American Love Songs

By Ashlyn Kane

American Love Songs
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 260
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-696-5
  • SKU 2125
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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Jake Brenner has too many wild oats to sow to fall in love—or so he claims. Besides, he's much too busy with his band, the Wayward Sons, to go looking for romance. His reticence has nothing to do with his embarrassing crush on Chris, the band's lead singer and Jake's erstwhile best friend. But that was before enigmatic wanderer Parker McAvoy signed on as the band's new lead guitarist.

He can only deny his attraction to sweet, dorky Parker for so long before the urge to do something about it becomes impossible to ignore. The trouble is, Parker knows all about Jake's philandering ways—and oh, yeah, he's not gay. Or so Jake thinks until a string of related events provides encouraging new insight. Can he convince Parker to overlook his colorful past and give him a chance? Or will this love song fade out before it even begins?

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay