For As Long As We Both Shall Live

By Zahra Owens

For As Long As We Both Shall Live
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  • Release Date
  • Type Short Stories
  • ISBN-13 978-1-61581-197-7
  • SKU 1374
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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When TJ seeks comfort in the hospital chapel, Helen is there with a supportive ear. TJ's longtime lover Joe is very ill and facing a risky operation. So Helen makes a very special offer of help, hoping the power of love will be enough for a happy ending.


A part of the 2009 Daily Dose Set, To Have and to Hold, which includes 30 M/M romance stories providing a glimpse of the many forms of love: love at first sight or a love for the ages, wedding bells or engagements, or that inexplicable something that makes you think "I do," the men in these stories are all touched by its spell.

Daily Dose

Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay