Books by "Heidi Cullinan" (13)

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Bien des années auparavant, le jeune Nick n’hésitait pas à embrasser son ami Jared sous les gradins de l’école, mais depuis que le docteur Kumpel est devenu pédiatre à l’hôpital que dirige Nicolas Beckert, ce dernier ne lui prête plus aucune attention. Tout change, cependant, quand tous deux se trouvent bloqués ensemble dans une cabine d’ascenseur. Durant ces cinq heures de confinement, dix années d’éloignement glacé s’effacent et leur ancienne passion se réveille, aussi brûlante et irrépressible qu’autrefois.

Une fois libéré, Jared ne compte pas permettre à Nick de recommencer à l’ignorer. Submergé de travail et de responsabilités, le directeur de Ste Anne a désespérément besoin d’un exutoire et Jared est très impatient de le lui fournir. Le problème est que Jared tient à vivre sa liaison au grand jour alors que Nick préfère rester dans le placard. Si les baisers adolescents volés sont devenus des ébats secrets dans la salle du conseil, les deux amants retrouvent vite les mêmes disputes qu’autrefois. Vont-ils encore une fois se déchirer et se séparer ?

Jared s’y refuse catégoriquement. Cette fois-ci, il ne sera pas aussi intransigeant. Loin d’exiger que Nick fasse son coming out, il se souciera des raisons qui le motivent à y rester. Peut-être trouvera-t-il la prescription qui ouvrira à Nick la voie du bonheur.


$6.99 $3.17

Les enchères du Docteur Ogre

L'hôpital de Copper Point
L'hôpital de Copper Point | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Le célibataire le moins convoité de l'hôpital et son administrateur distant se détestent... alors pourquoi font-ils semblant de sortir ensemble ?

Owen Gagnon, irascible médecin anesthésiste de l’hôpital Ste Anne, à Copper Point, déteste son DRH, le froid et hautain Erin Andreas, qui le lui rend bien. Leurs violentes querelles étant tristement célèbres, nul ne comprend pourquoi les deux hommes s’affichent soudain ensemble.

Le soir de la loterie caritative des célibataires, Copper Point ne cache pas sa surprise en voyant Erin payer pour Owen une somme astronomique. Dans la foulée, Owen insiste pour qu’Erin s’installe chez lui.

Si les curieux ignorent ce qui se passe, les intéressés, eux, ne sont guère plus avancés. Alors qu’Erin espère par son geste prouver à Owen son intérêt, l’anesthésiste, lui, suspecte d’autres motifs : l’administrateur ne simulerait-il pas une relation pour échapper à la domination écrasante de son père ?

Peu après, le DRH se plonge dans une délicate enquête interne et Owen aimerait jouer au héros pour le tirer d’affaire. Malheureusement, Erin préfère dépenser son énergie à essayer de sauver Owen d’un passé dont il refuse de parler.

Si la relation des deux hommes commence par un simulacre, leurs sentiments, en revanche, sont authentiques. Erin et Owen sont néanmoins conscients que s’ils n’affrontent pas leurs démons respectifs, rien ne pourra durer entre eux. Et œuvrer ensemble ne suffira pas, chacun devra également confier à l’autre le soin de panser son cœur meurtri.


$6.99 $5.24

The Bookseller's Boyfriend

Copper Point: Main Street
$6.99 $3.17

A Copper Point: Main Street Novel

Bookshop owner Jacob Moore can’t believe his longtime celebrity crush, author Rasul Youssef, is moving to Copper Point. For many, the chance to meet the playboy novelist would be a dream come true, but Jacob dreads it. You should never meet your heroes.

You definitely shouldn’t pretend to be their boyfriend.

Rasul came to this backwater town for an academic residency—a necessary evil, since he’s burned through his advance without finishing the book that goes with it. But he’s also getting distance from a toxic relationship. Quiet, reserved Jacob isn’t his type, but their charade gives Rasul a respite from the social media circus surrounding his breakup, and Jacob’s charming apartment proves the perfect setting to write.

Of course, prolonged exposure reveals that Jacob’s reserved exterior hides a thoughtful, intelligent man who sets Rasul’s imagination—and heart—alight.

Every day Rasul reveals himself to be more than Jacob ever dreamed he could. Jacob tries to be content with friendship and the professional overlap between author and bookseller, knowing a shooting star like Rasul could never make a home with Jacob in a small town like Copper Point.

Could he?


$6.99 $3.17
$4.99 $3.17

I’ll marry you.

Professor Valentyn Shevchenko isn’t sure how to react when, after months of ineffective flirting, the cute barista’s first words to him are a proposal. In many ways, Peter Grunberg is the solution to all his problems. With his work visa inexplicably denied, Valentyn is running out of options to keep from being deported. But is a green card marriage really the answer? Is it still a marriage of convenience when he’s this attracted to his potential spouse?

Peter came to his uncle’s coffee shop in Boulder, Colorado, to reset his life after his struggles with selective mutism returned with a vengeance. He never meant his first words to the handsome ecology professor to be an offer of marriage, but he’s not backing out now. It doesn’t matter that Peter struggles to find words. He can say everything he needs to with his body.

Though this relationship may have started out back-to-front, Valentyn and Peter are determined to make their fake marriage real. But one misstep in their immigration interview could bring everything crashing down. They’ll have to hope that their love is enough to overcome all their obstacles and give them the prize they’ve both been dreaming of: a certified happy ever after.


$4.99 $3.17

L' amico del dottore

Copper Point Medical (Italiano)
$6.99 $3.17

Seguito di Il segreto del dottore
Copper Point Medical: Libro Due

Il  peggior partito dell’ospedale e il freddo direttore del personale si odiano… e allora perché fingono di stare insieme?

Il dottor Owen Gagnon e il direttore delle Risorse Umane, Erin Andreas, sono noti per i loro scontri accesi in corsia. Non è quindi difficile immaginare la sorpresa della città quando Erin offre un’ingente somma di denaro per vincere un appuntamento con Owen all’asta degli scapoli dell’ospedale… e il dottore dal canto suo alza la posta in gioco insistendo che Erin si trasferisca da lui.

Copper Point non avrà idea di cosa stia succedendo, ma nemmeno Erin e Owen ne sono tanto sicuri. Il gesto di Erin voleva essere un modo per esprimere interesse nei confronti del dottore, ma Owen sospetta un secondo fine: crede che Erin voglia approfittare di lui per sfuggire al padre dispotico.

Quando il direttore del personale si ritrova immischiato in una spiacevole indagine interna, Owen si mette in testa di aiutarlo e di essere l’eroe che l’altro non ha mai avuto. Erin, dal canto suo, preferisce spendere le proprie energie cercando di salvare il dottore dalle tenebre di un passato che l’uomo non vuole raccontare.

La loro relazione sarà anche finta, ma i sentimenti che provano sono reali. Tuttavia, quel legame non potrà durare se non riusciranno a mettere a tacere i demoni che li perseguitano. Per farlo non gli basterà lavorare insieme: dovranno avere fiducia l’uno nell’altro per guarire il proprio cuore.


$6.99 $3.17

The Doctor's Orders

Copper Point Medical | Book Three
$6.99 $3.17

Sequel to The Doctor's Date
Copper Point Medical: Book Three

Once upon a time Nicolas Beckert was the boy who stole kisses from Jared Kumpel beneath the bleachers, but now Jared’s a pediatrician and Nick is the hospital CEO who won’t glance his way. Everything changes, however, when they’re stranded alone in a hospital elevator. Ten years of cold shoulders melt away in five hours of close contact, and old passions rekindle into hot flames.

Once out of the elevator, Jared has no intention of letting Nick get away. It’s clear he’s desperate for someone to give him space to let go of the reins, and Jared is happy to oblige. But Jared wants Nick as a lover in a full, open relationship, which is a step further than Nick is willing to go. They’ve traded kisses under the bleachers for liaisons in the boardroom… and it looks like the same arguments that drove them apart in high school might do the same thing now. 

Jared’s determined not to let that happen this time around. He won’t order Nick from his shell—he’ll listen to what his friend says he needs to feel safe. Maybe this time he can prescribe his lover a happy ever after. 


$6.99 $3.17

The Doctor's Date

Copper Point Medical | Book Two
$6.99 $3.17

Sequel to The Doctor's Secret
Copper Point Medical: Book Two

The hospital’s least eligible bachelor and its aloof administrator hate each other… so why are they pretending to date?

Dr. Owen Gagnon and HR director Erin Andreas are infamous for their hospital hallway shouting matches. So imagine the town’s surprise when Erin bids an obscene amount of money to win Owen in the hospital bachelor auction—and Owen ups the ante by insisting Erin move in with him. 

Copper Point may not know what’s going on, but neither do Erin and Owen. Erin intends his gesture to let Owen know he’s interested. Owen, on the other hand, suspects ulterior motives—that Erin wants a fake relationship as a refuge from his overbearing father.

With Erin suddenly heading a messy internal investigation, Owen wants to step up and be the hero Erin’s never had. Too bad Erin would rather spend his energy trying to rescue Owen from the shadows of a past he doesn’t talk about.

This relationship may be fake, but the feelings aren’t. Still, what Erin and Owen have won’t last unless they put their respective demons to rest. To do that, they’ll have to do more than work together—they’ll have to trust they can heal each other’s hearts.


$6.99 $3.17

Les secrets du Docteur Wu

L'hôpital de Copper Point | Tome 1
$6.99 $3.17

Hôpital de Copper Point, tome 1

Le nouveau docteur, brillant, renfermé et secret, rencontre un infirmier au grand cœur… et leur couple est de nature à renverser tous les obstacles.

Après un burn-out, le Dr Hong-Wei Wu, Taïwanais naturalisé Américain, s’installe à Copper Point, Wisconsin. La belle carrière qui lui était promise semble avoir sombré avant même de démarrer. Alors qu’il envisage une vie effacée et tranquille, son jeune assistant a sur lui un impact inattendu. 

Quant à Simon Lane, il ne s’attendait pas au charme irrésistible de son nouveau patron. Le chirurgien accepte son aide pour emménager et l’en remercie par de délicieux plats taïwanais. Malheureusement, le règlement de l’hôpital Ste Anne interdit les relations entre le personnel, aussi leur amour est-il condamné… à moins que le couple soit prêt à tout risquer. 

Simon souffre de cacher leur relation et Hong-Wei n’envisage pas de renoncer à lui. Pour vivre ensemble, ils vont devoir affronter l’administration de l’hôpital et la communauté de Copper Point. Ce faisant, quels autres secrets risquent d’être révélés ?

Et que vont découvrir Hong-Wei et Simon sur eux-mêmes ? 


$6.99 $3.17

II segreto del dottore

Copper Point Medical (Italiano)
$6.99 $3.17

Copper Point Medical: Libro Uno

Il nuovo brillante ma tenebroso dottore incontra il solare infermiere della porta accanto di Copper Point… e niente può impedire al loro amore di sbocciare. 

Il dottor Hong-Wei Wu arriva a Copper Point, Wisconsin, dopo che la pressione di un tirocinio presso un ospedale prestigioso ha bruciato la sua carriera ancora prima che cominciasse. Schiacciato dalla vergogna di aver deluso la sua famiglia dopo tutto quello che ha sacrificato per lui, si propone di vivere una vita tranquilla come chirurgo generale in una minuscola cittadina del nord. I suoi piani, però, non hanno tenuto conto di Simon Lane, il suo gentile, estroverso e attraente infermiere strumentista. 

Simon non è pronto ad affrontare un bel chirurgo rubacuori che continua a chiedergli aiuto per ambientarsi e che lo corteggia con fantastici piatti taiwanesi. Non c’è dubbio: il dottor Wu è interessato a lui, e Simon ricambia il suo interesse. C’è solo un problema: la politica del St. Ann scoraggia le relazioni tra i membri dello staff dell’ospedale, il che significa che tra loro non può esserci una storia … a meno che non aggirino le regole. 

Tuttavia, una relazione tenuta – letteralmente – nascosta nello sgabuzzino non può portare a un vissero per sempre felici e contenti. Simon non vuole essere un segreto, e Hong-Wei non vuole più impedirsi di vivere la propria vita. Per conquistare la felicità, dovranno far cambiare opinione all’amministrazione dell’ospedale. Ma quali altri segreti finiranno per scoprire su Copper Point… e su loro stessi?


$6.99 $3.17

The Doctor's Secret

Copper Point Medical | Book One
$6.99 $3.17

Copper Point Medical: Book One

The brilliant but brooding new doctor encounters Copper Point's sunny nurse-next-door... and nothing can stand in the way of this romance.

Dr. Hong-Wei Wu has come to Copper Point, Wisconsin, after the pressures of a high-powered residency burned him out of his career before he started. Ashamed of letting his family down after all they’ve done for him, he plans to live a quiet life as a simple surgeon in this tiny northern town. His plans, however, don’t include his outgoing, kind, and attractive surgical nurse, Simon Lane.

Simon wasn’t ready for the new surgeon to be a handsome charmer who keeps asking him for help getting settled and who woos him with amazing Taiwanese dishes. There’s no question—Dr. Wu is flirting with him, and Simon is flirting back. The problem is, St. Ann’s has a strict no-dating policy between staff, which means their romance is off the table… unless they bend the rules. 

But a romance that keeps them—literally—in the closet can’t lead to happy ever after. Simon doesn’t want to stay a secret, and Hong-Wei doesn’t want to keep himself removed from life, not anymore. To secure their happiness, they’ll have to change the administration’s mind. But what other secrets will they uncover along the way, about Copper Point… and about each other?


$6.99 $3.17

Dirty Laundry

Tucker Springs
$6.99 $3.17

A Tucker Springs Novel

Sometimes you have to get dirty to come clean.

When muscle-bound Denver Rogers effortlessly dispatches the frat boys harassing grad student Adam Ellery at the Tucker Springs laundromat, Adam’s thank-you turns into impromptu sex over the laundry table. The problem comes when they exchange numbers. What if Adam wants to meet again and discovers Denver is a high-school dropout with a learning disability who works as a bouncer at a local gay bar? Or what if Denver calls Adam only to learn while he might be brilliant in the lab, outside of it he has crippling social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Either way, neither of them can shake the memory of their laundromat encounter. Despite their fears of what the other might think, they can only remember how good the other one feels. The more they get together, the kinkier things become. They’re both a little bent, but in just the right ways. 

Maybe the secret to staying together isn’t to keep things clean and proper. Maybe it’s best to keep their laundry just a little bit dirty. 

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, January 2013.


$6.99 $3.17

Second Hand

Tucker Springs
$6.99 $3.17

A Tucker Springs Novel

Paul Hannon flunked out of vet school. His fiancée left him. He can barely afford his rent, and he hates his house. About the only things he has left are a pantry full of his ex’s kitchen gadgets and a lot of emotional baggage. He could really use a win—and that’s when he meets El.

Pawnbroker El Rozal is a cynic. His own family’s dysfunction has taught him that love and relationships lead to misery. Despite that belief, he keeps making up excuses to see Paul again. Paul, who doesn’t seem to realize that he’s talented and kind and worthy. Paul, who’s not over his ex-fiancée and is probably straight anyway. Paul, who’s so blind to El’s growing attraction, even asking him out on dates doesn’t seem to tip him off.

El may not do relationships, but something has to give. If he wants to keep Paul, he’ll have to convince him he’s worthy of love—and he’ll have to admit that attachment might not be so bad after all.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Riptide Publishing, September 2012.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Sometimes family chooses you.

At forty, Vincent “Vinnie” Fierro is still afraid to admit he might be gay—even to himself. It’ll be a problem for his big, fat Italian family. Still, after three failed marriages, it’s getting harder to ignore what he really wants.

Vinnie attempts some self-exploration in Chicago’s Boystown bars, far from anyone who knows him. Naturally, he runs smack into someone from the neighborhood.

Between working two jobs, going to school, taking care of his grandmother, and dealing with his mother’s ongoing substance abuse, Trey Giles has little time for fun, let alone dating someone who swears he’s straight. Yet after one night of dancing cheek-to-cheek, Trey agrees to let Vinnie court him and see if he truly belongs on this side of the fence—though Trey intends to keep his virginity intact.

It seems like a solid plan, but nothing is simple when family is involved. When Vinnie’s family finds out about their relationship, the situation is sticky enough, but when Trey’s mother goes critical, Vinnie and Trey must decide whose happiness is most important—their families’ or their own.

Second Edition
First edition published by Samhain, 2013.


$6.99 $3.17