Contemporary Romance books

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The problem with being an actor on top of the world is that you have a long way to fall.

Logan Steele is miserable. Hollywood life is dragging him down. Drugs, men, and booze are all too easy. Pulling himself out of his self-destructive spiral, not so much.

Brit Stimple does whatever he can to pay the bills. Right now that means editing porn. But Brit knows he has the talent to make it big, and he gets his break one night when Logan sees him perform on stage.

When Logan arranges for an opportunity for Brit to prove his talent, Brit’s whole life turns around. Brit’s talent shines brightly for all to see, and he brings joy and love to Logan’s life and stability to his out-of-control lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for Logan, and as Brit’s star rises, Logan’s demons marshal forces to try to tear the new lovers apart. 


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$3.99 $2.99

Vor sechs Jahren begab sich Noah Wheeler zum Flughafen, um seinen Partner, Dante Cerreto, zu treffen, und seine Welt brach zusammen. Dante küsste jemand anderen und teilte ihm mit, neu verliebt zu sein. Noah nahm sein gebrochenes Herz – und auch das Ultraschallbild ihres von einer Leihmutter ausgetragenen Kindes – und schloss die Tür hinter dem, was er bisher als sein Leben angesehen hatte. Von nun an konzentrierte er sich auf den Teil seines Traumes, der ihm geblieben war: Vater zu sein.

Während eines Urlaubs in Las Vegas trifft Noah zufällig auf die Cerreto-Familie, und somit auch auf Dante. Er erfährt, dass nicht nur er betrogen worden war, sondern auch Dante. Dieser möchte nun die verlorene Zeit wieder gutmachen. Um jetzt die Chance auf sein Glück zu bekommen, braucht er Noah, den einzigen Mann, den er je geliebt hat, und Grace, die Tochter, von der er bislang nichts wusste. Dante muss alle verfügbaren Überredungs- und Verführungskünste aufbieten, denn Noah wird sich nicht erneut auf eine Liebe einlassen, nur um dann wieder mit gebrochenem Herzen da zu stehen.


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Nuances d'Henry

Une histoire de la Piaule | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Une tentative d’acte d’intégrité coûte tout à Henry Worrall – sa carrière militaire, sa famille et le petit ami secret qui l’a gardé piégé pendant onze ans. Désespéré, Henry arrive à la porte de son frère, et on lui offre un endroit où vivre et un travail comme homme à tout faire dans une piaule pour jeunes stars du porno.

Le passé de Lance Luna lui a donné des raisons de faire du porno, mais tandis qu’il poursuit son internat dans un hôpital local, elles ressemblent désormais plus à des excuses. Il a l’argent pour déménager de la piaule et vivre sa propre vie – mais qui a besoin d’intimité quand on s’occupe d’une bande de jeunes hommes qui pensent que travailler du pénis fait d’eux des adultes ?


Lance s’inquiète que Henry ne s’intègre pas, mais celui-ci a un faible pour les jeunes hommes perdus et la manière pour les aider. Alors que Lance et Henry trouvent leur rythme en tant que mères poules, un meurtre et les fantômes du passé violent d’Henry font irruption dans leurs vies. Lance sait que celui-ci n’est pas capable de meurtre, mais est-il capable de prendre soin du cœur de Lance ?


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Sean's Sunshine

The Flophouse | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

As a young detective, Sean Kryzynski expected violence on the job, not to get stabbed coming back from lunch. Add an angsty bedside breakup, and by the time he gets home from the hospital, he’s over everything, including his irritating, hot-as-balls nurse, Billy No-Last-Name with the big, cynical brown eyes.

Billy’s whole porn-model flophouse is experiencing a wave of altruism and adulting—people getting real jobs and going to shrinks and doing good works. Billy opts in too—he wants to be a good guy—but his assignment is taking care of the world’s most exasperating, headstrong patient. At least bunking with Sean means Billy has his own spare bedroom and some peace and quiet to do classwork.

The porn model and the policeman seem to have no common ground, but Billy's experience herding his younger siblings helps him manage Sean with unexpected empathy—a skill Sean has been working on too, because he wants to be a good cop. Eventually they chip away at the walls around each other’s hearts and discover a real connection. If not for their incompatible day jobs and inconvenient pasts, they might even be falling in love….


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Hockey Ever After | Book 3
$6.99 $5.24

People say there’s a fine line between love and hate. If you ask Grady Armstrong, the line’s as obvious as the one across the middle of a hockey rink.

So he can’t explain why he doesn’t walk away when his Grindr hookup—a guy who accused him of impersonating himself—turns out to be Max Lockhart, a rival player Grady once punched in the face. Apparently Max can goad him just as well off the ice as he can on it.

Max Lockhart showed up thinking he was going to expose a fake. Instead he hooks up with a guy who claims to hate him. And has a good time. A really good time. But that doesn’t mean players from different teams can be together.

Max has always wished Grady would relax a little. When the season starts and Grady accepts Max’s offer of help with finding someone to date for real, Max gets his wish. But he should’ve been careful what he wished for, because now that he knows Grady is a big softie under that prickly shell, he’d rather keep Grady for himself.

Grady only goes on a handful of dates before he realizes he has a lot more fun with Max. But he can’t be falling for a rival player… can he?


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Rescue Us

Must Love Dogs | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

Everyone needs to be rescued sometimes.

As a vet tech, Daniel is usually first in line to come to animals’ aid. When he and his boss get a call about an animal hoarding situation, they expect the handful of badly treated dogs… but the tiger comes as a surprise.

Wes recently left his job to care for his sick mother. Now that she’s on the mend, he needs work, and he finds it at a bustling shelter. But the animals aren’t the only ones in need. His kind, chatty coworker Daniel is dealing with an abusive boyfriend—something Wes, whose father was an alcoholic, has experience handling. Wes steps up to help Daniel kick his boyfriend to the curb, but in the process, he finds himself falling for Daniel himself.

Navigating a new relationship when they both have traumatic pasts is one thing. But when a shady group starts targeting the tiger they are trying to find a zoo placement for, the stakes are raised even higher. Can Wes and Daniel come together to rescue the animals—and each other?


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$4.99 $3.74

Asher Kaufman could use a miracle. But first he’ll have to believe they exist.

Ash is single, strapped for cash, and burned out from his work at a nonprofit. Everyone else’s holiday spirit leaves him feeling like he’s in the wrong movie.

Then strange, thoughtful gifts begin appearing outside his door: a rustic basket filled with pinecones and acorns, and a beautiful handmade scarf in Hannukah colors. But the most wonderful gift of all comes when he meets Clay, his secret admirer, a beautiful young man who happens to be a fairy who lives in the wooded wonderland behind the duplex where Ash lives.

Clay brings warmth and magic into Ash’s dreary life–but when the realities of the human world threaten the bridge to fairyland, it will take all Ash’s faith to bring about a happy-ever-after that will work for everyone.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

After courtship, cohabitation, and learning about love and each other, Andy and Eli face the ultimate test: being separated at Christmas.

Eli’s seen the propaganda—the country boy goes home from the city and realizes his heart is back among the snow, trees, and chickens. A big happy family is something Eli, with his demanding job running a shelter for LGBTQ youth, can’t provide. He’s been readying himself for the other shoe to drop anyway—Andy’s mother is a force of nature, and she wants her little boy home. 

Andy may be in Vermont, but his heart is back in Brooklyn with the man who’s battling basement floods and crumbling buildings to bring Christmas to sixty kids who’ve had their hearts broken too many times already. Holiday myths may say that Christmas means going back home to a happy family, but Andy knows happy endings don’t come without a little faith and a lot of hard work. He's got an army ready to put in the elbow grease. If he can get Eli to believe in him, they might just save Christmas after all.    


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$4.99 $3.74

Lake Copeland’s best friend Miriam is perpetually single. When she laments the idea of returning to her hometown solo for the holidays to meet her mom’s new husband, Lake has the perfect solution: he’ll tag along as her boyfriend. Fake boyfriend, that is. Some of his favorite holiday romances have fake boyfriends that lead to true love—and complications. But since he’s gay, there'll be no complications. Right?

Unfortunately Lake’s foolproof plan didn’t account for Miriam’s new stepbrother Spencer, who sets Lake’s heart aglow….


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$5.99 $4.49

Cassidy Hancock déteste être en retard, c’est même pathologique chez lui. Par un frais matin d’automne, il s’arrête sur le trottoir pour regarder le si beau fils de sa voisine courir derrière son chien… et voilà qu’un arbre lui tombe dessus.

Mark Taylor, interne en chirurgie orthopédique, assiste à la scène et prodigue les premiers soins au jeune homme. Malgré lui, il est fasciné par son voisin et peu à peu, tandis qu’il s’efforce d’aider Cassidy à se remettre de sa fracture, il comprend ce que cache cette obsession pour la ponctualité : l’histoire d’un garçon solitaire qui pense qu’il doit être parfait pour être aimé.

Les Taylor sont loin d’être parfaits, mais pour Cassidy, ils pourraient représenter la parfaite solution. Alors que les deux hommes apprennent à se connaître, Cassidy se met à fantasmer sur un avenir heureux en famille, ce qu’il n’aurait jamais pensé avoir un jour. Quant à Mark, il s’attache de plus en plus à Cassidy, à sa gentillesse, à ses grands yeux écarquillés et à sa surprenante créativité. Mais pour avancer, le couple doit surmonter les peurs de Cassidy. La période de Noël offre des joies infiniment plus riches que la ponctualité. 


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Rudolph the Rescue Jack Russell

Must Love Dogs | Book 3
$3.99 $2.99

Alex goes to a dog rescue with one mission: overcoming one of his fears. But he gets more than he bargained for when he unexpectedly bonds with a Jack Russell terrier named Rudolph and decides to take him home.

When shelter volunteer Luther offers to show Alex the ropes of dog ownership, their time together proves they have more in common than just Rudolph’s affection. But if they’re going to have a happy holiday, Alex needs to come to terms with his issues. Can Luther help him see that love really can be unconditional?


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When I Grow Up (2nd Ed)

Tales from Foster High | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

After graduation, Kyle Stilleno and Brad Graymark move to California to pursue their dreams. But high school sweethearts are called that for a reason, and their love rarely stands up to the test of time. As money, school, sex, and jealousy test their relationship to the breaking point, Kyle and Brad fight to hold on to the love that brought them together.

But when a frantic phone call sends them back to Texas, they discover love and understanding might not be enough this time.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2015.


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Ein neues Kapitel

Ein neues Kapitel | Buche 1
$6.99 $5.24

Als Dex Grippons Mutter stirbt, betrachtet er das als Zeichen, die Schauspielerei an den Nagel zu hängen und in seine Heimatstadt zurückzukehren. Wenn es ihm gelingt, den Buchladen seiner Mutter zu retten, kann er dadurch diese letzte Verbindung zu seinen Eltern bewahren. Doch einen unabhängigen Buchladen am Laufen zu halten, erweist sich als schwieriger als erwartet, und Dex ist nicht der Einzige, der sich fragt, was seine Mutter möglicherweise zusätzlich verkauft hat.

Der frühere Polizist Les Gable befindet sich zwar nicht mehr im Dienst, muss aber unbedingt wissen, was in dem Buchladen vor sich gegangen ist. Er würde alles tun, um seine Neugierde zu befriedigen – einschließlich, sich mit dem neuen Besitzer anfreunden, indem er ihm Hilfe bei der Renovierung des Geschäfts anbietet. Irgendetwas an dem Buchladen kommt ihm nicht ganz koscher vor, und Les ist entschlossen, herauszufinden, was das ist.

Das Problem ist jedoch, dass seine Neugier auf Dex ziemlich schnell größer ist, als das Interesse an den Geschehnissen im Laden. Doch während aus Neugier Liebe wird, bedroht die Vergangenheit des Ladens ihre Zukunft. Wird es Les und Dex gelingen, das Geheimnis des Buchladens zu lüften und ihre Beziehung – und ihr Leben – zu retten, oder wird ihnen alles um die Ohren fliegen?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Apprendre à faire confiance et tomber amoureux.

Sammy Lowell a les mains pleines à jongler entre sa musique, l’université, de satanés problèmes de santé, et rendre fiers les oncles qui l’ont élevé. Il a besoin d’aide pour tenir ses obligations d’après cours avec ses frères et sœurs. Personne ne peut être à deux endroits en même temps – pas même lui !

Une blessure met Cooper Hoskins dans une situation difficile – s’il ne peut pas travailler, sa sœur adoptive qu’il élève ne peut pas manger. Mais des années en familles d’accueil ont laissé Cooper à court de confiance, et s’ouvrir pour accepter de l’aide n’est pas facile.

Heureusement, la famille intervient – Cooper a besoin d’un travail pour qu’il puisse s’occuper de Felicity, et Sammy a besoin de quelqu’un qui peut voir au-delà de sa maladie les choses merveilleuses qu’il a prévues pour sa vie. Chacun guérit les parties endommagées du cœur de l’autre. Mais tomber amoureux est une grande responsabilité pour des jeunes hommes déjà enfoncés dans la famille. Peuvent-ils tous les deux dépasser leur peur du futur immédiat pour voir l’éternité avec l’autre ? 


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The Winging It Holiday Special

Hockey Ever After | Book 1.5
$3.99 $2.99

Hockey’s started, holidays are looming, and NHL player Dante Baltierra’s husband is keeping secrets.

Of course, secrets aren’t unusual this time of year, but Dante is pretty sure Gabe isn’t being squirrelly about a new flat-screen or tickets for a second honeymoon. Whatever is eating Gabe is more serious than a surprise under the tree. But as much as Dante wants to help, asking about it would be fruitless. Besides, he has a theory about the problem—and the solution.

He’s just not sure Santa has the power to deliver what Gabe really wants this Christmas.


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A Way Back to Then (2nd Ed)

Tales from Foster High | Book Six
$6.99 $5.24

Snarky yet good-hearted Robbie DeCaro made his first appearance in the pages of Tales from Foster High: End of the Innocence, years after the loss of his first and only love. A New York transplant, Robbie now decides that his work is done in the town of Foster, and the time has come for him to leave Texas. Returning to his childhood home on Long Island, Robbie reunites with his family members. Each using their own unique methods, they try in vain to help Robbie reset to a life he knew before he left it all for the fairy-tale love he found, then tragically lost. He wants to put himself back out there, but the drunks, shallow guys at bars, and fair-weather friends remind him why he left Long Island in the first place.

Can Sebastian convince Robbie he's more than a pretty face and that together, they can rediscover the "after" in "happily ever after"?


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Fire and Glass

Carlisle Troopers | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

State Trooper Casey Bombaro works too hard to have time for a love life, never mind a family. But when a missing persons case leads him to three scared kids and eventually their uncle—an old friend from Casey’s college days—all that changes.

Bertie Riley hasn’t seen his troubled sister, Jen, or his niece and nephews in years. Now suddenly Jen is gone and Bertie is all the kids have. Worried sick about Jen and overwhelmed by his new responsibilities, Bertie doesn’t know how he’s going to cope. He doesn’t expect Casey to step in and lend a hand, but his attraction to his old friend doesn’t surprise him. Years may have passed, but those feelings have never gone away.

For the first time in his life, Casey wants something to come home to. Bertie and the kids fit into his life like they are meant to be there. He struggles to balance a budding romance and reassuring the kids with investigating a rash of robberies and tracking down Jen. But when evidence suggests Jen might not only be missing but complicit in a number of crimes, will Bertie and the kids forgive Casey for doing his job?


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Liebe & Loyalität

Vertrauen, Liebe, & Hingabe | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

Vertrauen, Liebe, & Hingabe: Buch zwei

Jim Shea, Polizist bei der Mordkommission in Seattle, nimmt niemals Arbeit mit nach Hause. Bis jetzt. Ein Richter hat den Hammer geschwungen, einen Angeklagten für nicht schuldig befunden und eine Familie ausgelöscht. Die emotionalen Folgen des Prozesses machen Jim verletzlich und er fühlt sich dem sterbenden Vater des Opfers gegenüber verpflichtet.

Es ist die Geschichte dieses Mannes, die der Drehbuchautor Griffin Drake und seine beste Freundin, die Schauspielerin Daisy Baylor, als ihre Eintrittskarte – weg von Action-Blockbustern – in anspruchsvollere Filme sehen. Doch um an die interessanten Details zu gelangen, muss Griffin den stoischen und beschützenden Detective Shea für sich gewinnen. Die beiden Männer fühlen sich sofort zueinander hingezogen und Daisy ermutigt Griffin, das zu ihrem Vorteil zu nutzen. Er soll sich den Mann und dadurch die Story sichern. Keiner der Männer hat bisher viel Glück in Liebesdingen gehabt und als aus ihrer gemeinsamen Nacht ein langes Wochenende mit schnell stärker werdenden Gefühlen wird, werden sowohl Griffins eiserne Loyalität zu Daisy als auch seine eigene Karriere auf die Probe gestellt. 

Je stärker Griffin in ein neues Leben mit Jim hineingezogen wird, desto mehr gerät sein Hollywood-Leben aus den Fugen. Geheimnisse und gebrochenes Vertrauen bedrohen Griffins Beziehungen und er wird sich entscheiden müssen, ob er lieber die Wahrheit erzählen oder ein Hollywood-Ende schreiben will.


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