Fantasy books



Kaminishi | Book One
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Kaminishi: Book One

Michael Holden wakes up in an impossible reality: mid-nineteenth-century Japan, face to face with Shinjirō Kaminishi, a samurai warlord Michael has seen in a dream. Imprisoned by the warlord and interrogated about the future, Michael has no idea if what he's experiencing is real... and then he finds himself back in present-day America.

Lord Shinjirō’s commanding presence and smoldering sexuality draw Michael again and again to the past, where dangerous information is revealed and Shinjirō's life is threatened. Through the mists of time and in the reality of modern Japan, Michael searches for the truth—and for the man who now owns his heart—Shinjirō Kaminishi.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, February 2011.


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Empress and Child

Rage | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Rage: Book Two

Broken by the death of Keiran, Rage is lingering on the brink of suicide, but Lucinda refuses to accept that her best friend is gone. Stubborn as ever, she won’t allow Rage to sneak out of her life before he has solved a few critical issues. Together, they get back to the Forbidden Monastery, face the past, and find out Keiran is not as dead as he is supposed to be.

Their hope for peace and rest is not to be fulfilled. Keiran has to deal with the burden of unwanted magic his would-be killer has put on his shoulders. Lucinda has to face a murder trial, and Rage needs to seek out old allies in order to sort out the mess they are in.

They have to tread carefully in the empress’s city, a place humming with political obstacles and filled with plotting lords, grieving mothers, and one very crazy monk. The threesome stumbles upon a scheme to start a large-scale war and somehow must find a way to foil the plans. Slowly Rage comes to the realization that sometimes even the most important rules must be broken to save an entire kingdom.


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La prova del fato

Serie Scelta del cuore
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Scelta del cuore

Nella città segreta di Sobek, Domin Thorne sta cercando la sua strada come nuovo semel-aten, il capo del mondo delle pantere mannare. Aspira a grandi cambiamenti: ha degli obiettivi per se stesso e per le persone che ha scelto di portare con sé, e vuole cambiare il suo regno sul modello di quello del suo amico Logan Church. Ma Domin potrebbe aver stabilito un obiettivo troppo difficile: il suo solito stile di comando non sta funzionando.

Dovendo occuparsi di Crane e la sua nostalgia di casa, Mikhail e il suo malumore, Taj e la sua frusta, servitori con intenti omicidi, un ex in visita e un compagno in una pericolosa missione diplomatica, Domin deve affrontare da solo il suo nuovo ruolo. Deve anche decidere come gestire una cospirazione, mentre si sta innamorando profondamente di un uomo che, per la prima volta nella vita di Domin, ricambia quell’amore. Che Domin sia pronto o meno, il fato ha deciso di insegnargli una lezione: le minacce interne sono pericolose proprio come quelle esterne.


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Fox-Hat and Neko

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tsukino Ayumu is new to Yuuyake. When he lived in Tokyo, he always kept his head down, content to remain unnoticed in the crowd of students around him. Now in a small fishing village, he connects with Ikehara Haruki, his first real friend, and builds a close friendship with two girls, Shizuka and Chou. The four friends stick together as they forge their path through the haphazard world of dating and relationships while preparing for life after school ends. But fate will intervene, with Ayumu’s plans in particular, as the village’s young people are targeted by an unseen threat. Suffering violent and shocking dreams, Ayumu comes to discover that the spirit world has plans for his destiny. Despite his personal belief that he’s nothing but ordinary, he must learn to fight—and lead—to protect the friends he would die for. The mysterious Fox-Hat and Neko know Ayumu better than he knows himself, and he must decide if they will point him toward a path that leads to a happy ending for all… or the end of everything he knows and loves.


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$6.99 $5.24

Hour of the Lotus 

General Sho Iwata is devastated when the man he secretly loves, Prince Narita, is struck with a mysterious illness. Iwata's current lover, Hiroshi, is well aware of the general's unrequited passion. But that isn’t his biggest problem. His sister is Narita’s favorite consort, but Hiroshi believes she has been replaced by an imposter. When they discover the true cause of the illness, they will have to battle an ancient spirit and survive.

Fox Hunter

Lord General Iwata Sho sets out in search of the mysterious Fox Hunter. When he finds his former lover, Hiroshi, he discovers a changed man, scarred inside and out and consumed by vengeance. Together with Narita’s grown son Daigo, Iwata and Hiroshi pursue the malicious spirit as it leaves bloodshed in its wake. Iwata worries about what will become of Hiroshi when the fox is defeated—if Hiroshi’s revenge doesn’t kill him first.

Hour of the Lotus published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2013


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Obsidian Sun

Obsidian Series | Book One
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Obsidian Series: Book One

Differences must be put aside when vengeance becomes all-consuming.

Anan, a spellweaver of the Talac people, returns from a hunting trip to find his village decimated, his mate dead, and everyone else captured by Varas slavers. The sole survivor is Terja, a young man without the velvet that covers most Talac, marking him as a spellspinner. Since Talac magic requires both a weaver and a spinner, Anan and Terja must move beyond their ingrained mistrust. All that remains is revenge and a desperate plan to rescue their tribesmen before they are sold to Varas pleasure houses. A goal Anan and Terja are willing to die for.

With the blessing of the Talac gods, they discover new and surprising ways to complement each other’s power. But as they race through terrain full of enemies and dangerous creatures to reach their people before they pass into Varas lands, they must take drastic steps to face the overwhelming odds against them. Understanding their connection might be their only hope.


$6.99 $5.24

Beneath the Scales

The Knowledge Effect | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Knowledge Effect: Book One

Loyalty and truth will be redefined as a young orphan undertakes a quest that will change his life.

Martus is doing all he can to help his magically gifted sister, Elsaben, living with the frustration that it’s never enough. They’re living hand to mouth on what he can steal, and under the table jobs aren’t enough for Martus to fund the training Elsaben needs. He’s desperate to find a way to help her, but he’s getting a reputation as a troublemaker, which will only endanger what meager living he’s already scratching for.

His life changes drastically in the course of a single day when a dragon attacks their village, leaves it in flames, and then carries Elsaben away. Knowing there is nothing else for him to do, Martus swears to rescue her and avenge their home, knowing he’ll either return triumphant… or die.

What he finds in the mountains challenges his perceptions and prejudices, leading him discover that he may have a chance at a better life, including a friend of the likes he never expected. This adventure could change his worldview—including the beliefs he’s always accepted as the norm.


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Ink and Shadows

Ink and Shadows | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Book One of Ink and Shadows

Kismet Andreas lives in fear of the shadows. 

For the young tattoo artist, the shadows hold more than darkness. He is certain of his insanity because the dark holds creatures and crawling things only he can see—monsters who hunt out the weak to eat their minds and souls, leaving behind only empty husks and despair.

And if there’s one thing Kismet fears more than being hunted—it’s the madness left in its wake.

The shadowy Veil is Mal’s home. As Pestilence, he is the youngest—and most inexperienced—of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, immortal manifestations resurrected to serve—and cull—mankind. Invisible to all but the dead and insane, the Four exist between the Veil and the mortal world, bound to their nearly eternal fate. Feared by other immortals, the Horsemen live in near solitude but Mal longs to know more than Death, War and Famine.

Mal longs to be… more human. To interact with someone other than lunatics or the deceased.

When Kismet rescues Mal from a shadowy attack, Pestilence is suddenly thrust into a vicious war—where mankind is the prize, and the only one who has faith in Mal is the human the other Horsemen believe is destined to die.


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Forging the Future

Change of Heart | Book 5
$6.99 $5.24

A Change of Heart Novel

Jin Church is back where he started, alone, wandering, and uncertain of his path. It’s not by choice but by circumstance, as he remembers he’s a werepanther… but not much else. He knows one thing for sure—he needs to find the beautiful blond man who haunts his dreams.

Logan Church is trapped in a living hell. His mate is missing, his tribe is falling apart, and he’s estranged from the son he loves with all his heart. His world is unraveling without his mate by his side, and he has no one to blame but himself.

If Jin can regain his memory and Logan can overcome the threats to his leadership, then perhaps they can resume their lives. The question is: Is that what they want? Back to the same house, the same tribe, the same troubles? They can choose from various roads leading to their future… or they can forge their own path.


$6.99 $5.24

Iron and Ether

Blessed Epoch | Book Three
Blessed Epoch Universe
$6.99 $5.24

Book Three of the Blessed Epoch

Sasha was born to, and has always defined himself by, the secret assassins' Order of the Crimson Scythe. He chose the love of Yarrow L’Estrella and Duncan Purefroy over his duty to his clan, forfeiting his last mission and allowing Prince Garith to live. Now, the order—previously Sasha’s family—has branded him a traitor. He’s marked, and that means the brethren of the Crimson Scythe won’t stop until Sasha is dead.

Garith’s twin kingdoms balance on the brink of war, and all three men have reasons to help the king, whether loyalty, duty, the interests of their own lands, or gold in their pockets. Still, Yarrow and Duncan are willing to abandon their reasons to seek out and destroy the assassins’ order to keep Sasha safe. But Sasha isn’t sure that’s what he wants. Loyalties are strained by both foreign invaders and conspirators in their midst. It’s hard to know which side to choose with threats piling up from every direction and war looming, inevitable, on the horizon. Their world teeters on the precipice of change, and Sasha, Duncan, and Yarrow can only hope the links they’ve forged will hold if Garith’s kingdom is torn apart.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


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Noble Persuasion

The Halvarian Ruin Books
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to Noble Falling

Stripped of her noble status and exiled from the kingdom she called home, Aleana Melora searches desperately for answers about what is happening in her lands, and she won’t give up easily. A strange message summoning her to a nearby castle might shed some light on the mystery.

Aleana’s people need her help, and she discovers a way to relieve some of their misery. But new allies come with a new set of expectations, forcing Aleana to walk a fine line between their demands and her beliefs. Her choices will affect not only her subjects, but her relationship with the marked criminal, Kahira.


$6.99 $5.24

Running with the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Ea Trilogy: Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.


$6.99 $5.24

The Guardian's Destiny

2015 Daily Dose | Never Too Late
$3.99 $2.99

Jarmal has been the Guardian of Scryer’s Well for three decades. Romantic liaisons with the warriors and wizards who come to the Well for mystical insight no longer satisfy a man who has grown old alone. His forty-seventh birthday is a hard reminder that he has not yet chosen a successor, and he’s never been granted a vision by the Well he’s spent his life guarding.

Fortunately, Jarmal receives a distraction in the form of the handsome foreign magician Tariq. Though Tariq’s beautiful body stirs Jarmal’s lust, his inexperience and tender affections move Jarmal’s heart. But Tariq is seeking the Well’s guidance as part of a quest to free his homeland from evil, and although Jarmal thinks he’s finally found someone he’d like to spend his life with, he can no more ask Tariq to stay with him than he can leave the Well to be with Tariq. The Well offers him a glimpse of his destiny, but no easy answers.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."


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$6.99 $5.24

Rage: Book One

Rage is a seasoned assassin, and he lives by his own rules. One of them forbids him to kill children, and at sixteen, his new target is definitely too young to die. Instead of breaking her neck, he kidnaps Lucinda of Babylon—and soon finds out the girl has the knack to annoy the hell out of him.

As if taking care of a stubborn girl isn’t enough of a burden, Lucinda’s best friend Keiran joins their escape. And falls in love with Rage. And totally ignores the fact that the man in black, who cannot and will not use magic even to save his own life, does not love him back.

Staying one step ahead of a madman who is desperate to end their lives, Rage and his unwilling companions travel to the Forbidden Monastery, a place where horrible magical experiments once took place. There are ghosts screaming for their blood and dangerous, wild magic is always ready to strike. At the end of the day, two people are dead, and Rage realizes with bitter clarity that his heart can break just as easily as it did when he was young.


$6.99 $5.24


2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

When Teyth was but a child, a cruel prince took over his village, building a great granite tower to rule over the folk. Greedy and capricious, the man will be the bane of Teyth’s existence as an adult, but as a boy, Teyth is too busy escaping his stepfather to worry about his ruler.

Sold into apprenticeship to the local blacksmith, Teyth finds that what was meant as a punishment is actually his salvation. Cairsten, the smith, and Diarmuid, his adopted son, are kind, and the smithy is the prosperous heart of a thriving village. As Teyth grows in the craft of metalwork, he also grows in love for Diarmuid, the gentle, clever young man who introduces him to smithing.

Their prince wants Diarmuid too. As the tyrant inflicts loss upon loss on Teyth and Diarmuid, Teyth's passion for his craft twists into obsession. By the time Teyth resurfaces from his quest to create immortality, he’s nearly lost the love that makes being human worth the pain. Teyth was born to sculpt his emotion into metal, and Diarmuid was born to lead. Together, can they keep their village safe and sustain the love that will make them immortal?


$6.99 $5.24

Kiss of Death

Alchemists and Elementals | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Alchemists and Elementals: Book Three

Before Headmaster Oberon Bertolini stands the lover he lost seventeen years ago: Hazrael, the most powerful etherealthant to ever live. Abducted and presumed dead, Hazrael has no memory of his time with the necromancers or the atrocities he was forced to inflict on humanity while under their control. Torn between his memories of the man Hazrael used to be and the one with blood on his hands, Oberon tries to offer the support Hazrael needs to heal and regain his life.

The only evidence Hazrael has of seventeen lost years are the necromantic carvings decorating his body and the chasm between those he thought were his friends and himself. Hazrael attempts to make amends for deeds performed without his consent, but as he heals, odd powers manifest. A visit from the Hierophant, a religious seer, warns Hazrael that the marks he bears are the Kiss of Death, a way for the necromancers to track him. He knows he must sacrifice himself to save those he loves. If he can’t help defeat the necromancers and gain vengeance for their crimes, he will never find redemption or win the future he and Oberon had planned.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Sheyn, a headstrong young aristocrat, disobeys his parents and travels to the far east, he passes through Kandaar, an isolated country of strange customs. He is abducted, transformed by a mysterious ritual, and sold to a barbarian king as a pleasure slave. When the king is killed by Kashyan the Bastard, dispossessed prince of Clan Savaan, Sheyn becomes Kashyan’s possession.

The Bastard expects Sheyn—now called Pearl—to behave as an obedient pleasure slave, but compliance is not in Sheyn’s nature. Nor does Sheyn's ordeal stop at being held captive by people he considers savages. The Red Temple covets Sheyn as a living gateway to the demon realm and plans to use him to summon the God of Death.

Kashyan loathes Sheyn, and Sheyn despises Kashyan, but when the Red Temple kidnaps Sheyn, honor compels Kashyan to rescue his slave, and he starts a war in the process. If they hope to stop the Red Monks from bringing hell to earth, Sheyn will have to accept Kashyan is more than an uncivilized brute, and Kashyan will have to admit there’s more to his Pearl than a pretty, arrogant exterior.


$6.99 $5.24

Life Beyond the Temple

The Fires of Destiny | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Fires of Destiny: Book One

Casey Kelley, a powerful young mage, has spent her whole life inside the walls of the Temple. The day she leaves to venture into the real world, the Old Ones task her with killing a dangerous necromancer who is gaining strength. She is joined by knight protector Regan Cartmell. Society may despise mages, but Regan never did, and she has sworn to protect Casey, even at the price of her own life.

Pickpocket Cameron is a mage whose father escaped the Temple, choosing to raise her in secret. After her parents were killed, she was forced to live on the streets, gaining a deep distrust for mages. She wants nothing to do with the Temple or magic of any kind.

The three friends must put aside their differences and defeat the growing evil before it spreads.


$6.99 $5.24