Season's Meetings

By Ren Gold

Season's Meetings
Read an Excerpt
  • Release Date
  • Type Novellas
  • Words 35600
  • Pages 115
  • ISBN-13 978-1-64108-687-5
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Shy web designer Kyle Zigler is resigned to living a solitary life as a single dad raising two gifted kids…until a sexy artist at a holiday market gives him a gift with delightful and unexpected consequences. Is he brave enough to open his heart again?

Charming holiday vendor Vic Burgess has spent his entire life on the move, drifting wherever the wind blows to sell his handmade creations, when he meets a hunky young father who makes him feel like staying put. What will it take to make him stay?

Two lonely lives colliding at Christmas…. Can a festive fling turn into something more? Find out in this heartwarming story of gay apparel, found family, and the magic of unexpected meetings.

Cover Artist: Reece Notley

Genres Bisexual / Contemporary Romance / Gay / Holiday Romance