Urban Fantasy books


The Dominion

Seven Leagues Guides | Book 1
$6.99 $3.17

The Pacific Northwest border town of the Dominion is soaked in magic. Full moons are a bloody spectacle, local restaurants have unicorn on the menu, and a dragon once burned down City Hall. The excitement makes the Dominion a beacon to tourists… but many of them never make it home.

Travel writer Innis Stuart and his photographer, Karsten Roth, are visiting the Dominion to explore its dangers and offer a warning to overconfident tourists. Unfortunately, they may be among that number.

Their local guide is an old friend to Innis, but he's not acting like himself. Why does he seem to be working with the biggest crime boss in town? And why did both Innis and Karsten feel such a strong compulsion to enter the Dominion in the first place?

It turns out that what they don’t know about the Dominion can hurt them, but it’s not as dangerous as what they don’t know about themselves.

Come along for a tour of the city known as “the most magical place on Earth”... and don’t forget to buy travel insurance.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

On Friday, Gabriel Reece gets struck by lightning while riding his motorcycle.

It’s not the worst thing that happens to him that week.

Gabe walks away from a smoldering pile of metal without a scratch—or any clothes, which seem to have been vaporized. And that’s weird, but he’s more worried about the sudden disappearance of his brother, Colin, who ditched town the second Gabe accidentally outed himself as gay.

Gabe tries to sift through fragmented memories of his crummy childhood for clues to his sudden invincibility, but he barely has time to think before people around town start turning up dead, and Colin is the cops’ number-one suspect. 

Gabe is sure Colin is innocent, but even he has to admit the evidence is compelling. Especially once the home he shares with Gabe burns to the ground. 

When Eli Samm, a mysterious and attractive stranger, shows up looking for Colin too, Gabe thinks he might finally have an ally. Except it turns out Eli thinks Colin is a supervillain, and his mission is to put him down….


$6.99 $3.17

All the Rules of Heaven

All That Heaven Will Allow | Book One
$6.99 $3.17

All That Heaven Will Allow: Book One

When Tucker Henderson inherits Daisy Place, he’s pretty sure it’s not a windfall—everything in his life has come with strings attached. He’s prepared to do his bit to satisfy the supernatural forces in the old house, but he refuses to be all sweetness and light about it.

Angel was sort of hoping for sweetness and light.

Trapped at Daisy Place for over fifty years, Angel hasn’t always been kind to the humans who have helped him in his duty of guiding spirits to the beyond. When Tucker shows up, Angel vows to be more accommodating, but Tucker’s layers of cynicism and apparent selfishness don’t make it easy.

Can Tucker work with a gender-bending, shape-shifting irritant, and can Angel retain his divine intentions when his heart proves all too human?


$6.99 $3.17

Silk Dragon Salsa

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Four
$6.99 $3.17

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Four

SoCalGov Stalker Kai Gracen always knew Death walked in his shadow. Enough people told him that, including his human mentor, Dempsey. Problem was, the old man never told him what to do when Death eventually caught up.

Where Tanic, his elfin father and the Wild Hunt Master of the Unsidhe Court, brought Kai pain and suffering, Dempsey gave him focus and a will to live… at least until everything unraveled. Now caught in a web of old lies and half-truths, Kai is torn between the human and elfin worlds, unsure of who he is anymore. Left with a hollowness he can’t fill, Kai aches to find solace in the one elfin he trusts—a Sidhe Lord named Ryder—but he has unfinished business with Dempsey’s estranged brother, a man who long ago swore off anything to do with the feral elfin child Dempsey dragged up from the gutter.

Reeling from past betrayals, Kai searches for Dempsey’s brother, hoping to do right by the man who saved him while trying to keep ahead of the death haunting his every step. Kai never thought he’d find love or happiness as a Stalker, but when Death comes knocking at his door, Kai discovers a fierce need to live life to the fullest—even if that means turning his back on the people he calls family.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

There’s more than one way to interpret destiny.

The Son of Satan, a demon hunter, a mummy, a witch, a harpy, and the messenger of an elder god walk into a bar… and try to prevent the apocalypse? The devil isn’t thrilled, and frankly the angels aren’t either. But from the bowels of Hell to the chilly Halls of Heaven, from Thailand to Tacoma to the bottom of the ocean, this ragtag group of supernaturals plans to fight the prophecy and save the world or die trying. With enemies among the most powerful beings ever to exist and allies they can’t trust as far as they can throw, they’d better get their act together fast.


$6.99 $3.17

Il tesoro del drago

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.17

Essere amati da un drago significa essere trattati come un tesoro inestimabile.

Cento anni fa, l’Alfa Montgomery, spinto dalla disperazione, ha scelto di correre un rischio: ha preso in prestito dei soldi dall’antico drago Warwick Ehecatl, lasciando come garanzia le terre del branco. Ora è arrivato il momento di pagare il debito, e i draghi non dimenticano… né perdonano. Warwick esige come risarcimento il figlio di Montgomery, Avery, e tre delle sue attività commerciali. Avery è un Omega e sa di essere praticamente inutile al branco, quindi potrebbe anche accettare, ma ha dei ripensamenti: il suo futuro compagno è terrificante, e sarebbe libero di fare di lui ciò che vuole.

Warwick è consapevole della reputazione della sua razza, ed è persino disposto ad ammettere che in parte sia meritata, ma preferirebbe tagliarsi la coda piuttosto che smorzare la luce negli occhi innocenti del compagno. Non sarà semplice, ma c’è qualcosa tra loro che ribolle sotto la superficie e che vale la pena di proteggere.


$4.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Benvenuti al Dim Sum Asylum, il Manicomio dei Dim Sum, in una San Francisco dove un caso è noioso e banale quando la polizia deve inseguire una statuetta alta mezzo metro con degli impressionanti baffi alla Fu Manchu, che è scomparsa da un santuario e se ne corre in giro per Chinatown lasciandosi dietro una scia di magia sessuale e caos.

Roku MacCormick, ispettore della divisione Crimini Arcani di Chinatown, deve affrontare una quantità di sfide che vanno ben al di là del suo retaggio umano-faerie, dei draghi ringhianti che stanno a guardia dei portali di C-Town e dell’esplosione di una fabbrica di noodle. Infatti, oltre alle interferenze di una famiglia mafiosa che vuole tenere a distanza e a un serial killer esperto di incantesimi che deve assolutamente trovare, dopo un caso andato a rotoli, a Roku tocca accollarsi Trent Leonard, un nuovo partner di cui non si può ancora fidare.

Anche se preferirebbe restarsene a casa con Bob the Cat a riempirsi di whiskey fino ad addormentarsi, ogni giorno Roku indossa distintivo e pistola, deciso a servire e proteggere la città che ama. Quando l’oscuro e sotterraneo mondo magico di Chinatown rende la sua vita un inferno e il caso su cui lavora si rivela letale, è Trent che bada a coprirgli le spalle e, a detta del suo nuovo partner, anche a guarire il suo cuore. Per Roku, però, Trent è pericoloso quanto i mostri e i criminali che hanno giurato di abbattere.


$6.99 $3.17

Sinders & Ash (Deutsch)

Eine Pennymaker Geschichte
$5.99 $3.17

Mark Sintorella (Sinders) arbeitet fleißig als Putzmann in einem Ferienhotel, während er heimlich Kleider entwirft und hofft, eines Tages auf eine Modeschule gehen zu können. Dann wird sein sorgfältig geplantes Leben durch die Ankunft von Ashton Armitage auf den Kopf gestellt. Ash ist der Sohn des fünftreichsten Mannes von Amerika – und der schönste Mann, den Mark jemals zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Ash muss eine Frau finden, um das Erbe seines Großvaters nicht zu verlieren. Er entscheidet sich für Bitsy Fanderel. Doch Ash ist insgeheim schwul und als er den jungen Mann sieht, der die Asche aus seinem Kamin fegt, fängt Ashs Herz Feuer.

Richtig in Gang gebracht wird die Sache schließlich durch Carstairs Pennymaker, einen Elf von einem Mann, der Mark überredet, sich als junge Frau zu verkleiden und seine eigenen Kreationen vorzuführen, um potenzielle Mode-Investoren zu beeindrucken, die in dem Hotel zu Gast sind. Als die Uhr Mitternacht schlägt, bewerben sich zwei wunderschöne junge Prinzessinnen um Ashs Hand – aber eine von ihnen ist keine Frau. Wird ihr der Schuh passen? Nur Mr Pennymaker weiß, wie dieses Märchen ausgeht.


$5.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Mykayla’s parents’ marriage is in trouble, but they’re working on it. Unfortunately for Mykayla, that means she’s getting shipped off to Boston to spend her summer with Uncle Yushua while they work out their issues. Mykayla has issues of her own—like her confusion about her sexuality, or apparent lack of it—that she’d like to explore alongside her best friend, Xiu.The situation at her uncle’s house is weird to say the least. There’s something off about his coworkers—aside from the fact that they won’t go away.

Things go from strange to stranger when a supernatural being shows up to protect Mykayla from someone he calls the Shadow Pharaoh. Sutekhgen is a sorcerer who never made it to the afterlife, with a huge Set Beast as a companion… and the mistaken assumption that Mykayla is the reincarnation of his lost romantic partner. 

She doesn’t know what’s worse: being caught in a metaphysical conflict between ancient gods or being stuck with a pushy jerk who doesn’t know the meaning of personal boundaries.


$6.99 $3.17
$5.99 $3.17

Happiness might be waiting at the end of the rainbow, but will it come with a price?

Devon’s down on his luck—he’s lost his job and discovered his boyfriend is cheating on him. His neighbor, Johnny, is not only cute, he also has a big secret: he’s a leprechaun with a pot of gold… and the ability to grant wishes.

Can Devon wish his way out of the hole he’s found himself in? He’d like a new job, some revenge on his lying ex, and maybe even love. Johnny can give him what he wants, but it won’t come for free… or in the ways Devon expects. Can he trust a sexy leprechaun to help him make a new start and wish himself into the arms of the man of his dreams?


$5.99 $3.17

Black Dog Blues

The Kai Gracen Series | Book One
$6.99 $3.17

The Kai Gracen Series: Book One

Ever since being part of the pot in a high-stakes poker game, elfin outcast Kai Gracen figures he used up his good karma when Dempsey, a human Stalker, won the hand and took him in. Following the violent merge of Earth and Underhill, the human and elfin races are left with a messy, monster-ridden world, and Stalkers are the only cavalry willing to ride to someone’s rescue when something shadowy appears.

It’s a hard life but one Kai likes—filled with bounty, a few friends, and most importantly, no other elfin around to remind him of his past. And killing monsters is easy. Especially since he’s one himself.

But when a sidhe lord named Ryder arrives in San Diego, Kai is conscripted to do a job for Ryder’s fledgling Dawn Court. It’s supposed to be a simple run up the coast during dragon-mating season to retrieve a pregnant human woman seeking sanctuary. Easy, quick, and best of all, profitable. But Kai ends up in the middle of a deadly bloodline feud he has no hope of escaping.

No one ever got rich being a Stalker. But then few of them got old, either, and it doesn’t look like Kai will be the exception.

Third Edition

First Edition published by Rhys Ford, June 2013
Second Edition published by DSP Publications, February 2015


$6.99 $3.17

Jacked Cat Jive

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Three
$6.99 $3.17

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Three

Stalker Kai Gracen knew his human upbringing would eventually clash with his elfin heritage, but not so soon. Between Ryder, a pain-in-his-neck sidhe lord coaxing him to join San Diego’s Southern Rise Court, and picking up bounties for SoCalGov, he has more than enough to deal with. With his loyalties divided between the humans who raised him and the sidhe lord he’s befriended and sworn to protect, Kai finds himself standing at a crossroads.

When a friend begs Kai to rescue a small group of elfin refugees fleeing the Dusk Court, he’s pulled into a dangerous mission with Ryder through San Diego’s understreets and the wilderness beyond. Things go from bad to downright treacherous when Kerrick, Ryder’s cousin, insists on joining them, staking a claim on Southern Rise and Kai.

Burdened by his painful past, Kai must stand with Ryder against Kerrick while facing down the very court he fears and loathes. Dying while on a run is expected for a Stalker, but Kai wonders if embracing his elfin blood also means losing his heart, soul, and humanity along the way.


$6.99 $3.17

Mad Lizard Mambo

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Two
$6.99 $3.17

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Two

Kai Gracen has no intention of being anyone’s pawn. A pity Fate and SoCalGov have a different opinion on the matter.

Licensed Stalkers make their living hunting down monsters and dangerous criminals… and their lives are usually brief, brutal, and thankless. Despite being elfin and cursed with a nearly immortal lifespan, Kai didn’t expect to be any different. Then Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, arrived in San Diego, and Kai’s not-so-mundane life went from mild mayhem to full-throttle chaos.

Now an official liaison between the growing Sidhe court and the human populace, Kai is at Ryder’s beck and call for anything a High Lord might need a Stalker to do. Unfortunately for Kai, this means chasing down a flimsy rumor about an ancient lost court somewhere in the Nevada desert—a court with powerful magics that might save Ryder’s—and Kai’s—people from becoming a bloody memory in their merged world’s violent history.

The race for the elfin people’s salvation opens unwelcome windows into Kai’s murky past, and it could also slam the door on any future he might have with his own kind and Ryder.

Second Edition
1st Edition published by DSP Publications, September 2016


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Un libro della serie L'inverno dei lupi

Il mondo non finisce con uno schianto, ma con un diluvio. I tornado invadono il cuore di Londra, New York soffoca sotto un’ondata di calore che fa sciogliere persino l’asfalto, mentre la Russia congela sotto uno spesso strato di permafrost. All’inizio le persone si uniscono, paracadutando aiuti dal cielo e facendo evacuare la popolazione, ma il clima non fa che peggiorare.

A Durham, il mite professore universitario Danny Fennick si prepara ad affrontare la tempesta. È cresciuto nelle Highlands scozzesi, perciò ha già vissuto inverni rigidi in passato. Inoltre, ha un vantaggio. È un lupo mutaforma. O, per essere precisi, un cane mutaforma. Meno impressionante, ma sempre utile. 

Tuttavia gli altri lupi mutaforma non credono che quello sia un inverno qualsiasi e stanno attraversando il Vallo per marcare il loro nuovo territorio. Tra loro ci sono l’ex di Danny, Jack, Principe Ereditario del branco del Numitor, inseguito dal fratello che vuole ucciderlo. 

L’inverno dei lupi non è bianco. È rosso come il sangue.


$6.99 $3.17

Familiar Demon

Familiar Love | Book Two
$6.99 $3.17

Familiar Love: Book Two

For over a century, Edward Youngblood has been the logical one in a family of temperamental magical beings. But reason has not made him immune to passion, and Edward’s passion for Mullins, the family’s demon instructor, has only grown.

Mullins was lured into hell through desperation—and a fatal mistake. He’s done his best to hang onto his soul in the twisted realm of the underworld, and serving the Youngblood family when summoned has been his only joy. Edward concocts a plan to spring Mullins by collecting a series of items to perform an ancient ritual—an idea that terrifies Mullins. He can’t bear the thought of losing Edward and his brothers to a dangerous quest. 

But every item in their collection is an adventure in brotherhood and magic, and as Mullins watches from the sidelines, he becomes more and more hopeful that they will succeed. When the time comes for Mullins to join the mission, can he find enough faith and hope to redeem himself and allow himself happiness in the arms of a man who would literally go to hell and back—and beyond—to have Mullins by his side?


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Diversity is our strength, and now more than ever, the voices of young LGBTQIA authors need to be heard. Harmony Ink is proud to showcase the next generation of talented writers in our fifth annual Harmonious Hearts anthology. These authors, all between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, are the winners of our Young Author Challenge and represent the future voices of our community. We are honored to showcase these writers, their experiences, visions, and the glimpses into their hearts in these pages. Join them on their journey and help us celebrate their courage, their love, and their unique ways of seeing the world.


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


$6.99 $3.17

Incubus Honeymoon

Arcana Imperii
$6.99 $3.17

Arcana Imperii

As the so-called magical creatures go, I’m low on the hierarchy, and my powers aren’t much good to human mages. I’m a lover, not a fighter, through and through. I’m also selfish, lazy, and easily bored. But I’m damned good at what I do.

Too bad that won’t get my arse out of this sling.

Do one—granted, uncharacteristic—good deed, and now I’m held hostage to an arrogant faerie prince, trying to track down the one who summoned him while dodging gangbangers, gun runners, and Nazis. Add the powerful mage guilds scrambling to gather firepower for some doomsday event they’re sure is around the corner, and my cushy life of leisure might be nothing but a memory. On top of that, something’s compelling me to change on my most fundamental level. I’m not sure what I’ve got myself mixed up in, but nothing will ever be the same.

Bloody hell.


Featuring a new twist on urban fantasy combined with fast-paced action and intrigue, the Arcana Imperii series books are standalone adventures, each completely accessible to new readers.


$6.99 $3.17

Fin dentro le ossa

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $3.17

Seguito di Uno scheletro sepolto
Serie Scheletri, Libro 3

La musa di Ery Phillips è latitante. Lui è certo che sia tutta colpa del suo lavoro di grafico, perché, parliamoci chiaro, quale musa vorrebbe disegnare loghi di supermercati e tavole di libri con cateteri?

Quando Dylan e Chris, gli amici di Ery, volano in Europa per una vacanza, Ery non si fa sfuggire l’occasione di trasferirsi nella loro fattoria, nella speranza che un periodo in campagna incoraggerà la sua musa a tornare. Certo, la fattoria ha le sue stranezze – Dylan è un lupo mannaro e la casa è stata di recente infestata dai fantasmi – ma Ery non ha alcuna intenzione di cancellare i suoi piani solo perché i suoi amici gli hanno detto che c’è qualcosa di strano nel laghetto. Quello che non si aspetta è Karl, un bellissimo uomo nudo che fa la sua comparsa sulla riva.

Con Karl come fonte di ispirazione, Ery crea dei quadri incredibili e comincia a raggiungere un successo che prima aveva solo sognato. Ma stare con Karl presenta delle difficoltà che spingono Ery a mettere in discussione i suoi obiettivi professionali. Far avverare i propri sogni assieme a un compagno piuttosto inusuale si rivelerà molto più difficile di quanto Ery si aspettasse.


$6.99 $3.17