Mystery/Suspense books

$6.99 $5.24

Life in the big city wasn’t what Mackenzie "Mack" Redford expected, and now he’s come home to Hartwick County, South Dakota, to serve as sheriff.

Brantley Calderone is looking for a new life. After leaving New York and buying a ranch, he’s settling in and getting used to living at a different pace—until he finds a dead woman on his porch and himself the prime suspect in her murder.

Mack and Brantley quickly realize several things: someone is trying to frame Brantley; he is no longer safe alone on his ranch; and there’s a definite attraction developing between them, one that only increases when Mack offers to let Brantley stay in his home. But as their romance escalates, so does the killer. They’ll have to stay one step ahead and figure out who wants Brantley dead before it’s too late. Only then can they start the life they’re both seeking—together.


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Sinner's Gin (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Série Sinners, tome 1

Il y a un homme mort dans la Pontiac GTO Vintage de Miki St John et ce dernier n’a aucune idée de la manière dont il a pu arriver là.

Après avoir survécu au tragique accident qui a tué son meilleur ami et les autres membres de leur groupe Sinner’s Gin, tout ce que Miki veut, c’est se cacher du monde dans l’entrepôt rénové qu’il a acheté avant leur dernière tournée. Mais quand l’homme qui l’a agressé sexuellement dans son enfance est tué, et que son corps est retrouvé dans sa voiture, il redoute que la mort n’en ait pas encore fini avec lui.

Kane Morgan, un inspecteur de la police départementale de San Francisco qui loue un atelier à la coopérative d’art à côté, suspecte tout d’abord Miki d’être impliqué dans l’assassinat, mais il se rend vite compte que ce dernier est autant une victime que l’homme écorché vif à l’intérieur de la GTO. Alors que le nombre de corps imputable à l’assassin augmente, l’attirance entre Miki et Kane s’enflamme. Aucun d’eux ne sait si une relation entre eux a la moindre chance de réussir, mais en dépit des traumatismes émotionnels de Miki, Kane est déterminé à lui apprendre à aimer et à être aimé… à condition, bien sûr, que Kane puisse attraper le tueur avant que Miki ne devienne sa prochaine victime.


$6.99 $5.24

Vero o falso

Storie di Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Dentro o fuori
Storie di Toronto, Libro 2

Il detective Ivan Bekker sta toccando il fondo. Non solo deve ancora riprendersi dalla rottura col fidanzato fedifrago, ma è stato anche coinvolto in una brutta retata durante la quale ha dovuto uccidere un uomo, e il suo migliore amico ora lotta fra la vita e la morte. Pur essendo sotto indagine per il ruolo giocato nella sparatoria, il suo capo lo spedisce in una missione ufficiosa sotto copertura che dovrebbe aiutarli a risolvere il caso. Il tempismo è fondamentale: solo intervenendo subito hanno qualche speranza di stanare la talpa che si nasconde al dipartimento.

Privato del sostegno dei colleghi e della propria lucidità, Ivan si ritrova a recitare la parte di un divorziato per avvicinare Parker Wakefield, il ragazzo che gli affitta una stanza. Peccato che Parker – il dolce, ingenuo Parker – non abbia tanto l’aria di un criminale, specie non uno coinvolto nello spaccio di droga per conto della mafia russa. Ivan finisce così per abbassare la guardia; sa che quello che prova non è professionale, ma non riesce a resistere a Parker.

Per questo, quando si imbatte nelle prove che il giovane è coinvolto in un’operazione illecita, deve fare una scelta: proteggere il loro rapporto, a prescindere dalle conseguenze, o salvare la propria carriera e mandare dietro le sbarre l’uomo che ama.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Enjoy J.S. Cook’s best mysteries, with a side of lust and romance, in this collection. In But Not for Me, gangster boss Nino Moretti rescues beautiful mob accountant Stanley Zadwadzki from a rival, but the consequences may cost them any chance at a relationship. In A Little Night Murder, insurance investigator Frank Boyle may have escaped from danger once with help from detective Sam Lipinski, but a new investigation is turning up trouble once again. In Come to Dust, Inspector Philemon Raft is set adrift among the deceitful ton of turn-of-the-century London, trying to locate the kidnapped Miriam Dewberry. In The Lovely Beast, Jacob van Willingen is on a mission to exterminate the evil Caleb Donnithorn, but things aren’t quite what they seem to be at this Romanian castle. In Skid Row Serenade, novelist and war hero Tony Leonard visits his estranged wife only to find her beaten to death. On the run, he decides to fake his own death, with a little help from private investigator Edwin Malloy.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.

But Not for Me previously published by Dreamspinner Press, March 2013 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson A Little Night Murder previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2013 Cover Art by Catt Ford Come to Dust previously published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2013 Cover Art by Maria Fanning The Lovely Beast previously published by Dreamspinner Press, July 2014 Cover Art by L.C. Chase Skid Row Serenade previously published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2015 Cover Art by Aaron Anderson


$9.99 $7.49

Dark Blood

Dark Blood Saga | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Book One in the Dark Blood Saga

Handsome, brilliant, and surrounded by good friends, twenty-three-year-old medical student Miles Fox has a secret—and it’s not that he’s gay. Though he harbors a crush on his straight best friend, Luke. Miles, like his grandmother, Anna, possesses the healing gift, an ability she’s made him swear never to use or divulge, lest horrible things befall those he loves. It happened to her when Nazis butchered her family.

But it all goes to hell when Miles heals a terminally ill man on a New Orleans cancer ward and wakes locked in the psych unit. Worse, news of the healing miracle spreads. For millennia, its carriers have been hunted by those who would steal it. Dr. Gerald Stangl and his teenage son, Calvin, know what Miles possesses. They, like their predecessors, will stop at nothing to take it, including kidnapping, torture, and murder. As the Stangls' noose tightens, Miles and Luke are trapped in a death match with stakes higher than they could ever imagine.


$6.99 $5.24

Dunkle Schatten

Ink and Shadows (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Ein DSP Publications Titel

Buch 1 in der Serie - Ink and Shadows

Kismet Andreas lebt in Angst vor den Schatten.

Für den jungen Tattookünstler bedeuten sie mehr als nur Dunkelheit. Er hält sich für verrückt, weil er darin Kreaturen und kriechende Dinge sieht – Monster, die die Schwachen jagen, um ihren Verstand und ihre Seelen zu fressen, und nichts als leere Hüllen der Verzweiflung zurücklassen.

Kismet fürchtet nichts mehr, als ebenfalls auf diese Weise in den Wahnsinn getrieben zu werden.

Die schattenhafte Welt der Grenze ist Colms Zuhause. Als Pestilenz ist er der jüngste und unerfahrenste der apokalyptischen Reiter – wiederauferstandene Menschen, die nun als Unsterbliche der Menschheit dienen und sie zugleich eindämmen. Nur sichtbar für die Toten oder Wahnsinnigen existieren sie zwischen der Welt der Sterblichen und der Grenzwelt, an ihr nahezu ewiges Schicksal gebunden. Da selbst andere Unsterbliche sie fürchten, leben die vier Reiter größtenteils isoliert. Doch Colm möchte mehr kennenlernen als Tod, Krieg und Hunger.

Colm möchte … menschlicher sein und nicht nur mit Wahnsinnigen und Toten zu tun haben.

Als Kismet Colm vor einem Angriff aus den Schatten rettet, findet Pestilenz sich plötzlich in einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung wieder, bei der die Menschheit auf dem Spiel steht. Kismet allein hat Vertrauen zu ihm, obwohl die anderen Reiter den Tod des Menschen voraussehen.


$6.99 $5.24


Hunting Evil | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Hunting Evil: Book One

A string of murders targeting effeminate gay men has the GLBTQ community of Chicago on alert, but budget cuts have left many precincts understaffed and overworked, and homophobia is alive and well within the law enforcement community so little has been done to solve the mystery. When the FBI calls in Special Agent Todd Hutchinson and his team, the locals are glad to hand the case off. But Hutch finds a bigger mystery than anyone originally realized—seventeen linked murders committed in several different jurisdictions. Hutch’s clues lead him to Noah Walker.

Working on his PhD in forensic psychology, Noah has been obsessed with serial murders since he was a child. Noah finds himself hunted, striking him off Hutch’s suspect list, but not off his radar. To catch the killer before anyone else falls victim, they’ll have to work together to bring him to justice.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

Stoccata finale

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Questione di tempo

La vita non è mai stata facile per Duncan Stiel. La sua infanzia è stata un incubo. Il suo lavoro come poliziotto sotto copertura lo obbliga a nascondere la sua vera natura e, di tanto in tanto, lo fa finire in ospedale. Quando finalmente incontra l’uomo perfetto, non è una sorpresa che tutto vada completamente a rotoli. Quello che Duncan non si aspetta è che l’ostacolo più grande da superare prima di poter vivere la sua storia con Aaron Sutter è quello che porta dentro di sé.

Tutti pensano che Aaron abbia tutto: bellezza, soldi, fama e un successo incommensurabile. Tutti tranne lui. Alla fine di ogni giornata, lontano dai flash, con le questioni di affari risolte e mentre gli amici tornano alle loro vite, Aaron si ritrova sempre solo. Nel momento stesso in cui incontra il travolgente detective Duncan Stiel, sa che farà di tutto per tenerlo con sé. Quando però capisce che i soldi non bastano a comprare la felicità, deve trovare la forza per regalare a Duncan qualcosa di molto più importante: il suo cuore.


$6.99 $5.24

Dawn and Dusk

Day and Knight | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sun and Shadow
Day and Knight: Book Three

For Scorpion agents Day and Knight, their relationship is slow to develop, and trust is hard to build. Then Day’s brother, Stephen, goes missing, and Day finds out more about him than he ever dreamed. Day’s first reaction to Stephen’s disappearance is to try to get to him as fast as possible.

Knight initially holds him back so they can attempt to find out what they’re walking into. But when Knight sees Day’s desperation, he steps in to help and tries to calm the man he’s growing to care about, even though the trail is cold and clues are scarce.

When Day witnesses his brother being shot live on television, he loses the last of his control. Despite the lack of answers, Day is more determined than ever to find out what happened. Stephen was all the family he had left.

Bone-deep fear and adversity threaten to tear Day and Knight apart, but facing unimaginable hardship together might finally cement the bond between them.


$6.99 $5.24

No Good Deed

Philip Potter Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Philip Potter Story

On Christmas Eve in 1966, Philip Potter, a kind-hearted Smithsonian curator, wraps up his last-minute shopping. Meanwhile, James, his lover of several years, takes his own life back in their home. Unaware of what awaits him, Philip drops off gifts at a homeless shelter, an act of generosity that will later make him a suspect in the murder of a male prostitute.

Following James’s shocking death, two men enter Philip's life—and both drive yellow Continentals. One of them, though, is a killer, with the blood of at least six hustlers on his hands. And both are hiding something.

As Philip is about to discover, no good deed goes unpunished.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as After Christmas Eve by MLR Press, 2013.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Brethren Novel

Jeremy Spencer never imagined the occult order he and his boyfriend, Bowyn, started as a joke in college would become an international organization with hundreds of followers. Now a professor with expertise in Renaissance music, Jeremy is drawn back into the world of free love and ceremonial magick. The old jealousies and hurt that separated him from Bowyn eight years ago no longer seem significant. 

Then Jeremy begins to wonder if the centuries-old score he’s been asked to transcribe hides something sinister. With each stanza, local birds flock to the old mansion, a mysterious fog descends upon the grounds, and bats swarm the temple dome. During a séance, the group receives a cryptic warning from the spirit realm. And as the music’s performance draws nearer, Jeremy realizes it may hold the key to incredible power—power somebody is willing to kill for.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


$6.99 $5.24

Baci sporchi - Dirty Kiss

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Cole Kenjiro McGinnis, ex-poliziotto e investigatore privato, sta cercando di superare la morte del suo amante, avvenuta durante una sparatoria, quando gli capita un’indagine apparentemente di routine. Investigare l’apparente suicidio del figlio di un importante uomo d’affari coreano si rivela subito un incarico tutt’altro che ordinario, specialmente quando Cole incontra Kim Jae-Min, il bel cugino del defunto.

Il cugino di Jae-Min aveva un piccolo, sporco segreto, uno che Cole conosce da tutta la vita e che Jae-Min sta ancora nascondendo alla sua famiglia. L’indagine porta Cole da ville eleganti e squallidi appuntamenti segreti di amanti fino al Dirty Kiss, il locale dove i ricchi vanno a soddisfare con discrezione i desideri di cui le loro famiglie troppo tradizionali preferirebbero non sapere niente.

Inoltre porta Cole McGinnis fra le braccia di Jae-Min, ma questo potrebbe essere un problema. La morte del cugino di Jae-Min appare sempre meno un suicidio, e il ragazzo appare sempre più un bersaglio. Cole ha già perso un amante per una morte violenta: non perderà anche Jae-Min.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When Feldwebel Horst Stussel is murdered in Jake Plenty’s Moroccan brothel, local police chief Nicolas Renard suspects Jake’s involvement in the crime. Renard has loved Jake since their service in the Legion Etrangère during the Great War, but in this era of concentration camps, gas chambers, and the infamous pink triangle, his love for the American dare not speak its name. 

When sadistic Nazi officer Major Danzig, a fanatic who excels at the arts of torture and interrogation, comes to Maarif, it isn’t because of the Feldwebel. He is in search of Christophe Picard, Resistance leader and Jake’s former lover. Danzig will stop at nothing to uncover Picard’s whereabouts, to find him and destroy him, and in so doing, strike a fatal blow against everything Picard stands for.

With an Allied invasion of North Africa mere days away, Jake and Renard must combine their wits, cunning, and courage to help Picard escape to America and freedom. In the midst of war and struggle, the two men are drawn into the fight of the century—and each other’s arms. 

2nd Edition
First Edition published by ManLove Romance Press, 2009.


$6.99 $5.24

Onwaachige the Dreamer

The Two-spirit Chronicles | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to A Scout is Brave
The Two-spirit Chronicles: Book Three

Love can mean sacrifice. Joshua Ishkoday must decide if he can abandon the boy he loves in order to save him.

In the expansive and sometimes deadly northwoods of Wisconsin, Joshua must make a heartbreaking choice as he battles his greatest fears. His best friends, Mokwa and Little Deer, accompany him when a nightmare sends him on an adventure of self-discovery. But the three teenagers aren’t alone in the vast forest. Joshua realizes bizarre creatures called Memegwesi have not only been manipulating him through his dreams, but plan to use him in a mysterious plan of their own. Soon he’s fighting three enemies: the lethal storm headed their way, the mysterious beings appearing in his dreams, and most frightening of all, his mother’s hatred and bigotry.


$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications

Meurtre et complications
$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications, tome 1

Seuls les cadavres ne parlent pas.

Cambrioleur réformé, Rook Stevens a jadis volé d’innombrables objets de valeur inestimable, mais jamais il n’avait encore été accusé de meurtre – jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Déjà surpris de découvrir une de ses anciennes complices à Potter’s Field, sa boutique dédiée aux collectionneurs et fans du cinéma, Rook l’est encore plus de constater qu’elle a été assassinée.

L’inspecteur Dante Montoya pensait ne jamais revoir Rook Stevens – surtout après une douteuse affaire de falsification de preuve commise par son ancien partenaire pour piéger le voleur. Aussi, quand il intercepte un suspect couvert de sang fuyant la scène d’un crime, est-il choqué de reconnaître celui qu’il avait tant voulu mettre en prison quelques années plus tôt. Et comme autrefois, Rook Stevens lui enflamme le sang.

Rook, malgré son attirance inexplicable pour l’inspecteur cubano-mexicain qui vient de l’arrêter, est déterminé à se disculper. Malheureusement, les cadavres ne cessent de s’accumuler autour de lui. Quand sa vie est menacée, Rook est obligé d’accepter l’aide d’un flic qu’il n’aurait jamais cru capable de croire à son innocence : Dante, le seul homme qu’il ait dans la peau.


$6.99 $5.24

Fit to Be Tied

Marshals | Book Two

Deputy US Marshals Miro Jones and Ian Doyle are now partners on and off the job: Miro’s calm professionalism provides an ideal balance to Ian’s passion and quick temper. In a job where one misstep can be the difference between life and death, trust means everything. But every relationship has growing pains, and sometimes Miro stews about where he stands with his fiery lover. Could the heartstrings that so recently tied them together be in danger of unraveling?

Those new bonds are constantly challenged by family intrusions, well-intentioned friends, their personal insecurities, and their dangerous careers—including a trial by fire when an old case of Miro’s comes back to haunt them. It might just be enough to make Ian rethink his decision to let himself be tied down, and Miro can only hope the links they’ve forged will be strong enough to hold.


Sun and Shadow

Day and Knight | Book Six
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Day and Knight
Day and Knight: Book Two

Dayton “Day” Ingram is recovering from an injury suffered in Mexico—and from his failed relationship with fellow Scorpion agent, Knight. While researching an old government document, Day realizes he might be holding the key to finding an artistic masterpiece lost since WWII.

But the Russians are looking for it too, and have a team in place in Eastern Europe hunting it down. Day and Knight are brought back together when they are charged with getting to the painting first.

Knight wants to leave Mexico and everything that happened there behind, and return to the life he had—except it wasn't much of a life. When he's partnered up with Day, keeping his distance proves to be challenging. But Day is as stubborn as Knight and isn’t willing to let him walk away.

Their assignment leads them through Germany and Austria with agents hot on their tail—agents willing to do whatever it takes to get to the masterpiece first. If Day and Knight can live long enough to find the painting, they might also discover something even more precious—each other.


$6.99 $5.24

Vertrau mir, Bulle

Toronto Tales (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie - Toronto Tales

Detective Ivan Bekker ist ganz unten angekommen. Während er noch mit der Trennung von seinem untreuen Freund kämpft, geraten er und seine Kollegen bei einer Razzia in einen Hinterhalt. Ivan muss zum ersten Mal einen Mann töten und ein Freund wird lebensgefährlich verletzt. Obwohl wegen seiner Rolle bei der Schießerei gegen Ivan ermittelt wird, überredet sein Vorgesetzter ihn zu einem inoffiziellen Einsatz als verdeckter Ermittler, um den Fall aufzuklären. Die Zeit drängt, denn auf dem Revier könnte es eine undichte Stelle geben.

Auf sich allein gestellt und aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht spielt Ivan einen frisch geschiedenen Mann und wird Parker Wakefields neuer Mitbewohner. Allerdings kann er kaum glauben, dass der liebenswerte Parker kriminell oder gar in den Drogenhandel der Russenmafia verwickelt sein soll, und lässt sich dazu hinreißen, ihm näherzukommen. So unprofessionell seine Gefühle auch sind – er kann Parker einfach nicht widerstehen.

Als Ivan schließlich doch auf Beweise für ein Verbrechen stößt, muss er sich entscheiden: Soll er Parker ohne Rücksicht auf Konsequenzen beschützen oder seine Karriere retten, indem er den Mann verhaftet, den er liebt?


$6.99 $5.24