Books by "Annabelle Jay" (7)

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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Seventeen-year-old orphan Jayla lives in NORCC, or the New Orleans Rehabilitation Center for Children, where all the children of morphoid-addicted Addis go to wait for a clean family to adopt them. When Jayla’s long-lost sister, Jo, arrives from the dome where the Addis are kept and tells her about the Authority’s plan to gas all the domes across the country, Jayla decides that she’s been in NORCC long enough.

With the help of her NORCC crew of girls, including her almost-girlfriend, Arla, and a new love interest, Riley, Jayla must take down the Authority while discovering powers she never knew she had. Unfortunately, the plot to kill the Addis is not the only secret their leaders are keeping. Jayla must fight both the Authority and her own demons in order to stop the annihilation of her people. 


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

What if you aren’t the only you?

Shy and studious Maddy Stone faces just that question. Months ago he lost his boyfriend, Jesse, to suicide, and now he’s volunteering at a psychiatric hospital. When he intervenes to save a man there, he’s shocked to find a face he recognizes. It’s Jesse, who explains that he’s been cloned… by Maddy’s father. And when the reproduction technology duplicated him, he was ordered to avoid Maddy at all costs. Breaking that rule puts them both in danger. 

Maddy, his girlfriend, Georgia, and Jesse—who Maddy calls Jesse 2.0—are on the run. But as the secrets continue to come to light, Maddy is faced with a decision—continue with his life or be the Maddy he was before technology intervened. 


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The Sun Dragon | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book Five

In the final book of The Sun Dragon series, teenager Luke is keeping a big secret: on the inside, she’s really a girl. However, after she’s attacked by an incubus who might be her father, Luke learns of the powers that come with such a lineage, and her life gets even more complicated. As the last Artist in the universe, she must work with the wizard Council and the dragon clan leaders to defeat the evil incubi before they consume the entire world, all while struggling to dump her accidental girlfriend, managing her love for an Igreefee royal who sees her as a friend, and deciding whether it’s time to transition into the girl she knows she is.

An epic finish to the journey started with Allanah’s first Sun Dragon, Luminosity will bring all of your favorite dragons, wizards, sorceresses, and birds together for one last battle that will decide the fate of them all.


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Caden's Comet

The Sun Dragon | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

The Sun Dragon: Book Four

Before King Roland ruled over Earth, four dragon kingdoms fought over the plentiful planet: Ice Dragons, Sun Dragons, Earth Dragons, and Bone Dragons. One day a young dragon named Prince Grian slipped aboard the Sun Dragon ship and traveled to Earth, while on that same day, an Earth Dragon named Caden snuck away from his village. The two met and fell in love, but both were killed in battle. 

The Artists, creators of the universe, were furious about the death of these true loves. As punishment, they erased the Sun Dragon race, banished the Bone Dragons to Draman, and put the Ice Dragons in the North Pole, where they could not harm the Earth Dragons. The Artists declared that the dragons would remain cursed until the true love between Grian and Caden was born again and they reunited all dragons in peace and harmony. 

Years later Prince Grian is reborn, and it is up to him and his godparent, Skelly, to find his soulmate on Earth. But with the head of the Earth Dragon Protection Society, or EDPS, trying to kill him, reuniting with the love of his life seems impossible. Will Grian be able to find his match before the EDPS finds him? And if he finds Caden, will it be the true love of the prophecy?


$6.99 $5.24


The Sun Dragon | Book Three
$6.99 $1.11

The Sun Dragon: Book Three

The people of Earth thought they’d found refuge from their robot adversaries on the planet Draman, but they’re about to learn they were mistaken.

On the day of the Dramanian Naming Ceremony, the half-human, half-dragon children choose between colored robes representing the two genders recognized by their society. But for some children, the choice isn’t so simple.

Sara Lee, a Dramanian girl, faces a decision: remain as best friend and maid to Princess Nimue, or aid a child who refuses to select a robe. Battling the oppressive gender roles of her world means sacrificing her friendship with Nimue, but Sara Lee takes up the cause. When they’re assaulted by a robot spaceship, Nimue and Sara Lee join forces to seek the aid of the legendary wizard, Merlin. But even Merlin cannot keep them safe, so he sends both women back in time, where they must find Allanah, defeat the creator of the robot army, and find a way to defy the societal expectations determined to keep them from being together in the way they both desire.


$6.99 $1.11

Merlin's Moon

The Sun Dragon | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book Two

Mani doesn’t know much about his powers except that he turns into a blue dragon every night. His adopted mother Allanah has told him he hatched from an egg. He’s half-human, half-dragon, and she found him after his dragon mother died.

When his best friend and crush witnesses his transformation, Mani flees to the wizard Mansion, where he finds a group of fellow creatures called the Animal Guard. They assume that Mani has also been transformed by the sorceresses, and they enlist him in their quest to find the evil women and bribe them to turn the Animal Guard back into their human forms. Mani decides to help after he falls for one of the Animal Guard’s members, a wolf-boy named Lup, but little does he know that his own blossoming powers will soon come between them. Mani must keep the sorceresses from using their greatest weapon, the North Star, while struggling to find out where he belongs in the rapidly changing world of magic.


$6.99 $5.24

The Sun Dragon

The Sun Dragon | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Sun Dragon: Book One

It’s been many years since the beauty of dragons riding the wind disappeared from the skies, destroyed by the corrupt King Roland and his greedy minions.

Or were they?

Instead of killing the dragons, Roland transformed them into humans so they could mingle with his people and breed him an army. Teenage Allanah saves her friend Victoria from falling victim to his scheme with newly manifested magical abilities. Another surprise comes when Allanah’s first high school crush, Jason, reveals he’s been sent by a clandestine council of wizards to test Allanah and Victoria’s arcane talents. No one is more amazed than Allanah when, during her trial, she produces the world’s first light dragon.

Allanah might be the only hope not just for her best friend but also for the survival of all the world’s dragons. In addition to her monumental task, she struggles to understand her feelings between her new attraction to Cormac, the wizard general, and her emerging desire for a beautiful, forest-dwelling Igreefee girl named Dena.


$6.99 $5.24