Books by "Jamie Fessenden" (18)

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When Jay and Wallace first meet at an LGBTQ group, they have no idea they’ll be dating six years later. In fact, they quickly forget each other’s names. But although fate continues to throw them together, the timing is never quite right. Finally they’re both single and realize they want to be together... but now they can’t find each other! 

With determination and the help of mutual friends, Jay and Wallace can finally pursue the relationship they’ve both wanted for so long. It’s only the beginning of the battles they’ll face to build a life together. From disapproving family members all the way to the state legislature, Jay and Wallace’s road to happily ever after is littered with obstacles. But they’ve come too far to give up the fight.


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$6.99 $3.17

A Victorian automaton that seems all too real...

A cursed book that infects the beloved family dog...

An old mill building haunted by workers killed in a fire...

Ghosts, werewolves, and aliens lurk in the twilight, at the edge of the shadows—the penumbra—in this collection of stories from Jamie Fessenden. 


This volume consists of previously published novellas.


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$4.99 $3.17

Can the trusted town handyman rebuild a broken pianist’s heart?

When a freak accident ends Aiden’s career as a world-renowned classical pianist, he retreats to his New Hampshire hometown, where he finds the boy he liked growing up is even more appealing as a man.

Dean Cooper’s life as handyman to the people of Springhaven might not be glamorous, but he’s well-liked and happy. When Aiden drifts back into town, Dean is surprised to find the bond between them as strong as ever. But Aiden is distraught over the loss of his career and determined to get back on the international stage.

Seventeen years ago Dean made a sacrifice and let Aiden walk away. Now, with their romance rekindling, he knows he'll have to make the sacrifice all over again. This time it may be more than he can bear.


$4.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Jesse Morales si è appena laureato e aspira a diventare uno scrittore di gialli. Quando si offre volontario per prestare servizio una settimana sulla vetta del monte Washington, sa già che dovrà lavorare duro. Quello che non sa è che in mezzo alla nebbia troverà un cadavere, disteso tra le rocce, ucciso con un colpo alla testa. La vittima si rivela essere un giovane turista di nome Stuart Warren, allontanatosi poche ore prima dagli amici con cui stava visitando la montagna.

Kyle Dubois, un ispettore di polizia vedovo già da qualche anno, è costretto ad accorrere sulla scena del crimine in piena notte. Kyle e Jesse sono immediatamente attratti l’uno dall’altro, anche se per l’ispettore è difficile prendere sul serio quel pivello fissato con i romanzi polizieschi. Ma Jesse trova un modo per rendersi indispensabile a Kyle, prendendo una stanza presso l’hotel dove alloggiano i parenti e gli amici della vittima e introducendosi nella loro cerchia. Quello che scoprirà potrebbe portarlo a risolvere il caso… o a farsi ammazzare.


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$6.99 $3.17

Derek Sawyer ist überzeugt, alles zu haben: einen gut bezahlten Job, einen Freund, einen Hund und sogar ein Haus am See. Dann bringt eine Geschäftsreise mit seinem Vorgesetzten und besten Freund, Victor, seine Welt zum Einsturz.

Nach einer feuchtfröhlichen Nacht kommt es in ihrem Hotelzimmer zum schlimmsten Ereignis in Dereks Leben. Und als ob es nicht schon erniedrigend genug wäre, jeden Tag mit dem Täter zusammenarbeiten zu müssen, zeigt Victor Derek wegen sexueller Belästigung an. Jetzt hat er keinen Job und keinen Freund mehr, außerdem wird die Rate für das Haus am See fällig.

Officer Russ Thomas hat schon vorher mit Vergewaltigungsopfern zu tun gehabt. Daher braucht er nicht lange, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Mit seiner Hilfe zeigt Derek das Verbrechen Monate später schließlich doch noch bei der Polizei an. Durch einstweilige Verfügungen und Anwälte wird Victors Wut auf ihn noch weiter angestachelt. Zwischen Derek und Russ, dem Polizisten, bahnt sich eine Beziehung an, doch Russ kann Derek nicht ständig beschützen.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Jeremy Spencer n’aurait jamais imaginé que l’ordre occulte qu’il avait fondé pour rire avec son petit ami Bowyn lorsqu’ils étaient à l’université deviendrait une organisation internationale rassemblant des centaines de membres. Désormais professeur et spécialiste de la musique de la Renaissance, Jeremy se retrouve de nouveau plongé dans un univers de libertinage et de cérémonies magickes. Les jalousies et rancœurs qui l’ont séparé de Bowyn huit ans plus tôt semblent bel et bien appartenir au passé.

Mais Jeremy commence à se demander si la mélodie vieille de plusieurs siècles qu’on lui a demandé de retranscrire ne recèle pas un sombre secret. À chaque couplet, des volées d’oiseaux se jettent sur le vieux manoir, un mystérieux brouillard s’abat sur le domaine et des nuées de chauves-souris envahissent le dôme du temple. Au cours d’une séance de spiritisme, les participants reçoivent un avertissement énigmatique depuis le royaume des esprits. Alors que le jour de la représentation approche, Jeremy comprend que ce morceau contient peut-être la clé d’un immense pouvoir – un pouvoir pour lequel certains seraient prêts à tuer.


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$6.99 $3.17

Als  Jesse Morales, frischgebackener College-Absolvent und angehender Krimiautor, sich auf eine Woche als Helfer im Observatorium des Mount Washington einlässt, rechnet er mit harter Arbeit. Womit er nicht rechnet, ist die Leiche, die er zwischen den Felsen im Nebel findet. Der Mann entpuppt sich als der junge Tourist Stuart Warren, für den ein Ausflug auf den Berg mit seinen Freunden tödlich endete.

Der verwitwete Polizist Kyle Dubois wird mit seinem Partner Wesley Roberts mitten in der Nacht zum Schauplatz des Verbrechens gerufen. Obwohl sich Jesse und er augenblicklich voneinander angezogen fühlen, fällt es Kyle schwer, einen so jungen Mann mit einer Vorliebe für Kriminalfälle ernst zu nehmen. Jedoch gelingt es Jesse bald, sich nützlich zu machen, indem er sich ein Zimmer im Hotel der Angehörigen und Freunde sucht, um sich unter sie zu mischen. Was er dort erfährt, könnte bei der Lösung des Falles helfen – oder ihn das Leben kosten.


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$5.99 $3.17

Lord Thomas Pendleton, second son of the Duke of Branmoor, needs to discharge a debt to his friend Andrew Nash. In doing so, he must return to the family estate he fled six years earlier after refusing to marry the woman his father had chosen. To Thomas’s dismay, Branmoor Hall is no longer the joyful home he remembers from his childhood, and his four-year-old niece has no idea what Christmas is.

Determined to bring some seasonal cheer back to the gloomy estate, Thomas must confront his tyrannical father, salvage a brother lost in his own misery, and attempt to fight off his father’s machinations.

As Christmas Day draws near, Thomas and his friend Andrew begin to realize they are more than merely close friends… and those feelings are not only a threat to their social positions, but, in Victorian England, to their lives as well.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.


$5.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

Lorsque Jesse Morales, un jeune diplômé de l’université qui aspire à devenir auteur de polars, se porte volontaire pour travailler au sommet du Mont Washington pendant une semaine, il s’attend à travailler dur. Par contre, il ne s’attend pas à trouver un corps en plein milieu du brouillard, gisant parmi les rochers, le crâne brisé. Le corps est celui d’un jeune touriste nommé Stuart Warren, qui s’est séparé de ses amis pendant qu’ils visitaient la montagne.

Kyle Dubois, un détective de la police d’État veuf, est appelé à se rendre sur la scène du crime en plein milieu de la nuit, ainsi que son coéquipier Wesley Roberts. Kyle et Jesse sont instantanément attirés l’un par l’autre, sauf que la fascination de Jesse pour les affaires de meurtres rend cela difficile pour Kyle de prendre le jeune homme au sérieux. Mais Jesse trouve un moyen d’apporter une aide précieuse au détective en prenant une chambre dans l’hôtel où les amis et la famille de la victime résident et en s’introduisant dans leur cercle. Très vite, il commence à apprendre des choses qui pourraient les aider à résoudre l’affaire… ou l’amener à se faire tuer.


$6.99 $3.17
$6.99 $3.17

A Brethren Novel

Jeremy Spencer never imagined the occult order he and his boyfriend, Bowyn, started as a joke in college would become an international organization with hundreds of followers. Now a professor with expertise in Renaissance music, Jeremy is drawn back into the world of free love and ceremonial magick. The old jealousies and hurt that separated him from Bowyn eight years ago no longer seem significant. 

Then Jeremy begins to wonder if the centuries-old score he’s been asked to transcribe hides something sinister. With each stanza, local birds flock to the old mansion, a mysterious fog descends upon the grounds, and bats swarm the temple dome. During a séance, the group receives a cryptic warning from the spirit realm. And as the music’s performance draws nearer, Jeremy realizes it may hold the key to incredible power—power somebody is willing to kill for.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


$6.99 $3.17


2015 Award Winners

Derek Sawyer thinks he has it all—a high-salaried position, a boyfriend, a dog, even a new cabin on the lake—until a business trip with his manager and best friend, Victor, shatters his world.

One night of drunken horsing around in their hotel room leads to the most intensely personal violation Derek has ever endured. As if the humiliation of working under his attacker every day isn’t enough, Victor reports Derek for sexual harassment. Now he’s without a job, without a boyfriend, and the mortgage on the cabin is due.

Officer Russ Thomas has worked with rape victims before, and it doesn’t take him long to sort out the truth in Derek’s tale. With his support, Derek finally reports the crime, months after it happened. But restraining orders and lawyers further Victor’s anger toward him, and even though a relationship develops between Derek and the policeman, Russ can’t be there to protect him all the time.


$6.99 $3.17

It begins with a 3:00 a.m. telephone call. On one end is Terry Bachelder, a closeted teacher. On the other, the suicidal teenage son of the local preacher. When Terry fails to prevent disaster, grief rips the small town of Crystal Falls apart.

At the epicenter of the tragedy, seventeen-year-old Jonah Riverside tries to make sense of it all. Finding Daniel’s body leaves him struggling to balance his sexual identity with his faith, while his church, led by the Reverend Isaac Thompson, mounts a crusade to destroy Terry, whom Isaac believes corrupted his son and caused the boy to take his own life.

Having quietly crushed on his teacher for years, Jonah is determined to clear Terry’s name. That quest leads him to Eric Jacobs, Daniel’s true secret lover, and to get involved in Eric’s plan to shake up their small-minded town. Meanwhile, Rev. Thompson struggles to make peace between his religious convictions and the revelation of his son's homosexuality. If he can’t, he leaves the door open to eternal damnation—and for a second tragedy to follow.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Itineris Press, August 2012.


$6.99 $3.17

When Jesse Morales, a recent college grad who aspires to be a mystery writer, volunteers to work on the summit of Mt. Washington for a week, he expects to work hard. What he doesn’t expect is to find a corpse in the fog, lying among the rocks, his head crushed. The dead man turns out to be a young tourist named Stuart Warren, who strayed from his friends while visiting the mountain.

Kyle Dubois, a widowed state police detective, is called to the scene in the middle of the night, along with his partner, Wesley Roberts. Kyle and Jesse are instantly drawn to one another, except Jesse’s fascination with murder mysteries makes it difficult for Kyle to take the young man seriously. But Jesse finds a way to make himself invaluable to the detective by checking into the hotel where the victim's friends and family are staying and infiltrating their circle. Soon, he is learning things that could very well solve the case—or get him killed.


$6.99 $3.17

In 1996, Jake Stewart is starting his third year at the University of New Hampshire. Even as a successful business major, he is absolutely miserable. Not only is Jake pursuing a field he hates when he’d rather study art, he is utterly terrified of what will happen if his father finds out he’s gay. When he finally gets up the courage to move into the creative arts dorm on campus, his new roommate, Danny, is openly gay—and there’s no denying the attraction between them.

Danny Sullivan has been out since high school, and he appears comfortable with his sexuality. But something happened in Danny’s past—something that gives him nightmares he refuses to talk about. Unknown to Jake, the way he mistreated his friend, Tom Langois, when Tom came out to him in high school, is mild compared to the way someone very much like Jake treated Danny.

It may be too late to fix the mess Jake made with Tom, but if Jake wants to be with Danny, he’s going to have to fix the mess made by another closeted jock he’s never even met.


$6.99 $3.17

Billy's Bones

2013 Award Winners

Kevin Derocher was thirty-two when he walked into Tom’s office, newly married, a baby on the way, and the collar of his red flannel shirt pulled up to hide the bruises around his throat from when he hanged himself in his garage. After his initial consult, therapist Tom Langois believes he’ll never see Kevin again—but Kevin turns up three years later to make repairs on Tom’s new house.

Kevin and Tom become fast friends, and Tom begins to suspect Kevin may be interested in more than friendship. However, Kevin remains haunted by something from his childhood—something so terrible he blocked it from his mind. These suppressed memories make it impossible for Kevin to get close to anyone without panicking and lashing out, sometimes violently. But as his past begins to surface, it becomes apparent that Kevin may hold the key to a twenty-five-year-old mystery: what happened to Billy?


The Healing Power of Eggnog

2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming
$3.99 $2.99

Will Sutherland hasn't been home to see his parents in four years—not since they reacted badly when he came out. This Christmas, he’s finally worked up the courage to go home, where he's surprised to find they've taken in a boarder. Ryan Bennett is just a couple years younger than Will, cute, sweet... and openly gay.

As Will deals with his jealousy of the man who's been receiving the love and acceptance he was denied, Ryan finds himself falling for Will's brooding good looks. But Ryan also suspects the Sutherlands may be using him as a pawn in their long-standing conflict with their son. Will this Christmas finally tear the family apart, or is there a chance they can put their hurt and anger behind them?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".


$3.99 $2.99

Saturn in Retrograde

2012 Daily Dose | Time is Eternity
$3.99 $2.99

Joshua Bannon has harbored a secret crush on renowned physicist Patrick Riley ever since high school. Now fresh out of college, Joshua has landed a job at the Eloi Institute, assisting Patrick in his work producing time fluctuations in the massive particle accelerator they've affectionately dubbed “Saturn.”

As they work, a strong bond develops between the two men—a bond that takes on romantic overtones even though Patrick is concerned by their twenty-five-year age difference. The project and their relationship make slow progress until a startling discovery about Patrick convinces Joshua to take a leap of faith to prove the technology—and their relationship—can work.


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$3.99 $2.99

Connor is a netrunner: a hacker who ventures into cyberspace to steal data from corporate computers. As he hides out in the slums of Seattle, he’s attacked by a street gang and, incredibly, rescued by one of the members. His rescuer is a man named Luis, who has decided Connor needs his protection.

But instead of providing safety, Luis’s presence wreaks havoc with Connor’s online identity, and they find themselves hunted by a lethal security force. While they attempt to escape the city, Connor finds himself struggling to survive with the most lethal killer ever pitted against the corporations that control the FreeCorp—and he risks losing his heart to the same man.


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