Cheesecake Boys Weekly Planner

By Paul Richmond

  • Release Date
  • Type Coloring Books
  • Pages 77
  • ISBN-13 978-1-64405-880-0
  • File Formats pdf
World Book Day Sale

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Cheesecake Boys are a quirky, gender-bending ode to mid-20th century pin-up art. Artists like Gil Elvgren and Art Frahm concocted elaborate (and hilarious) scenarios in order to justify disrobing their subjects. A loose nail, a doorknob, or a brisk wind would all work in a pinch, resulting in hapless models accidentally exposing their unmentionables. Artist Paul Richmond is interested in exploring how gender roles were reinforced by these artistic expressions of sexuality. It intrigues him that it was considered sexy for a woman’s skirt to be ripped off before a crowd of oglers, while the male pin-up was only exposed when he wanted to be. Times certainly have changed! Men may have had a free pass on wardrobe malfunctions in the good old days, but the Cheesecake Boys are here to even the score.

Classic pin-up art wasn’t made to be hung in prestigious museums, even though the artists were exceptional. It was printed on calendars and posters, destined to be tacked up on bedroom walls, lockers and garages. A pin-up painting was successful if it elicited a chuckle or teased the naughty side of the viewer’s imagination. In that tradition, we are honored to share these Cheesecake Boys coloring pages so you can build upon the playful lines to create imaginative, colorful, and totally unique pieces of modern day pin-up art. 

Happy coloring! Now go color your pants off!

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This listing is for a 76 page weekly planner and coloring book. Each month begins with a monthly calendar page followed by five weekly pages. Each weekly page has a corresponding Cheesecake Boy coloring picture. All calendar fields are left blank so you can fill in details.

Page size is 8.5” x 11” horizontal, image size is 4.5" x 7.5".

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Genre Gay