Books by "Z. Allora" (15)

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Session drummer Sage Nakamura puts his trust fund where his heart is and starts his own band in Japan—Kashi-sei, Japanese for “visibility.” Tired of his favorite J-pop bands imploding over even a hint of same-sex attraction, Sage decides to take sponsorship out of the equation. He hopes his band will become a safe haven that validates diversity in gender identity and orientation. But he’ll need some help to make his endeavor successful.

Mangaka Ikeda Daiki lives a comfortable, if lonely, life in Tokyo. When he gets the opportunity to work with a band as it is forming, developing the products from the beginning—starting with a manga—he leverages his platform for more creative freedom.

At Sage’s insistence, Daiki helps him choose band members and navigate the finer points of Japanese culture. But the two have more than business goals in common. Mutual admiration develops into friendship, attraction, and a relationship full of firsts for both of them.

But as the band prepares for their debut, Sage, who has never played before a live audience, gets debilitating stage fright. How can Daiki and the band help him through it and keep his dream alive?


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$9.99 $3.17

Willkommen im Entwined, einem Club, wo BDSM-Träume wahr werden. Suchst du einen Teilzeit-Newbie oder einen Vollzeit Dom oder Sub? Möchtest du, dass sich eine weitere Person dir und deinem Partner anschließt? Dann bist du hier am richtigen Ort.

Entwineds Wohltätigkeits-Auktion "Bist du Dom genug, um sub zu sein?" bietet Zach die Möglichkeit seine devoten Neigungen zu erkunden, die er unterdrückt, seit Andrew ihn vor einigen Jahren abblitzen ließ. Andrew weiß nicht, wann aus seiner Verliebtheit mehr geworden ist, aber Zack ist kein Kind mehr. Das könnte Andrews Chance sein, Zach seine Gefühle zu gestehen - und ihm ein Halsband umzulegen.

Marcus und Hunter lieben einander, doch können sie dem jeweils anderen nicht alle Sehnsüchte erfüllen. Das Entwined ist daher der richtige Ort, um für Hunter einen Sub zu finden, der sich von ihm beherrschen lässt. Und der es genießt, dass Marcus ihm Schmerzen zufügt. Orion könnte der Schlüssel zur Überbrückung ihrer Differenzen sein und sie auf einer tieferen Ebene miteinander vereinen - aber zuerst müssen sie Orion helfen, sein Trauma so weit zu überwinden, dass er neue Facetten von BDSM wieder genießen kann.


$9.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Stefano Rossi longs for the mystical—and so far unattainable—peace of reaching subspace. But can he accept that the person who can take him there is a man?

Riku Tao has given up on finding a sub who complements him. He’ll stick with doing demonstrations at the BDSM club the Edge. He certainly doesn’t have time for a closeted Catholic guy with internalized biphobia… and yet he cannot help but want to protect Stefano and give him what he needs. A history of physical and sexual abuse makes it impossible for Stefano to come out of the closet, and Riku certainly isn’t going back in.

Perhaps an arrangement of six months to explore their desires will be enough to satisfy them both.

Or it might break their hearts.

To take hold of his future with the man he’s coming to love, Stefano will need to move beyond the pain of his past, and he won’t be able to do it alone.


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$3.99 $2.99

The holiday season is lonely for construction worker Benjamin Morgan, a big muscular guy who just wants to submit, obey, and serve. But the men he’s attracted to usually don’t have a dominant bone in their bodies. He’s done seeking his BDSM dreams with someone who isn’t interested in putting him in his rightful place—on his knees at their feet.

When a friend sets up a meeting with Foster Ridgeway at the BDSM club, Entwined, Benjamin has his doubts. Of course he is attracted to bookish Foster, who works for the same construction company, but how will someone so small and delicate-looking master Benjamin? But when Foster--the tiny temple of dominance wielding a crop—heads toward Benjamin, he might get what he’s always wanted, just in time for Solstice.


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$6.99 $3.17

Can a sexy rock star show a relationship-phobic ice skater that there’s more to life than gold medals?  

When ice-skating’s bad boy Blaze first glimpses Drake, every fantasy he’s ever had flares to life. Not only is rock star Drake sexy as sin, his songs awaken a longing in Blaze that he’s denied for years. But Blaze Parker doesn’t believe in relationships—at least not those that last more than twenty minutes. 

Drake Keys has dreamed about the sensual ice skater for years. When Drake is kicked out of his band because of his bisexuality, he drives across the country to finally see the man he’s had a crush on skate live.   

Though the attraction is instant and intense, both Blaze and Drake have baggage that puts any relationship on thin ice. Blaze is driven by a long-ago betrayal to prove himself a champion, and Drake, uncertain about the future, hopes to resurrect his music career. As they take a road trip together, Drake romances Blaze, hoping to melt his heart and show him that love is possible… but not without some tough decisions.


$6.99 $3.17

The Temple of Heaven

Made In China | Book Two
$6.99 $3.17

Made In China: Book Two

Music is Tian Di’s life and his love, and he’s made plenty of sacrifices. His career is finally taking off with his band, Made in China, and he’ll continue to put music first… until he meets Jordon. Then insta-lust becomes insta-love and a commitment to the future—no matter how difficult it might be. 

Jordon lives in a bubble constructed by his overprotective older brothers, who are so controlling that they’ve kept him from dating. A talented artist, Jordon managed to keep his success with a Japanese manga publisher a secret from his family, but now he fears discovery. It’s easier to let his brothers handle everything, but Jordon has reached his limit. He’s ready to draw some boundaries so he can be his own man and face all the challenges that come with that. 

Their families and careers aren’t the only obstacles. Jordon must accept his identity as a gay man who doesn’t top or bottom. Fortunately, Tian Di—and his special talents—help Jordon open up to his sexuality in an erotic adventure that spans Japan and China, and with love, luck, hard work, and open minds, will end in a happily ever after.


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$4.99 $3.17

On dit que les opposés s’attirent, mais est ce qu’il est intelligent de céder à cette attraction ?

Le bibliothécaire Tristan Cooper n’arrive pas à rester à l'écart de Phillip, motard rebelle et sexy – l’homme est splendide –, mais Phillip le trouve forcément studieux et ennuyeux, comme tous les petits amis de Tristan. Pourtant, il rêve d’explorer son côté sauvage, cette part de lui même qu’il ne s’autorise à vivre que dans ses fantasmes, et peut être que Phillip le débauché est exactement la personne qu’il lui faut pour se sentir libre.

Phillip, coiffeur, et sexuellement expérimenté, croit aux fins heureuses plutôt qu’aux fins heureuses jusqu’à la fin de ses jours. L’expérience lui a appris à ne pas espérer plus, jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre le doux et vulnérable Tristan, qui semble sincèrement s’intéresser à son cœur. Mais Phillip ne se fait pas suffisamment confiance pour être l’homme que Tristan voudrait plus d’une nuit.

Avec l’aide d’un couple de grands pères cupidons, Tristan et Phillip pourraient trouver le courage de sortir de leur zone de confort pour découvrir ce qui leur a manqué toute leur vie.


$4.99 $3.17

Sicher und frei

Verschlungene Träume
$6.99 $3.17

Der Missbrauch durch einen Dom hat Orion Gordon jede Freude an BDSM geraubt und sein Selbstvertrauen zerstört. Er bezweifelt, dass er je wieder Frieden durch Unterwerfung finden wird. Doch tief in seinem Innern lebt die Sehnsucht weiter.

Marcus Sadir liebt Hunter Dixon, jedoch kann er das eine nicht sein, was Hunter sich wirklich wünscht: ein Sub, der sich von ihm beherrschen lässt. Hunter wiederum findet in den sadistischen Aspekten von BDSM keine Befriedigung, während Marcus nichts mehr genießt, als Schmerzen zuzufügen und zu teilen. Marcus ist überzeugt, dass sie sich einen Dritten für eine dauerhafte Dreierbeziehung suchen sollten. Und als Hunter seinem Drängen schließlich nachgibt, stellen sie fest, dass Orion der Schlüssel zur Überbrückung ihrer Differenzen sein und sie auf einer tieferen Ebene miteinander vereinen könnte.

Aber zuerst müssen sie Orion helfen, sein Trauma so weit zu überwinden, dass er neue Facetten von BDSM wieder genießen kann. Ihr Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Ganzen wird nicht ohne Herausforderungen sein. Kann Orion genug Vertrauen aufbauen, um den Versuch zu wagen?


$6.99 $3.17

Schloss und Schlüssel

Verschlungene Träume
$6.99 $3.17

Buch 1 in der Serie - Verschlungene Träume

Zurückgewiesen. Todunglücklich. Am Boden zerstört.

Zack Davis wollte nur einem einzigen Mann dienen: Andrew Nikeman. Doch das blieb ihm versagt, da Andrew ihn für zu jung hielt und weil ihre Brüder zusammen waren. Also unterdrückte Zack seine devoten Neigungen und konzentrierte sich darauf, der perfekte Dom zu sein, indem er jedem Sub, mit dem er spielte, etwas gab, was er selbst nicht haben konnte.

Nach Jahren der Selbstverleugnung gibt ihm die Wohltätigkeits-Auktion „Bist du Dom genug, um sub zu sein?“ des Clubs Entwined einen Vorwand, sich etwas von dem zu holen, wonach er sich schon immer gesehnt hat.

Andrew weiß nicht, wann aus seiner Verliebtheit mehr geworden ist, aber es bringt ihn fast um, Zack mit einer nicht enden wollenden Parade von Subs zu sehen. Er hatte weder die Beziehung seines Bruders aufs Spiel setzen noch etwas werden wollen, was Zack später bereuen würde. Doch Zack ist kein Kind mehr, und die Beziehung seines Bruders ist unzerstörbar. Jetzt, wo Zack ein beliebter und erfolgreicher Dom ist, wird Andrews Traum, ihm eines Tages sein Halsband umzulegen, vielleicht nie in Erfüllung gehen. Doch wenn er sich nicht endlich zu seinen Gefühlen bekennt, könnte er den Mann, den er liebt, für immer verlieren.


$6.99 $3.17

The Great Wall

Made In China | Book One
$6.99 $3.17

Made In China: Book One

Destiny will be decided by a battle between heart and mind….

Jun Tai “Styx” Wong loves two things: playing the drums, and his best friend, Jin. But being a good Chinese son means he can’t have either—he’ll have to marry a girl of his parents’ choosing and settle into a traditional job. His move to the bigger city of Suzhou is both a blessing and curse, as living with Jin makes it harder for Styx to suppress his desires. Nearly dying while trying to eradicate his feelings serves as a wake-up call for Jin, who takes extreme measures to keep Styx safe from harm.

When given a second chance at life and happiness, will Styx be able to claim the future he wants with Jin, his bandmates, and his music? Can love and hope grow with the constantly looming threat of Styx’s parents ordering him home? Great things await—if Styx finds the courage to break down the wall that stands between him and everything he wants.

Second Edition
First Edition published by MLR Press, 2013.


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$4.99 $3.17

Opposites might attract, but is acting on that attraction wise? 

Librarian Tristan Cooper can’t steer clear of sexy, motorcycle-riding bad boy Phillip—the man is hot—but Phillip is bound to find quiet, bookish Tristan boring, like all Tristan’s boyfriends. Tristan yearns to explore his wild side, the part of himself he’s only allowed into his fantasies, and maybe rakish Phillip is just what he needs to feel free. 

Sexperienced hairdresser Phillip is more of a believer in happy endings than happily ever afters. Experience has taught him not to hope for more—until he meets sweet, vulnerable Tristan, who seems genuinely interested in his heart. But Phillip can’t trust enough to see himself as a man Tristan might want for more than a night. 

With the help of a pair of matchmaking grandfathers, Tristan and Phillip might find the courage to step beyond their comfort zones and discover what has been missing from their lives….


$4.99 $3.17

Secured and Free

Entwined Dreams | Book Two
$6.99 $3.17

Entwined Dreams: Book Two

An abusive Dom robbed Orion Gordon of his love of BDSM, destroying his confidence and leaving him unsure he’ll ever find peace through submission to another. Still, deep inside, his longing continues. 

Marcus Sadir loves Hunter Dixon, yet he can’t be the one thing Hunter truly desires: a sub to control. And Hunter can’t find satisfaction in the sadistic aspects of the BDSM lifestyle, while Marcus thrives on inflicting and sharing pain. When Marcus convinces Hunter they should find a third on a permanent basis, they discover Orion might be the key to bridging their differences and joining them on a deeper level. 

But they must help Orion move past his trauma enough for him to enjoy new facets of BDSM and kink again. Their journey toward becoming whole—together—won’t be without challenges. Can Orion trust enough to try again?


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

The craving is an undeniable urge that drives K’Dane citizens to find their life mates—if only to sate their uncontrollable physical longings.

Thrilled at being named a Chosen, Phoenix Dotir leaves K’Dane to become an artist-monk who will create dimensional art capable of changing worlds. Living by the monastery’s Principles of Purity will surely help him overcome the craving. But he never accounted for star chaser Zadra Solav.

Zadra doesn’t believe in rules and makes his own future. Fate separates him from the man he loves, but one touch renders him helpless to his own desires. Bonding with a monk is forbidden, and Zadra’s family sends him to deep space to avoid disgrace. Unable to give up, Zadra must find a way to reunite with his Chosen.

Tormented by enforced separation, Initiate Riva Quinton struggles with his vow of chastity and risks all to rescue his lover. Together with his Eros, he stows away onboard a star craft to follow his heart.

Four men defy destiny and tradition for love… but their love is a crime punishable by death.


$6.99 $3.17

Lock and Key

Entwined Dreams | Book One
2016 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.17

Entwined Dreams: Book One

Rejected. Heartbroken. Devastated.

Zack Davis wanted to serve only one man, Andrew Nikeman. He was denied because Andrew thought he was too young and because their brothers were together. So Zack crushed his submissive tendencies and focused on being the perfect Dom, giving every sub he played with something he couldn’t have. 

After years of denying his submissive side, Entwined’s charity auction “Are you Dom Enough to be a sub?” gives Zack an excuse to get a little of what he’s always craved.

Andrew doesn’t know when his infatuation turned into more, but it kills him to see Zack with a constant parade of submissives. He’d refused to jeopardize his brother’s relationship or become Zack’s regret; however, Zack isn’t a kid anymore, and his brother’s relationship is unbreakable. Now Zack’s popularity and success as a Dom might ruin Andrew’s dreams of collaring him, but he can’t wait any longer to confess his feelings or he risks losing the man he loves forever.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

After Randy Camster failed at marriage, his life centered around work, TV sports, and listening to his friend Jake complain about how Randy’s lack of a sex life will be the downfall of mankind. Not true! Well, not totally. Randy has just never understood the fascination with sex… until ladyboy performer Lalana Dulyarat shimmies into his world via an Internet ad for Thailand tourism. After that, it doesn’t take much for Jake to convince Randy to take a Bang Cock vacation. 

Finding an adorable little imp named Boon-nam wasn’t on Jake O’Neil’s itinerary. Gay, straight, and undecided, Jake has had ’em all, but never a virgin aching to explore her new body after successful affirmation surgery. Talk about pressure. And what’s with everyone warning him not to break Boon-nam’s heart? His is the one in danger.

Jake's openness about sexuality has always made Randy wonder if he is too focused on gender. Lalana is even more beautiful in real life than he’d hoped, but she’s keeping her "male parts" and has no intention of ever having surgery. Does it really matter? A return ticket to reality awaits. The clock is ticking on the two couples’ hopes for love, unless they can find a way to span gender, culture, and half a world.


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