Gay books

$6.99 $5.24

A classic tale takes off in sexy new directions! Poor Mr. Dickens must be twirling in his grave.

When E.B. Scrudge, putz extraordinaire and all-around numbnuts, is visited by his dead ex on Christmas Eve, he can’t imagine how his life could sink any lower. But the three ghostly spirits that come along after are even worse! Good lord, a dyke, a drag queen, and rounding out the trio, a big, hunky bear with nipple rings and a butt plug! What’s next?

What’s next is a good deal of soul-searching and some hard lessons learned with a dash of redemption thrown in for good measure.

And love too, believe it or not. Love that had been simmering all along at the heart of Scrudge’s miserable existence, although he was too selfish to see it—until a trio of holiday beasties pointed his sorry ass in the right direction.


$6.99 $5.24

Fit to Be Tied

Marshals | Book Two

Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones and Ian Doyle are now partners on and off the job: Miro’s calm professionalism provides an ideal balance to Ian’s passion and quick temper. In a job where one misstep can be the difference between life and death, trust means everything. But every relationship has growing pains, and sometimes Miro stews about where he stands with his fiery lover. Could the heartstrings that so recently tied them together be in danger of unraveling?

Those new bonds are constantly challenged by family intrusions, well-intentioned friends, their personal insecurities, and their dangerous careers—including a trial by fire when an old case of Miro’s comes back to haunt them. It might just be enough to make Ian rethink his decision to let himself be tied down, and Miro can only hope the links they’ve forged will be strong enough to hold.


Section Thirteen

Section Thirteen
$9.99 $7.49

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of all four stories of the Section Thirteen series by J.L. O'Faolain!

The Thirteenth Child: Immortal sidhe Tuulois MacColewyn and Detective James Corhagen at the NYPD had a highly combustible friendship that burned itself out a year ago. But now that the NYPD is facing a rash of messy black-magic murders, James needs Cole’s help. With a powerful killer on the loose, Cole, James, and Inspector Vallimun must race against time to stop the monster out to claim the thirteenth child. —The Thirteenth Pillar: Last month was hell for Cole... and this month is shaping up to be much worse. When Vallimun is gravely injured just as the investigation reaches a fever pitch while a snowstorm blankets the city, Cole will need all the help he can get to have any hope of salvaging it. —The Thirteenth Sigil: A mysterious force is cutting a swath through the city in search of a missing canister, and there’s the disappearances of employees connected to a local children’s television program to solve. And if that wasn't enough for Cole and his current flame, Joss, children’s imaginary friends are somehow manifesting themselves—and they’re coming after Section Thirteen. —The Thirteenth Shard: When a powerful witch is murdered by mundane means, the NYPD calls in Tuulois MacColewyn and the rest of Section Thirteen. A revelation during the investigation leaves Cole reeling and sets him up to make what could be the biggest mistake of his life….


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Jonah Starovski, a Planet Whisperer, harnesses the energy surrounding dead planets and redirects it into new growth. Abandoned by the man who bought him from a brothel sixteen years ago, Jonah flounders in a world he’s ill equipped to deal with. He must accept the help of a stranger in order to rebuild his life.

First Lieutenant Marcus Davis volunteers as Jonah’s assistant without realizing the terraforming process requires Jonah’s sexual release. Balanced on the knife-edge of fear and ambition, Marcus is faced with his mother’s machinations and threats to his career. Marcus’s parents bring their illegal scientific experiments to the planets Jonah is terraforming just as Marcus learns to accept himself and his feelings for Jonah. At the same time, Jonah’s past catches up to him, putting them both in danger.

Jonah and Marcus must trust in each other to put a stop to the illegal activities, rescue an endangered animal, and create the future they both want—a future they can share.


$6.99 $5.24

A Little Bit Langston

The Elusive Spark | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Elusive Spark: Book One

Being different can be dangerous, and discovery can be deadly.

High school freshman James Kerr is finding out he’s not quite like his classmates. Around the time he realizes he’s attracted to his best friend, Paul Schmitz, James starts channeling a dead writer’s poetry and also discovers he has an ability to manipulate energy—a super power. Before James can figure out why this is happening to him, tragedy strikes in the form of Paul’s abusive father, and James is sent to a government-run school, The Paragon Academy, which specializes in juvenile paranormal research. There, he meets Lumen, the daughter of a famous Korean actress. Lumen's psychic ability might be the key to helping James understand both his poems and his own power.


$6.99 $5.24

A Home for the Holidays

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Bobby and Paolo’s Holiday Stories: Book One

Bobby McGrath’s Christmas trip to the beautiful Italian island of Capri to meet his eccentric extended family offers stunning views—none more stunning than his third cousin, Paolo Mascobello, a real stocking stuffer. As the two young men embark on a relationship, Bobby, a driven law student, learns to relax and bask under the old Italian moon, and Paolo realizes there’s more to life than a frolic on the beach. For the two to find everlasting amore, Paolo must overcome his fear of commitment and learn to follow his dreams, and Bobby must get his wish for happily ever after.


$3.99 $2.99

Say It With Ink

The Seattle Chronicles
$3.99 $2.99

The Seattle Chronicles

Levi can remember the exact moment the projection of his life changed entirely, from homeless dropout to college graduate. It was the day he found Jamie Donovan standing on his front porch—the boy Levi had secretly drooled over from afar would become the best friend he secretly drooled over up close.

When Levi gets a full ride scholarship but Jamie doesn’t, Jamie becomes an exotic dancer to help pay his tuition. Watching Jamie perform is pure torture for Levi, and hiding how he really feels starts to take its toll. And when the hot new guy from his Econ class hits on him, Levi has to decide just how long he’s going to stay devoted to his straight best friend.


$3.99 $2.99

An Assassin's Holiday

2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$3.99 $2.99

Brick Colton has been hired to kill Santa Claus—or at least the kindhearted accountant playing Santa for the kids in an orphanage. Brick grew up in an orphanage himself, but that isn’t the only thing bothering him about the contract on Robin Marvington’s life. The details don’t add up, and it’s looking more and more like someone has set Robin up. As Brick investigates, Robin brings some much-needed cheer into his life, the light in Robin’s soul reaching something in Brick’s dark one. But all of that will end if they can’t find the person who wants Robin dead.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$3.99 $2.99

Erlösung im Feuer

im Feuer | Buch 1
$3.99 $2.99

Buch 1 in der Serie - im Feuer

Dirk Krause ist ein Mistkerl wie er im Buche steht. Er macht sich selbst das Leben zur Hölle und jeden in seiner Umgebung unglücklich. Als er während eines Brandeinsatzes verletzt wird, ist er sogar zum Krankenhauspersonal unausstehlich, und natürlich ist er niemanden aus seiner Einheit wichtig genug, um ihn zu besuchen.

Lee Stockton ist das neueste Mitglied auf der Feuerwache, das den undankbaren Job aufgebrummt bekommt, Dirk einen Blumenstrauß von den Jungs vorbeizubringen. Zu Dirks Überraschung durchschaut Lee ihn sofort und lässt sich nicht vergraulen. Lee ist fest entschlossen, Dirk zu helfen, diese Arschloch-Attitüde aufzugeben und nicht alle von sich zu stoßen. Als ihre Streitereien schließlich im Bett enden, stellt sich die Frage, ob dieses Feuerwerk über einer möglichen Beziehung erstrahlt oder am Ende nur Asche zurückbleibt.


$3.99 $2.99


2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$1.99 $1.49

Nate Roth’s latest dumb stunt has left him with a broken arm, black eye, and stitched chin—and extra trepidation about visiting his family for Hanukkah. He fears his relatives will put him through another round of criticism for his foolish choices and his nonexistent love life. Several mishaps during his short journey to his parents’ house don’t bode well. But along the way he meets impossibly gorgeous Gio DiPietro—and maybe it’s time for Nate’s risk-taking impulses to turn out well for a change.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$1.99 $1.49

Kaminishi: Four Seasons

Kaminishi | Book Two
$4.99 $1.00

Sequel to Kaminishi
Kaminishi : Book Two

Michael Holden and Shintaro Kawakami have put Shintaro's yakuza past behind them and started a new life together in Tokyo. For Michael, the relationship is the joyous reunion he dreamed of. The love he traveled through time for is his again, and this time it’s for good.

But echoes from that summer long ago are never far away—and for the two men, winter is on the horizon.

From the past to the present and as the seasons turn—love always comes around again when the cherry blossoms bloom.


$4.99 $1.00


2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$1.99 $1.49

Fate has a way of bringing people together, like it did when Tucker Wright and Callum Richards met unexpectedly in an airport coffee shop and formed a deep connection in the short time they had to spend together. But fate can also be cruel. When Tucker loses Cal’s phone number in his hurry to catch his plane, he has no way of reaching Cal. Then a dead car battery and a snowy night force their paths to cross again, will Cal believe Tucker and ring in the New Year with a little help from kismet?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$1.99 $1.49

La valeur d'une promesse

Promesses (series)
$6.99 $5.24

Promesses, tome 2

Tout ce que Shane Perkins a jamais désiré, c’est être un héros. Mais après avoir pris la décision capable de détruire sa carrière de se battre jusqu’au bout, Shane sort de l’hôpital pour retrouver chez lui quatre murs vides, une grosse somme d’argent et un brûlant désir de manquer à quelqu’un la prochaine fois qu’il sera blessé au cours d’une patrouille. Il finit policier dans la petite ville de Levee Oaks et, s’accrochant à la promesse d’avoir une famille, il fait un effort pour se réconcilier avec sa sœur volage et instable. Kimmy gagne sa vie en tant que danseuse, et son partenaire coupe le souffle de Shane dès le premier regard.

Mikhail Vasilyovitch Bayul danse comme un ange, mais son passé est loin d’être paradisiaque. Depuis qu’il a quitté la Russie, il n’a fait que deux promesses : se tenir à l’écart de la rue et rester clean, et emmener sa mère dans un bel endroit avant qu’elle meure. Faire des promesses à quelqu’un d’autre est absolument hors de question – mais Mikhail n’avait jamais rencontré quelqu’un comme Shane. Sérieux, courageux et ayant une forte tendance à se dévaloriser, Shane semble parler le langage de Mikhail, et personne n’est plus surpris que ce dernier de découvrir que tenir ses promesses est le plus grand talent de Shane.


$6.99 $5.24

My Daughter's Army

2016 Award Winners - DSP Publications
2017 Award Winners - DSP Publications
$6.99 $5.24

Sera Goodwin is on a mission to expose and confront the worldwide oppression of women. With an ever-growing army of supporters harnessing the power of social media, she seems destined to lead a revolution. But on the brink of rallying women to unite, she makes a startling confession to her father that reveals the driving force behind her activism—a secret that threatens to destroy everything she’s worked for.


$6.99 $5.24

Northern Lights

2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$1.99 $1.49

A dream romantic vacation to Iceland to see the Northern Lights turns into a nightmare when James’s workaholic boyfriend, Richard, again insists on putting his work first. After a call from Richard’s office, an argument ends with the couple splitting up for good. Not only has Richard left James, he’s left him abandoned to explore the park alone, where James quickly gets lost. But just when things seem darkest, the Solstice works its magic, and James finds the guiding light he needs. Or it finds him.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$1.99 $1.49


Orizzonti | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Orizzonti, Libro 1

Il giocatore di football del college Clark Stevens è un wide receiver popolare con un potenziale contratto nella NFL, ma ha qualche problema: una ragazza gelosa, un padre dispotico e dalla mente ristretta, un deficit dell’attenzione e un’attrazione potente e inaspettata per l’ortopedico, maschio, che gli cura un osso rotto.

Il dottor Jody Williams sta ricevendo dei segnali davvero contraddittori. Non può ignorare quanto desidera Clark, perché è ovvio che il giocatore prova lo stesso per lui. Per il medico, gay dichiarato e orgoglioso di esserlo, la soluzione sembra molto semplice. Per Clark, invece, non lo è. Il suo mondo non è tollerante e gli ostacoli che ha affrontato lo hanno portato a negare la sua sessualità per anni.

È il Super Bowl dei disastri, non importa da che punto di vista lo si guardi. Alla fine, Clark deve decidere se continuare con l’unica vita che ha sempre conosciuto o se cogliere l’occasione di viverne una nuova con Jody.


$6.99 $5.24

The Beary Best Holiday Party Ever

2015 Advent Calendar | Sleigh Ride
$3.99 $2.99

Before he discovered the Heartland Bear Clan, Ron Corbin figured no one could ever love a “fatass” like him. But the big group of big men accepts him, and likes him just the way he is. Having finally found a place he belongs, he works hard to get elected president of the club—and wins. He’s the happiest he’s ever been.

But Paddy Brennan, a sexy bear cub who blew into town and became Mr. Popular overnight, is elected vice-president. Ron doesn’t think Paddy has earned the honor, and now he’ll have to work shoulder to shoulder (and belly to belly) with the guy for a year.

Ron will do what’s best for the club even if that means setting his personal feeling—that Paddy is a jerk—aside. But then as the two men get to know each other, Ron reluctantly finds he not only likes the guy, but is growing more and more attracted to him.

Deep down, Ron still worries he isn’t good enough, but maybe Paddy can show him there’s a beary happy ending waiting for them after all.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Advent Calendar package "Sleigh Ride".


$3.99 $2.99

Elements of Love - Books 1 & 2

Elements of Love | Books One & Two

Elements of Love: Books One & Two

In a world recovering from a war that devastated humanity, the Church makes the laws. Violence is not tolerated, and anything not sanctioned by the Church is evil. Abuse of power is common, and people struggle from day to day trying to avoid the notice of Church officials.

Stonemason Evan Halvard is learning to control a power he doesn't understand. He can give life to stone and awaken living gargoyles. When Evan saves a large gargoyle that is about to be demolished, he becomes involved in a fight between the paranormal world and the Church. But he also discovers passion and loyalty in a place he never imagined looking.

Nicolai Daemarkus, a fire daemon, investigates a gargoyle circling a smoldering building. Coming upon his unconscious human mate in the ruins catches him off guard and fills him with joy and dread. The beautiful man ignites his lust, but a sexual relationship would lead to their deaths. Unable to abandon the man, he takes him home, only to discover the dangers they face individually might come from the same source.

2nd Edition
First Edition of Adel's Purr published by Silver Publishing, 2011. First Edition of Nico's Fire published by Silver Publishing, May 2012.