Gay books


Uno scheletro sepolto

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Un buono scheletro
Serie Scheletri, Libro 2

Non esiste un manuale per i lupi mannari, e nemmeno una guida per due uomini che si imbarcano in una storia d’amore. 

Sono passate alcune settimane da quando l’architetto Dylan Warner ha confessato al tuttofare Chris Nock di essere un mutaforma e lo ha salvato da Andy, il folle lupo mannaro responsabile della sua licantropia. Dylan e Chris si stanno ora dedicando sia a ristrutturare la casa di Dylan, sia a rafforzare le fondamenta del loro rapporto. Provengono da percorsi di vita molto diversi e nessuno dei due ha mai avuto una relazione importante. Riuscire a far funzionare la loro unione è già abbastanza difficile, anche volendo sorvolare su quel che succede a Dylan a ogni luna piena. 

A complicare la situazione, un fantasma infesta la casa di Dylan e nelle vite della nuova coppia riaffiorano scheletri che credevano sepolti. Dylan deve fronteggiare le conseguenze dell’uccisione di Andy e Chris continua a soffrire degli strascichi di un’infanzia difficile. 

Nel tentativo di sbarazzarsi del fantasma, Dylan riallaccia vecchie amicizie e si espone a nuovi pericoli. Intanto, il padre di Chris ricompare inaspettatamente nella sua vita, facendo riaffiorare emozioni sopite. Se Dylan e Chris vorranno costruire una relazione duratura, dovranno trovare la determinazione per affrontare ogni sfida.


$6.99 $5.24

Stage Two

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Lexington Lovers

Love has a steep learning curve.

Assistant high school principal Blake Barnes has everything he wants—a chance to help troubled students and an outlet for his passion for theater. Well, almost everything—he still goes home to an empty apartment. Then his high school crush explodes back into his life, the unexpected guardian of two boys in Blake’s care.

Thane Dalton has always been a bad boy through and through. Not much has changed, including his mistrust of authority figures, and no amount of institutional bureaucracy will keep him from protecting his nephews from the bullies terrorizing them. If that means butting heads with Blake, so be it.

Blake and Thane have lessons to learn: that they both have the boys’ best interests at heart, that the tension between them isn’t just confrontational, and that sparks can fly when opposites come together.


$4.99 $3.74

Kissing Lessons

Before… and After
$3.99 $2.99

A Before… and After Story

A kiss is just a kiss. It doesn’t have to mean anything. Does it?

At seventeen, Merry’s never been kissed. Since he doesn’t want to disappoint his prom date, he asks his more experienced best friend, Boone, for some pointers. Surprisingly, Boone agrees to give him a hands-on lesson.

But they have no idea what they’re getting into.

They explore hundreds of ways to make out, but somehow it isn’t enough. A week later, they’re back together for another session. This time things go further than either of them planned, and their relationship becomes awkward and uncomfortable.

Have they learned enough to salvage their friendship and help it evolve? Their lessons have come to an end. They can either part ways forever… or share a true love’s kiss.


$3.99 $2.99

It begins with a message that David cannot ignore:

I want to see you.

He agrees, and on a cold winter’s night, David and Phillip will come together to sift through the wreckage of the memory of a life no longer lived.

David is burdened, carrying with him the heavy guilt of the past six years upon his shoulders.

Phillip offers redemption.


$6.99 $5.24

Haunted by the screams of the men he murdered, ex-Marine medic Riff Khora is serving a life sentence on board a prison ship. Seeking more punishment for his crime, he strikes a deal with the corrupt Captain Vidal—an exchange of pleasure and pain—and forges a new life leading the team that surveys space wreckage for salvage.

Ship engineer Zed Jakobsen’s psychometric abilities make prison a sentence worse than death, and the barrage of emotional stimuli is an unending torment. His only regret is that he didn’t kill the monster who sent him to prison, and only a glimmer of hope to escape a judgment he doesn’t deserve keeps him clinging to a brutal existence.

When they board derelict ship Pandora and discover a lone survivor, the hell of prison life plunges into abject horror. An epidemic of violence and insanity consumes their ship, driving the crew to murder and destruction. Mutual need draws Riff and Zed together, and their bond gives them the strength to fight a reality they cannot trust. But Vidal possesses the only means of escape from the nightmare, and he’s not letting anyone leave alive.


2nd Edition
First Edition published as Pandora in the Deep Into Darkness: Aliens, Alphas and Antiheroes Anthology by Smashwords, 2015.


$6.99 $5.24

Schlamassel inbegriffen

Verliebte Partner | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Verliebte Partner


Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones hat den Ruf, auch unter Beschuss ruhig zu bleiben und einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren. Diese Eigenschaften kommen ihm in der Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Partner Ian Doyle, einem Elitesoldaten, sehr zu Gute, denn Ian ist der Typ Mann, der in einem leeren Raum einen Streit vom Zaun brechen kann. In den vergangenen drei Jahren in ihrem Job auf Leben und Tod sind aus Fremden erst Kollegen, dann loyale Teamkameraden und schließlich beste Freunde geworden. Miro hat zu dem Mann, der ihm den Rücken freihält, blindes Vertrauen entwickelt … und einiges mehr.

Als Marshal und Soldat wird von Ian erwartet, dass er die Führung übernimmt. Aber die Stärke und Disziplin, die ihn im Einsatz zum Erfolg und zur Erfüllung seiner Mission tragen, versagen überall sonst. Ian hat sich immer gegen jede Art der Bindung gewehrt, aber kein Zuhause zu haben – und mehr noch: niemanden, zu dem er nach Hause kommen kann – frisst ihn innerlich langsam auf. Im Lauf der Zeit hat er, wenn auch widerstrebend, eingesehen, dass es ohne seinen Partner an seiner Seite einfach nicht geht. Jetzt muss Miro ihn nur noch überzeugen, dass Gefühlsbande keine Fesseln sind …


$6.99 $5.24

Tequila Mockingbird (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Whiskey and Wry
Série Sinners, tome 3

Le lieutenant Connor Morgan, du SWAT de la police de San Francisco, ne cherchait pas l’amour. Surtout pas avec un homme. Ses projets d’avenir n’incluaient pas Forest Ackerman, un batteur blond aux yeux bruns, aussi sexy que noyé sous les problèmes. Sa famille compte sur lui pour être comme son père : un solide pilier central qui, un jour, guidera le clan Morgan.

Non, Connor a déjà tout prévu : une carrière dans les forces de l’ordre, une belle maison et une famille. Cependant, lors d’une descente pour une affaire de drogue, il trouve un homme assassiné et perd son cœur en réconfortant son fils adoptif. Ce n’est pas comme s’il n’avait jamais ressenti d’attirance pour les hommes… c’est juste qu’en aimer un ne rentre pas dans ses plans.

Forest Ackerman n’a vraiment pas besoin de convoiter un flic hétéro, même si celui-ci est partout où il pose les yeux, surtout après la mort de Frank. Il vient juste de se dissuader de continuer à désirer le flic baraqué quand son salon de café devient un champ de tir et que Connor intervient pour le sauver.

Celui qui a tué son père semble vouloir envoyer Forest le rejoindre dans l’au-delà. Alors que le tueur se rapproche de son objectif, Forest apprend à connaître Connor et se demande ce qu’il va perdre en premier : sa vie ou son cœur.


$6.99 $5.24

Fishy Riot

Perchance to Dream
$6.99 $5.24

Most people think riot squad officer Taylor Jameson is an asshole. Little do they know his apparent indifference stems from having a meddlesome family always butting into his business. And little does Taylor know he’s about to stumble into a situation that’ll make indifference impossible.

When everything goes horribly wrong at a political rally on a harbour ferry, Taylor encounters Sietta Salisbury. The son of a wealthy politician, Sietta is a revered—but presumed dead—musician, and an enigma who is so strange, Taylor is compelled to look into his background. What he discovers draws him into a bizarre mess of prisoners, politics, and attempted murder that makes him realise what he’s been missing.

Falling in love isn’t hard. Trying to convince someone else you’re worth loving despite your crazy family and the people trying to kill you? That’s a whole other can of worms.


$6.99 $5.24


Order of the Black Knights
$6.99 $5.24

Order of the Black Knights

Gabriel Ingram is running from his past. It’s common knowledge at the college where he teaches that he’s a former CIA technical analyst, but no one knows the things he really did—or about the rage and bloodlust that are his constant companions. He’s holding on to his normal life with both hands, but he knows someday he’ll lose his grip.

Lucas Craig is a social worker studying to become a family therapist. For reasons Lucas can’t understand, the normally reclusive Professor Ingram takes an interest in him, and Lucas secretly hopes their friendship might become more.

Then Eric, Lucas’s roommate, disappears. Lucas is frantic. The police are no help. With nowhere else to turn, Lucas begs Gabriel for his expertise.

What starts as a simple errand to help a friend becomes a journey into a violent world of gangs and human trafficking—one that will bring Gabriel face-to-face with the forces intent on stealing his soul. But Lucas might be the one who can save him—if Gabriel can get them out alive.


$6.99 $5.24

Just Add Argyle

Fabric Hearts
$6.99 $5.24

A Fabric Hearts Story

Tate Buchanan is a troublemaker who can’t keep a job, no matter how many times his lucky argyle sweater gets him hired. Add to that a learning disability and an impetuous nature that sends him into altercations to protect the defenseless, and he hardly manages to make friends, let alone find a man who’s interested in him for more than one night. 

Most people think EMT Jaime Escobar is a player, but the truth is he wants a serious partner—he just can’t justify wasting time on guys he knows aren’t a match. But when he treats a gorgeous redhead after a fight, he finds the spark he’s spent so many years looking for. 

Jaime wants to take the next step with Tate, but it’s clear Tate’s not going to curb his impulsive behavior—his next fight sends him to the hospital. Jaime’s relationship with a near criminal isn’t something his family is ready to accept, not any more than Tate is willing to be kept a secret. Jaime will need a lot of understanding—and some luck of his own—to keep them both. But this is one fight he’s going to see through to the end.


$6.99 $5.24

The First Cowboys Don’t Story

Rand McIntyre settles for good enough. He loves his small California ranch, raising horses, and teaching riding to the kids he adores—but having kids of his own and someone to love means coming out, and that would jeopardize everything he’s built. Then, despite his terror of flying, he goes on a holiday to Hana, Hawaii, with his parents and meets the dark and mysterious Kai Kealoha, a genuine Hawaiian cowboy. Rand takes to Kai’s kid brother and sister as much as he drools over Kai, but the guy sports more prickles than a horned toad and more secrets than the exotic land he comes from.

Kai’s earned his privacy and lives to protect his “kids.” He ought to stay away from the big, handsome cowboy for everyone’s sake—but since the guy’s just a haole on a short vacation, how much damage can he do? When all of Kai’s worst fears and Rand’s darkest nightmares come true at once, there’s not much chance for two cowboys who can’t—or won’t—come out.


$6.99 $5.24

Als Tyler Powells Leben von einem furchtbaren Verbrechen erschüttert wird, sehnt er sich nach Rache. Während er sich bemüht, die Trümmer seiner Existenz zusammenzusetzen, kann er kaum an etwas anderes denken. Rache.

Wird er diesem Verlangen nachgeben und zu dem werden, was er am meisten hasst? Zu einem Mörder?

Erst mithilfe von Detective Christian Martin, der in Tylers Fall ermittelt, sieht er die Möglichkeit eines neuen Lebens – durch die verblüffende Enthüllung einer Liebe, mit der Tyler niemals wieder gerechnet hatte.

Wird es ihm gelingen, diese Liebe in sein Leben zu lassen, oder ist es bereits zu spät? Ist Rache ihm wichtiger als sein Glück – und das Glück des Mannes, der ihn liebt? Auch wenn Tyler entschlossen ist, seinen Rachedurst zu stillen, ohne dabei jede Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Christian zu opfern, weiß er, dass es sich um ein schweres oder gar unmögliches Unterfangen handelt. Möglicherweise wird er am Ende gezwungen sein, eine unerträgliche Entscheidung zu treffen.


$6.99 $5.24

Sporchi segreti

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Baci sporchi - Dirty Kiss
Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Per Cole McGinnis, ex poliziotto diventato investigatore privato, amare Kim Jae-Min non è sempre facile, perché Jae è riluttante a mostrare apertamente il suo orientamento sessuale. Al contrario, Cole non sa vivere in un altro modo, anche se capisce come si sente Jae. Gli uomini coreani che seguono la tradizione, infatti, non sono gay, perlomeno non quando possono essere scoperti.

Ma Cole non può dedicare troppo tempo a sbrogliare i problemi del suo ragazzo. Ha un incarico da portare a termine. Quando una cantante di nome Scarlet chiede il suo aiuto per trovare Park Dae-Hoon, un coreano gay che è sparito quasi vent’anni prima, Cole si ritrova immerso nel mondo intricato delle ricche famiglie coreane, dove il dovere e la politica significano sacrificare la felicità per conservare imperi aziendali. Ben presto i cadaveri iniziano ad accumularsi senza un’apparente logica. A ogni passo che Cole fa verso il ritrovamento di Park Dae-Hoon, un’altra persona va incontro alla morte, e proprio qualcuno che Cole ama potrebbe essere la prossima vittima dell’assassino.


$6.99 $5.24

Tartan Candy (Français)

Histoires de tissus
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de tissus, numéro hors série

Finlay McIntyre (alias Raven) est une star de films pour adultes avec un penchant pour les kilts, jusqu’à ce qu’un accident mette fin à sa carrière et lui retire tout désir sexuel, le laissant avec une estime de soi en berne et sans travail. Il savait que sa carrière dans le porno ne durerait pas éternellement, mais il n’était pas prêt à prendre sa retraite à vingt-huit ans. Tout en essayant de donner du sens au reste de sa vie, Raven accepte d’assister à une réunion des anciens. C’est alors qu’un climatiseur cassé dans sa chambre d’hôtel va tout changer.

Caleb Sanderson, un entrepreneur avec sa propre compagnie de climatiseurs, n’a pas la moindre idée de ce qui l’attend en entrant dans la chambre d’hôtel de Raven pour réparer l’appareil. Ils sont attirés l’un par l’autre, mais Caleb, dans le placard, ne peut pas se permettre une relation homosexuelle… pas avec sa mère qui le presse de produire des petits-enfants. S’il veut garder Raven – qu’aucun placard ne pourrait retenir – il faudra qu’il dise la vérité à sa famille. Mais Raven a aussi ses propres secrets. Il refuse de révéler son passé dans le porno à Caleb, un passé qui pourrait être le dernier obstacle à toute relation.


$6.99 $5.24

Forgotten Paradise

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

It’s dangerous diving for secrets.

When a megacompany threatens to take over his family-owned business, programming prodigy Adam Preston escapes the stress with a much-needed vacation in the Dominican Republic. There he meets attractive, intelligent, insightful Jonah James, a scuba dive instructor, and what starts as a holiday fling soon blossoms into much more.

But Jonah has a secret: ten years ago he woke up on an island beach with no idea how he got there… or even who he is. Their paradise may not be as perfect as it seems. When Jonah’s memories come crashing back like waves on the sand, will it be Adam clinging to the proverbial life raft, or will the two men find a safe harbor to ride out the storm?


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Brett has spent twenty-seven years trying to be perfect for the Mormon grandparents who raised him. Unfortunately, doing so has meant missing out on lots of life experiences—and denying a major part of who he is. Now that his grandparents are gone, Brett is ready to make up for lost time, break out of the sedate façade he’s always presented, and do something he would have never considered before: attend a gay men’s spiritual retreat in rural Massachusetts. 

While trying to infuse some spice into his life with workshops like Erotic Massage, Body Painting, and Drag 101, Brett meets Boston nurse Karl, and it’s hard to deny the connection between them. But will Brett’s lack of experience and Karl’s insecurities end their romance before it can really begin? 

It might be a spiritual retreat, but Brett must learn to embrace his physical reality if he’s going to grab on to his chance at love. 


States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99
$1.99 $1.49

Wade Porter spent his whole life in the shadow of a lover who doled out snippets of love and time as he saw fit—and who insisted that love stay deep in the closet. But now that man is gone, and Wade finds the oceanside cottage where they spent so many weekends together in the Florida Keys cold and empty. He has come one last time, not even sure he wants to keep living. 

To his surprise, the house next door is occupied by another bereaved and lonely man. Kent Walker is an artist of romantic gay paintings who is open to the future—and determinedly interested in Wade. Kent wants to show Wade the beauty in being an openly gay man and the possibilities for a real relationship. 

Maybe Kent can help Wade let go of the past and discover a better way to live—and love.

2nd Edition
First Edition published in Two Tickets to Paradise by Dreamspinner Press, 2012.


$1.99 $1.49