Fox-Hat and Neko

By August Li

Fox-Hat and Neko
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Pages 340
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63476-024-9
  • SKU 6416
  • File Formats epub, pdf, zip
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tsukino Ayumu is new to Yuuyake. When he lived in Tokyo, he always kept his head down, content to remain unnoticed in the crowd of students around him. Now in a small fishing village, he connects with Ikehara Haruki, his first real friend, and builds a close friendship with two girls, Shizuka and Chou. The four friends stick together as they forge their path through the haphazard world of dating and relationships while preparing for life after school ends. But fate will intervene, with Ayumu’s plans in particular, as the village’s young people are targeted by an unseen threat. Suffering violent and shocking dreams, Ayumu comes to discover that the spirit world has plans for his destiny. Despite his personal belief that he’s nothing but ordinary, he must learn to fight—and lead—to protect the friends he would die for. The mysterious Fox-Hat and Neko know Ayumu better than he knows himself, and he must decide if they will point him toward a path that leads to a happy ending for all… or the end of everything he knows and loves.

Cover Artist: August Li

Award-Winning Books

Genres Bisexual / Fantasy / Gay / Lesbian / Teen Fiction / Urban Fantasy