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Opposites attract, but are some differences too drastic for a romance to survive?

On the surface, Benson Howard Winthrop III and Hugh Bayard have a lot in common: they’re young, handsome, and blessed to be one of the wealthiest couples in the country. Surely they have everything anyone could want. But Ben is no longer satisfied with their long-running relationship. Hugh’s need to control every situation is suffocating him, and Ben needs to know if he can make it on his own merits by following his passion.

But Ben’s mother isn’t about to let her son live in a rundown apartment as a struggling actor. She’s determined to get him back to his rightful place at the top of the social ladder—and back with Hugh.

Rekindling their romance will require more than doing what’s expected. Ben and Hugh need to understand and embrace each other’s differences. They’ll have to support each other even when one makes a decision the other doesn’t agree with. For their passionate love to grow, they will need to redefine the meaning of romance… only then can they find true happiness.


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Linear Park

States of Love
$3.99 $2.99

Sean and Nick’s life together was a fairy tale: childhood friends who became lovers, high school sweethearts who married after college, both handsome professionals. Sean always enjoyed a few drinks, but after the death of his father, his alcoholism spiraled out of control… and it cost him everything.

When Sean loses his job and becomes too surly and unreasonable to live with, Nick has little choice but to end the relationship. Sean can’t blame Nick for giving up—not after the arguments and the lies—but he longs for the happiness and love they shared before he spoiled everything. He resolves to get sober and win back his husband. But even if he wins his battle with alcoholism, will it be too late to save his marriage?

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


$3.99 $2.99

À toute épreuve

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Question de temps, tomes 1 et 2

Jory Harcourt n’a pas besoin de chercher des ennuis. Où qu’il aille, ceux-ci semblent le trouver, en particulier quand son partenaire, Sam Kage, travaille sous couverture pour une équipe d’intervention fédérale.

Après avoir été forcé à mettre la clef sous la porte par la récession, Jory est embauché comme entremetteur et organisateur d’événements. Ce n’est plus qu’une question de temps avant que sa grande bouche et son attitude trop franche le jettent entre les pattes d’un riche héritier et d’un magnat de la drogue, qui veulent tous les deux le conquérir. Puis, comme si cette situation n’était pas déjà assez délicate, Jory retrouve la trace de son amant sous couverture, aux ordres du trafiquant.

Entre les hommes qui ont envie de lui et ce qui veulent simplement sa mort, Chicago devient un peu trop dangereux pour Jory, et sur le conseil de son frère, de son petit ami et du FBI, il se rend à Hawaï… où un grave accident menace le restant de ses jours. Est-ce que Sam et Jory garderont la foi et prouveront que leur relation est vraiment à toute épreuve ?


$6.99 $5.24

Die Nacht überdauern

Lang Downs (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 3 in der Serie - Lang Downs

Büroleiter Sam Emery ist arbeitslos und vom Glück verlassen.  Als seine ständig an ihm rumnörgelnde Frau die Scheidung will, wendet er sich an die einzige Person, die ihm noch geblieben ist, seinen Bruder Neil. Er rechnete nicht damit, dass Neil ihn ablehnen würde, aber dass die Neuigkeiten über seine Scheidung – und über seine sexuelle Orientierung – mit solch großer Akzeptanz aufgenommen werden würden, überraschte ihn sehr.

Neil nimmt Sam mit nach Lang Downs, die Schaffarm, die Neil sein Zuhause nennt. Dort lernt Sam, dass das Leben als schwuler Mann nicht unmöglich ist. Caine und Macklin, die Farmbesitzer, scheinen dies möglich zu machen. Als Caine Sam einen Job anbietet, wird für ihn ein Traum wahr.

Jeremy Taylor verlässt das einzige Zuhause, das er kennt, als die Schwulenfeindlichkeit seines Bruders unerträglich wird. Er sucht Zuflucht an dem einzigen Ort, von dem er weiß, dass er dort willkommen ist: Lang Downs. Er versteht sich auf Anhieb mit Sam — aber die Feindseligkeit zwischen Lang Downs und Jeremys Heimatfarm sitzt tief und die Jackaroos sind nicht gewillt, Jeremy so einfach zu akzeptieren. Aufgrund von Sams Unsicherheit und Jeremys prekärer Lage haben beide einen schweren Weg vor sich — auch ohne dass sie darauf warten müssen, dass Sams Scheidung endlich durch ist, bevor sie gemeinsam ein neues Leben beginnen können.


$6.99 $5.24

A Destiny of Dragons

Tales From Verania

Sequel to The Lightning-Struck Heart

Once upon a time, the wizard’s apprentice Sam of Wilds got his happily ever after in the arms of his cornerstone, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. A year has passed, and while Sam’s been captured five or six more times since then, things are pretty great. His parents are happy, Gary and Tiggy still eat sass for breakfast, Randall is somehow alive despite being older than the gods, the King rules with a gentle hand, Kevin the dragon is as gross as ever, Morgan sighs a lot, Ryan continues to be dashing and immaculate, and Sam is close to convincing Prince Justin they will be best friends forever.

Life is good.

Until it’s not.

Because Vadoma, the leader of the gypsy clan and Sam’s grandmother, has come to the City of Lockes with a dire prophecy written in the stars: a man of shadows is rising and will consume the world unless Sam faces his destiny and gathers the five dragons of Verania at his side.

And she brings along her second-in-command, a man named Ruv.

Ruv, who Vadoma says is Sam’s true cornerstone.


Heart Unheard

Hearts Entwined
$6.99 $5.24

A Hearts Entwined Novel

The attraction between Brent Berkheimer and Scott Spearman peels the wallpaper, but Brent is Scott’s boss, and they’re both too professional to go beyond flirting. Their priorities realign after Scott is badly injured in an accident that costs him his hearing, and Brent realizes what is truly important… he wants Scott. 

Scott pushes Brent away at first, fearing a new romance will just add to his problems, but perhaps he will find unexpected strength and solace in Brent’s support as he struggles to communicate with the world in a new way. 

Just as they decide the chance of a happy future together is worth the risk, Scott and Brent discover darker challenges in their way—including evidence that the “accident” Scott suffered may not have been so accidental.


$6.99 $5.24

Ante Up

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Love is a high-stakes game.

A century and a half ago, Ante Novak died on a Croatian battlefield—and rose three days later as a vampire. Now he haunts Las Vegas, stealing blood and money from drunken gamblers and staying on the fringe of the powerful vampire organization known as the Shadows. His existence feels empty and meaningless until he meets beautiful Peter Gehrardi, who can influence others with his thoughts.

An attraction flares instantly, bringing a semblance of life to Ante’s dead heart. But the Shadows want Peter too, and they’re willing to kill to get him. As Ante and Peter flee, they learn more about themselves and each other, and they discover that the world is a stranger place than either of them imagined. With enemies at their heels and old mistakes coming back to exact a price, how can Ante and Peter find sanctuary?


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

A billionaire and a Bedouin girl—each with a shocking secret.

Billionaire Fathi al-Murzim is a workaholic businessman, too busy running the family’s companies to even think about marriage. Too bad he never told his grandfather he’s gay, because Grandfather just announced a childhood betrothal—to a Bedouin girl Fathi never heard about before.

Ikraam din Abdel was raised as a woman by his avaricious and abusive older sister, who didn’t want him to be their father’s heir. He’d never thought to be married either, and is surprised when his sister informs him of his betrothal.

When Fathi and Ikraam meet, they are drawn to each other in a manner neither of them expected. As the plans for their wedding progress, they both realize they need to tell the other the truth. But can they, with both cultural taboos and family pressures to deal with?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Brighton McKenzie ha ereditato l’ultimo appezzamento di terra adibito a fattoria alla periferia di Baltimora. Appartiene alla sua famiglia da quando il Maryland era una colonia, ed è rimasto inattivo per anni. Venderlo come area edificabile sarebbe facile, ma Brighton vuole onorare il desiderio di suo nonno e riprendere a farlo fruttare. Sfortunatamente, un incidente lo obbliga a usare un bastone per camminare e ha quindi bisogno di aiuto. Tanner Houghton ha lavorato in un ranch nel Montana fino a quando un ex vendicativo non lo ha fatto licenziare a causa della sua sessualità. Arriva nel Maryland invitato dal cugino ed è entusiasta di tornare a fare il lavoro che ama.

Brighton è immediatamente attratto da Tanner che, alto e bello da togliere il fiato, rappresenta tutto ciò che lo affascina in un uomo. Non se la sente però di fare la prima mossa, innanzitutto perché è un suo dipendente, e poi perché non riesce a capire come un uomo così virile possa essere interessato a lui. Ma quello non è il più grave dei loro problemi. Devono affrontare le macchinazioni della zia di Brighton e dell’ex di Tanner, che all’improvviso lo rivuole con sé, e devono trovare il modo per rendere redditizia la fattoria prima che il patrimonio della famiglia di Brighton sia perduto per sempre.


$6.99 $5.24

Ein Ständchen für Stanley

Belladonna Arms (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Belladonna Arms Serie

Willkommen im Belladonna Arms, einem heruntergekommenen Mietshaus auf einem der Hügel in der Innenstadt von San Diego. Es ist das Heim der Verlorenen, der Liebeskranken und der Liebestollen.

Der schüchterne Archäologiestudent Stanley Sternbaum ist gerade erst hier eingezogen. Er verbringt seine Zeit damit, die exzentrischen Nachbarn zu beobachten, seinem Teufelsbraten von Mutter aus dem Weg zu gehen und ansonsten möglichst unbemerkt zu bleiben … Letzteres erweist sich als das größte Problem – jedenfalls soweit es Roger Jane angeht, der ebenfalls im Belladonna Arms wohnt. Der muskelbepackte Krankenpfleger mit den wunderschönen grünen Augen ist nämlich hoffnungslos in Stanley verknallt und macht ihm unbeirrt den Hof. Doch Stanley hat immer ein ruhiges, zurückgezogenes Leben geführt und ist nie das Risiko eingegangen, sich zu verlieben. Besonders nicht in einen Mann, der so umwerfend gut aussieht wie Roger Jane.

Während Roger versucht, die Mauern um Stanley einzureißen, wendet der sich an seine Nachbarn, um mehr über die Liebe zu lernen: An Ramon, der keine Angst davor hat, sein Herz dem falschen Mann zu schenken; an Sylvia, eine Transsexuelle, die sich nichts mehr wünscht, als endlich eine Frau zu werden; an deren heimlichen Verehrer, der sie so liebt, wie sie ist; an Arthur, die Dragqueen, die sie alle liebt und nie etwas dafür erwartet – und an Roger, dessen Herz schon einmal gebrochen wurde, der aber bereit ist, es für Stanley wieder zu riskieren. Wenn Stanley es nur endlich schaffen würde, seine eigenen Unsicherheiten zu überwinden und ihn einzulassen.


$6.99 $5.24

Nachtisch für Zwei

Geschichten aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch
$4.99 $3.74

Eine Geschichte aus dem Kuriosen Kochbuch

Boone Walton hat sich alle erdenkliche Mühe gegeben, seine Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen. Er lebt jetzt nur noch für seine Kunstgalerie in New Orleans und seine Freundschaft mit Scott Wren. Alles scheint sich langsam zu normalisieren und wieder in geregelten Bahnen zu verlaufen. Boone könnte nicht glücklicher sein.

Scott Wren, ein junger Koch und Restaurantbesitzer, möchte mehr als Freundschaft. Er will eine echte Beziehung zu Boone, doch der hat davor eine Heidenangst. Und das liegt nicht nur an dem Geist, der in Scotts Wohnung herumspukt. Es liegt auch nicht an Scotts Familie. Nein, es liegt daran, dass Boones Vergangenheit ihm einen unerwarteten Besuch abstattet. Es gibt eigentlich nichts, was sich zwischen Boone, Scott und die Mousse au Chocolate drängen kann, deren Rezept Scott in einem kuriosen, alten Kochbuch gefunden hat. Nichts, bis auf das Meer des Leidens, das Boone überqueren musste, um im Big Easy ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch das Rezept hat eine geheime Zutat, die in Boone ein Vertrauen und eine Liebe weckt, wie er sie bisher noch nie erfahren hat.


$4.99 $3.74

Blood Drop

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Five

A single drop of blood might hold the key to the fate of the magical world, and Aiden Teine must choose between his bond of love and embracing the power to defeat his enemies.

Aiden’s adjustment to being the first vampyre fae hasn’t been easy, but his ties to warlock Thad Blackmoor prevent him from becoming a monster. With Thad, Aiden has a new family, a new purpose, and a new reason to live—though he’s technically undead. There’s one problem: Aiden’s control over his vampyre is weakening. He must learn what’s triggering his violent reactions before he surrenders to the creature within. To complicate matters, Aiden discovers his transformation might not be complete, and he fears what he will become.

Aiden’s search for answers thrusts him into a frightening world filled with deception, new dangers, and apocalyptic visions. The part destiny intends Aiden to play could alter his relationship with Thad forever. If Aiden, Thad, and the entire magical community are to survive Icarian’s latest scheme, Aiden must interpret the meaning of the prophetic blood drop before it falls and ushers in the destruction of all creation—and the warlock he loves.


$6.99 $5.24

Fool of Main Beach

Love in Laguna

A Love in Laguna Novel

Merle Justice wants to reach for the stars, but it’s tough to get respect when playing a teenybopper vampire on TV. Then he meets a famous director anxious to give him all he thinks he wants—and maybe a bit more. Everything’s looking up until a life-threatening encounter with some homophobes on Main Beach puts Merle face-to-face with a Sasquatch-sized hero in a pink puffer coat.

Tom Henry defies description. As unsophisticated and simple as an angel, he walks through life content with who he is and asking for very little except to care for his sister, Lily, and the dogs he loves. Then he meets Merle, the embodiment of dreams he barely knows he has. Merle knows the people who hold his future in their hands might love Tom—but they’ll never understand Merle and Tom together. Tom knows it too. With lives this far apart, who’s really the fool of Main Beach?


Camp H.O.W.L.

Camp H.O.W.L.
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

Moonmates exist, but getting together is going to be a beast….

When Adrian Rothschild skipped his “werewolf puberty,” he assumed he was, somehow, human. But he was wrong, and he’s about to go through his Turn with a country between him and his Pack—scared, alone, and eight years late.

Dr. Tate Lewis’s werewolf supremacist father made his Turn miserable, and now Tate works for Camp H.O.W.L. to ease the transition for young werewolves. He isn’t expecting to offer guidance to a grown man—or find his moonmate in Adrian. Tate doesn’t even believe in the legendary bond; after all, his polygamist father claimed five. But it’s clear Adrian needs him, and if Tate can let his guard down, he might discover he needs Adrian too.

A moonmate is a wolf’s missing piece, and Tate is missing a lot of pieces. But is Adrian up to the challenge?


$4.99 $3.74

Black Dog Blues (Italiano)

Serie Kai Gracen | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Kai Gracen, Libro 1

L’elfo reietto Kai Gracen è convinto di aver esaurito il suo karma positivo quando uno Stalker umano vince la partita di poker in cui Kai è stato messo in palio e lo prende con sé. In seguito alla violenta fusione tra la Terra e l’Underhill, la razza umana e quella elfica si ritrovano a vivere in un mondo caotico e infestato da mostri, e gli Stalker sono gli unici disposti ad accorrere quando all’orizzonte si profilano oscure minacce.

Anche se difficile, quella dello Stalker è una vita che Kai ama: buone ricompense, qualche amico e, soprattutto, è priva di altri elfi che possano ricordargli il suo passato. E poi uccidere i mostri è facile, specialmente perché anche lui è un mostro.

Quando un signore dei sidhe di nome Ryder arriva a San Diego, a Kai viene affidato un incarico per la nuova Corte dell’alba. Sulla carta si tratta di una semplice spedizione lungo la costa durante la stagione degli amori dei draghi, allo scopo di salvare una donna umana incinta in cerca di protezione. Facile, veloce e, cosa più importante, remunerativo. Tuttavia Kai si trova invischiato in una faida familiare all’ultimo sangue dalla quale non ha alcuna speranza di sottrarsi. 

Nessuno si è mai arricchito facendo lo Stalker. Anzi, pochi di loro arrivano alla vecchiaia, e sembra che Kai non farà eccezione.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Return to Tachna’s world of vampires and wizards in the second volume of Partnership in Blood.

With the war over, the wizards and vampires of l’ANS are faced with a series of new challenges as they explore everything their partnerships have come to signify. While the depth of individual partnerships varies, one thing is certain: there is more to their partnerships—and the Aveu de sang—than meets the eye.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49
$6.99 $5.24

Hartwick County in South Dakota bedeutet einen neuen Anfang für Mackenzie „Mack“ Redford. Das Leben in der Großstadt war nicht das, was er erwartet hatte und nun ist er wieder zu Hause und arbeitet als Sheriff. 

Brantley Calderone ist ebenfalls auf der Suche nach einem neuen Leben. Nachdem er New York verlassen und eine Ranch gekauft hat, versucht er sich einzuleben und sich daran zu gewöhnen, an einem anderen Ort zu leben – bis er eine tote Frau auf seiner Veranda entdeckt und sich selbst als Haupttatverdächtigen in einem Mordfall wiederfindet.

Mack und Brantley erkennen sehr bald mehrere Dinge: Irgendjemand will Brantley etwas anhängen, allein ist er nicht länger sicher auf der Ranch und zwischen ihnen entwickelt sich definitiv eine gewisse Anziehungskraft, die sich noch verstärkt, als Mack Brantley anbietet, vorübergehend bei ihm einzuziehen. Als ihre Romanze eskaliert, eskaliert auch das Verhalten des Mörders. Sie müssen ihm immer einen Schritt voraus sein und herausfinden, wer Brantley tot sehen will, ehe es zu spät ist. Nur dann können sie das neue Leben beginnen, das sie beide suchen – gemeinsam.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Seventeen years ago, Forge Reynolds fell in love… and had his heart broken. When Staff Sergeant Gage Livingston was brought into Forge’s Army field hospital, temporarily paralyzed, Forge sat with him, read his letters, answered his mail, and formed a connection he thought would last. But Gage was sent home, Forge transferred to a new post, and his letters to Gage went unanswered. 

Now in the middle of a bitter divorce, Forge is sick and tired of his husband’s manipulation. He's almost ready to make any sacrifice to get closure—then he finds Granger murdered execution-style in their home. Forge had no idea about Granger’s illicit activities, but the killers don’t believe that. They think Forge has something they want, and they’re coming after him. 

When Forge’s lawyer arranges for professional protection, the last face Forge expects to see is Gage’s. Can he even contemplate a second chance for them after almost two decades, or will hoping only lead to more heartache? Before they can explore the possibilities, they must figure out what information Granger had—that others are willing to kill for—or that possible heartache could become a certainty.


$6.99 $5.24