A Fool and His Manny

By Amy Lane

A Fool and His Manny
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 58,666
  • Pages 230
  • Length 6:18
  • ISBN-13 978-1-64405-352-2

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The Mannies

Seeing the truth and falling in love.

Dustin Robbins-Grayson was a surly adolescent when Quinlan Gregory started the nanny gig. After a rocky start, he grew into Quinlan's friend and confidant—and a damned sexy man.

At twenty-one, Dusty sees how Quinlan sacrificed his own life and desires to care for Dusty’s family. He’s ready to claim Quinlan—he's never met a kinder, more capable, more lovable man. Or a lonelier one. Quinlan has spent his life as the stranger on the edge of the photograph, but Dusty wants Quinlan to be the center of his world. First he has to convince Quinlan he’s an adult, their love is real, and Quinlan can be more than a friend and caregiver. Can he show Quin that he deserves to be both a man and a lover, and that in Dusty’s eyes, he’s never been “just the manny?”

Cover Artist: Bree Archer

Narrator: Kenneth Obi

House Line ,   Series

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay / New Adult