

Perdu en chemin

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine
$4.99 $3.74

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine, numéro hors série

Trois mois après avoir perdu ses parents dans un accident de voiture, Daniel Whitaker, météorologue à Denver, retourne à Laramie dans le Wyoming. Il lui est déjà suffisamment difficile de faire face à la mort de ses parents et à sa relation de quinze ans qui ne cesse de se dégrader, mais lorsqu’il retrouve sa maison d’enfance sens dessus dessous, il se voit complètement désemparé. Il se tourne alors vers Landon, le voisin séduisant de ses parents, et lui demande son aide afin de ranger tout le désordre. Landon Kushner est une contradiction humaine. Il fabrique des sculptures époustouflantes à partir de débris de métal et adore le plein air, mais il conduit également une Vespa vert menthe et possède un faible pour le tricot et le voyeurisme. Il a été l’ami des parents de Daniel durant de nombreuses années et est ravi de pouvoir lui prêter main-forte.

Leur plan est simple : ranger et nettoyer la maison afin que Daniel puisse la vendre et reprendre le cours de sa vie à Denver. Mais lorsqu’un étrange livre de recettes de cuisine atterrit en la possession de Landon, Daniel se met à réaliser que l’univers – et Grand-Mère B – lui a peut-être réservé un autre destin.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro della serie Tempo al tempo

Quando Glenn Holloway dichiara la propria omosessualità alla famiglia, la sua vita viene sconvolta. Per aggiungere al danno la beffa, se ne è andato via dal ranch in cui è nato e cresciuto per aprire il ristorante che ha sempre desiderato. Senza alcun aiuto da parte del padre e del fratello, e troppo orgoglioso per accettare una mano da chiunque altro, ha dovuto ricominciare da zero. Col tempo le cose hanno iniziato a funzionare: Glenn ha avviato un’attività di successo, si è costruito una nuova casa e ha creato una vita di cui essere orgoglioso.

Nonostante i successi, però, il suo allontanamento dalla famiglia, gli Holloway, è ancora una ferita che non riesce a guarire. Rendere un favore si trasforma nel suo peggiore incubo. Per mantenere la parola data, infatti, Glenn ritorna alle sue radici, dove è costretto ad avere a che fare con il fratellastro Rand Holloway e si ritrova faccia a faccia con Mac Gentry, un uomo che lo affascina fin troppo. Tutto potrebbe finire in un disastro: sia i tenui legami familiari, sia quel desiderio che non sapeva di avere nel cuore.


$4.99 $3.74

Smuovere le acque

Wrench Wars – Gli assi dei motori
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della serie Wrench Wars - Gli assi dei motori

Ward Kent e Dean Zimmerman sono migliori amici sin dai tempi delle medie. Ora lavorano fianco a fianco nell’officina di Reggie, dove viene girato il reality show **Wrench Wars – Gli assi dei motori**. Fuori dall’orario di lavoro, Dean è un noto seduttore e l’amico gli fa da spalla. Non sospetta, però, che l’interesse di Ward è rivolto più alla fauna maschile che a quella femminile.

Tutto cambia quando Ash, il fratello minore di Dean, viene assunto all’officina. Ash sarà anche più giovane di loro di ben sette anni, ma ha una cotta per Ward da sempre e non si fa problemi a rendere note le proprie intenzioni.

Per Dean prendere atto che sia il fratello che l’amico sono gay è un conto, ma vederli insieme è più di quanto possa affrontare. Ward ne prende atto, ma viene messo alle strette: dovrà decidere se rinunciare alla loro amicizia – e anche al lavoro – oppure dire addio a Ash per sempre.


$3.99 $2.99

Six years ago, Noah Wheeler went to meet his boyfriend, Dante Cerreto, at the airport, and his world ended. Dante was kissing someone else and claimed to be in love. So Noah took his heartbreak—and the sonogram pictures of their surrogate child—and closed the door on the big picture of what he thought his life would be, focusing instead on the piece of the dream he got to keep, being a father.

Now on vacation in Las Vegas, Noah accidentally runs into the Cerreto family, and then the man himself, and learns that not only was he deceived, but Dante was as well. Now Dante wants to make up for lost time, six years’ worth, and to do that he needs Noah, the only man he’s ever loved, and Grace, the daughter he didn’t know he had, to give him a chance at happiness. Dante’s going to have to take a crash course in communication and seduction, though. Noah’s not going to fall in love just to be broken again.


$5.99 $4.49

There is another world existing alongside the one most see everyday, and although it is a place of magic and wonder, the dangers are very real. 

Aran, an artist, grew up on his grandmother’s tales of the Side-by-Side world. He never expected his knowledge of folklore would aid his boyfriend, Brandon, in an arson investigation, but the snakes that burst into flames when agitated are something he recalls from those childhood stories. 

When Aran vanishes, Brandon knows his time as a state trooper won’t help find him, so he enlists the aid of Aran’s grandmother, Ruth, and they venture into the Side-by-Side world. 

But Aran has no memory of his life prior to crossing between worlds, and he’s enjoying the company of his handsome new companion, Ren. Even if Brandon and Ruth reach him, convincing him to return to his former home won’t be easy. In a contemporary fairy-tale adventure set among forests and trails, Aran must choose between a mystical fantasy world and the man he loves.


$5.99 $4.49

Too Many Temples

World of Love | Bali
$3.99 $2.99

Looking to spice up his stagnant sex life in Brisbane, self-professed player Adrian takes a weeklong vacation in Bali, anticipating sun, surf, and plenty of no-strings-attached hookups. He doesn’t expect his attraction to the tour guide, Ketut, to become an obsession. As he travels around the beautiful Island of the Gods, Adrian is startled that he might be falling in love after swearing off relationships for good. 

When Ketut opens a window of opportunity for a real relationship in Queensland after the vacation ends, Adrian retreats into his life of commitment-free fun. Unable to forget Ketut, though, Adrian strikes out to the remote Queensland town of Rockhampton to find the man of his desires—hoping he hasn’t lost the chance for true love.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99

De la nourriture pour l'esprit

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine
$3.99 $2.99

Contes d'un étrange livre de cuisine, numéro hors série

Emmett Gant avait l’intention de dire à son père quelque chose de vraiment important un dimanche matin… Mais son père est décédé avant qu’il ait pu le lui dire. À présent, près de trois ans plus tard, il ne semble pas savoir avec qui il devrait être… la fille aux joues comme des pommes et son impressionnante famille ou Keegan, son voisin narquois, qui ne voit jamais sa famille, mais qui le rend vraiment heureux juste en venant discuter avec lui.

Emmett a vraiment besoin de clarté.

Heureusement pour lui, la mère de son meilleur ami a un livre de cuisine qui promet de lui donner de la bonne nourriture et de la perspicacité. Emmett est intrigué. Le livre le suit chez lui et Keegan et lui décident de faire la recette « Pour plus de clarté » et ce qui s’ensuit est à la fois très clair et un peu surprenant, surtout pour la petite amie d’Emmett. Ce dernier va devoir réfléchir à son passé et à la chose vraiment importante qu’il n’a pas pu dire à son père s’il veut obtenir la recette de l’amour juste.


$3.99 $2.99

Nach Art der Wölfe

Den Schleier heben | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Buch 1 in der Serie - Den Schleier heben

Kris Ellis dachte, die Zeit arrangierter Ehen wäre lange vorbei – aber das war, bevor die Große Enthüllung bewies, dass mythische Wesen unter den Menschen leben. Nun hat ein medizinischer Routintest gezeigt, dass Kris einen Gefährten hat, einen Werwolf namens Rafael King.

Kris hat gerade seinen Collegeabschluss gemacht und hat Pläne für sein zukünftiges Leben. Für immer an jemanden gebunden zu sein, den er nie getroffen hat, gehört nicht dazu. Dann erhält er einen Anruf von Rafe und beginnt, seine Meinung zu ändern. Wie muss es sein, zweihundert Jahre auf seinen wahren Gefährten zu warten? 

Rafe ist geduldig, stark und freundlich, und nicht zu vergessen - verdammt attraktiv. Alles, was Kris über wahre Gefährten gehört hat, bewahrheitet sich. In dem Moment, als sie sich treffen, fliegen die Funken. Aber Kris und Rafe sind sehr verschieden, und nach Art der Wölfe zu leben, ist gefährlich. Ist ihre Liebe es wert, um sie zu kämpfen?


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

The sea is full of jealously guarded secrets, but everything washes up eventually….

Betrayed by a trusted partner, Nathan figures he might as well be lost and heartbroken in the sunshine, and he heads to the coast of South Carolina, to stay with a friend and find a new direction for his life. But despite his efforts, he is lost in the fog, unable to find a guiding light and sometimes unable to find a reason to go on. His only respite from depression and anxiety is the soothing rhythm of the tides and the comfort he draws from proximity to the water.

When the sea sends a lifeline in the form of a strange and beautiful man, it’s easy for Nathan to ignore all the things that don’t add up about his new friend. But the tides can turn without notice, and it’s those mystical traits that will either finally lead Nathan safely to shore or drown him in confusion and despair.


$4.99 $3.74

Blaue Tage

Mangrove Stories (Deutsch)
$3.99 $2.99

Ein Titel der Mangrove Stories Serie

Sich in einen Kollegen zu vergucken, ist selten eine gute Idee, speziell für einen Mann, der eine letzte Chance bekommt, seine Karriere zu retten. Doch von dem Moment an, in dem Dwyer Knolls dem gutaussehenden, aber unbeholfenen Takeo Hiroyuki begegnet, scheint er nur noch die falschen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Takeos Leben besteht aus einer Reihe vergeblicher Versuche, seinen konservativen japanischen Vater zufrieden zu stellen. Unglücklicherweise ist die erfolgreiche Ausübung seines Jobs genauso schwierig für ihn wie der Wechsel von homo- zu heterosexuell. Aber ein Augenmerk auf Dwyer Knolls zu haben – darin ist er wirklich gut.

Auf einer Geschäftsreise nach Mangrove, Florida, wird aus Takeos` und Dwyers zögerlicher Freundschaft plötzlich mehr – viel mehr. Ist ihre Liebe stark genug, um ihre Karrieren dafür zu riskieren, oder haben sie die plötzliche, intensive Leidenschaft nur der lauen Brise des blauen Ozeans zu verdanken?


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Wolf shifter Falco Gladstone knew Carter McCloud was his mate when they were in seventh grade, but school and the foster care system tore them apart. Years later, Falco is second in command of his Michigan pack, serving under an uncle who cares more about his own power than the welfare of their people. The alpha orders Falco to marry and produce offspring—but Falco’s already found his mate, and mates are forever. 

Carter’s lonely life is turned upside down when he detects a familiar scent on the wind. The mates might have found each other, but their happily ever after is far from guaranteed. Falco’s commitment to Carter puts him at odds with his uncle’s plans, and when one of the alpha’s enforcers starts shadowing the couple, something must be done—something that will either cement their relationship or destroy it once and for all.


$4.99 $3.74

Hearts in Ireland

World of Love | Ireland
$4.99 $3.74

When the future is shrouded and it’s hard to find direction, maybe it’s time to let the heart lead the way….

Ronan Walker stands at a crossroads, unsure how to pursue his education… unsure if he even wants to. Now that his mother is gone, all he has left are the wonderful stories of her youth in Ireland, and he’s drawn to the land of his ancestors. There, he seeks out his mother’s family and meets Fergal Walsh, who works at Ronan’s aunt’s bookstore. A love of literature facilitates a fast friendship between the two men, and even though Ronan cannot deny the potential—and his desire—for more, he cannot see a future for the two of them when he leaves Ireland. Fergal must persuade Ronan to give school in Dublin a chance—and convince Ronan that his heart has already found its home.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$4.99 $3.74

The Dusk Parlor

World of Love | Japan
$3.99 $2.99

Former soldier Hugh Harris is a hāfu—half-Japanese, half-American—and, after his father’s death, he returns to Kobe, Japan, in order to connect with his mother and her family. Confused and feeling out of place, Hugh finds work as a waiter at an upscale nightclub. The other employees, an odd and eclectic bunch, quickly make him feel at home, especially the bartender, Ren, and the club host, Kaito. 

But the tranquility doesn’t last forever. As Hugh gets deeper into his relationships with both men, he finds they may have dubious connections with the yakuza in town… and when the local street leaders send their enforcers to the Dusk Parlor, Hugh, Ren, and Kaito may be in for a storm of trouble.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99

Kissing Lessons

Before… and After
$3.99 $2.99

A Before… and After Story

A kiss is just a kiss. It doesn’t have to mean anything. Does it?

At seventeen, Merry’s never been kissed. Since he doesn’t want to disappoint his prom date, he asks his more experienced best friend, Boone, for some pointers. Surprisingly, Boone agrees to give him a hands-on lesson.

But they have no idea what they’re getting into.

They explore hundreds of ways to make out, but somehow it isn’t enough. A week later, they’re back together for another session. This time things go further than either of them planned, and their relationship becomes awkward and uncomfortable.

Have they learned enough to salvage their friendship and help it evolve? Their lessons have come to an end. They can either part ways forever… or share a true love’s kiss.


$3.99 $2.99

It begins with a message that David cannot ignore:

I want to see you.

He agrees, and on a cold winter’s night, David and Phillip will come together to sift through the wreckage of the memory of a life no longer lived.

David is burdened, carrying with him the heavy guilt of the past six years upon his shoulders.

Phillip offers redemption.


$3.99 $2.99

Brett has spent twenty-seven years trying to be perfect for the Mormon grandparents who raised him. Unfortunately, doing so has meant missing out on lots of life experiences—and denying a major part of who he is. Now that his grandparents are gone, Brett is ready to make up for lost time, break out of the sedate façade he’s always presented, and do something he would have never considered before: attend a gay men’s spiritual retreat in rural Massachusetts. 

While trying to infuse some spice into his life with workshops like Erotic Massage, Body Painting, and Drag 101, Brett meets Boston nurse Karl, and it’s hard to deny the connection between them. But will Brett’s lack of experience and Karl’s insecurities end their romance before it can really begin? 

It might be a spiritual retreat, but Brett must learn to embrace his physical reality if he’s going to grab on to his chance at love. 


States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99

Giorni nel blu

Storie di Mangrove
$3.99 $2.99

Serie Storie di Mangrove

Innamorarsi di un collega non è quasi mai una buona idea, specialmente per un uomo a cui è appena stata data l’ultima possibilità per salvare la propria carriera. Ma fin dal primo momento in cui Dwyer Knolls vede Takeo Hiroyuki, bellissimo ma socialmente inetto, sembra destinato a prendere solo delle pessime decisioni.

La vita di Takeo è scandita da continui fallimenti nel tentativo di rendere orgoglioso il padre, un uomo giapponese fissato con le tradizioni. Sfortunatamente, avere successo negli affari per Takeo è difficile quanto cambiare il proprio orientamento sessuale. In effetti, l’unica cosa in cui sembra eccellere è notare Dwyer Knolls.

Quando i due partono per Mangrove, in Florida, per un viaggio di lavoro, la loro amicizia incerta diventa più solida e si trasforma in qualcosa di più profondo. La loro improvvisa sintonia sarà abbastanza forte da permettere loro di costruire un futuro insieme, oppure si tratta solo di un abbaglio ispirato dalla brezza dell’oceano?


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