Fantasy Romance books


Familiar Angel

Familiar Love | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Love: Book One

One hundred and forty years ago, Harry, Edward, and Francis met an angel, a demon, and a sorceress while escaping imprisonment and worse! They emerged with a new family—and shapeshifting powers beyond their wildest dreams. 

Now Harry and his brothers use their sorcery to rescue those enslaved in human trafficking—but Harry’s not doing so well. Pining for Suriel the angel has driven him to take more and more risks until his family desperately asks Suriel for an intervention. 

In order for Suriel to escape the bindings of heaven, he needs to be sure enough of his love to fight to be with Harry. Back when they first met, Harry was feral and angry, and he didn’t know enough about love for Suriel to justify that risk. Can Suriel trust in Harry enough now to break his bonds of service for the boy who has loved his Familiar Angel for nearly a century and a half?


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Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 2

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

After a rocky start and some unexpected battles, Teague Sullivan may have found a home at Green’s Hill. With Jack and Katy by his side, he has the chance to achieve a happiness he only dreamed of during his impoverished childhood.

But much of Teague’s happiness depends upon being worthy of serving Green and Lady Cory, two leaders he’d die for and two people who gave him a chance to be a good man. Teague needs to serve them to feel worthy of love, but Jack resents anything that takes Teague away from his lovers, even his duty.

The three of them, Jack, Teague, and Katy, perform a delicate dance with an uncertain crescendo. What's more likely to destroy them? Jack's jealousy, Cory's wrath, or the true enemy, the rival wolf pack with the insane leaders who are trying to take over Green's turf? Teague Sullivan, who never thought much of himself, is suddenly the crux of everything he's ever loved. Can he become the man and alpha wolf his people need? 

For the first time in print: Becoming and Being.


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Finder's Keeper

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Heart's Gate Story

The truth might ruin his dreams—or make them come true.

When Zane moves into an old gothic brownstone, he discovers the house comes equipped with a caretaker—Kit, who lives in the basement. Zane is immediately drawn to the charming and attractive Kit. But Kit is much more than he seems. He is a two-hundred-year-old half-human, half–red-fox spirit who guards a Gate between the mortal and spirit worlds—a fact Zane should recognize, but doesn’t.

Orphaned at a young age, Zane never learned he comes from a long line of mystical Keepers. Kit needs Zane’s help to protect the Gate, but how can he tell Zane of his legacy when that will crush Zane’s dreams of traveling the world? If he takes up the mantle, Zane will be bound to the Gate, unable to leave it. But when Zane realizes Kit’s true nature, and his own, he’ll have to make a choice—fight to protect Kit and the Gate, or deny his destiny and any chance of a future with Kit.


$4.99 $3.74

Green's Hill Werewolves, Vol. 1

Green's Hill
Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess |
$6.99 $5.24

In the world of the Little Goddess

Teague Sullivan and Jack Barnes work in the dangerous gray area between the natural and supernatural worlds, helping people who get separated from the safety of Green’s Hill find their way home. Teague's in the game for redemption—but Jack's in the game for Teague. 

Teague is damaged, haunted, and about the loneliest man Jack has ever met, but Jack sees beyond Teague's scars and gruffness to the kindness and bravery underneath. Teague is pretty sure Jack's a green idealist—a scarred old dog like Teague will never be good enough for a sweet young pup like his Jacky. 

When Jack is injured, the two hunters are sucked into the paranormal world they’ve been defending. Teague must reevaluate everything he's believed about their relationship. While Teague is sorting out his life both with Jacky and as a member of Green's Hill, Katy steps into the mix. She’s loved Teague since she was a child, and that love has only gotten stronger now that they’ve survived into adulthood. Teague Sullivan, who has lived “without” since he was born, is suddenly given all the things that make live worth living “with.” Does Teague have the courage to reach for two lovers and a place on Green's Hill?

For the first time in print: Yearning, Waiting, Reaching, and Changing.


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$5.99 $4.49

There is another world existing alongside the one most see everyday, and although it is a place of magic and wonder, the dangers are very real. 

Aran, an artist, grew up on his grandmother’s tales of the Side-by-Side world. He never expected his knowledge of folklore would aid his boyfriend, Brandon, in an arson investigation, but the snakes that burst into flames when agitated are something he recalls from those childhood stories. 

When Aran vanishes, Brandon knows his time as a state trooper won’t help find him, so he enlists the aid of Aran’s grandmother, Ruth, and they venture into the Side-by-Side world. 

But Aran has no memory of his life prior to crossing between worlds, and he’s enjoying the company of his handsome new companion, Ren. Even if Brandon and Ruth reach him, convincing him to return to his former home won’t be easy. In a contemporary fairy-tale adventure set among forests and trails, Aran must choose between a mystical fantasy world and the man he loves.


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$6.99 $5.24

Welcome to Dim Sum Asylum: a San Francisco where it’s a ho-hum kind of case when a cop has to chase down an enchanted two-foot-tall shrine god statue with an impressive Fu Manchu mustache that's running around Chinatown, trolling sex magic and chaos in its wake.

Senior Inspector Roku MacCormick of the Chinatown Arcane Crimes Division faces a pile of challenges far beyond his human-faerie heritage, snarling dragons guarding C-Town’s multiple gates, and exploding noodle factories. After a case goes sideways, Roku is saddled with Trent Leonard, a new partner he can’t trust, to add to the crime syndicate family he doesn’t want and a spell-casting serial killer he desperately needs to find.

While Roku would rather stay home with Bob the Cat and whiskey himself to sleep, he puts on his badge and gun every day, determined to serve and protect the city he loves. When Chinatown’s dark mystical underworld makes his life hell and the case turns deadly, Trent guards Roku’s back and, if Trent can be believed, his heart... even if from what Roku can see, Trent is as dangerous as the monsters and criminals they’re sworn to bring down.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur et avenir

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $5.24

Le Clan des Panthères, numéro hors série

Jin Church est de retour là où tout a commencé, seul, errant et incertain quant au chemin à suivre. Ce n’est pas guidé par un choix, mais par les circonstances. Il se souvient être une panthère… mais pas grand-chose d’autre. Il n’est sûr que d’une chose : il doit retrouver le bel homme blond qui hante ses rêves. 

Logan Church est piégé dans un véritable enfer. Son compagnon a disparu, sa tribu tombe en morceaux et il s’est éloigné du fils qu’il aime de tout son cœur. Son monde déraille sans son âme sœur à ses côtés et il n’a personne à blâmer à part lui-même. 

Si Jin parvient à retrouver la mémoire et Logan à surmonter les menaces envers son commandement, alors, peut-être, pourront-ils reprendre le cours de leur vie. La question est : est-ce vraiment ce qu’ils veulent ? Retrouver la même maison, la même tribu, les mêmes problèmes ? Ils peuvent choisir parmi les différentes routes qui mènent à leur avenir… ou se forger leur propre chemin.


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$4.99 $3.74

The sea is full of jealously guarded secrets, but everything washes up eventually….

Betrayed by a trusted partner, Nathan figures he might as well be lost and heartbroken in the sunshine, and he heads to the coast of South Carolina, to stay with a friend and find a new direction for his life. But despite his efforts, he is lost in the fog, unable to find a guiding light and sometimes unable to find a reason to go on. His only respite from depression and anxiety is the soothing rhythm of the tides and the comfort he draws from proximity to the water.

When the sea sends a lifeline in the form of a strange and beautiful man, it’s easy for Nathan to ignore all the things that don’t add up about his new friend. But the tides can turn without notice, and it’s those mystical traits that will either finally lead Nathan safely to shore or drown him in confusion and despair.


$4.99 $3.74

Les braises sous la cendre

Les contes de Pennymaker
$5.99 $4.49

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Mark Sintorella (surnommé Cendres) travaille sans relâche en tant que valet dans un hôtel de luxe le jour, et dessine des vêtements la nuit, dans l’espoir secret de réussir un jour à entrer en école de mode. Mais tous ses plans tombent à l’eau le jour où il rencontre Ashton Armitage, fils de la cinquième plus grosse fortune des États-Unis. Le Prince Ashton est sans conteste le jeune homme le plus séduisant que Mark ait jamais vu de sa vie.

Le testament du grand-père d’Ashton le contraint à se marier s’il veut toucher l’héritage familial, aussi décide-t-il d’épouser Kiki Fanderel. Ce que personne ne sait, c’est qu’en réalité, Ash est gay, et c’est le garçon qui nettoie les cheminées qui fait battre son cœur.

Pour compliquer encore la situation, l’étrange Carstairs Pennymaker, petit homme espiègle et facétieux, découvre que Mark est styliste et décide de lui faire porter ses créations en le faisant passer pour une femme, espérant ainsi impressionner les gourous de la mode qui séjournent à l’hôtel. Et lorsque sonnent les douze coups de minuit, le prince se retrouve confronté non pas à une, mais deux princesses. Seulement l’une d’entre elles n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être. À qui la chaussure ira-t-elle ? Seul le mystérieux Monsieur Pennymaker le sait…


$5.99 $4.49

Uno scheletro sepolto

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un buono scheletro
Serie Scheletri, Libro 2

Non esiste un manuale per i lupi mannari, e nemmeno una guida per due uomini che si imbarcano in una storia d’amore. 

Sono passate alcune settimane da quando l’architetto Dylan Warner ha confessato al tuttofare Chris Nock di essere un mutaforma e lo ha salvato da Andy, il folle lupo mannaro responsabile della sua licantropia. Dylan e Chris si stanno ora dedicando sia a ristrutturare la casa di Dylan, sia a rafforzare le fondamenta del loro rapporto. Provengono da percorsi di vita molto diversi e nessuno dei due ha mai avuto una relazione importante. Riuscire a far funzionare la loro unione è già abbastanza difficile, anche volendo sorvolare su quel che succede a Dylan a ogni luna piena. 

A complicare la situazione, un fantasma infesta la casa di Dylan e nelle vite della nuova coppia riaffiorano scheletri che credevano sepolti. Dylan deve fronteggiare le conseguenze dell’uccisione di Andy e Chris continua a soffrire degli strascichi di un’infanzia difficile. 

Nel tentativo di sbarazzarsi del fantasma, Dylan riallaccia vecchie amicizie e si espone a nuovi pericoli. Intanto, il padre di Chris ricompare inaspettatamente nella sua vita, facendo riaffiorare emozioni sopite. Se Dylan e Chris vorranno costruire una relazione duratura, dovranno trovare la determinazione per affrontare ogni sfida.


$6.99 $5.24


Order of the Black Knights
$6.99 $5.24

Order of the Black Knights

Gabriel Ingram is running from his past. It’s common knowledge at the college where he teaches that he’s a former CIA technical analyst, but no one knows the things he really did—or about the rage and bloodlust that are his constant companions. He’s holding on to his normal life with both hands, but he knows someday he’ll lose his grip.

Lucas Craig is a social worker studying to become a family therapist. For reasons Lucas can’t understand, the normally reclusive Professor Ingram takes an interest in him, and Lucas secretly hopes their friendship might become more.

Then Eric, Lucas’s roommate, disappears. Lucas is frantic. The police are no help. With nowhere else to turn, Lucas begs Gabriel for his expertise.

What starts as a simple errand to help a friend becomes a journey into a violent world of gangs and human trafficking—one that will bring Gabriel face-to-face with the forces intent on stealing his soul. But Lucas might be the one who can save him—if Gabriel can get them out alive.


$6.99 $5.24

Une chienne de vie

Un hiver de loup
$6.99 $5.24

Un hiver de loup, numéro hors série

Le monde s’achève non pas dans une explosion, mais dans un déluge. Des tornades ravagent le cœur de Londres, une chaleur étouffante fait fondre le bitume à New York et des couches de permafrost de plus en plus épaisses paralysent la Russie. Au début, les hommes se mobilisent, organisent des co-voiturages et évacuent les populations, mais le temps ne fait qu’empirer.

À Durham, Danny Fennick, un professeur affable, s’est calfeutré chez lui en attendant que la tempête passe. Élevé dans les Highlands d’Écosse, il a connu des hivers plus rigoureux. Et surtout, il possède un avantage : c’est un loup-garou. Ou, plus exactement, un chien-garou. Moins impressionnant, mais tout aussi pratique.

Néanmoins, les loups-garous n’y voient pas qu’un simple hiver et franchissent le Mur du Nord pour marquer leur nouveau territoire. Parmi eux, son ex, Jack, fils du Numitor de la meute et prince héritier, et son frère, qui rêve de fratricide.

Un hiver de loup n’est pas blanc. Il est rouge comme le sang.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Welcome to the Valley, a liminal landscape that lies somewhere in the fringes of the world; a place with such secret magic that only the very observant can see it. Into this world comes the Lone family. To them, the magic of the Valley is not at first apparent, at least not to all. But the youngest son Lucifer is the most open to the river’s pulse. He converses with the trees and an angel named Azrael, all the while being taught by the midwife Mother True to hone his talents. Meanwhile, Lucifer’s older brother Uriel rejects the valley altogether and, with the help of his lover—a raft boy named Roman—flees the place only to be caught up in the corrupt big city world of a madame named Ute Dragal. 

And so begins a tale of wonder and danger, filled with a cast of characters ranging from the strong to the stoic to the sinister, in a place where a dark power awaits them all. 

Venture again to the Valley in this prequel to Eric Arvin’s acclaimed epic The Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, August 2013.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Three hundred souls. That is all.

The entire world, all of human existence, comes to three hundred souls born and reborn again. No more and no less. Countless billions of people share these souls, each individual with a slight piece or sliver of grace. But when gods corrupt and upset the most delicate of balances, a hero must come forth to lead people toward a brighter day and a better life.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Azrael and the Light Bringer

Minerva True is a River Dweller and mystic who lives deep in the forested hills of a river valley on the fringes of the world. She is the only person who sees the ancient danger that resides on a nearby chapel grounds. Most pay little heed to her warnings, and in the end only a small band of friends stand beside her. A tale of love and duty ensues, challenging the destinies of Minerva, the young hero Leith, his lover Aubrey, and the mute boy, Deverell. Leith’s half-crazed mother Calpurnia has her own aspirations, however, that prove detrimental not only to Minerva, but to everyone she comes in contact with.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, April 2013.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Magical realism meets coming of age as four Verona College students are thrown together by choice as well as circumstance. When their lives and loves are threatened by blackmail and violence, they respond by using all the means at their disposal—including some they aren’t even aware they possess. But will that be enough to prevent tragedy or even death? 

Eric Arvin’s first novel is once again available, ready to set your heart racing and your mind reeling.

3rd Edition
First Edition published by, Incorporated, 2006. Second Edition published by Wilde City Press, June 2016.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

My name’s Charlie. I’m many things, though none of them having to do with any real talent. I’m a runaway, a hustler when I need to be, a ghost when I have to scare hoodlums away from my home, and a loner who maybe reads too much. But most of all, I’m the keeper of the carnival. That’s how I see myself. I look after the place ’cause even dying things need to be cared for. Maybe it’s illegal. Maybe that rusty metal fence around the carnival is supposed to keep me out too. Or maybe me and this place were meant to find each other. Truth is, I never felt at home anywhere but here, not even in all the foster families and orphanages I was placed in as a young shit. They don’t look for me no more, those places. I suspect I ran away so much they finally just said, “Fuck! Let him go.” I am a hangnail on society’s manicured middle finger. I’m older. One year past the age anyone gives a shit. 

And this is my adventure…

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, October 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

Cœur destiné

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $5.24

Dans  la ville secrète de Sobek, Domin Thorne se fait une place en tant que semel-aten nouvellement choisi, leader du monde des panthères. Il aspire à faire des changements radicaux – il se fixe des buts, autant pour lui que pour ceux qu’il choisit d’emmener avec lui, modelant son règne sur celui de son ami, Logan Church. Mais Domin s’est peut-être fixé un objectif trop dur à atteindre : ses qualités de meneur ne fonctionnent pas. 

Jonglant entre un Crane qui a le mal du pays, un Mikhail de mauvaise humeur, un Taj brandissant son fouet, des domestiques aux intentions meurtrières, un ex qui lui rend visite et un compagnon parti pour une dangereuse mission de conciliation, Domin va devoir comprendre son nouveau rôle seul. Il doit aussi trouver comment gérer une conspiration, tout en tombant éperdument amoureux d’un homme qui, pour la première fois de sa vie, partage ses sentiments. Qu’il soit prêt ou non, le Destin intervient pour lui apprendre une leçon : les menaces internes sont tout aussi dangereuses que les externes.


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