Contemporary Romance books


Stuck away from home on business, all Ryan can do is talk with his lover, Scott, on the phone. But the conservative Ryan finds no comfort in phone sex—he's far too embarrassed. Fortunately, his playful lover has not only planned ahead, but he can think on his back as well. It turns out that the heart really is where good sex starts!

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


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Nach nur einer Nacht mit Ash Gallagher ist sich Eli Hollister sicher, dass er schließlich den richtigen Mann zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gefunden hat. Gut, dass er darauf nicht gewettet hat, denn wie sich herausstellt, ist Ash Student in einem seiner Kurse am örtlichen College. Eli kann die Anziehung nicht leugnen, doch jetzt wird es kompliziert. Er hat schon genug Probleme mit dem Leiter seiner Abteilung, dem es am liebsten wäre, Eli bekäme nicht die Festanstellung oder würde sogar gekündigt werden.

Ash freut sich darauf, seinem Leben eine neue Richtung zu geben. Nachdem er bei den Marines und in der Reserve gedient hat, möchte er nun sein militärisches Leben hinter sich lassen. Der Lust zu seinem Englisch-Professor zu verfallen, war das Letzte, womit er in diesem Semester gerechnet hat, doch je mehr Eli sich ihm widersetzt, desto hartnäckiger ist Ash. Als er feststellt, dass Eli auf der Suche nach einer festen Beziehung ist, wo er selbst doch nur an einer Affäre interessiert ist … oder etwa nicht? Alles ist möglich zwischen den beiden, wenn es um die Liebe und das Leben geht.


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Cuir + Dentelle

Contraires qui s’attirent
$6.99 $3.49

Contraires qui s’attirent, numéro hors série

Drapé de mousseline et de dentelle, Steven Stanhope arpente la scène sous le pseudonyme de Stevie Tricks, mimant les chansons de la célèbre reine gitane, Stevie Nicks. Après avoir échappé à une relation abusive de Maître et d’esclave, le seul collier qu’il porte désormais autour de la nuque est en velours noir.

Après une absence de quatre années, Steve est prêt à revendiquer sa vie et à réclamer tout ce qu’il a été contraint de laisser derrière lui. Mais est-ce sans danger ? Certainement pas si son ex s’adonne toujours au fétichisme du cuir. Pour le découvrir, Steve se produit à un gala de charité pour la communauté locale de BDSM, se cachant derrière l’anonymat que lui procure son personnage.

Au lieu de se trouver confronté à son ancien Maître, Julius, Steve se retrouve englué dans un imbroglio impliquant Donato Rossi, un autre Maître du Cuir. Afin de se libérer du poids du passé, Steve et Don doivent trouver un terrain d’entente et accepter de travailler ensemble. Ils apprendront à cette occasion qu’il leur appartient de dicter leurs propres règles dès lors que l’amour est de la partie.


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$6.99 $3.49

Gli eroi cadono.

Peter mette piede per la prima volta nella cittadina di Daisy, in California, quando è ancora un bambino ed è accompagnato da una sola certezza: suo cugino Michael si prenderà cura di lui. Poi Michael stringe amicizia col fragile e tormentato Bodi Kovacs e l’unica consolazione di Peter, dopo aver perso ogni possibilità di avere Bodi per sé, è che il cugino si occuperà anche di quest’ultimo. Ma la tragedia li colpisce e Michael si esilia dal loro mondo, gettando via l’affetto di chi l’ama di più.

Sei anni dopo, Michael sta per tornare a casa in una cassa. Per distruggere un eroe è bastata una città piena di bigottismo e odio. Per reclamarlo serve una forza d’animo che né Peter né Bodi avevano sei anni prima. Da quando Michael li ha abbandonati, Bodi è perso e solo. Peter cerca di farlo suo e assumere il ruolo che avrebbe dovuto essere del cugino, ma prima di tutto lui e Bodi devono affrontare il passato. Devono affrontare Michael, i suoi pregi e i suoi difetti, la bellezza e la tristezza, e ricordarlo per quello che è stato davvero e non per quello che avrebbe potuto essere. È un gesto semplice che potrebbe distruggerli entrambi: passare al setaccio le macerie in fiamme del paradiso è un sistema infallibile per annichilire un cuore mortale che soffre.


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Taylor Maid

Dreamspun Desires

He'll marry the maid to get $50 million but a secret could queer the deal.

Taylor Fitzgerald needs a last-minute bride.

On the eve of his twenty-fifth birthday, the billionaire’s son discovers that despite being gay, he must marry a woman before midnight or lose a fifty-million-dollar inheritance. So he hightails it to Las Vegas… where he meets the beautiful maid Ally May.

There’s just one rather significant problem: Ally is actually Alessandro Macias, son of a tough Brazilian hotel magnate. But if Ally keeps pretending to be a girl for a little while longer, is there a chance they might discover this marriage is tailor-made?


Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

Dustin Walker has no idea that avoiding the search for Mrs. Right could send him into the arms and bed of Mr. Right Now. According to Dustin's mother, he should be out looking for his next wife so he won't be the divorced black sheep of the family. Instead, he passes his free time at a local bar and pool hall, where he meets someone who's everything his ex-wife wasn't: funny, caring, faithful... and male.

Is Brandon Stewart just Dustin’s way of getting over a bitter divorce? Can Dustin really care for him, or is it simply that Brandon is the complete opposite of his ex-wife? Dustin keeps their affair as quiet as possible, because if it continues, he knows he'll eventually have to come out to his homophobic family or walk out on the man he's trying not to love.


Omorphi (Français)

Elpida (Français) | Tome 1
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Un livre de Harmony Ink Press

Elpida, tome 1

Élève de terminale, Michael Sattler mène une vie de rêve. C'est un athlète vedette accompli, il a de bons amis, et des parents qui l'aiment exactement comme il est. La seule chose qui manque dans sa vie c’est un petit ami. C'est un problème parce qu'il n'a avoué son homosexualité qu’à ses parents et à son meilleur ami. Lorsqu’il heurte accidentellement Christy Castle à l'école, sa vie change d'une façon qu'il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Christy est l'homme de ses rêves : intelligent, beau, et sexy. Cependant, rien n'aurait pu préparer Michael à ce qu’entraînerait le fait d’être le petit ami de Christy.

Christy a besoin de se reconstruire après des années d'abus, et il sait qu'il a besoin d'aide pour le faire. Après la mort de son père tristement célèbre, il quitte sa Grèce natale et s'installe dans l'État de New York. Seul, effrayé, et incapable d'utiliser sa voix, Christy cache la myriade de cicatrices de sa maltraitance. Il veut désespérément être aimé et lorsqu’il rencontre Michael, il ose espérer que ce jour est enfin arrivé.

Lorsque l'un des coéquipiers de Michael devient un ennemi, et qu’un des agresseurs du passé de Christy cherche à le ramener à une vie d'esclavage, seules leurs forces combinées et leur détermination inébranlable pourront les sauver de la violence qui menace de détruire leur avenir ensemble.


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$6.99 $3.49

Amid the tumult of the Iowa Democratic primary, young but brilliant speechwriter Tom McAlindon meets Nathan Harris, the deputy campaign manager for an opposing candidate. Their acquaintance is strictly professional until an impetuous kiss on a cold winter night leads them into a secret romance. As their feelings deepen, both men struggle with the complications of keeping the relationship separate from their jobs and the inner workings of the campaigns.

But in the nation's most high-stakes political game, no secret is truly safe. When an observer realizes their connection, Tom and Nate discover that striving for the best of both worlds has a much higher cost than they bargained for… and that love can’t survive while Nate is hiding the truth from Tom.


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Tartan Candy

Fabric Hearts
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A Fabric Hearts Story

Finlay McIntyre (aka Raven) is a successful adult film star with a penchant for kilts, until an accident cuts short his stardom and leaves him with zero sexual desire, lowered self-esteem, and no job. He knew his porn career wouldn’t last forever, but he wasn’t prepared for retirement at twenty-eight. While trying to figure out the rest of his life, Raven agrees to attend a high school reunion. That’s when a malfunctioning AC unit in his hotel room changes everything.

Caleb Sanderson, an entrepreneur with his own HVAC business, has no idea what to expect when he steps into Raven’s hotel room to fix his AC unit. They’re attracted to each other, but Caleb, closeted, can’t afford a gay relationship, not with his mom pressuring him to produce grandchildren. If he wants to keep Raven—who no closet could hold—he’ll need to tell his family the truth. But Raven has a few secrets of his own. He refuses to reveal his porn past to Caleb, a past that might be the final obstacle to Caleb and Raven having any kind of relationship.


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$6.99 $3.49

Todd Burton ne ha abbastanza del paesino di Buckman. Il patrigno manesco lo chiama frocio. Il suo amico Austin gli fa capire che potrebbe essere gay, ma Todd non vuole ammettere che il patrigno potrebbe avere ragione. E poi lui sogna di diventare uno chef. Tre buoni motivi per lasciare il paese natale e dirigersi verso ‘pascoli più verdi’. Quando però Todd raggiunge la grande città, la fortuna lo abbandona. Ben presto non riesce più a pagare l’affitto e viene sfrattato. Nel bel mezzo di una tempesta di neve.

Gabe Richards è un ricco uomo d’affari che è stato ferito abbastanza volte nel passato da fargli temere che non riuscirà più ad avvicinarsi di nuovo a qualcuno. Quando però vede fuori dal suo palazzo Todd, che si sta congelando, prova pietà per lui e gli offre un riparo dal freddo.

Con loro reciproca sorpresa, Todd e Gabe si scoprono attratti l’uno all’altro. ‘Una notte’ diventa una settimana. Forse il ragazzo che viene dal freddo scioglierà il ghiaccio attorno al cuore di Gabe. E forse essere sfrattato si rivelerà per Todd un colpo di fortuna.


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$6.99 $3.49

Tristán Moreau adora su trabajo como jefe administrativo y ayudante personal de Webber Kincaid, Presidente de la Junta Directiva y CEO de Kincaid International. Sería el trabajo perfecto… si no fuera porque se ha enamorado de su jefe. Después de dos años, sigue haciendo todo lo posible por ocultar sus sentimientos, principalmente para mantener a salvo la reputación de su jefe, pero también porque no quiere perder su trabajo.

Webber Kincaid sigue escondido en el armario, utilizando de tapadera a su mejor amiga y confidente. Su vida iba perfectamente sobre ruedas hasta que conoció a Tristán Moreau. En cuestión de meses, Tristán le había robado el corazón y se había convertido en su razón de ser. Pero Webber conoce las reglas de su empresa mejor que nadie, así que mantiene las distancias.

Pero dos años es demasiado para seguir especulando con el «¿Y si…?», especialmente cuando un viaje de negocios los lleva a una isla privada en el Caribe. Cuando Tristán y Webber sucumben al calor tropical, la profesionalidad queda relegada. Lo que aparenta ser una relación imposible, amenazada por el ojo microscópico de los paparazzi, puede convertirse en la mejor o en la peor de las decisiones empresariales que hayan tomado nunca.


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The Lone Rancher

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $2.49

He'll do anything to save the ranch, including baring it all.

Aubrey Klein is in real trouble—he needs some fast money to save the family ranch. His solution? A weekend job as a stripper at a club in Dallas. For two shows each Saturday, he is the star as The Lone Rancher.

It leads to at least one unexpected revelation: after a show, Garrett Lamston, an old friend from school, approaches the still-masked Aubrey to see about some extra fun… and Aubrey had no idea Garrett was gay. As the two men dodge their mothers’ attempts to set them up with girls, their friendship deepens, and one thing leads to another.

Aubrey knows his life stretching between the ranch and the club is a house of cards. He just hopes he can keep it standing long enough to save the ranch and launch the life—and the love—he really hopes he can have.


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$9.99 $4.99

From Urban Fantasy to Contemporary, enjoy these four romances from Eric Arvin in this exclusive bundle. In Simple Men, Chip is a football coach at a small college, but his personal life is in a bit of a rut. Then he meets the new school chaplain, Foster. Chip decides to go for it, but love is never simple, and sometimes it's a downright mess! In Another Enchanted April, three men stay at a bed-and-breakfast with a breathtakingly beautiful garden that has an air of the supernatural. Jerry's there for love, Doug's there for sex, and Tony is practically dragged along. Three men clinging stubbornly to their self-destructive ways... can the magic of the garden prevent love's labors from being lost? In Woke Up in a Strange Place, Joe wakes up in a barley field with no clothes, no memories, and no idea how he got there. He sets off through a fantastical changing landscape to confront his past. If he wants to find peace—and reunite with the Stranger he is so strongly drawn to—he must continue on until the end. In Galley Proof, fiction writer Logan is perfectly happy—until he meets the editor of his next book, Brock. Soon his life and his new manuscript are in a shambles. To take his mind off the mess, Logan goes on a trip, but he might have to admit there are some things you can’t run from.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Senza parole

Senza parole
$3.99 $2.00

Travis Miller ha un lavoro da operaio, un gatto di nome Elwood e una vita sentimentale patetica. L’unico raggio di luce nella sua esistenza è il bellissimo chitarrista davanti al quale passa, talvolta, quando torna a casa dopo il lavoro. Ma quando trova finalmente il coraggio di rivolgergli parola, Travis viene a sapere che quell’ex romanziere, Drew Clifton, soffre di afasia: riesce a capire tutto quello che Travis dice, ma non è capace di parlare o scrivere.

I due uomini soli danno vita a un’amicizia che presto sboccerà in una storia d’amore. Ma la comunicazione è soltanto una delle loro sfide: ci sono anche l’inesperienza di Travis con le relazioni e la sua situazione economica precaria. Se sono le parole a costruire un ponte tra due persone, cosa riuscirà a tenere insieme loro due?


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Seguito di Senza parole
Un crossover di Un buono scheletro e Senza parole

In seguito a un incidente, l’ex romanziere Drew Clifton comincia a soffrire di afasia: non è in grado di comunicare né verbalmente né per iscritto. Solo grazie alla sua forza di volontà è riuscito a costruirsi una vita tranquilla ma solitaria. Ora, però, si è innamorato di Travis Miller.

Anche Travis ha i suoi problemi: ha perso un occhio e il lavoro. È però determinato ad aiutare Drew a confrontarsi di nuovo con successo col mondo, e un ingaggio in una caffetteria della zona per suonare la chitarra sembra un inizio promettente.

Dylan Warner e Chris Nock sono tra il pubblico proprio quella sera, anche loro con qualche fastidioso problema. Forse da quell’incontro casuale nasceranno delle opportunità che beneficeranno tutti loro.


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After his mom dies, Aiden Price returns to Texas to deal with the aftermath. Amidst disapproving family and painful memories, Aiden finds solace in love letters he discovers in his mom’s attic. Needing a change when his sexual orientation is unexpectedly revealed and his dad rejects him, Aiden sets out on a journey to Montana to find the mysterious author of the letters. There he meets Cody Bannar, who volunteers to be his guide.

Cody had a rough start in life but after being adopted into a huge, loving family, he lives out and proud, unafraid of what others think about his sexuality.

Aiden and Cody hit it off and Aiden is welcomed into Cody’s family with open arms. As they continue on their quest, they begin to fall in love, but Aiden isn’t ready to commit to Cody, or to embrace who he is.

Not until after the truth behind the love letters is revealed does Aiden realize his mom would have wanted him to follow his heart. And home is where the heart is—firmly in Cody’s hands.


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Zachary Blaise is having a weird week—even by his standards. Though he's gay, the radio personality has been dumped via text by a girl named Marian—and he's never even met her. On top of that, he's developed a massive crush on Marcus, the new waiter at his favorite diner. His best friend thinks the whole thing is hilarious.

Marcus’s week hasn’t been his best either. He's been betrayed by those closest to him, and although he isn't the guilty party, Marcus is the one getting harassed.

Impossibly, things are about to get even weirder. Marian has secrets, and those secrets are going to make some serious ripples in Zach's life. When he discovers that the girl called Marian is actually the man named Marcus, Zach stumbles down a rabbit hole of abusive ex-boyfriends, psychotic relatives, and revelations from his own past. If he can survive the chaos, the journey might prove worth the effort.


$1.99 $1.00

Nick DiGiaccomo waits tables at Fortissimo, an exclusive restaurant in Oilton, Alberta. He loathes drama, particularly the kind that makes its appearance on Valentine’s Day.

This Valentine’s Day is especially bitter. Eight months ago Nick’s heart was broken when his lover walked away without a word over a misunderstanding. Too proud to call, Nick’s heard nothing from him since. But on this, the most romantic day of the year, he keeps his feelings well-hidden and his professional smile firmly in place.

That is, until he sees his ex-lover, Mark Mishimoto, at a table for two in his section—and his Valentine’s Day goes from bad to downright horrible.

To make matters worse, a winter storm descends, hours earlier than forecast. When the restaurant closes, Nick finds himself stuck downtown in the middle of a blizzard with no way to get home and nowhere to go. Mark lives conveniently close by, and he’s offering up his couch. Nick could use a place to lay his head—but is it worth risking his heart?


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