Counterpoint: Dylan's Story

By Ruth Sims

Counterpoint: Dylan's Story
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 332
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-534-0
  • SKU 1913
  • File Formats epub, lit, pdf, zip
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At eighteen Dylan Rutledge has one obsession: music. He believes his destiny is to be the greatest composer of the rapidly approaching twentieth century. Only Laurence Northcliff, a young history master at The Venerable Bede School for Young Gentlemen, believes in Dylan’s talent and encourages his dream, not realizing Dylan is in love with him.

But Dylan’s passion and belief in his future come at a high price. They will alienate him from his family and lead him on a rocky path fraught with disappointment, rejection, and devastating loss that kills his dream. A forbidden love could bring the dream back to life and rescue Dylan from despair and bitterness, but does he have the courage to reach out and take it? Will he deny the music that rules his soul?

Cover Artist: Alex Beecroft

Genres Gay / Historical Romance