Paranormal Romance books


Fearing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Three

He is a fearless protector by nature and in his heart. But nothing’s ever simple with love… or fate. 

At nearly seven feet tall, Zeus’s role had always been to protect the pack—but his newest charges need him more than most. Kimber and Kron are transplants from another pack, and they have a dangerous stranger on their tails. Zeus is determined to do his duty and drive the human out of town. But when he confronts Toren, his wolf has other ideas…. 

Something isn’t right, but should a huge, tattooed wolf with a secret soft heart fear his fate—to love a man with secrets of his own?


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Lover Behind Enemy Lines

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

True mates, together at last.

Claw—fearless leader of Seattle’s Team 32—has faced many dangers during more than a century and a half as a dreamcatcher. Yet nothing has ever scared him more than his obsession with Nathan Gallagher. Tormented by visions and dreams about the man ever since he first laid eyes on him, Claw now has to deal with living under the same roof with the object of his most ardent desires. And Nathan is so much more than a simple crush.

Brother of the caster who’s been plaguing Team 32’s area and less-than-willing houseguest of the team after a strange break-in attempt, Nathan may hold the key to finally apprehending his sister and putting a stop to the havoc she’s wreaking on Queen Anne…. Meanwhile, Nathan’s wreaking some havoc of his own on Claw’s heart.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Sunny retires to the northern Ontario wilderness to mourn his parents’ deaths, he’s hoping the change of scenery will afford him some peace and quiet.

His hopes are soon spectacularly dashed.

In self-imposed exile, dragon Emile runs across the Fold between his dimension and Sunny’s—and right into Sunny’s arms. Centuries out of touch with human culture, bright, beautiful Emile incinerates any hope Sunny had for an ordinary existence. With dryads and water sprites coming to life all around them, Sunny can’t deny the magic Emile brings to his life—or his heart. But that same magic leads the unrelenting dragon who would keep Emile captive right to them. To save his love, Sunny will have to reach deep and find some magic of his own.


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Colina de Lavanda

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.99

Lord protector of whores, thieves, sorcerers, and deviants.

Owning a parcel of land the railroad needs to cross means Edward gets to run the border town around the station as he sees fit. What starts as a place to indulge his varied appetites becomes a haven to society’s castoffs, and if Edward encourages legends about its founder to flourish, well, he’s not so much a liar as a man who wants to protect all the cultures living in peace. Being mayor means folks might ignore his vices, but they also expect him to fix what goes wrong.

When a crushing heat wave and drought threaten not only the town’s diverse holiday celebrations but its very existence, Edward must turn to the one man he’d rather french kiss a timber rattler than face—the icily elegant Cantonese mage Edward walked out on but never stopped loving.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


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Embracing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Two

Sometimes you just have to embrace your fate. 

Seth has a secret: he has a crush on the human next door. His brilliant plan to meet Jack, the man of his dreams who happens to be an animal trainer? Take wolf form and ask his best friend, Max, to take him next door for training. Seth is the only one surprised when things go horribly awry.

Still, can this shy wolf and a human meet their fate as mates?


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Hiding the Moon

Racing for the Sun | Book Two
Fish Out of Water | Book 4
$6.99 $5.24

Fish Out Of Water: Book Four - A Fish Out of Water/Racing for the Sun Crossover

Can a hitman and a psychic negotiate a relationship while all hell breaks loose?

The world might not know who Lee Burton is, but it needs his black ops division and the work they do to keep it safe. Lee’s spent his life following orders—until he sees a kill jacket on Ernie Caulfield. Ernie isn’t a typical target, and something is very wrong with Burton’s chain of command.

Ernie’s life may seem adrift, but his every action helps to shelter his mind from the psychic storm raging within. When Lee Burton shows up to save him from assassins and club bunnies, Ernie seizes his hand and doesn’t look back. Burton is Ernie’s best bet in a tumultuous world, and after one day together, he’s pretty sure Lee knows Ernie is his destiny as well.

But when Burton refused Ernie’s contract, he kicked an entire piranha tank of bad guys, and Burton can’t rest until he takes down the rogue military unit that would try to kill a spacey psychic. Ernie’s in love with Burton and Burton’s confused as hell by Ernie—but Ernie’s not changing his mind and Burton can’t stay away. Psychics, assassins, and bad guys—throw them into the desert with a forbidden love affair and what could possibly go wrong?


$6.99 $5.24

Calculated Magic

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Never too late for love.

Three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old warlock Tikron must find his true love or forfeit his immortality. But if he hasn’t found his ideal mate in all these centuries, the prospects don’t look too bright.

That is, until he sees mathematician Richard Beaumont. It’s love at first sight and Tikron’s future just go a whole lot brighter. 

Except Richard doesn’t believe in love at first sight. He doesn't believe in love at all. He certainly doesn’t believe in magic. His life is ruled by statistics and logic, and they tell him a relationship with Tikron has only a 10 percent chance of success. That’s unacceptable—even if the attraction between them is off the charts.

With his powers waning and the clock ticking down, Tikron’s last hope is showing Richard the true meaning of magic.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Le giornate di Gibson Keller sono piuttosto monotone: si sveglia presto, fa qualche lavoretto, beve litri di caffè, e si prende cura del fratello maggiore Ellis, intrappolato nella sua forma di lupo da quando è tornato dalla guerra. È una vita semplice, fatta di lunghe corse su due gambe – o quattro – e serate tranquille… finché Ellis non insegue un bell’uomo giù da un dirupo, facendolo cadere nelle acque gelate vicino alla loro baita, e la vita di Gibson cambia per sempre. 

Per Zach Thomas, comprare un vecchio B&B è un nuovo inizio. Dopo essersi lasciato alle spalle la vita di città, desidera trovare solo pace e tranquillità, e fare delle escursioni lungo i sentieri dietro la sua proprietà sembra abbastanza sicuro; almeno finché un enorme lupo nero non lo insegue fino al lago, dove rischia quasi di affogare. Scoprire che i licantropi esistono davvero lo sconvolge, ma non quanto l’uomo che lo salva dalle acque gelide per poi accomodarsi nel suo cuore come se fosse casa propria. 

Amare un licantropo – amare Gibson con tutti i suoi segreti – presenta delle difficoltà, ma Zach è convinto che valga la pena lottare per il loro amore, soprattutto perché il suo cuore sa che sotto la maschera del grande lupo cattivo si nasconde un principe. 


$4.99 $3.74

Hiding In Plain Sight

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Happily ever after is right under their noses.

Harris has been keeping a big secret for years—his unrequited mate bond with his best friend, Jackson. He’s convinced himself that having Jackson in his life is enough. That, and his work at Camp H.O.W.L., keeps him going.

Things get complicated when Jackson applies for a high-ranking Tribunal job in New York City—far from Camp H.O.W.L. The position requires he relinquish all Pack bonds… and that’s when his wolf decides to choose a mate. Suddenly Jackson sees his best friend in a sizzling new light.

Their chemistry is through the roof, but they're setting themselves up for broken hearts—and broken bonds—if Jackson can't figure out a way to balance his career and the love that’s just been waiting for him to take notice. 


$4.99 $3.74


Forbes Mates | Book Three

Forbes Mates: Book Three

Dr. Miles Grant acknowledges that his destined mate could be either gender even though his bisexuality cost him his family and his pack. Luckily he found the Forbes Pack, who happily accepts him just as he is. What he never counted on was finding his mate in Pittsburgh or for his mate to be another species entirely—a cat!

Quincy Archer isn’t just any jaguar shifter. He is the heir to the leadership of his pride. Destined mates are nothing but legend to the nearly extinct and generally solitary jaguars, and Quincy certainly never expected to find one for himself, much less a male… or a wolf.

However, finding each other and coming to terms with their species is the least of their worries. Quincy is expected to select a proper female mate, father a cub, and take his place as heir to the pride. Except Quincy refuses, having no interest in women or leadership and knowing he isn’t right for it. But his father will stop at nothing—not even attempting to kill Miles—to get his way. Quincy and Miles must overcome many obstacles to stay together as the destined mates they’re meant to be.


Es war einmal ... ein Wolf

Pfad der Wölfe | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Gibson Kellers Leben folgt einer ziemlich öden Routine: Aufstehen, Arbeiten und eine Menge Kaffee dazu. Nebenbei kümmert er sich noch um Ellis, seinen großen Bruder, der in seiner Wolfsgestalt steckt, seit er aus dem Krieg heimgekommen ist. Ein einfaches Leben mit vielen langen Läufen auf zwei oder vier Beinen … bis Ellis einen gut aussehenden Mann über eine Klippe ins eiskalte Wasser in der Nähe ihres Hauses jagt und Gibsons Leben damit für immer verändert.

Zach Thomas wollte einen Neuanfang machen, als er sich das alte B&B kaufte – sein Stadtleben hinter sich lassen und endlich die ersehnte Ruhe finden. Auf den Pfaden hinter seinem Grundstück zu wandern, klang eigentlich wie eine ziemlich sichere Idee – bis zu dem Augenblick, als ihn ein riesiger, schwarzer Wolf in den See jagt und Zach beinahe ertrinkt. Zu seiner Überraschung muss er erfahren, dass es wirklich Werwölfe gibt, doch das ist nichts gegen die Entdeckung des Mannes, der ihn aus dem eisigen Wasser rettet und dann einfach in sein Herz spaziert, als gehörte es ihm.


$4.99 $3.74

Denying Fate

A Series of Fates | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book One

Fate is a funny thing. Some try to cut its threads, while others wrap themselves in it like a blanket.

Young wolf shifter Max is cocky and crass. Unlike others his age, he has yet to discover a talent that will serve his pack. Since childhood, he’s been convinced the pack alpha is his mate, but Alpha Christian cannot envision unfiltered and directionless Max taking the place of his elegant mother at the head of the pack. As Max begins to build a life with his best friend, he also begins to see that maybe what he thought was inevitable was all in his head, and it’s time to move on.

Or are they both denying fate?


$3.99 $2.99

Hex and Candy

Strange Bedfellows
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

True love’s kiss can break the curse. But then what?

Cole Alpin runs a small-town candy store. He visits his grandmother twice a week. And sometimes he breaks curses.

Leo Ericson’s curse is obvious right away, spiderwebbing across his very nice body. Though something about it worries Cole, he agrees to help—with little idea of what he’s getting into.

Leo is a serial monogamist, but his vampire ex has taken dating off the table with his nasty spell, and Leo needs Cole’s companionship as much as his help. When the hex proves to be only the beginning of his problems, Leo seeks refuge at Cole’s place. Too bad magic prevents him from finding refuge in Cole’s arms.

Cole’s never had a boyfriend, so how can he recognize true love? And there’s still the matter of the one responsible for their troubles in the first place…. 


$4.99 $3.74

Star-Crossed Lover

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

A love worth crossing the stars for.

Taka has been a dreamcatcher and part of Team 32 for over six decades, but nobody has tempted him like Ginger—a dancer at club Zee. Too bad dreamcatchers aren't allowed to have meaningful relationships with regular people. His willpower proves a finite resource, though, when a mission at the club means spending much more time around Ginger.

Ginger’s infatuation with Taka is unwavering. When he proves to have some paranormal skills of his own, he earns himself a place on the team—if he wants it. His decision will change his life—not to mention Taka’s—irrevocably.

But living in the now could prove an issue for a man who has as much history as Taka. Can Ginger’s determination help him make his way into Taka’s heart? 


$4.99 $3.74

Blood and Eternity

Blood | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood and Ghosts
Blood: Book Three

Vampire hunter Adrien Gilbert never dreamed he’d fall for his prey or that his love, Nicolas Lambert, would give him the gift of immortality. But when a hunter bent on destroying the truce between vampires and hunters throws the gauntlet at Adrien’s feet, Adrien must travel through time to save Nicolas, and with him, the entire vampire race.

The time has come to make a choice—one they will live with for eternity. 

In this final installment in the Blood Trilogy, Adrien and Nicolas must face their greatest enemy in a deadly last confrontation. But to prevail, they’ll need to master the enemies within. 

When Adrien awakens to a future he doesn’t recognize, he faces an impossible decision: live a perfect life with Nicolas in a shattered world, or risk everything to repair a broken past. But before he can challenge vampire hunter Verel Pelletier, he must master the demon who lives in his own mind—and learn to control his ability to travel through time. With Nicolas by his side, he prepares for a final battle against a powerful adversary who likes to play games with the past and future. 

But the price of ensuring a future for their loved ones may be an eternity spent alone. 


$6.99 $5.24


Forbes Mates | Book Two

Forbes Mates: Book Two

Jamie Ryan was almost ready to accept he’d never find his destined mate. They’re uncommon to begin with, and same-sex versions are downright rare. Since his gay best friend found a destined mate, Jamie figured he was out of luck. Until end-of-semester stress forces him to go through the full-moon shift early. Stuck in wolf form, he runs into none other than his destined mate. Who’s human.

Chad Sutton has always had good instincts. They served him well as a detective and continued on when he went private. Those instincts tell him there’s something about the dog that comes up to him while running away from animal control that isn’t quite right. He works to put the pieces together, but is unsuccessful until his dog turns into a human before his eyes.

Jamie has no idea what the mate bite of a shifter will do to a human. He’s terrified to try—and possibly kill his mate. They hunt for answers while working together on one of Chad's cases. It’s easy to see they belong together, but Jamie fears the gods gave him someone he can’t keep.


$6.99 $5.24

With a new species of vampire stalking the streets, the stakes are high. But that’s not the only reason hearts are on the line.

Danny Reynolds thought Kieran McCade was the one—true love and hot lust forever—until Danny found out Kier’s bloody secret and ran away screaming. Months later, Danny is facing his own paranormal crisis, and he needs Kieran’s help, but are there enough ways to apologize for breaking a vampire’s heart?

Nothing about Danny’s transformation is normal—not the attack that led to it, and not the symptoms Danny’s plagued with—but being in close proximity to Kieran is even worse than becoming a thing that goes bump in the night. Danny and Kieran aren’t the only things threatening to bump each other off, though. Secret organizations and clashing vigilante agendas want to get their hands on Danny. His only hope is to find a fix for his problem before he’s either captured or his abnormal transition starves him to death.

Danny and Kieran might have a real chance to repair their broken romance… but only if they keep Danny alive!


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Can love be more than a memory? 

Three years ago, an attack cost Joel his leg… and his memories. Though he was told a dog he’d befriended savaged him, he has one hazy recollection: the stunning silver eyes of a wolf… or maybe a man. Desperate for the truth, he struggles back into the woods where his life changed in search of his animal friend. 

When he finds the wolf who has stalked his thoughts, he demands it reveal its true form, and he meets Guy, the man within the wolf. Guy is guarded, but the wolf knows Joel belongs with them, and gradually, Guy can only agree. Things fall into place, but then Joel inadvertently exposes the man and the wolf he’s coming to love. 

Guy and the wolf are forced to flee, but can Joel follow?


$6.99 $5.24