Romantic Suspense books


Winds of Change & Eye of the Storm

Royal Navy Series | Book Two
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Sequel to Ransom
Royal Navy Series: Book Two

Winds of Change

Lieutenants William Marshall and David Archer, of His Majesty’s frigate Calypso, have been lovers for more than a year. Because the penalty for discovery is the hangman’s noose, they limit themselves to the occasional night of passion ashore.

But in the Navy, nothing lasts forever. A transfer to a new ship brings with it a bizarre turn of events: their captain orders them to behave as though they are involved in an illicit relationship in order to smoke out a suspected traitor. When their masquerade proves dangerously effective, it threatens to cost Davy his life.

Eye of the Storm

The long war between England and France enters a fragile and temporary truce in the winter of 1802, but the lives of Commander William Marshall and Lieutenant David Archer are more complicated than ever. After almost losing Davy in battle, Will faces the responsibility of command and questions whether he can give orders that will put his love in harm's way once more.

Doubts torment David Archer. Will walked away once, trying to end their relationship for Davy's own safety. His physical wounds have healed, but the loss of trust remains. Now, his biggest challenge is persuading Will their love is worth the risk of loss.

3rd Edition
First Edition of "Winds of Change" published by Linden Bay Romance, 2007. Second of "Winds of Change" Edition published by Cheyenne Publishing/Bristlecone Pine Press, 2009. First Edition of "Eye of the Storm" published by Linden Bay Romance, 2009. Second Edition of "Eye of the Storm" published by Cheyenne Publishing/Bristlecone Pine Press, 2009.


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Timing: Der richtige Zeitpunkt

Timing (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Timing

Stefan Joss hat einfach kein Glück. Nicht nur, dass er mitten im Sommer nach Texas muss, um bei der Hochzeit seiner besten Freundin Charlotte die Ehrenjungfer zu geben. Nein, er soll auch noch gleichzeitig ein millionenschweres Geschäft für seine Firma abschließen! Das Allerschlimmste aber ist, dass er, kaum angekommen, mit dem Mann konfrontiert wird, von dem Charlotte versprochen hatte, dass er nicht zur Hochzeit kommen würde: Ihrem Bruder, Rand Holloway.

Stefan und Rand sind sich, seit dem Tag, an dem sie sich das erste Mal trafen, spinnefeind. Und so ist Stefan mehr als geschockt, als ein vorübergehend vereinbarter Waffenstillstand die üblichen Feindseligkeiten sofort in knisternde Spannung verwandelt. Wenn auch misstrauisch gegenüber den unerwarteten Gefühlen, wird Stefan durch ein ehrliches Geständnis Rands aus der Bahn geworfen und beschließt, ihm eine Chance zu geben.

Doch ihre aufkeimende Romanze wird bedroht, als Stefans Geschäftsabschluss schiefläuft: Die Besitzerin der letzten Ranch, die er für seine Firma aufkaufen soll, wird ermordet. Stefan steht die Überraschung seines Lebens bevor, als er sich plötzlich selbst in tödlicher Gefahr befindet. 


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Who Knows the Storm

The Vigilante | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Vigilante: Book One

In a dystopian near future, New York City has become the epicenter of decadence—gambling, the flesh trade, a playground for the wealthy. And underneath? Crime, fueled by “Dead Bolt,” a destructive designer drug. This New City is where Nox Boyet leads a double life. At night, he is the Vigilante, struggling to keep the streets safe for citizens abandoned by the corrupt government and police. During the day, he works in construction and does his best to raise his adopted teenaged son, Sam.

A mysterious letter addressed to Sam brings Nox in direct contact with “model” Cade Creel, a high-end prostitute working at the Iron Butterfly Casino. Suspicion gives way to an intense attraction as dark figures from Nox’s past and the mysterious peddlers of Dead Bolt begin to descend—and put all their lives in danger. When things spin out of control, Cade is the only person Nox can trust to help him save Sam.


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Shades of Sepia

The Sleepless City | Book One

A serial killer stalks the streets of Flint, Ohio. The victims are always found in pairs, one human and one vampire.

Simon Hawthorne has been a vampire for nearly a hundred years, and he has never seen anything like it. Neither have the other supernaturals he works with to keep the streets safe for both their kind and the humans.

One meeting with Simon finds Ben Leyton falling for a man he knows is keeping secrets, but he can't ignore the growing attraction between them. A recent arrival in Flint, Ben finds it very different from his native New Zealand, but something about Simon makes Ben feel as though he's found a new home.

After a close friend falls victim to the killer, Simon is torn between revealing his true nature to Ben, and walking away to avoid the reaction he fears. But with the body count rising and the murders becoming more frequent, either, or both of them, could be the killer's next target.


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Sono le nove del mattino dopo il funerale di suo padre ed Ezra Jones sa già che sarà una brutta giornata. Si sveglia con i postumi di una sbronza, dolorante e coperto di sangue. Poi la giornata peggiora: l’attraente e ammaliante Callum Dawson si presenta alla sua porta, sostenendo che Ezra è stato trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ezra cerca di essere scettico, ma le prove sono troppo schiaccianti per essere ignorate.

Ezra non ha molto tempo per abituarsi alle regole imposte dall’Alfa Callum – o al modo in cui il suo corpo risponde alla dominanza di Callum Dawson – perché è impegnato a lavorare per il CDC per aiutare a scoprire le cause di un’epidemia fra i lupi mannari. Quando la tensione sessuale finalmente si risolve, Ezra ha appena il tempo di goderselo, perché una nuova minaccia incombe. Qualcuno vuole arrivare a lui per i suoi scopi senza scrupoli, e farà qualunque cosa per catturarlo.


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$6.99 $5.24

Nachdem er Augenzeuge eines Mafia-Mordes geworden ist, wird Chirurg Jack Francisco ins Zeugenschutzprogramm aufgenommen und an einen sicheren Ort gebracht, bis es Zeit für ihn sein wird, vor Gericht auszusagen. Ein Profikiller, nur als D bekannt , wird durch Erpressung dazu gezwungen, Jack aufzuspüren und zu töten. Doch ein letzter Rest von Gewissen verbietet es D, einen unschuldigen Mann zu ermorden. Stattdessen geschieht das Unwahrscheinliche: Jack und D werden zu Verbündeten und sind bald schon gemeinsam auf der Flucht vor geheimnisvollen Feinden.

Um zu überleben, müssen die beiden Männer zusammenarbeiten. Aus diesem Zwang heraus formt sich zwischen ihnen eine emotionale Bindung, die bald schon zu einer unerwarteten Leidenschaft heranreift. Jack sieht die verwundete Seele unter Ds kaltem, emotionslosem Äußeren, und D erkennt in Jack den einen Menschen, der ihm helfen kann, wieder zu dem Mann zu werden, der er einst war. Je näher sie dem Tag von Jacks Aussage vor Gericht kommen, desto klarer erkennen Jack und D, dass sie nicht nur um ihr Leben kämpfen, sondern auch um ihre Zukunft… ihre gemeinsame Zukunft.


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All Kinds of Tied Down

Marshals | Book One

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones has a reputation for being calm and collected under fire. These traits serve him well with his hotshot partner, Ian Doyle, the kind of guy who can start a fight in an empty room. In the past three years of their life-and-death job, they've gone from strangers to professional coworkers to devoted teammates and best friends. Miro’s cultivated blind faith in the man who has his back… faith and something more.

As a marshal and a soldier, Ian’s expected to lead. But the power and control that brings Ian success and fulfillment in the field isn't working anywhere else. Ian’s always resisted all kinds of tied down, but having no home—and no one to come home to—is slowly eating him up inside. Over time, Ian has grudgingly accepted that going anywhere without his partner simply doesn't work. Now Miro just has to convince him that getting tangled up in heartstrings isn't being tied down at all.


Duck Duck Ghost

Hellsinger | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fish and Ghosts
Hellsinger: Book Two

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


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Blood Ties

Changing Moon | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Changing Moon: Book Three

When Lance is kidnapped from his adopted grandfather’s home, Andrew believes there is a traitor among Lord Basil’s drones, despite the fact that the born vampire supports Lance and Andrew’s crusade to free shifters from vampire subjugation.

Lance awakens to finds Andrew's baby sister, Angela, and a young boy shackled to a wall next to him, and a corpse nearby. Brad, a former drone of Basil's, tortures them in an effort to drive Lance insane and prove that pureblood shifters are unstable and need to be destroyed before he gets them all killed.

Stephon comes home after a trip to an orgy disguised as an unbirthday party. His mate, Quinn, shows up uninvited and is angry at the perceived infidelity. It isn’t easy to rekindle a relationship after a 270-year separation. As old arguments and insecurities resurface, Quinn decides the only way to keep Stephon safe might be to force the stubborn older vampire into hibernation, until he can defeat his father, Lord Rufus.


$6.99 $5.24

A Tooth for a Fang

Leader Murders | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Leader Murders: Case One

Three days. Three dead bodies. One newly turned, broken-hearted lycan tracker to figure out the connection.

The one summer Rick Barton takes a vacation, all hell breaks loose. Running from an abusive relationship leads him into the arms of hard-nosed lycan Travis Chandler, who gives him little choice but to become a lycan too and join the Paranormal Bureau of Investigation. Out of options, Rick joins the weird organization, expecting some two weeks of training and an adjustment period. Tough luck, he doesn’t get either. On his first day, his new partner offers to promote him to field agent if they get mated—less time wasted on training, more time on the field, and considering Rick is the only tracker the Bureau has on hand when a wave of strange murders hits the community, time is of the essence.

Someone’s killing the leaders of the paranormal world and mutilating the bodies. Investigating and tracking clues is enough of a challenge, and Rick must contend with an impatient Council, Travis’s advances, and actually adjusting to being a lycan. Only one thing is certain: Rick’s new life promises plenty of interesting adventures—as long as he can survive.


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Full Nelson | Book One
$5.99 $4.49

Full Nelson: Book One

Detective Chris Nelson and his husband Ethan are about to go on a weekend getaway to celebrate their third wedding anniversary. Instead, a case comes in for Chris. The brutally murdered body of a swim coach at the local military academy was found in the pool. Seventeen-year-old cadet Alex has already confessed. It looks like an open and shut case.

However, when Chris interviews Alex and reviews the forensics, he becomes convinced Alex is innocent. Searching for the truth behind the actual murderer and why Alex would take the fall, Chris follows a trail through a series of students. He discovers they all experienced sexual abuse at the hands of the murdered swim coach. Digging deep, Chris finds further links between the school administration and the district attorney's office covering up the allegations. When he finally solves the case, it will blow the conspiracy wide open.


$5.99 $4.49


Royal Navy Series | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Royal Navy Series: Book One

An officer, a gentleman... and a sodomite. The first two earn him honor and respect, the third may cost him his life. David Archer realizes how hopeless his attraction to his fellow midshipman is from the moment a newly-arrived William Marshall challenges a sexually abusive shipmate to a duel – and shoots him dead.

To Marshall, the Navy is his one chance to move beyond his humble beginnings. While others spend shore leave carousing, he curls up with a navigation text. When they and their captain are abducted, Archer and Marshall become pawns in a renegade’s sadistic game. To protect the man he loves, David Archer chooses to face his own demons of past abuse returned in a different form. When Marshall learns of Archer’s sacrifice, he discovers what he feels for Davy runs stronger and deeper than friendship. He's in love, for the first time in his life, and he wants to know all about this new emotion.

But first they must escape. Only then will they find out if they can preserve their love without losing their lives.

3rd Edition
1st Edition (Print and eBook) published by Linden Bay Romance, LLC, 2006 2nd Edition (Print) published by Cheyenne Publishing, 2009 2nd Edition (eBook) published by Bristlecone Pine Press, 2009


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A las nueve de la mañana del día posterior al entierro de su padre, Ezra Jones ya sabía que ese iba a ser un mal día. Se levantó con resaca, dolorido y cubierto de sangre. Y entonces las cosas empeoran: el atractivo y despótico Callum Dawson se presenta en su puerta asegurando que Ezra ha sido mordido por un hombre lobo, y que por lo tanto, ahora es uno de ellos. Ezra intenta mostrarse escéptico, pero la evidencia es difícil de ignorar.

Ezra no dispone de demasiado tiempo para acostumbrarse a las normas que Callum le impone como alfa, o a la reacción de su cuerpo ante la actitud dominante de este, mientras trabaja afanosamente para el Centro de Control de Enfermedades en un intento de encontrar el origen de la epidemia que afecta a la comunidad de licántropos. Cuando la tensión sexual entre ambos termina por explotar, Ezra apenas tiene tiempo de disfrutarlo, porque una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre ellos. Alguien quiere utilizar a Ezra para sus propios fines oscuros y hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo.


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Dead End

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Scarlet Tide
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Duncan Andrews’s best friend Gina is a witch, his bulldog Daisy is a zombie, and his boyfriend Robbie is a ghost. Duncan himself is just your average private detective, who happens to specialize in paranormal cases.

Robbie's cousin, Jason, has a problem. The house he's living in is haunted by the ghost of serial killer Dr. Stanley Moore. Duncan thinks banishing the spirit will be an easy task, but when confronted, the ghost nearly kills Duncan.

If that's not bad enough, a witch-hunting group called the Order of Cotton Mather have tracked Gina down and are bent on destroying her. And Robbie and Duncan's relationship may be nearing an end, as Robbie feels he's holding Duncan back from having a lover he can actually touch.

Duncan must rid Jason's house of the evil Dr. Moore, save Gina, and somehow manage to hold onto Robbie in the process.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Nathan Seward wakes up in a cheap hotel with a stranger, unable to remember the night before, unscrupulous plots and clandestine schemes are the furthest thing from his mind. True, he's in Houston to bid on his biggest contract yet, one that will put his software development company on the map, but he's the underdog at the table, not one of the big players. Unfortunately someone out there sees him as a threat and isn't above drugging and blackmailing him to put him out of the running. Luckily for Nathan, the man in bed next to him couldn’t be further removed from the corporate world.

Tim Conrad is scraping the bottom of the barrel. He left college during his freshman year to take care of his dying mother, and life and lack of money prevented him going back. Now twenty-seven, his dreams are long buried, and he’s scraping by with dead-end jobs and couch surfing because he can’t afford a place of his own.

As Nathan tries to run damage control and figure out what the hell happened to him, he and Tim discover a connection neither was looking for, as well as dreams they’ve both forgotten.


$6.99 $5.24

Yakuza Courage

The Way of the Yakuza
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Yakuza Pride

Ex-Navy SEAL Brendan O’Farrihy enrolls in kendo classes to investigate a Honolulu dojo acting as a front for a yakuza syndicate. Or at least that’s what Brendan’s client, Senator Harris, believes. Through his kendo instructor, the cocky, short-fused, gorgeous Kinosuke Yonekawa, Brendan learns the criminals who are supposedly using the senator’s son, Kenneth, to expand their activities into the US, seem to have severed any yakuza connections. The jaded, soul-scarred former soldier is captivated by the loyalty these gangsters show each other and the way they protect Ken like a tight military unit. Brendan wonders why the senator lied to him, and what the yakuza are shielding Ken from.

When Ken disappears, Brendan suspects foul play and decides to help the man he is falling for, Kinosuke, and his friends, find Ken. But when Kinosuke discovers Brendan has been on the senator’s payroll, all bets are off.


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Not Available
*This item is currently not available.

With his fauxhawk, sleeve tattoos, and visible piercings, Ridley Corbin has the whole badass vibe going on in spades. The image serves him well as the self-proclaimed protector of the underdog, and he wants nothing more than to be Alex Firestone's hero.

Alex, a mild-mannered library assistant, has moved to Slater, a quiet college town, hoping to hide from his past. He keeps to himself, but that doesn't save him from catching the unwanted attention of the campus bully. But not all is as it seems. Alex's past comes calling, and it's time he becomes top dog.


$4.99 $3.74

When tiger shifter Cade turns an oily owner of a consultation firm over to the FBI, he finds himself with a hit man on his heels. Chester was in possession of security-breaching national secrets, and even more concerning, evidence that shifters exist, and if it got out, trouble would follow for all shifters. So now Cade is on the run. He holes up in an isolated hideout where he doesn't expect anyone to find him--least of all a former one-night stand.

Alpha lion shifter Micah can’t shake Cade from his mind. They spent one glorious night together before Cade ran off without leaving even a name. He’s determined to find his runaway and protect what he's come to think as his despite Cade's one and done rule. He surprises Cade in his secret nest in the forest, learns the reason for Cade's self-imposed exile, and decides to call for help. This nets them Stone: a top-of-the-line bodyguard and the one man Micah can’t stand. Stone isn't thrilled either. He can think of better things to do than spend days in the wilderness with the uppity alpha who stomps on his last nerve.

Despite their differences and history, they need to find a way to survive and expose the traitor in their midst. They also realize chances at love are fleeting unless you grab the opportunity between your teeth and hold on for one wild ride.


$4.99 $3.74