Gay books


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Un posto | Libro 2
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Serie Un posto: Libro 2

Quando Seth Wilder e Bryce McFarland tornano a Chicago dopo la loro crociera nel Regno Unito, sono ormai quasi innamorati e decidono di andare a vivere insieme per capire se i loro sentimenti possano sopravvivere al mondo reale.

A Seth viene comunicato che sul corpo del defunto marito è stata eseguita un’autopsia, obbligatoria nei casi di suicidio, e che il medico legale ha fatto delle scoperte inquietanti che gettano dei dubbi sulla reale causa della morte.

La clausola sul suicidio contenuta nell’assicurazione della vita del marito prevede che gli venga negato il risarcimento, ma alla luce delle nuove scoperte, l’avvocato gli consiglia di fare ricorso. L’investigatore della compagnia di assicurazioni si rivela essere lo stesso uomo che venticinque anni prima ha spezzato il cuore di Bryce. L’uomo sta attraversando un periodo difficile, e quando si rende conto di tutto il successo ottenuto dal suo ex – e dell’enorme somma di cui Seth potrebbe entrare in possesso – decide di provare ad accaparrarsi una fetta della torta, mettendo a dura prova la relazione tra Bryce e Seth.


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Kilt versus cravate à motifs

Histoires de tissus
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de tissus, numéro hors série

Quand sa vie s’est effondrée deux ans plus tôt, Will Dawson a pris un nouveau départ en Floride. Son travail au service informatique d’Idyll Fling, un studio de films pornos gays, est idéal pour lui. Lorsque son patron l’oblige à accueillir un nouvel employé, il ne s’attend clairement pas à voir apparaître Dallas Greene, l’homme à cause duquel il a perdu son travail et son compagnon, quand il était encore dans le Connecticut. Il ne sait pas quelles sont les intentions de Dallas, mais il ne se laissera pas duper par un loup caché sous un physique de mannequin. Pas une deuxième fois.

Même si Dallas a accepté avec empressement l’aide de son frère pour lui obtenir un travail, ses compétences sont réellement utiles pour Idyll Fling. Travailler avec Will est un plus, puisque Dallas n’a jamais pu l’oublier. Une bonne relation de travail, ce serait déjà un début, mais Dallas en veut davantage.

Cependant, Dallas ne sait pas combien Will se montre méfiant à son égard, et celui-ci ignore que l’homme pour lequel il se sent déchiré entre amour et haine est en réalité le frère de son patron. Lorsque toutes les vérités éclatent, une question se pose à eux : comment une relation construite sur des mensonges peut-elle perdurer ?


$6.99 $5.24

Mischief Maker

Animal Lark | Book 1
Perchance to Dream
$6.99 $5.24

An Animal Lark Novel

What to expect when your pet rat is expecting, or how to fall in love at a pet show.

Jamie Hewett rescues and breeds prize-winning fancy rats. While he’s surrounded by supportive, animal-loving friends, his ex-boyfriend has never been one of them. One embarrassing breakup later, he definitely isn’t looking for love again, but perhaps a rebound relationship might ease his broken heart.

Liam Donnelly’s quirky dating life is the subject of a popular vlog, and his viewers have interesting ideas on where he might find romance. When they suggest he take Mabel, his new rat, to a pet show, he’s up for the adventure.

Although they can’t deny their growing interest in each other, neither Jamie nor Liam believes in love at first sight. They’ve both had bad luck with men, and Jamie isn’t pleased that Liam makes a living as a serial dater. On top of that, others are conspiring to keep them apart, and Jamie is left holding the baby—or twenty-plus babies—when their fur children have no trouble making a connection. Will a YouTube ukulele serenade convince Liam that Jamie’s love for him—and their unborn rat children—is for real?


$6.99 $5.24

Paint It Black

Beneath the Stain
$6.99 $5.24

A Beneath the Stain Novel

Everybody thinks Mackey Sanders’s Outbreak Monkey is the last coming of Rock ’n’ Roll Jesus, but Cheever Sanders can’t wait to make a name for himself where nobody expects him to fill his famous brothers’ shoes. He’s tired of living in their shadow.

Blake Manning has been one of Outbreak Monkey’s lead guitarists for ten years. He got this gig on luck and love, not talent. So hearing that Cheever is blowing through Outbreak Monkey’s hard-earned money in an epic stretch of partying pisses him off.

Blake shows up at Cheever’s nonstop orgy to enforce some rules, but instead of a jaded punk, he finds a lost boy as talented at painting as Mackey is at song-making, and terrified to let anybody see the real him. Childhood abuse and a suicide attempt left Cheever on the edge of survival—a place Blake knows all too well.

Both men have to make peace with being second banana in the public eye. Can they find the magic of coming absolute first with each other?


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Fische auf dem Trockenen

Fische auf dem Trockenen | Buch Eins
$6.99 $5.24

Fische auf dem Trockenen: Buch Eins

Privatdetektiv Jackson Rivers wuchs auf den rauen Straßen von Del Paso Heights auf und traut Polizisten nicht – obwohl er einer war. Als der Mann, den er als seinen Bruder betrachtet, des Mordes an einem Polizisten beschuldigt wird, bei dem es eindeutig nicht mit rechten Dingen zuging, setzt er Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung, um Kaden und seiner Familie zu helfen.

Strafverteidiger Ellery Cramer stammt aus einer reichen Familie, was ihn nicht daran hindert, sich bereits seit sechs Jahren zum straßenerfahrenen, selbstbewussten Detektiv Jackson Rivers hingezogen zu fühlen. Doch als Jackson ihn um Hilfe bei der Verteidigung von Kaden Cameron bittet, ist er bald überfordert – und das nicht nur in Bezug auf den verschlossenen, unwirschen Detektiv. Kaden wurde nicht nur ein Mord angehängt, sondern er wurde ihm von korrupten Polizisten angehängt, wobei die Verschwörung weiter reicht, als Ellery sich vorwagt – und bis in Jacksons unschöne Vergangenheit.

Bald sind beide Männer tief in das Rätsel um den in der Tankstelle ermordeten Polizisten verstrickt und befinden sich in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um Kadens Unschuld zu beweisen. Doch abseits der Ermittlungen und der fliegenden Kugeln müssen sie mit persönlichen Komplikationen umgehen … und einer gegenseitigen Anziehungskraft, die außer Kontrolle geraten ist.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Can two teens with everything stacked against them find love and happiness when doing the right thing leads to persecution?

Held captive and sexually abused by a sadistic criminal, Joey rescued a younger boy when he got his chance to escape. But instead of being applauded for his bravery, he’s accused of hurting the boy and sees firsthand how unfair the system can be to someone young, poor, and black. He flees to an abandoned house, renames himself Alan, and shares his new life with Desi, another homeless youth.

Desi is deeply attracted to Alan, and Alan feels the same, even if his past has tainted those feelings. While trying to let go of his past, Alan discovers that Desi isn’t free, chased by the older teen who’s been pimping him out. Alan intends to change that, but doing the right thing and confronting Desi’s pimp may put Alan on the wrong side of the law once again. 


$6.99 $5.24

Heart Unbroken

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $5.24

A Hearts Entwined Novel

Car restorer Dean Milford knows how to make damaged things beautiful again. Only, after a bad breakup, he loses sight of who he is, playing the field and distracting himself with any man he comes across. But now there’s only one guy who really matters to him. And maybe with his latest restoration job—a vintage Cobra—he’ll get the chance to let him know.

Losing his sight wasn’t the worst thing to happen to Lee Studer—losing his independence was. It’s taken a while, but he’s finally found his place in the world—in a garage. Funny enough, his acute hearing allows him to pinpoint engine problems just by listening. And even better, he’s going to have a chance to help his long-time crush, Dean, rebuild his fantasy car.

As the restoration comes together, so do Lee and Dean, building a friendship that quickly turns into so much more. But before they can think about a future together, they have to deal with the past. Only that turns out to be more dangerous than either one ever dreamed….


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$4.99 $3.74

Can the trusted town handyman rebuild a broken pianist’s heart?

When a freak accident ends Aiden’s career as a world-renowned classical pianist, he retreats to his New Hampshire hometown, where he finds the boy he liked growing up is even more appealing as a man.

Dean Cooper’s life as handyman to the people of Springhaven might not be glamorous, but he’s well-liked and happy. When Aiden drifts back into town, Dean is surprised to find the bond between them as strong as ever. But Aiden is distraught over the loss of his career and determined to get back on the international stage.

Seventeen years ago Dean made a sacrifice and let Aiden walk away. Now, with their romance rekindling, he knows he'll have to make the sacrifice all over again. This time it may be more than he can bear.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

L’avvocato divorzista Clayton Reynolds è un cinico felice che crede nel duro lavoro e nelle avventure di una notte. Crede anche che essere un ottimo avvocato significhi non dover mai più tornare al miserabile parcheggio per roulotte in cui è cresciuto e che fare volontariato in un rifugio per donne maltrattate serva a placare la sua coscienza che, di tanto in tanto, viene a tormentarlo. Così, quando Nadine Graham arriva con un braccio rotto e un figlio che desidera disperatamente proteggere, Clayton non può rifiutare la sua richiesta di aiuto.

Accettare il caso significa rivolgersi all’investigatore Chiamami-Kelly-e-basta. Il che non sarebbe tanto male, se Kelly non fosse un inguaribile romantico… nonché l’uomo più sexy che lui abbia mai incontrato.

Kelly ha sempre avuto una cotta per l’inarrivabile Clayton Reynolds e acconsente ad aiutarlo, anche se è già parecchio impegnato ad accudire il figlio del fratello rimasto vedovo.

Quando il caso di Nadine si fa pericoloso, i due uomini, all’apparenza agli antipodi, sono costretti a collaborare, scoprendo così di avere moltissime cose in comune… ma risolvere il caso e salvare la vita di Nadine potrebbe costare caro a Kelly. 


$6.99 $5.24

A Beautiful Disaster

Geek Life | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Geek Life: Book Three

When best friends Brenden and Dakota launch the biggest comics and pop-culture convention of their careers, they finally realize what everyone around them already knows: they’ve been in love for years.

Now what are they going to do about it?

Meticulously organized Brenden Wade and easygoing Dakota Nye turned their love of geek culture into a business, running conventions all over the Chesapeake Bay area. Now the weight of their pasts is threatening not only their friendship but their dream. Brenden fears losing his foster family when his secrets come out, and though the last thing Dakota wants is to hurt his plus one, he doesn’t know if he’s capable of settling down.

One night of passion challenges both men’s preconceptions and forces them to evaluate what they want from the future. They’re both scared, and though they’ve always been able to figure out anything together, hearts are on the line. Will taking a chance on romance lead to a beautiful disaster, or just a disaster?


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$6.99 $5.24

An Aster Story

Noah Hitchens loves the New York City life he worked hard to build. But when his father dies and leaves him a bankrupt bookstore in their sleepy Georgia hometown, Noah knows he has to save it. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know anything about business. He finds unlikely help in Henry, the man who owned Stardust Books before his 1966 murder, and Kyle St. James, a shy but kind-hearted out-of-towner with a past almost as mysterious as Henry's.

Kyle came to Aster, Georgia, looking for redemption. On the run and out of hope, he’s just trying to get on with his life. Then he meets Noah, a ghost, and a big sloppy lab named Jake who redefine his idea of living. But his past is closing in, and when it finds him, they could lose everything.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Geschäfte kann man planen, Liebe passiert ... 

Thomas Stepford hat über Jahre eine sehr erfolgreiche Firma aufgebaut. Jetzt, mit neununddreißig, wünscht er sich ein ruhigeres Leben. Als seine Eltern Hilfe brauchen, kehrt er zurück nach Hause. Weil er seine Geschäfte nicht einfach so an den Nagel hängen kann, wird ein Assistent für ihn eingestellt. Brandon macht sein Leben leichter, aber auch erst richtig kompliziert ...

Brandon Wilson kommt frisch vom College und braucht einen Job. Seine Mutter besorgt ihm eine Stelle – als Assistent bei Mr Stepford. Thomas scheint sich nicht daran zu erinnern, aber Brandon hat schon einmal für den umwerfend attraktiven, älteren Mann gearbeitet: Vor Jahren hat er bei Thomas den Rasen gemäht. Thomas war Brandons Jugendschwarm. Und jetzt ist er Brandons Boss.

Thomas und Brandon sind beide entschlossen, ihre Beziehung rein geschäftlich zu halten. Sie lernen, miteinander zu arbeiten, selbst als das Knistern zwischen ihnen immer stärker wird. Als ihre Leidenschaft füreinander schließlich zum Siedepunkt kommt und sie gerade soweit sind, ihren Gefühlen nachzugeben, wird Thomas von seinem alten Leben eingeholt. Er muss zurück nach New York. Und dann erfüllt sich für Brandon ein Traum: Er bekommt ein Angebot aus Hollywood.

Hat ihre neugefundene Liebe noch eine Chance?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Can a sexy rock star show a relationship-phobic ice skater that there’s more to life than gold medals?  

When ice-skating’s bad boy Blaze first glimpses Drake, every fantasy he’s ever had flares to life. Not only is rock star Drake sexy as sin, his songs awaken a longing in Blaze that he’s denied for years. But Blaze Parker doesn’t believe in relationships—at least not those that last more than twenty minutes. 

Drake Keys has dreamed about the sensual ice skater for years. When Drake is kicked out of his band because of his bisexuality, he drives across the country to finally see the man he’s had a crush on skate live.   

Though the attraction is instant and intense, both Blaze and Drake have baggage that puts any relationship on thin ice. Blaze is driven by a long-ago betrayal to prove himself a champion, and Drake, uncertain about the future, hopes to resurrect his music career. As they take a road trip together, Drake romances Blaze, hoping to melt his heart and show him that love is possible… but not without some tough decisions.


$6.99 $5.24

Absolute Heart

Infernal Instruments of the Dragon
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Infernal Instruments of the Dragon

As the British Empire builds power based on new clockwork and steam technology, Ireland draws its might from its potent magical traditions. Only two boys with little in common can end the fighting between the two nations and prevent a terrible worldwide war.

Gavin Haveland’s dreams are in the sky with the airships, while his reality as a High Councilman’s son means hiding secrets that will get him executed if revealed.

Orion of Oberon is not just a powerful mage, he’s the nephew of the Irish queen, and the one she’s sent him on a quest for the ancient Dragon Stones that will bolster her fading power. In the process, he might restore his family to their rightful place in society.

With enemies determined to stop them by any means necessary and war or peace hinging on their success, Gavin and Orion must find a way to work together, despite the centuries of mistrust between their nations.


$6.99 $5.24

Take Down

Texas Heroes
$6.99 $5.24

A Texas Heroes Novel

Attraction sizzles when Danny Jones sets eyes on Deputy Jake Perez, despite meeting over the discovery of a mutilated corpse. But being with Jake could cost Danny his family, and being with Danny could cost Jake the very thing that brought him to Everness, Texas—revenge against the man who killed his brother. How much will Jake sacrifice to take down a psychotic criminal and finally see justice served?

After college, Danny thrived as a gay man in Houston. But when his mom’s cancer brings him back to small, conservative Everness, he must go back into the closet or risk the wrath of his abusive father—a choice made even harder when Danny starts to see a future for him and Jake.

As the body count rises and Danny becomes a target, Jake is caught between his vengeance and protecting the man he loves. He never wanted to end up in a backward town like Everness, but Danny is the best thing that ever happened to him. Jake needs to keep Danny safe as his secrets catch up to them—especially when the threat might be closer to home than they imagined.


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$6.99 $5.24

Der Scheidungsanwalt Clayton Reynolds ist ein überzeugter Zyniker, der an harte Arbeit und One-Night-Stands glaubt. Außerdem ist er der Meinung, dass er als exzellenter Anwalt nie mehr nach Hause – in die elende Wohnwagensiedlung, in der er aufgewachsen ist – zurückkehren muss. Mit ehrenamtlicher Arbeit für ein Frauenhaus versucht er das schlechte Gewissen zu beruhigen, das ihn gelegentlich plagt. Als Nadine Graham mit einem gebrochenen Arm und einem Sohn erscheint, den sie verzweifelt beschützen will, kann Clayton ihre Bitte um Hilfe daher nicht abschlagen.

Die Annahme des Falls bedeutet jedoch auch, den Ermittlungsbeamten „nennt mich einfach nur Kelly“ um Unterstützung bitten zu müssen. Das wäre gar nicht so schlimm, wenn Kelly nicht ein hoffnungsloser Romantiker wäre und außerdem der heißeste Mann, dem Clayton je begegnet ist.

Kelly hat immer schon für den unerreichbaren Clayton Reynolds geschwärmt. Er willigt ein, zu helfen, obwohl er mit dem mutterlosen Baby, das sein verwitweter Bruder bei ihm gelassen hat, eigentlich schon genug um die Ohren hat.

Als Nadines Fall eine gefährliche Wendung nimmt und die zwei scheinbar gegensätzlichen Männer zur Zusammenarbeit gezwungen werden, entdecken sie, dass sie sehr viel gemeinsam haben. Die Lösung des Falls und die Rettung von Nadines Leben könnten Kelly jedoch alles kosten.


$6.99 $5.24

Warm Heart

Search and Rescue | Book One
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Search and Rescue: Book One

Survive the adventure. Live to love.

Following a family emergency, snowboarder Tevyn Moore and financier Mallory Armstrong leave Donner Pass in a blizzard… and barely survive the helicopter crash that follows. Stranded with few supplies and no shelter, Tevyn and Mallory—and their injured pilot—are forced to rely on each other.

The mountain leaves no room for evasion, and Tevyn and Mal must confront the feelings that have been brewing between them for the past five years. Mallory has seen Tevyn through injury and victory. Can Tevyn see that Mallory’s love is real?

Mallory’s job is risk assessment. Tevyn’s job is full-on risk. But to stay alive, Mallory needs to take some gambles and Tevyn needs to have faith in someone besides himself. Can the bond they discover on the mountain see them to rescue and beyond?


$4.99 $3.74

Purple Method

Purple Method
$6.99 $5.24

Purple Method

An up-and-coming heavy metal singer and a martial artist whose shot at the title is slipping away must decide how hard they’re willing to fight—for their dreams and each other. 

Max Diaz is firmly in the closet, and as unbearable as that’s becoming, he can’t risk his only remaining family—his brother, Tony—or his band Purple Method’s chance to make it big. 

Rick Bernstein dreams of rising in the ranks of the MMA circuit and securing a training career at a top gym, but with rejections coming thick and fast and his financial future in dire jeopardy, starting a relationship is the last thing on his mind—especially with someone who isn’t out. 

But when Purple Method returns to Elfinbrook after a six-month tour, one kiss changes everything. Now Max and Rick face decisions that will change both of their lives forever.


$6.99 $5.24