Fantasy books


Cœur et avenir

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $3.49

Le Clan des Panthères, numéro hors série

Jin Church est de retour là où tout a commencé, seul, errant et incertain quant au chemin à suivre. Ce n’est pas guidé par un choix, mais par les circonstances. Il se souvient être une panthère… mais pas grand-chose d’autre. Il n’est sûr que d’une chose : il doit retrouver le bel homme blond qui hante ses rêves. 

Logan Church est piégé dans un véritable enfer. Son compagnon a disparu, sa tribu tombe en morceaux et il s’est éloigné du fils qu’il aime de tout son cœur. Son monde déraille sans son âme sœur à ses côtés et il n’a personne à blâmer à part lui-même. 

Si Jin parvient à retrouver la mémoire et Logan à surmonter les menaces envers son commandement, alors, peut-être, pourront-ils reprendre le cours de leur vie. La question est : est-ce vraiment ce qu’ils veulent ? Retrouver la même maison, la même tribu, les mêmes problèmes ? Ils peuvent choisir parmi les différentes routes qui mènent à leur avenir… ou se forger leur propre chemin.


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Nach Art der Wölfe

Den Schleier heben | Buch 1
$4.99 $2.49

Buch 1 in der Serie - Den Schleier heben

Kris Ellis dachte, die Zeit arrangierter Ehen wäre lange vorbei – aber das war, bevor die Große Enthüllung bewies, dass mythische Wesen unter den Menschen leben. Nun hat ein medizinischer Routintest gezeigt, dass Kris einen Gefährten hat, einen Werwolf namens Rafael King.

Kris hat gerade seinen Collegeabschluss gemacht und hat Pläne für sein zukünftiges Leben. Für immer an jemanden gebunden zu sein, den er nie getroffen hat, gehört nicht dazu. Dann erhält er einen Anruf von Rafe und beginnt, seine Meinung zu ändern. Wie muss es sein, zweihundert Jahre auf seinen wahren Gefährten zu warten? 

Rafe ist geduldig, stark und freundlich, und nicht zu vergessen - verdammt attraktiv. Alles, was Kris über wahre Gefährten gehört hat, bewahrheitet sich. In dem Moment, als sie sich treffen, fliegen die Funken. Aber Kris und Rafe sind sehr verschieden, und nach Art der Wölfe zu leben, ist gefährlich. Ist ihre Liebe es wert, um sie zu kämpfen?


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Les braises sous la cendre

Les contes de Pennymaker
$5.99 $2.99

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Mark Sintorella (surnommé Cendres) travaille sans relâche en tant que valet dans un hôtel de luxe le jour, et dessine des vêtements la nuit, dans l’espoir secret de réussir un jour à entrer en école de mode. Mais tous ses plans tombent à l’eau le jour où il rencontre Ashton Armitage, fils de la cinquième plus grosse fortune des États-Unis. Le Prince Ashton est sans conteste le jeune homme le plus séduisant que Mark ait jamais vu de sa vie.

Le testament du grand-père d’Ashton le contraint à se marier s’il veut toucher l’héritage familial, aussi décide-t-il d’épouser Kiki Fanderel. Ce que personne ne sait, c’est qu’en réalité, Ash est gay, et c’est le garçon qui nettoie les cheminées qui fait battre son cœur.

Pour compliquer encore la situation, l’étrange Carstairs Pennymaker, petit homme espiègle et facétieux, découvre que Mark est styliste et décide de lui faire porter ses créations en le faisant passer pour une femme, espérant ainsi impressionner les gourous de la mode qui séjournent à l’hôtel. Et lorsque sonnent les douze coups de minuit, le prince se retrouve confronté non pas à une, mais deux princesses. Seulement l’une d’entre elles n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être. À qui la chaussure ira-t-elle ? Seul le mystérieux Monsieur Pennymaker le sait…


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Fangs with a Heart

Chain of Fate | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Chain of Fate: Book Two

Lynx shifter Trace Wilson’s fun-loving exterior hides a heart scarred by severe domestic violence—a heart that might not ever trust another male, fated mate or not. When Trace moves to Seattle to take his place as trainer and council representative to the Glacier Rim Tribe, he discovers his mate is the vampire prince Sasha Tolstoi, leader of the Konstantin Coven. It’s not something Trace is ready to accept. Not now, maybe not ever. But if there’s one thing Sasha knows how to do, it’s how to be patient, especially when his fated heart is also his perfect sub.

When an outside force threatens the fragile bond slowly forming between them—and nearly kills Trace—Trace’s instincts shift into high gear. Sasha is powerful, and that means he has enemies, among them several rival covens and an uncle determined to force Sasha into a marriage with a vampire princess. But why involve the lynx Trace in their maneuvering? Finding the culprit won’t be easy, and it will mean building trust—a slow and difficult prospect for someone who’s suffered as much as Trace. Finding a way to move beyond the past, and to love, before those out to finish Sasha can destroy either, is a race the two fated hearts have to win.


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$6.99 $3.49

Only a chosen few can prevent an ancient evil from overtaking the world: the Singers, the Seekers, and the Saviors….

Tyrell Hughes and Jeremy Michalak are both juniors at Winton Yowell High School in Chicago, and aside from sharing a homeroom, they couldn’t be more different. Tyrell is well-liked, surrounded by friends, popular with girls, and looking forward to a bright future. Jeremy transfers to Winton Yowell to escape the troubles of his past. He’s hoping to survive his last two years of high school by flying under his new classmates’ gaydar and indulging in his passion: playing clarinet.

Tyrell and Jeremy struggle to ignore their attraction to each other. But that becomes increasingly difficult as young people across the city start dying. Both teens realize they alone know the true cause of the tragedies—and have the ability to put a stop to them. They’re the city’s only chance to defeat the dark forces threatening it, but to succeed, they’ll need to find common ground and reconcile the desires they’re trying to deny.


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Cold Front

The Fires of Destiny | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Life Beyond the Temple
The Fires of Destiny: Book Two

Back at the temple, before completing her Proving, all mage Casey Kelly wanted was a normal life. But now that she has it, along with her fiancée, former knight Regan Cartmell, Casey is restless. The lack of excitement isn’t all she hoped it would be.

Casey and Regan won’t have time to grow bored of their contentment, though. A dark elf called Ston comes to their door with dire news: the other dark elves, once cast out of society and forced underground by humans, are gathering their strength—and they plan to attack. With war looming, Casey must approach the underfae and secure an alliance with them. Then she must go into battle against the dark elves and the strange and deadly creatures under their command.

But can Ston be trusted? One of Casey and Regan’s oldest friends doesn’t think so.


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$6.99 $3.49

Welcome to the Valley, a liminal landscape that lies somewhere in the fringes of the world; a place with such secret magic that only the very observant can see it. Into this world comes the Lone family. To them, the magic of the Valley is not at first apparent, at least not to all. But the youngest son Lucifer is the most open to the river’s pulse. He converses with the trees and an angel named Azrael, all the while being taught by the midwife Mother True to hone his talents. Meanwhile, Lucifer’s older brother Uriel rejects the valley altogether and, with the help of his lover—a raft boy named Roman—flees the place only to be caught up in the corrupt big city world of a madame named Ute Dragal. 

And so begins a tale of wonder and danger, filled with a cast of characters ranging from the strong to the stoic to the sinister, in a place where a dark power awaits them all. 

Venture again to the Valley in this prequel to Eric Arvin’s acclaimed epic The Mingled Destinies of Crocodiles and Men.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, August 2013.


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$6.99 $3.49

Three hundred souls. That is all.

The entire world, all of human existence, comes to three hundred souls born and reborn again. No more and no less. Countless billions of people share these souls, each individual with a slight piece or sliver of grace. But when gods corrupt and upset the most delicate of balances, a hero must come forth to lead people toward a brighter day and a better life.


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$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Azrael and the Light Bringer

Minerva True is a River Dweller and mystic who lives deep in the forested hills of a river valley on the fringes of the world. She is the only person who sees the ancient danger that resides on a nearby chapel grounds. Most pay little heed to her warnings, and in the end only a small band of friends stand beside her. A tale of love and duty ensues, challenging the destinies of Minerva, the young hero Leith, his lover Aubrey, and the mute boy, Deverell. Leith’s half-crazed mother Calpurnia has her own aspirations, however, that prove detrimental not only to Minerva, but to everyone she comes in contact with.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, April 2013.


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$6.99 $3.49

Magical realism meets coming of age as four Verona College students are thrown together by choice as well as circumstance. When their lives and loves are threatened by blackmail and violence, they respond by using all the means at their disposal—including some they aren’t even aware they possess. But will that be enough to prevent tragedy or even death? 

Eric Arvin’s first novel is once again available, ready to set your heart racing and your mind reeling.

3rd Edition
First Edition published by, Incorporated, 2006. Second Edition published by Wilde City Press, June 2016.


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Lords of Arcadia | Book Four
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to The Unseen Tempest
Lords of Arcadia: Book Four

Kane’s ordinary life became anything but when he met his soul mate, Hawk, and was drawn into a world of enchantment with rules very different from the world he left behind. Together, Kane and Hawk are on a quest to prevent the destruction of the Nine Realms, and that means rescuing Hawk’s mother and putting a stop to Hawk’s father’s evil plans.

The end of the journey is within their sights at last, but time is running out. Kane and Hawk’s mission to free Titania from the Big Bad Wolf and save Athens from Oberon’s wrath will lead them through many different worlds. And their adventure won’t end there—they will have to face the one who has been pulling the strings and manipulating the situation all along before the Nine Realms will be safe. It’s a journey that will leave them—and everything else—irreparably changed.


$6.99 $3.49

Cœur destiné

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $3.49

Dans  la ville secrète de Sobek, Domin Thorne se fait une place en tant que semel-aten nouvellement choisi, leader du monde des panthères. Il aspire à faire des changements radicaux – il se fixe des buts, autant pour lui que pour ceux qu’il choisit d’emmener avec lui, modelant son règne sur celui de son ami, Logan Church. Mais Domin s’est peut-être fixé un objectif trop dur à atteindre : ses qualités de meneur ne fonctionnent pas. 

Jonglant entre un Crane qui a le mal du pays, un Mikhail de mauvaise humeur, un Taj brandissant son fouet, des domestiques aux intentions meurtrières, un ex qui lui rend visite et un compagnon parti pour une dangereuse mission de conciliation, Domin va devoir comprendre son nouveau rôle seul. Il doit aussi trouver comment gérer une conspiration, tout en tombant éperdument amoureux d’un homme qui, pour la première fois de sa vie, partage ses sentiments. Qu’il soit prêt ou non, le Destin intervient pour lui apprendre une leçon : les menaces internes sont tout aussi dangereuses que les externes.


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$6.99 $3.49

As prince of the Anzuni demon clan, Jerricho’s entire life has been planned for him. At twenty-five, he will become the crown prince of the Anzuni, marry a man chosen by his parents, and bear his husband’s children all without choice. If that wasn’t enough, he must remain a virgin until his wedding night. To do otherwise would spark an unimaginable scandal.

With only ten months until his twenty-fifth birthday, the walls close in on Jerry, and the realization that he will lose his small apartment, his job at the library, and his freedom hits hard. But that’s nothing compared to losing the man he loves. Rex is a smart and sexy construction foreman with a keen interest in demon “mythology.” When Jerry and Rex give in to spending one night together, their indiscretion can’t be kept secret for long. But that’s only the beginning of their problems.

Someone wants to harness the power of Jerry’s bloodline and his ability to conceive—someone with designs on horrifying experiments, sex slavery, and murder. Jerry and Rex are at the mercy of power-hungry sadists. With no one left to trust, they must fight for each other, their freedom—and their unborn child.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2015.


$6.99 $3.49

Spell Fall

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Four
$6.99 $3.49

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Four

Love and trust made them soul mates, but destiny might have other plans.

Ever since Drake Carpenter fell in love with warlock Mason Blackmoor, his life has been one supernatural battle after another, but Drake doesn’t mind… much. To be with Mason and experience the magical connection they share, Drake would face entire hordes of vampyren, shifters, or fae—and he has. Luckily Drake is immune to magic, though no one can explain his natural ability to negate almost any enchantment. With Drake’s own family gone, Mason is all he has. So why is Drake experiencing disturbing dreams about Mason that terrify him?

A new threat looms on the horizon, and a revelation about Drake’s identity and the true origin of his bond with Mason shatters everything Drake believes. If Drake, Mason, and all of magic are to survive the coming Spell Fall, the most destructive curse in sorcery, Drake must deal with the truth and fight his way back to Mason—because their enemies are gaining strength, and they intend to reach the boy Drake loves first.


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The Sun Dragon | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

The Sun Dragon: Book Three

The people of Earth thought they’d found refuge from their robot adversaries on the planet Draman, but they’re about to learn they were mistaken.

On the day of the Dramanian Naming Ceremony, the half-human, half-dragon children choose between colored robes representing the two genders recognized by their society. But for some children, the choice isn’t so simple.

Sara Lee, a Dramanian girl, faces a decision: remain as best friend and maid to Princess Nimue, or aid a child who refuses to select a robe. Battling the oppressive gender roles of her world means sacrificing her friendship with Nimue, but Sara Lee takes up the cause. When they’re assaulted by a robot spaceship, Nimue and Sara Lee join forces to seek the aid of the legendary wizard, Merlin. But even Merlin cannot keep them safe, so he sends both women back in time, where they must find Allanah, defeat the creator of the robot army, and find a way to defy the societal expectations determined to keep them from being together in the way they both desire.


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Descent of Kings

Descent of Kings | Books One - Four
$9.99 $4.99

In a fantasy world filled with Men, Elves, and Dwarves, these disparate kingdoms must unite to overcome a greater enemy who would see the world drown in darkness. Princes, guards, and average citizens all have a part to play when it comes to saving the world… and maybe finding a companion to ease the heart.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $4.99

A Bond of Truth

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to A Bond of Three

It is twenty years since the Bond of Three returned to Teruna. The kingdom of Kandor, once Teruna’s enemy, seeks help and sends its finest warrior, Dainon, on a diplomatic mission. A solitary man since his wife and child died, Dainon is unable to explain why an encounter with a young man on a beach rocks his world to its core.

Prince Arrio of Teruna has always been attracted to men but has never acted on it—until he meets Dainon. Headstrong Arrio goes after what he wants, despite his fathers’ advice. But when Prince Kei arrives unexpectedly, Arrio finds himself drawn to both men. Is history repeating itself?

Prince Kei has his first taste of freedom and is shocked when the visions that have plagued him since childhood become reality. The three men embark on a voyage of discovery. No one has foreseen the day, however, when the arrival of a stranger threatens to destroy their bond.


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Beauty, Inc.

Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Is beauty only skin deep?

Chemist Dr. Robert “Belle” Belleterre loves flowers, green trees, his best friend Judy, and “his baby:” the new face cream he developed to help put his father’s small cosmetics company on the map. Sadly he gets no help from his alcoholic, gambling-addicted father, who loses Belle in a poker game to Magnus Strong, the CEO of Beauty, Inc., the largest American cosmetics company—a man infamous for his scarred ugliness.

Belle finds himself uprooted from his home, living in a wildly crazy apartment in New York owned by Mr. Pennymaker, and completely unprepared for his mad attraction to the charismatic Strong. Feeling like a traitor, Belle fights his passion, only to see more and more of the goodness and humility hidden by Strong’s ugly face. But when Belle’s family starts manipulating his life again, the odds turn against happiness for beautiful Belle and his beloved beast.