A Little Bit Langston

By Andrew Demcak

A Little Bit Langston
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 204
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63476-274-8
  • SKU 7128
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Elusive Spark: Book One

Being different can be dangerous, and discovery can be deadly.

High school freshman James Kerr is finding out he’s not quite like his classmates. Around the time he realizes he’s attracted to his best friend, Paul Schmitz, James starts channeling a dead writer’s poetry and also discovers he has an ability to manipulate energy—a super power. Before James can figure out why this is happening to him, tragedy strikes in the form of Paul’s abusive father, and James is sent to a government-run school, The Paragon Academy, which specializes in juvenile paranormal research. There, he meets Lumen, the daughter of a famous Korean actress. Lumen's psychic ability might be the key to helping James understand both his poems and his own power.

Cover Artist: AngstyG


Genres Gay / Science Fiction / Teen Fiction