Books by "Jaime Samms" (23)

$5.99 $4.49

Ouvert et sans inhibitions, Ian McVeigh vit sans attaches depuis des années, alors il ne peut s’imaginer le désir inattendu et la possessivité qui s’emparent de lui en voyant pour la première fois David, un joueur de rugby sans emploi, ainsi que le nouveau jouet délicieux de son patron. David Kelly est un escroc et bien trop beau pour remarquer Ian, un homme avec trop peu de moyens pour le charmer. 

Mais un jour, David ne fait pas que le regarder, il le caresse, flirte et fait tout pour inviter Ian à prendre la place de son sugar daddy. Mais sera-t-il capable de se libérer des murs qu’il a bâtis autour de lui ? Ian ne connaît pas beaucoup le passé de David et ce qu’il ignore pourrait les blesser tous les deux. 

Ian dit que le passé de David importe peu, mais quand il le voit avec un autre homme d’âge mûr, il saute tout de suite aux conclusions. Les deux hommes devront affronter la vérité ou risquer de se perdre pour de bon.


$5.99 $4.49
$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh è un seduttore felicemente single da anni, disinibito e apertamente gay, che non riesce a spiegarsi l’inaspettato desiderio e il sentimento di protezione che prova quando incontra David: rugbista, disoccupato e nuovo delizioso amante del suo capo. David Kelly è un mantenuto, e decisamente al di fuori della sua portata. È impossibile che un ragazzo così esigente e affascinante presti un briciolo di attenzione a un uomo come lui, con pochi mezzi per corteggiarlo.

Eppure, un giorno, David non solo lo guarda, ma lo tocca, lo stuzzica, e fa di tutto meno che invitare Ian a rubarlo al suo protettore. Ma David non può permettere a niente e a nessuno di abbattere i muri protettivi che ha costruito attorno a sé con tanta attenzione. Ian non sa molto del suo passato, e quello che non sa potrebbe nuocere a entrambi.

Ian sostiene che i trascorsi di David non abbiano importanza, ma quando lo vede con un ricco uomo maturo, pensa immediatamente al peggio. Dovranno entrambi imparare a essere onesti, se non vorranno restare da soli per sempre.


$5.99 $4.49
$5.99 $4.49

Ian McVeigh, geoutet und ungehemmt, hat seit Jahren eine flüchtige Beziehung nach der anderen. Deshalb kann er die ungewohnten Gefühle nicht einordnen, die der arbeitslose Rugby Spieler David – das neueste und höchst verlockende Spielzeug seines Bosses – bei ihm auslöst: eine Mischung aus Begehren und Beschützerinstinkt. Aber David Kelly ist ein Callboy und ein paar Nummern zu groß für Ian. Der bezaubernde, aber geldgierige David würde sich nie mit einem Mann wie Ian abgeben, der nicht die Mittel hat, ihn zu umwerben.

Dennoch beachtet David Ian eines Tages nicht nur, er berührt ihn, flirtet mit ihm und fordert ihn geradezu auf, ihn seinem Gönner abspenstig zu machen. Aber David kann niemanden zu nahe an sich heranlassen. Ian weiß nicht viel über Davids Vergangenheit und das, was er nicht weiß, kann ihnen beiden schaden.

Ian sagt, dass Davids Vergangenheit keine Rolle spielt, aber als er David mit einem älteren Mann sieht, nimmt er sofort das Schlimmste an. Beide Männer müssen sich der Wahrheit stellen, um einander nicht endgültig zu verlieren.


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$6.99 $1.00

When Sunny retires to the northern Ontario wilderness to mourn his parents’ deaths, he’s hoping the change of scenery will afford him some peace and quiet.

His hopes are soon spectacularly dashed.

In self-imposed exile, dragon Emile runs across the Fold between his dimension and Sunny’s—and right into Sunny’s arms. Centuries out of touch with human culture, bright, beautiful Emile incinerates any hope Sunny had for an ordinary existence. With dryads and water sprites coming to life all around them, Sunny can’t deny the magic Emile brings to his life—or his heart. But that same magic leads the unrelenting dragon who would keep Emile captive right to them. To save his love, Sunny will have to reach deep and find some magic of his own.


$6.99 $1.00

Eugene and the Box of Nails

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Every time it seems like things are looking up for Eugene Kraft, disaster hits. Bankruptcy, a bigoted sibling, and a back-breaking accident have all left him with little money and less faith in the universe.

His last-ditch effort at peace is the small lakeside property where he is building a tiny house from recycled materials. If he can get it livable before the cold sets in, maybe he’ll be okay. Hopefully Cullen, the foreman on the construction site next door, won’t notice Eugene pilfering discarded materials from his dumpster.

When Cullen stops by to talk to Eugene, he’s sure the gig is up—but all Cullen wants is a date. Can two things go right in Eugene’s life? At first it seems possible. Projects on Eugene’s house are getting completed by what he dubs “construction elves” while he’s off site. But like Eugene predicted, his good fortune can’t last, and soon he has a tough choice to make: give up his home… or the man of his dreams.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set Three

Kilmer and Jacko’s relationship has been foundering for a long time. With the end in sight and despairing that he might never find a Dom who suits him, Kilmer heads to a local bar to drown his sorrows—and meets country singer Tanner.

Tanner feels oddly protective of the broken man and eventually convinces Kilmer to hire him to help remodel the small, sad house Kilmer once shared with Jacko. As Tanner and Kilmer get to know each other, Kilmer regains his lost independence and Tanner’s dominant streak rises to the surface. But will it be a help or a hindrance to the trust they’re trying to build?

The answer might lie in the music Kilmer gave up not long after he met Jacko. Music always granted him solace, clarity, and an outlet for his emotions, and with Tanner’s encouragement, he picks up where he left off. Playing together eases them into honest communication, and though a happily ever after will still take patience and work, taking a chance on each other sounds sweeter with every note.


$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage

Off Stage | Sets One & Two
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Sets One & Two

The grunge band Firefly was Trevor “Damian” Learner and Lenny Stevens’s dream since they were boys growing up in rural Ontario. They found the right people to live the dream with them, even landed the best representation in the business, but the higher their star rose, the harder it became to ignore their issues.

Now, needing guidance beyond what each other and their bandmates can offer, Damian and Lenny must let go of a relationship that’s hurting everyone around them and accept support from men who know what they need better than they do. Two submissives will never make each other happy without the dominance they both crave but can’t find in each other.

First Damian needs to get his life on the right path and accept the rules Stan sets forth for him. Then Lenny will have to step into the wings, leave the spotlight, and concentrate on his own well-being—and Vance’s guiding hand—before they can help the band reach its potential.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Beauty is only skin deep, but some marks—and what they represent—are impossible to escape.

Eric resents his comfortable college life and the restrictions his family’s expectations put on him. Dwayne, his best friend Angel’s cousin, is a pierced and tattooed ex-con trying to rebuild his life. Eric sees only the tattoos and the way Dwayne’s upbringing have dictated his future. It takes a surprising revelation from Angel to force Eric to see past Dwayne’s defenses to the generous heart beneath and to realize it’s time for him to break free of his own instilled beliefs. The men can’t keep apart, and they gradually learn that everything they thought they knew about each other might be wrong. 

Opposites attract as two men from very different backgrounds move from enemies to lovers in a story of understanding, compassion, and redemption.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Pink Petal Books, 2011.


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$6.99 $5.24

Cresciuto  in affidamento, Kerry Grey ha poca autostima e ancora meno speranze per il suo futuro. Abbandonata l’università, sopravvive con un lavoro part-time in un vivaio. L’amicizia con il suo capo e lavorare con le piante sono quanto di più importante ha nella vita. Frequenta l’uomo che a scuola lo prendeva di mira con atti di bullismo, ma dopo che il suo amante lo abbandona a una festa, Kerry si ritrova a vagare lungo la spiaggia per affogare i dispiaceri in una bottiglia di scotch.

Malcolm Holmes e Charlie Stone stanno insieme da quindici anni. Nonostante Charlie desideri accettare la dominazione di Malcolm a letto, anche se non l’hanno mai formalizzata, nel loro rapporto sembra mancare qualcosa. Una mattina presto, salvano Kerry, che rischia di essere portato via dalla marea dopo essere svenuto. Charlie intuisce subito uno spirito affine nel giovane perduto. Quando il coinquilino di Kerry lo butta fuori di casa, Malcolm e Charlie lo invitano da loro. Mentre Charlie e Kerry creano un legame grazie al giardino di Charlie, Malcolm vede Kerry come la persona che stavano cercando per completare la loro vita. Tutto quello che devono fare è mostrare a lui, e dimostrare l’uno all’altro, che la tendenza a sottomettersi di Kerry si inserisce bene nella loro dinamica.

Ma qualcuno ha preso di mira il ragazzo. Mentre lotta per scoprire il colpevole, Kerry teme per la sicurezza dei suoi nuovi amici. Se Malcolm e Charlie non riusciranno ad aiutarlo, la loro ricerca del terzo uomo perfetto non potrà terminare con il lieto fine che immaginavano.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Grandir dans des familles d’accueil a privé Kerry Grey de confiance en soi et lui a laissé peu d’espoir en ce qui concerne son avenir. Ayant dû abandonner ses études à l’université, Kerry occupe un emploi à temps partiel dans une pépinière. Son amitié avec sa patronne et l’attention qu’il porte aux plantes constituent les seuls moments importants de sa vie. Il couche avec l’homme qui l’humiliait lorsqu’ils étaient ensemble à l’école, et le jour où son petit ami l’abandonne à une fête, Kerry erre sur la plage pour noyer son chagrin dans une bouteille de scotch.

Malcolm Holmes et Charlie Stone sont ensemble depuis quinze ans. Malgré la volonté de Charlie d’accepter tacitement la domination de Malcolm dans leur lit, quelque chose manque à leur couple. Tôt un matin, ils secourent un Kerry évanoui, manquant d’être emporté par la marée, et Charlie reconnaît immédiatement une âme sœur en ce jeune homme perdu.

Lorsque le colocataire de Kerry le jette à la rue, les deux hommes l’invitent dans leur maison. Alors que Charlie et Kerry tissent des liens autour de leur passion pour le jardinage, Malcolm voit en Kerry celui qu’ils cherchaient pour compléter leur couple. Tout ce qu’ils ont à faire c’est de se dévoiler au jeune homme et d’espérer que les penchants de Kerry pour la soumission vont s’adapter à leur dynamique.

Seulement, quelqu’un cherche la moindre occasion de nuire à Kerry. Et tandis qu’il cherche le coupable, il s’inquiète pour la sécurité de ses nouveaux amis. Et si Malcolm et Charlie ne peuvent pas l’aider, leur recherche assidue du parfait troisième pourrait ne pas se terminer par la fin heureuse qu’ils avaient imaginé.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After a disastrous five years away at college, Joe returns to his aunt's farm and finds his childhood sweetheart Cameron eager to rekindle their relationship. Joe has a hard time confessing that he didn't come home until now because he's only just managed to leave Andre, his controlling boyfriend, and has a harder time renewing his submissive role in his affair with Cam. Cam thinks he has to find a way to remind Joe how to be strong. But what Cam doesn't realize is that Joe is strong, strong enough to leave behind a life of shame—though he's terrified his past will catch up to him. Joe must confront his ex and take back his own life, on his own terms, before he's able to give Cam everything they both desire.


$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: In the Wings

Off Stage | Set Two
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set Two

Lenny Stevens was the lead guitarist of the up-and-coming grunge band Firefly until he crossed the line with the band’s lead singer. Now he’s faced with the impossible task of rebuilding his life without the music that had kept him together. Struggling with his fear and rage, he creates the same damaging patterns in his relationship with his lover, Vance Ashcroft.

Vance knows that Lenny is the submissive meant for him. He is convinced he can save Lenny from his demons and puts faith in his ability. But when Len’s temper leads to him physically hurting Vance and destroying property, both men realize Len’s issues are too big for them to work through alone.

Seeking the help of the people who know Len best, Vance invites his former bandmates to the ranch for Len’s belated birthday party. Together, they try to create a safe haven for Len to come apart and, hopefully, rearrange himself into a man who can live with his past and create a future worth having.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Growing up in foster care has left Kerry Grey with little self-esteem or hope for his future. A college dropout, Kerry scrapes by on a part-time job at a garden nursery. His friendship with his boss and working with the plants are the only high points in Kerry’s life. He’s been dating the man who bullied him at school, but when his boyfriend abandons him at a party, Kerry wanders down the beach to drown his sorrows in a bottle of scotch.

Malcolm Holmes and Charlie Stone have been together for fifteen years. Despite Charlie's willingness to accept Malcolm's unspoken domination in bed,something is missing from their relationship. Early one morning, they rescue a passed out Kerry from being washed away by the tide and Charlie immediately senses a kindred spirit in the lost younger man. When Kerry’s roommate kicks him out, Malcolm and Charlie invite him into their home. As Charlie and Kerry bond over Charlie’s garden, Malcolm sees Kerry may be just who they have been looking for to complete their lives. All they have to do is show Kerry, and each other, that Kerry's submissive tendencies will fit their dynamic.

But someone is sabotaging Kerry at every turn. As he struggles to discover the culprit, he fears for the safety of his new friends. If Malcolm and Charlie cannot help, their lifelong search for their perfect third may not end with the happily ever after they imagined.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Out and uninhibited Ian McVeigh has been playing the field for years, so he can't fathom the unexpected desire and feeling of protectiveness he experiences when he first sees rugby playing, unemployed David, his boss's newest and most delicious-looking squeeze. David Kelly is a hustler, and he’s way out of Ian's league. He’d never look twice at a guy like Ian, a guy with little means to woo the needy but to-die-for David.

Yet one day, David not only looks, but touches, flirts, and all but invites Ian to lure him away from his sugar daddy. But David can’t let anything break his carefully constructed walls. Ian doesn’t know much about David’s past, and what he doesn't know could hurt them both.

Ian says David's past doesn't matter, but when he sees David with another older gentleman, he immediately thinks the worst. Both men must embrace honesty or lose each other for good.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published as Irish Lovers: Ian and David 1-3 by Loveyoudivine Alterotica, January 2011.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Don Jenkins will do anything for a happy, thriving family and home, but keeping his farm going is a constant challenge. He’s always depended on Griff McAllister, his partner and first love, to support him in his work and in his need to submit in the bedroom. When he discovers Griff might be losing faith in him, he’s at a loss for how to mend the relationship. Then Howard Campbell—a man Don and Griff both love beyond words—is added to the mix. With jealousy threatening their bond and the viability of the farm in question, Don’s dreams begin to crumble.

Nearly losing Howard in an accident serves as a wakeup call. They begin to pull their relationship out of the muck and work to remember why they came together in the first place. If they can figure out how to help one another and balance the dynamics of dominance and submission between them so each man gets what he needs, the trio might build the loving future they’ve dared to hope for. They must be brave enough to commit every resource they can muster—especially trust, understanding, and acceptance—and realize true love is never as easy as it looks.


$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Right

Off Stage | Set One
$6.99 $5.24

Off Stage: Set One

Damian Learner and his grunge band, Firefly, are on a meteoric rise to success. If they get the right break, fame awaits. Seeking more professional management, Damian independently strikes a bargain with the best agent in the business, Stanley Krane. Unable to afford the penalty for breaking old contracts, Damian agrees when Stan’s best friend, country and Western megastar Vance Ashcroft, offers to buy him out of his old contract.

Overwhelmed by a crippling loan, secretive guilt, Stanley’s expectations, and a volatile relationship with Lenny, Firefly’s lead guitarist, Damian disintegrates. Bad habits of too much sex, booze, and drugs create a rift in the band. Finally Vance, with his understanding of Dominant/submissive behavior, sees that submissives Damian and Lenny are falling into chaos, clinging to each other to try to avoid the inevitable crash.

When the pressure to perform becomes too much and the unthinkable happens, Damian and Lenny have to decide: accept that they need something they can’t get from each other, or burn out and take Firefly with them. Vance is ready to claim Lenny, but even Stan’s hesitant agreement to give Damian the direction he needs might not be enough for Damian—or the band—if he loses Lenny.


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

When Allan Song’s ex, Mac, shows up to model for the life drawing class Allan teaches, he turns everything upside-down. Mac is still as infuriatingly attractive as when Allan first met him—and still trying to figure out where he fits on the gender spectrum. He’s more than a little out of control, and he’s taken some stupid risks that have come back to haunt him. If they’re going to get back together, Allan wants a real relationship—but for that, he and Mac will need to look below the surface.


$3.99 $2.99

Angel Elegy

Wings of Faith
Bittersweet Dreams
$4.99 $3.74

A Wings of Faith Novella

Twin Angels Jophiel and Ariel are servants of Heaven bound to help the humans of a world headed for ruin. But for them to become the independent Angels they need to be, their bond must first be broken.

Jophiel takes his duties seriously, answering a call from an artist struggling with his dominant, sadistic nature. But Ariel, embittered after being tortured and killed by human captors and returning to Heaven in shame, hesitates. The choice is taken from his hands when he is sent to Earth, wingless and without any memory of who or what he is. Until he regains the faith in the humans he’s meant to help, he’ll never reach his full potential and be readmitted into Heaven. From somewhere within himself, Jophiel must find the courage to let go of his twin and trust Ariel to be strong enough to Rise again… or they will never be together.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$4.99 $3.74