and fought for aren’t about to let her face this enemy alone. This battle is for queen and home, and the babies quickening in Cory’s body are a symbol of hope. Cory’s going to have to give up the idea of being a weapon and embrace the idea of being a mother, or she’ll let down those depending on her most.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Welcome to Dim Sum Asylum: a San Francisco where it’s a ho-hum kind of case when a cop has to chase down an enchanted two-foot-tall shrine god statue with an impressive Fu Manchu mustache that's running around Chinatown, trolling sex magic and chaos in its wake.

Senior Inspector Roku MacCormick of the Chinatown Arcane Crimes Division faces a pile of challenges far beyond his human-faerie heritage, snarling dragons guarding C-Town’s multiple gates, and exploding noodle factories. After a case goes sideways, Roku is saddled with Trent Leonard, a new partner he can’t trust, to add to the crime syndicate family he doesn’t want and a spell-casting serial killer he desperately needs to find.

While Roku would rather stay home with Bob the Cat and whiskey himself to sleep, he puts on his badge and gun every day, determined to serve and protect the city he loves. When Chinatown’s dark mystical underworld makes his life hell and the case turns deadly, Trent guards Roku’s back and, if Trent can be believed, his heart... even if from what Roku can see, Trent is as dangerous as the monsters and criminals they’re sworn to bring down.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

The sea is full of jealously guarded secrets, but everything washes up eventually….

Betrayed by a trusted partner, Nathan figures he might as well be lost and heartbroken in the sunshine, and he heads to the coast of South Carolina, to stay with a friend and find a new direction for his life. But despite his efforts, he is lost in the fog, unable to find a guiding light and sometimes unable to find a reason to go on. His only respite from depression and anxiety is the soothing rhythm of the tides and the comfort he draws from proximity to the water.

When the sea sends a lifeline in the form of a strange and beautiful man, it’s easy for Nathan to ignore all the things that don’t add up about his new friend. But the tides can turn without notice, and it’s those mystical traits that will either finally lead Nathan safely to shore or drown him in confusion and despair.


$4.99 $3.74