Comfort and Joy

By Nicki Bennett

Comfort and Joy
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Words 19314
  • Pages 60
  • ISBN-13 978-1-64108-704-9
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a widowed Earl must be in want of a wife—or so Marcus Stanthorpe’s grandmother believes. Marcus had done what was necessary to ensure an heir, but now has no patience for his grandmother’s matchmaking. Spending the holidays with his friends, his son, and his valet, William Haworth, brings him enough contentment.

But when a family emergency calls Haworth to London, Marcus’s contentment reveals itself to be fickle. Suddenly he realizes how much William has come to mean to him. But William has never indicated he shares Marcus’s preferences. Can the comforts of the holiday season bring two lonely men joy?


Cover Artist: L.C. Chase

Genres Gay / Historical Romance / Holiday Romance