New Adult books

$6.99 $5.24

Kevin Devereaux’ Leben kann gar nicht mehr schlimmer werden. Er steht unter Bewährung und lebt zusammen mit seinem vorbestraften, arbeitslosen Dad in einem heruntergekommenen Trailer im verrufenen Osten der Stadt. Um seine Bewährungshelferin bei Laune zu halten, tritt er einer Theatergruppe für Jugendliche bei und verliebt sich Hals über Kopf in Peter Finn, den Hauptdarsteller der Produktion – und Sohn des reichsten Elternhauses der Stadt. Trotz ihrer Unterschiede erwidert Peter Kevins Gefühle und zum ersten Mal erfährt Kevin, was es bedeutet, verliebt zu sein.

Doch Peters Familie weigert sich, einen schwulen Sohn zu akzeptieren – und schon gar nicht einen Freund aus ärmeren Verhältnissen – und so müssen die beiden in der konservativen Stadt ihre Beziehung geheim halten. Immerhin bleibt ihnen das Theaterstück und sie können sich gegenseitig Halt geben, also schlagen sie sich durch …

Bis ein brutaler Angriff Kevins Leben erschüttert und Peter kurz davor steht, wegen Mordes ins Gefängnis zu müssen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Hollywood, the mid-1960s. President Kennedy has been assassinated, the country’s civil rights movement is in full swing, and teenager Nate Berrigan is a television sitcom star.

But Nate’s onscreen life looks nothing like the real thing, which stars abusive, addicted parents instead of swooning teenage girls. On top of that, Nate’s questioning his sexuality, and his boss is a demanding monster.

The pressure would get to anyone. Fortunately Nate has Tai Atua, his costar… and maybe the love of his life. As the boys slowly fall for each other, Nate tries to believe in the possibility of his own happiness. Tai could be his savior, pulling Nate away from the precarious knife-edge he’s balancing on.

Of course, he could also be his undoing. Because if anyone finds out about their relationship, Nate’s whole life will come crashing down around him. If that happened, Nate couldn’t live with himself….


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Un jour, Tate "Talker" Walker s'assied à côté de Brian Cooper dans le bus qui les amène à une compétition d'athlétisme et le voit comme personne au monde ne l'a jamais vu. Un jour, Brian Cooper passe outre la façade punk de Talker et son bavardage constant et le connaît comme personne d'autre au monde ne le connaîtra jamais. Un jour, deux garçons se rencontrent, et même s'ils tombent amoureux, la route sera longue et cahoteuse.

Tate doit apprendre à écouter, Brian a besoin d'apprendre à s'exprimer. L'événement qui leur apprend exactement ce dont ils ont besoin manque de détruire Tate et ne laisse d'autre choix à Brian que d'avoir recours à la violence. Pour que leur amour survive, Tate et Brian devront apprendre à surmonter les douleurs du viol et les répercussions de la vengeance. Encore plus difficile, ils devront se soutenir mutuellement pendant que l'un trouve la paix et l'autre sa voix, car le prince charmant n'est pas vraiment un prince charmant s'il ne connaît pas sa propre valeur.


$9.99 $7.49

151 Days

Foster High
Foster High series
Tales from Foster High | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Tales from Foster High: Book Three

With just 151 days left until the school year ends, Kyle Stilleno is running out of time to fulfill the promise he made and change Foster, Texas, for the better. But he and his boyfriend, Brad Graymark, have more than just intolerance to deal with. Life, college, love, and sex have a way of distracting them, and they’re realizing Foster is a bigger place than they thought. When someone from their past returns at the worst possible moment, graduation becomes the least of their worries.

Second Edition
Previously published by Harmony Ink Press, March 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

End of the Innocence

Tales from Foster High (Harmony Ink)
Foster High series
Foster High
Tales from Foster High | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Tales from Foster High: Book Two

Kyle Stilleno is no longer the invisible boy, and he doesn’t know how he feels about it. On one hand, he now has a great boyfriend, Brad Graymark, a handful of new friends, and even a new job. On the other hand, no one screamed obscenities at him in public when he was invisible.

No one expected him to become a poster boy for gay rights either—at least not until he stepped out of the closet and into the limelight. But with only a few months of high school left, Kyle doubts he can make a difference.

With Christmas break drawing closer and their trials far from over, Kyle and Brad have each other to lean on. Others are not so lucky. One of their classmates needs their help—but Kyle and Brad’s relationship may be too new to survive the strain.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Harmony Ink Press, November 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

It’s not so easy being young, gay, and in love for the first time at the average high school.

Senior Toren Grey cares more about his family and his grades than what brand of clothes he wears. Majority consensus is that he’s a nerd. So he’s surprised when resident bad boy Wesley Carroll speaks to him in the hall, stirring feelings that Toren has to hide.

Though disconcerted by Wes’s free and easy ways, Toren can’t deny the attraction between them. As he relaxes and gets to know Wes better, he finds there’s more to the sexy rebel than his public image. Before long the young men are exploring new territory and falling in love, but life just isn’t that simple. After they graduate, obstacles block their relationship at every turn: Wes working versus Toren in college, the virulent disapproval of parents, and everyday trials faced by any struggling young couple. Wes and Toren have to believe in each other… and never doubt that their love can conquer all.

Second Edition
First edition previously published by Dreamspinner Press, January 2009.


$6.99 $5.24

Tales From Foster High

Tales from Foster High | Book One
Foster High series
$6.99 $5.24

Tales from Foster High: Book One

Kyle Stilleno is the invisible student even in his nothing high school in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. Brad Graymark is the baseball star of Foster High. When they bond over their mutual damage during a night of history tutoring, Kyle thinks maybe his life has changed for good. But when you’re gay and falling for the most popular boy in school, the promise of love is a fairy tale, not a reality. Isn’t it? 

A coming-of-age story, Tales from Foster High shows an unflinching vision of the ups and downs of teenage love and what it is like to grow up gay.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Harmony Ink Press, August 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

For six years, Harmony Ink has been privileged to showcase the very best up-and-coming writers of LGBTQ+ fiction. We are once again awed and inspired by the talent, creativity, and heart displayed by these authors, all fourteen to twenty-one years old. Selected from dozens of entrants, these young people are the winners of the Harmony Ink Young Author Challenge, and they represent the entire spectrum as well as a variety of fictional genres. They are the future voices of our community, and they invite you to take a journey into their rich and imaginative worlds.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24

Let Me Live

Finding the Strength | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Finding the Strength: Book Two

The one person he trusted destroyed everything. Trusting again won’t be easy.

Eighteen-year-old Marshall’s bright future shattered the day his once friend and lover opened fire on their campus, killing twelve and leaving Marshall with a shoulder wound and devastating guilt over the part he played in the massacre. The press may have dubbed him a hero, but Marshall has nowhere to turn, no one to help him through the anxiety and depression closing in on him.

Until he meets tattoo artist Benny Hayes.

Benny can’t solve all Marshall’s problems, but he can assure him that he’s not defined by his trauma. Marshall wants what Benny’s offering. He wants to live, to love again. But the secret he shares with the shooter casts a long shadow, and Marshall’s fear of it coming to light makes it hard to move forward.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Kevin Devereaux’s life can't get worse. He’s on probation. He’s stuck with an unemployed ex-convict dad. And he lives in a run-down trailer on the crappy east side of town. To keep his probation officer happy, Kevin joins a theater program for teenagers and falls hard for Peter Finn, the lead actor in the show—and the son of the town's leading family. Despite their differences, Peter returns Kevin’s feelings, and for the first time, Kevin learns what it means to be in love. 

But Peter’s family won’t accept a gay son—let alone a boyfriend from the wrong side of the tracks—and in their conservative town, they must keep the romance secret. Still, they have the play, and they have each other, so they’ll get by— 

Until a brutal attack shatters Kevin’s life and puts Peter in danger of going to jail for murder.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Seth Arnold learned at an early age that two things in life could make his soul soar—his violin and Kelly Cruz. In Seth’s uncertain childhood, the kindness of the Cruz family, especially Kelly and his brother, Matty, gave Seth the stability to make his violin sing with the purest sound and opened a world of possibility beyond his home in Sacramento.

Kelly Cruz has loved Seth forever, but he knows Seth’s talents shouldn’t be hidden, not when the world is waiting. Encouraging Seth to follow his music might break Kelly’s heart, but he is determined to see the violin set Seth’s soul free. When their world is devastated by a violent sexual assault and Matty’s prejudices turn him from a brother to an enemy, Seth and Kelly’s future becomes uncertain.

Seth can’t come home and Kelly can’t leave, but they are held together by a love that they clutch with both hands.

Seth and Kelly are young and the world is wide—the only thing they know for certain is they’ll follow their heartstrings to each other’s arms whenever time and fate allow. And pray that one day they can follow that string to forever… before it slices their hearts in two.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Il est facile de devenir cynique quand la vie ne va pas comme on veut.

Cole Reid mène une vie de reclus depuis ses quinze ans, âge auquel son homosexualité a été révélée au grand jour par son équipe de baseball. Depuis, son comportement obsessionnel compulsif et sa nature sarcastique ont fait fuir une bonne partie de la population. Quant aux autres, ils le détestent parce qu’il est homosexuel. Selon lui, il est voué à faire fuir n’importe quel ami potentiel – ne parlons même pas d’un petit ami –, alors à quoi bon faire des efforts ?

Quand Cole entre à l’université, il est devenu un homme solitaire et maniaque. Cela ne lui cause aucun problème jusqu’au jour où son colocataire décroche son diplôme et que le service des logements annonce à Ellis Montgomery qu’il peut prendre sa place. Ellis est bordélique, magnifique, hétérosexuel et encore pire : un sportif !

Pendant une année universitaire où se côtoient les amis bruyants, les mésaventures en camping et les parents intrusifs, Cole et Ellis développent un lien amical qui change la vision de Cole sur la vie. Ellis est bien plus qu’un sportif qui aime s’amuser – et l’attirance que Cole ressent pour lui ravive son espoir de trouver chaussure à son pied.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Sto per fare qualcosa di straordinario che potrebbe cambiare… tutto.

Ho conosciuto Matt in seconda elementare, e da allora siamo inseparabili. Abbiamo frequentato le stesse scuole, abbiamo studiato allo stesso college. Abbiamo trovato lavoro nella stessa città e condiviso un appartamento. E quando la mia vita ha preso una svolta inaspettata, Matt era lì accanto a me. In ogni momento importante della mia vita, lui c’era. E la cosa più meravigliosa è che, dopo tutti questi anni, siamo ancora migliori amici.

Il che mi porta a questo momento, in cui tutto potrebbe finire: vorrei dirgli che lo amo, che lo amo davvero, ma ho paura di come reagirà. Devo trovare il modo giusto per farlo, perché rischio di perderlo… per sempre.


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Mykayla’s parents’ marriage is in trouble, but they’re working on it. Unfortunately for Mykayla, that means she’s getting shipped off to Boston to spend her summer with Uncle Yushua while they work out their issues. Mykayla has issues of her own—like her confusion about her sexuality, or apparent lack of it—that she’d like to explore alongside her best friend, Xiu.The situation at her uncle’s house is weird to say the least. There’s something off about his coworkers—aside from the fact that they won’t go away.

Things go from strange to stranger when a supernatural being shows up to protect Mykayla from someone he calls the Shadow Pharaoh. Sutekhgen is a sorcerer who never made it to the afterlife, with a huge Set Beast as a companion… and the mistaken assumption that Mykayla is the reincarnation of his lost romantic partner. 

She doesn’t know what’s worse: being caught in a metaphysical conflict between ancient gods or being stuck with a pushy jerk who doesn’t know the meaning of personal boundaries.


$6.99 $5.24

The Truth Beyond the Bitterness

World of Love | Czech Republic
$3.99 $2.99

Can love erase a lifetime of fear and bitterness?

Kuba flees the oppressive influence of his strict Catholic family as soon as he graduates high school. In the big city of Pilsen, Czech Republic, he can get a fresh start. Although he is fairly content sharing a flat with his coworker and filling it with books, he knows he’s destined to be alone unless he can come out of the closet. But he just isn’t ready to bare his soul to the world.

When he meets his roommate’s friend Emil, he begins to reconsider. Is a chance at romance with the gorgeous man—and fellow bibliophile—incentive enough for Kuba to face his demons?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

There’s a time when life changes, when childhood is left behind and the first fumbling steps are taken into adulthood. One group of friends sets out for a summer of adventure and discovery. Jordan, Brandon, Ethan, and Dominic are ready to grow up and test themselves. But will their friendship buckle under the strain as they face the inevitable misunderstandings and conflicts? If they can hang on to their bond, it will see them through to the ultimate victory….

Finding love.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When she was a child, Joey Kinkaid, assigned as a boy at birth—wearing Mom’s purple sundress and an imaginary crown—ruled the Baker Street neighborhood with a flair and imagination that kept the other kids captivated. Day after day, she led them on fantastic after-school adventures, but those innocent childhood days are over, and the magic is gone. The princess is alone.

Even Eric Sinclair, the Prince Eric to Joey’s Princess Ariel, has turned his back on his former friend, watching in silence as Joey is tormented at school. Eric isn’t proud of it, but their enchanted youth is over, and they’ve been thrust into a dog-eat-dog world where those who conform survive and those who don’t… well, they don’t. Eric has enough to deal with at home, where his mother has abandoned him to live in isolation and poverty.

But Eric can’t stay on the sidelines forever. When Joey finally accepts her female gender and comes to school wearing lip gloss, leggings, and a silky pink scarf, the bullies readily take the opportunity she hands them, driving Joey to attempt suicide and leaving Eric at a crossroads—one that will influence both their lives in not just the present, but the future.

Is there a chance the two teens can be friends again, and maybe even more?


$5.99 $4.49
$5.99 $4.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

When Jilda embarks on a cruise with her mother and twin sister, Rosa, she has no idea of the ordeal she’ll face. Feeling unwell, Jilda stays in her cabin while her mother and sister go ashore to explore a Fijian island. Jilda emerges to find the ship has been commandeered by a group determined to use it to transport refugees away from the island nation of Levy Archipelago, which is flooding due to climate change.

Conditions on the ship deteriorate quickly due to overcrowding. The refugees grow restless with no idea of where they’re heading, and they mourn the loss of their animals they had to leave behind on the islands. Alone and afraid Jilda finds an ally in Jade—along with feelings she’s never experienced before. But will the relationship forming between them end when Jilda admits she has a boyfriend?


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