Gay books


A new life in New Orleans is all Jason Thorpe had hoped: his quaint little store attracts a devoted staff and his warm, loving heart grants him a loyal circle of friends. He's perfectly content, having left behind the chill of a confusing and danger-filled night in Washington, until he discovers something unbelievable lurking in the steamy darkness of the shadowy streets of the Vieux Carré, something that turns out to be terrifying... and utterly mesmerizing.

The prince of the vampyrs, Varic Maedoc, is visiting New Orleans when he finds out the man who once helped his counselor is there in the Quarter. He thinks to simply meet and thank Jason—until he lays eyes on him. Varic’s devoted himself to protect the honor of his race, and he's never wanted a mate before... but he immediately knows he must have this man, and no one else will do.

Varic may want to bring Jason safely into his world, but someone who doesn’t like the human's soothing influence on vampyrs has deadly plans that would disrupt Varic's dreams. Now, unable to tell friend from foe, Jason finds himself wondering how to hold on to the prince’s heart when he’s fighting for his life.


Amants et voleurs

Meurtre et complications
$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications, tome 2

Celui qui a prétendu le sang plus épais que l’eau n’a jamais, de toute évidence, eu l’occasion de voir une mare d’hémoglobine. 

En renonçant à sa carrière de cambrioleur spécialisé dans les bijoux, Rook Stevens pensait avoir découvert le moyen infaillible de rester du bon côté de la loi. En principe, le seul policier acharné à le poursuivre aurait dû être son… disons son flic, Dante Montoya, inspecteur de Los Angeles. Malheureusement, la vie n’est pas si simple – celle de Rook en tout cas. D’abord, il tombe sur le cadavre de son cousin, ensuite, il est accusé de son meurtre sous prétexte qu’il… aurait eu une liaison avec la femme du défunt. 

Quant à Dante, sa vie est devenue chaotique depuis qu’il aime un voleur réformé, d’autant plus que Rook semble attirer les ennuis où qu’il passe. Quand Rook est suspecté par un inspecteur de West LA particulièrement étroit d’esprit, Dante doit intervenir pour tirer son amant des problèmes dans lesquels il s’est fourré. 

L’enquête est compliquée et les morts se multiplient. Les deux hommes font front commun, car le temps leur est compté : s’ils ne mettent pas très vite la main sur le tueur, Dante devra rendre visite à Rook en prison – ou au cimetière. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Crispin Henry isn’t an adventurer. He learned early on that the world is a frightening place and that home is rare and precious. If his friends didn’t drag him to sports games and ill-advised trips to Vegas, he wouldn’t get out at all—and his trip to Munich for Oktoberfest is no exception. But it’s there that he meets Luka Gabriel, and he learns to take a chance.

Luka is a free-spirited world traveler, working at Oktoberfest to feed his enchantment with new places and new people. His only possessions fit in his backpack, and he depends on the kindness of strangers for a place to sleep. Crispin should know better—but he takes Luka’s hand anyway, and together they turn three nights in Munich into the relationship neither of them has been brave enough to risk—and neither can let go of.

When Luka turns up on Crispin’s doorstep before the holiday season, Crispin takes him in on hope alone. Yes, he knows the odds are good Luka will flutter out of his life again and leave him bereft, but isn’t it worth it to see if Luka is a homebird after all?


$6.99 $5.24

Notti tranquille

Storie di Mangrove
$3.99 $2.99

Kelly Seaton conduce una bella vita. Ha un’impresa di giardinaggio, una bella casetta e un migliore amico, Cosimo Renaldi, con una famiglia eccentrica che lo ha adottato trattandolo come se fosse uno di loro. Certo, la notte si sente un po’ solo ma è un buon compromesso, e Kelly non può rischiare di rovinare tutto lasciando trasparire di volere di più, di aver sempre voluto di più, da parte di Coz.

Poi il passato di Kelly arriva in città, portando con sé brutti ricordi e sentimenti feriti che iniziano a trascinarlo a fondo, e Coz non capisce perché l’amico non gli permetta di donargli sostegno e forza, come Kelly ha sempre fatto per lui. Hanno già affrontato una guerra, il terribile incidente di Coz e il doversi reinventare una vita a Mangrove, in Florida. Perché non dovrebbero finalmente affrontare i loro trascorsi tormentati per costruire un futuro fatto di notti tranquille… insieme?


$3.99 $2.99

The CEO's Christmas Manny

Beyond the Boardroom
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Beyond the Boardroom

Anything but business as usual. 

Billionaire CEO Nic Price lives for his job. With sales down and grumbling from the board of directors—including Nic’s permanently dissatisfied father—the last thing Nic needs is distraction from the new manny, whose freewheeling approach to childcare is outlandish... and who makes Nic feel things he’s never allowed himself to feel.

Ex-teacher Sasha Lindsey is all about fun—that’s the reason people love him, so he has to be. After a bad break-up leaves him jobless and homeless, the live-in manny job with Mr. Price seems like a windfall. But his chemistry with Nic is off the charts, and he can’t afford another workplace romance disaster.

Can Nic leave his dominance in the bedroom and open his heart to the best thing that’s ever happened to him? Or will Sasha’s leap of faith backfire and ruin his chances at the family happily ever after he’s always dreamed of? 


$4.99 $3.74

A Series of Fates

A Series of Fates

The Series of Fates Anthology

Easter Valley is a place for shifters to thrive, protect each other, and be themselves. It’s also a place for friendships, laughs… and love. From the Alpha, to the shyest of pack members, these mates find their way into each other’s arms in this trio of romantic comedy tales, and while the path to love can be bumpy when fate is involved, the endings are always happy.


Stories include:

Denying Fate

Embracing Fate

Fearing Fate


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


Fearing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Three

He is a fearless protector by nature and in his heart. But nothing’s ever simple with love… or fate. 

At nearly seven feet tall, Zeus’s role had always been to protect the pack—but his newest charges need him more than most. Kimber and Kron are transplants from another pack, and they have a dangerous stranger on their tails. Zeus is determined to do his duty and drive the human out of town. But when he confronts Toren, his wolf has other ideas…. 

Something isn’t right, but should a huge, tattooed wolf with a secret soft heart fear his fate—to love a man with secrets of his own?


$3.99 $2.99

Le feu sous la braise

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Les enjeux sont élevés et la chaleur monte.

Beau Walker, propriétaire du Barbecue Shack, a besoin de l’aide de Jake Parnell, ancien rival dont il est secrètement amoureux, pour une compétition télévisée de barbecue. Beau est un homme fier, mais l’enjeu est de taille, et le sexy et intelligent Jake est son seul espoir, même si sa présence réveille en lui l’attirance contre laquelle il lutte depuis des années. 

Jake a quitté sa ville natale, déterminé à se construire une vie dans un endroit où sa sexualité ne fera pas de tort au restaurant familial – et loin du canon obstiné Beau Walker. À la mort de son frère jumeau, Josh, Jake revient pour soutenir la femme et les enfants de ce dernier. Malgré ses réserves, il accepte d’affronter Beau sur une chaîne de télévision nationale. 

Entre stress et chagrin, fierté et résolution, une seule chose est certaine : la chaleur entre Beau et Jake s’étend bien au-delà de la cuisine. 


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

In matters of the heart, there’s no such thing as business as usual.

Thomas Stepford spent years building a very successful business and now at thirty-nine, he wants a quieter life. With his parents needing help, he decides to return home. He can’t get away from business completely and needs an assistant—but the man who is hired isn’t quite what he had in mind.

Brandon Wilson, the ink on his degree barely dry, needs a job, and his mother helps him get one as Mr. Stepford’s assistant. Thomas doesn’t seem to remember, but Brandon worked mowing the stunningly attractive older man’s lawn years ago. Thomas was Brandon’s teenage fantasy, and now he’s Brandon’s boss.

Thomas and Brandon are both determined to keep their relationship strictly business, but the old attraction is still there. They learn to work together even as the tension between them reaches the boiling point. But just as they start to surrender, Thomas’s old life in New York calls him. Even if he resists that pull, can their newfound relationship survive when Brandon receives the call of his dreams... from Hollywood?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Beurteile ein Buch nie nach seinem Cover ...

Über einsneunzig groß und mit einem trainierten Körper, ist es der Fabrikarbeiter Donavan Gregory gewohnt, dass Menschen ihn für dominant halten. Doch irren sie sich und Donavans Begehren, seine unterwürfige Seite zu erkunden, bleibt unerfüllt. 

Kleiner und älter als Donavan, mag Dr. Seth Manning zwar nicht wie der typische Dom wirken, doch als die beiden sich auf dem Pride kennenlernen, stellt Donavan fest, dass Seth sein perfektes Gegenüber sein könnte. Das Problem ist, dass Donavan kaum Erfahrungen mit der BDSM-Welt hat. Und was könnte ein gelehrter, gut aussehender und selbstbewusster Mann wie Seth schon in ihm sehen? Seth muss ihn überzeugen, dass sie trotz aller offensichtlichen Unterschiede wenigstens in ihren Neigungen bestens zusammenpassen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sometimes the best Christmas gift is knowing what you really want.

Rusty Baker is a rich, entitled, oblivious jock, and he might have stayed that way if he hadn’t become friends with out-and-proud Oliver Campbell from the wrong side of the tracks. When Oliver kisses him goodbye before Rusty leaves for college, Rusty is forced to rethink everything he knows about himself.

But nothing can help Rusty survive a semester at Stanford, and he returns home for Thanksgiving break clinging to the one thing he knows to be true: Oliver is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

Rusty’s parents disagree, and Rusty finds himself homeless for the holidays. But with Oliver’s love and the help of Oliver’s amazing family, Rusty realizes that failing college doesn’t mean he can’t pass real life with flying rainbow colors.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, December 2013.


$6.99 $5.24

The Bobby and Paolo Holiday Stories

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories

The Bobby and Paolo Holiday Stories

The holidays are a magical time for everyone, but they hold special meaning for young lawyer Bobby McGrath and fashion designer Paolo Mascobello. Their whirlwind romance begins one December on the Isle of Capri, where they meet and fall in love, and each holiday season adds a new building block to their life together. Celebrate with Bobby, Paolo, and their colorful friends and family as they marry and start a family. Happily ever after doesn’t always come easy, but with love and the spirit of the season, miracles can happen and Christmas wishes can come true.


Stories included:

A Home for the Holidays

The Perfect Gift

The First Noel


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


The First Noel

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories: Book Three

Each Christmas has marked a milestone in Bobby and Paolo’s love story. But will this year be their last noel?

It’s no surprise Bobby isn’t feeling much holiday spirit—not when he suspects his husband, Paolo, might be interested in his new business associate, the incredibly handsome Noel. On top of that, Bobby’s father is hanging up his Santa suit at the department store due to health issues; and worst of all, Geoffrey’s birth mother, funded by antigay extremists, is threatening their family. She’s trying to take away Bobby and Paolo’s adopted son, but she’ll have to face their supportive friends, family, and pastor before she can tear Geoffrey from the only real home he’s ever known.

With so many challenges in their path, the December grooms will need an extra helping of holiday magic this year. Rumor has it Santa’s on his way to spread some holiday cheer.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Avocats amoureux

Une occasion inattendue se présente pour le timide avocat Kevin Anderson quand il tire le nom du bel avocat Erik Wilson pour l’échange secret de cadeaux de Noël de leur cabinet. Kevin se languit de son ami depuis longtemps, mais il craint de ruiner leur relation de travail si Erik ne lui rend pas ses sentiments. L’anonymat de l’échange lui donnant la chance de lui faire savoir que quelqu’un est intéressé, Kevin transforme donc le cadeau en jeu : douze jours de présents, chacun plus suggestif, se terminant par une rencontre au réveillon – s’il trouve le courage d’aller jusqu’au bout !

Erik est intrigué par son Père Noël secret, qui lui a donné quelque chose à attendre avec impatience jusqu’aux fêtes pour la première fois depuis des années. Mais alors que Noël approche, il se rend compte qu’il ne veut pas d’un homme mystère ; il désire son meilleur ami, Kevin. Lorsque ses tentatives pour commencer quelque chose avec celui-ci échouent, Erik accepte l’invitation à dîner de son admirateur secret. Il est loin de soupçonner que le vilain petit assistant du père Noël est l’homme qui fera de tous ses rêves de Noël une réalité dans une romance qui passe du doux au piquant pour deux avocats sexy.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Avvocati innamorati

Quando pesca il nome dell’aitante collega e amico Erik Wilson e diventa il suo Babbo Natale segreto nell’usuale scambio di regali dello studio in cui lavora, al timido avvocato Kevin Anderson si presenta un’opportunità unica. Kevin ha un debole per Erik da molto, ma teme di rovinare il loro rapporto di amicizia e lavoro se l’altro non dovesse ricambiare i suoi sentimenti. L’anonimato dello scambio gli offre l’occasione di far sapere all’amico che qualcuno è interessato a lui, e Kevin decide di trasformare la sorpresa in qualcosa di più interessante: dodici giorni di regali, ognuno dei quali sempre più provocante, che si concluderanno con un incontro alla vigilia di Natale, se Kevin troverà il coraggio di andare fino in fondo.

Erik è incuriosito dal suo Babbo Natale segreto che, per la prima volta dopo molto tempo, gli offre qualcosa da attendere con impazienza durante le feste. Ma quando Natale si avvicina, si rende conto di non desiderare l’uomo misterioso: Erik vuole il suo migliore amico, Kevin. Quando i suoi tentativi di farlo ingelosire falliscono, Erik accetta l’invito a cena del suo ammiratore segreto. Ancora non sa che l’impertinente aiutante di Babbo Natale potrebbe essere l’uomo che realizzerà tutti i suoi sogni, in una classica storia di amicizia che si trasforma in amore e che da dolce diventa piccante per i due begli avvocati.


$3.99 $2.99

Lover Behind Enemy Lines

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

True mates, together at last.

Claw—fearless leader of Seattle’s Team 32—has faced many dangers during more than a century and a half as a dreamcatcher. Yet nothing has ever scared him more than his obsession with Nathan Gallagher. Tormented by visions and dreams about the man ever since he first laid eyes on him, Claw now has to deal with living under the same roof with the object of his most ardent desires. And Nathan is so much more than a simple crush.

Brother of the caster who’s been plaguing Team 32’s area and less-than-willing houseguest of the team after a strange break-in attempt, Nathan may hold the key to finally apprehending his sister and putting a stop to the havoc she’s wreaking on Queen Anne…. Meanwhile, Nathan’s wreaking some havoc of his own on Claw’s heart.


$4.99 $3.74

Santas unanständiger Helfer

Verliebte Anwälte
$3.99 $2.99

Verliebte Anwälte

Dem schüchternen Anwalt Kevin Anderson bietet sich eine unerwartete Gelegenheit, als er für das Wichteln seines Büros den Namen des attraktiven Prozessanwalts Erik Wilson zieht. Kevin ist schon lange heimlich in seinen Freund verliebt, fürchtet jedoch, ihr kollegiales Verhältnis zu zerstören, falls Erik seine Gefühle nicht erwidert. Durch die Anonymität des Austauschs kann er Erik mitteilen, dass jemand Interesse an ihm hat. Daher lässt Kevin das Geschenk zu einem Spiel werden: zwölf Tage lang Präsente, die von Tag zu Tag anzüglicher werden und in einem Treffen an Heiligabend gipfeln … falls Kevin den Mut findet, es durchzustehen! 

Erik ist von seinem geheimen Weihnachtsmann fasziniert, durch dessen Aktion er sich zum ersten Mal seit Jahren wieder auf die Feiertage freut. Als Weihnachten jedoch immer näher rückt, wird ihm bewusst, dass er keinen geheimnisvollen Mann, sondern seinen besten Freund Kevin will. Seine Versuche, die Sache mit Kevin ins Rollen zu bringen, schlagen jedoch fehl und so akzeptiert er die Einladung seines geheimen Verehrers.

Er ahnt nicht, dass Santas unanständiger Helfer vielleicht genau der richtige Mann ist, der all seine Weihnachtswünsche wahr werden lässt. Eine Feiertagsromanze, in der Freunde zu Liebenden werden und die sich für zwei sexy Anwälte von süß zu heiß entwickelt.


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