Books by "Kate Sherwood" (22)


Non importa quanto provi a convincersi: Liam, architetto di successo a New York, non ha mai dimenticato Ben, il suo primo amore. All’avvicinarsi dei quarant’anni, Liam sente che nella sua vita manca qualcosa. Riuscirà a rimediare al suo più grande errore, quello che gli ha lasciato un vuoto che nessun successo lavorativo potrà mai riempire? O la paura di sbagliare di nuovo gli impedirà di avere la vita che sogna?

Liam e Ben sono stati amici da ragazzi e poi fidanzati all’università. Quando però Liam lo ha tradito, Ben si è imposto di tagliare i ponti con lui e di andare avanti con la propria vita. Abita ancora nella cittadina in cui sono cresciuti e dove fa l’insegnante, ma quella non è l’esistenza che sognava da ragazzo. Eppure, quando Liam riappare a North Falls, Ben non se la sente di rimettere il cuore in gioco. Non può permettersi di farsi conquistare ancora da lui dopo tutta la fatica fatta per dimenticarlo.

Nessuno dei due sembra voler mettere una pietra sul passato e affrontare l’ansia di un nuovo inizio. Non vogliono innamorarsi di nuovo, ma a volte l’amore bussa, anche quando non lo si è invitato.


No matter what he tells himself, wealthy NYC architect Liam has never been able to forget his first love, Ben. But as he approaches midlife and realizes something is missing, can he forgive himself for the worst mistake he ever made—the one that left a hole no amount of career success can fill? Or will fear keep him from the full life he really wants? 

Liam and Ben were childhood sweethearts, then college boyfriends. But when Liam cheated on Ben, Ben forced himself to cut ties and move on. He’s still living in the small town where they grew up, teaching, but it’s not the life he imagined for himself as a younger man. Still, when Liam returns, he can’t risk his heart again. He certainly can’t allow himself to love Liam again after fighting so hard to get over him. 

Neither man wants to let go of the past and face their apprehension at starting over. They don’t want to fall in love a second time—but sometimes love happens whether it’s wanted or not.


At first glance, Cade and Aiden hardly seem like a match made in heaven. Their worlds couldn’t be further apart. Cade is quiet, serious, and determined to succeed; Aiden's a party-loving frat boy. Cade comes from a rough home and worked hard to get the scholarships that make it possible for him to attend college; Aiden's had it all thrown in his lap by supportive, kind, and wealthy parents. Cade wants nothing to do with Aiden, but from the moment they meet, Aiden is determined to find a way to bring their different worlds together.

Aiden manages to persuade Cade he’s a decent guy, and a tentative friendship becomes much more. But a trip to Aiden's family cottage puts Cade in the path of a ghost from his past, and a dark secret he never expected to face again. Cade did what he had to do to escape his dead-end life, but now he sees he didn’t leave it as far behind him as he thought.


Sobre luces y sombras

Caballo Oscuro | Volumen 3

La secuela de Fuera de la oscuridad
Volumen 3 de la serie Caballo Oscuro

Jeff, Evan y Dan han estado juntos los dos últimos años, felices. Todavía tienen problemas, especialmente entre Evan y Dan, pero la mayoría de las veces logran convertir esos desacuerdos interpersonales en tensión sexual, que luego resuelven, así que nadie se queja.

Dan llevaba muchos años sin ver a su hermana y cuando esta aparece, embarazada de siete meses y prófuga de la justicia, y la situación se transforma de complicada a abrumadora. Jeff y Evan quieren ayudar, pero como Evan teme por la seguridad de su propia hermana y Jeff debe luchar para mantener bajo control sus problemas de salud, están un poco distraídos.

Mientras la hermana de Dan lucha con su pasado, Evan parece querer apostar por su futuro. Con las emociones y los lazos familiares empujándolos en diferentes direcciones, los tres deberán mantenerse juntos, o la gente que aman puede lograr separarlos.


Entre ombre et lumière

Californie équestre | Tome 3

Suite de Sombre était la nuit 
Californie équestre, tome 3

Jeff, Evan et Dan vivent heureux depuis deux ans. Ils ont toujours des problèmes, surtout Dan et Evan, mais en général, ils parviennent à transformer les désagréments personnels en tension sexuelle – qu'ils résolvent bien vite – et personne ne se plaint.

Puis la sœur de Dan, enceinte de sept mois et en fuite depuis des années, débarque dans leur vie, et la situation devient étouffante. Jeff et Evan veulent aider Dan, mais, entre Evan qui craint pour la sécurité de sa petite sœur ‒ à raison ? ‒ et Jeff qui doit lutter pour sa propre santé, ils ont de quoi être distraits. Et tandis que la sœur de Dan se débat avec son passé, Evan semble prêt à jouer avec sa vie et son avenir. Entre les émotions et les familles qui les déchirent et les tirent dans toutes les directions, les trois hommes doivent s'attacher plus que jamais les uns aux autres, ou leur amour risque de les séparer.


When Kyle Champlain’s grandmother, Molly, passes away, he returns to Wetlake, Canada, to settle her estate. Kyle spent his summers in Wetlake as a child, and now he has the chance to renew his acquaintance with some old friends, including Ryan Summers, before going home to Chicago. But when Kyle tries to pressure Ryan into a business decision, their renewed friendship—and any possible attraction--is almost immediately on the rocks.

As Kyle begins to deliver the personalized bequests from Molly’s will, he meets an odd assortment of people from all walks of life and realizes he has a lot to learn about living and love. But he’ll have to fight his parents, suspicious beneficiaries, and Ryan’s fears if he plans to stay in Wetlake.


Fuera de la oscuridad

Caballo Oscuro | Volumen 2

La secuela de "Caballo Oscuro"
Volumen 2 de la serie Caballo Oscuro

«Ya es suficientemente duro entre dos personas. Meter a una tercera en la ecuación es… no sé, ¿no va a parecer que estamos buscando problemas?».

No fue fácil, pero el entrenador de caballos Dan Wheeler había comenzado a construirse una nueva vida, había encontrando su sitio en California con sus amantes Evan Kaminski y Jeff Stevens. Cuando las cosas iban bien era espectacular: había cariño, risas y pasión. Pero al parecer, las cosas no solían ir bien muy a menudo.

Dan sigue luchando contra la pérdida de su anterior pareja y a veces tenía dudas de si merecía ser feliz. Evan tiene celos de cualquiera que buscara el afecto de Dan (incluido Jeff); y a este le preocupa ser demasiado mayor para sus hombres más jóvenes, y llega a preguntarse si no era mejor alejarse.

A pesar de todas sus resoluciones, Dan siente una conexión especial con los otros dos hombres, pero no sabe si eso será suficiente. Sabe que duele estar juntos, pero lo que tiene que hacer es decidir si no será incluso más doloroso estar separados.

Segunda Edición


Jack Lawson grew up poor and can’t forget it. He’s a huge success in the business world, but it won’t be enough until the image of “poor little Jack” is completely wiped away. When Jack runs into his old friend, Noah Mercier, he decides that Noah’s sister, an up-and-coming movie star, would be the perfect evidence of glamorous success. If Jack can win Hayley, it will be clear to everyone, including himself, that he has truly arrived.

The problem with Jack’s grand plan is that he’s more attracted to Noah. Jack’s never worried about the gender of his conquests, but Noah just isn’t flashy enough for Jack’s scheme to set the world on fire...  unless Jack realizes he has practically no control over deciding who he wants—and even less choice in who he needs.


Dal buio alla luce

Un cavallo nell'ombra | Libro 3

Seguito di Fuori dall’oscurità
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 3

Jeff, Evan e Dan vivono insieme felici da due anni. Ci sono ancora dei problemi, soprattutto tra Evan e Dan, ma la maggior parte delle volte riescono a trasformare le divergenze personali in tensione sessuale che puntualmente risolvono: nessuno di loro ha di che lamentarsi.

Ma un giorno si presenta da loro la sorella di Dan, che lui non vedeva da molti anni e che adesso è incinta di sette mesi e in fuga dalla legge, e la situazione da complicata diventa disastrosa. Jeff ed Evan vogliono aiutarlo, ma Evan è distratto dai propri timori per la sicurezza di sua sorella e Jeff dai tentativi di tenere nascosti i propri problemi di salute. Mentre la sorella di Dan lotta col passato, Evan sembra intenzionato a giocare d’azzardo sul suo futuro. Con i sentimenti e i legami familiari a tirarli in direzioni diverse, i tre dovranno riuscire a restare uniti o le persone che amano potrebbero separarli.


Eisschimmel - Der Außenseiter 3

Der Außenseiter | Buch 3

Fortsetzung zu Feurfuchs - Der Außenseiter
Buch 3 in der Serie - Der Außenseiter

Jeff, Evan und Dan haben zwei glückliche Jahre miteinander verbracht. Natürlich gibt es auch weiterhin Probleme – vor allem zwischen Evan und Dan –, doch da sie normalerweise in der Lage sind, die Spannungen zwischen ihnen in Lust umzuwandeln, besteht kein Grund zur Sorge.

Dann taucht plötzlich Dans lange verschollene Schwester auf – im siebten Monat schwanger und auf der Flucht – und macht die Situation damit so kompliziert, dass sie nicht mehr zu bewältigen ist. Jeff und Evan wollen helfen, doch zwischen Evans Sorge um die Sicherheit seiner Schwester und Jeffs Bemühungen, seine Gesundheitsprobleme zu verbergen, bleibt dazu nicht viel Zeit. Während Dans Schwester mit ihrer Vergangenheit kämpft, scheint Evan ihre Zukunft aufs Spiel setzen zu wollen. Auch wenn Gefühle und Familienbande sie in unterschiedliche Richtungen lenken, müssen die drei zusammenhalten – oder Gefahr laufen, von den Menschen in ihrem Leben auseinandergerissen zu werden.


Of Dark and Bright

Dark Horse Series | Book Three

Jeff, Evan, and Dan have been living happily together for the past two years. They still have problems, especially between Evan and Dan, but they’re mostly able to convert the interpersonal disagreements to sexual tension—and then resolve it—so nobody’s complaining.

Then Dan’s long-lost sister shows up seven months pregnant and on the run from the law, and the situation goes from complicated to overwhelming. Jeff and Evan want to help, but with Evan fearful for his own sister’s safety and Jeff struggling to keep his health issues under wraps, they’re a little distracted. As Dan's sister struggles with her past, Evan's seems intent on gambling with her future. With emotions and family ties pulling them in different directions, the threesome have to hold together—or the people they love may tear them apart.


Fuori dall’oscurità

Un cavallo nell'ombra | Libro 2

Seguito di Un cavallo nell’ombra
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 2

“È già abbastanza difficile quando si è in due. Aggiungere un terzo al mix è... non lo so, non vi sembra che sia come andare in cerca di guai?”

Non è stato facile, ma l’addestratore di cavalli Dan Wheeler, ha cominciato a costruirsi una nuova vita, e ha trovato il suo posto in California con i suoi amanti Evan Kaminski e Jeff Stevens. Quando le cose tra loro funzionano, è tutto spettacolare: c’è affetto, divertimento, passione. Ma spesso, non va così bene.

Dan continua a soffrire per la morte del suo precedente compagno e a volte dubita persino di meritare la felicità. Evan è geloso e considera un rivale chiunque catturi le attenzioni di Dan, incluso Jeff. E Jeff si domanda se non sia troppo vecchio per loro due e prende in considerazione la possibilità di farsi da parte. A dispetto dei suoi propositi, Dan comincia a legarsi sempre di più ai due uomini, ma non è sicuro che questo basti a risolvere tutto. Sa che fa male stare insieme, deve solo capire se farebbe ancora più male doversi separare.


Out of the Darkness

Dark Horse Series | Book Two

“It's hard enough with two people. Throwing a third into the mix is… I don't know, doesn't it seem like we're asking for trouble?”

It hasn't been easy, but horse trainer Dan Wheeler is beginning to build a new life for himself, finding his place in California with his lovers Evan Kaminski and Jeff Stevens. When things are going well, it's spectacular: there's affection, humor, and passion. But things don't seem to go well all that often.

Dan continues to struggle with the loss of his previous lover and sometimes doubts that he even deserves to be happy; Evan is jealous of every rival for Dan's attention—including Jeff; and Jeff worries that he's too old for the younger men and wonders if he should bow out completely. Despite his resolutions, Dan has grown attached to the other two men, but he's not sure that's enough. He knows that it hurts to be together—he needs to decide whether it would hurt even more to be apart.


Dark Horse

Dark Horse Series | Book One

Dan thinks about just driving, leaving the whole mess behind. He's got enough money. He could just arrange to get his stuff and his horse shipped to wherever he's going. Taking off is what he used to do when things got to be too much, and it worked pretty well, really.

Dan Wheeler thought he'd found lasting love and stability with his life and work partner, Justin Archer. But when Dan finds himself alone again, still working as a horse trainer for Justin's parents, he has to find a way to accept that his perfect life is gone forever.

Then he meets billionaire Evan Kaminski, who arrives to buy a horse for his younger sister, and Evan's lover Jeff Stevens, a horse trainer who seems to understand more than just Dan's job. Struggling to deal with all the upheavals in his life, Dan finds himself drawn to both Evan's mercurial passion and Jeff's quiet wisdom. Is Dan strong enough to take a chance on new love, or would it be better—safer—for him to be alone?


Every relationship leaves something behind. Dumped by his sugar daddy, part-time model Scott Mackenzie somehow ends up owning an abandoned church in rural Ontario. He dreams of using it for gay weddings, even if he’ll never have one of his own.

Joe Sutton is trying to keep his family together after his parents’ deaths. Between the family ranch, his brother’s construction company, and commitments around town, he doesn’t have time for a relationship. But Mackenzie is hard to ignore.

As both men fight their growing attraction, challenges to Mackenzie’s business threaten their relationship. If he can’t make it work, he’ll have to crawl back to the city in defeat. But the only solution involves risking the ranch Joe loves, and each man has to decide how much he’ll sacrifice for the other.


Sombre était la nuit

Californie équestre | Tome 2

Suite de Sombre est le cheval
Californie équestre, tome 2

À deux, c’est déjà difficile. Alors ajouter un troisième là-dedans... Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que ce n’est pas chercher les emmerdes ?

Ça n’a pas été facile, mais l’entraîneur équestre Dan Wheeler commence à se construire une nouvelle vie en Californie, avec ses amants Evan Kaminski et Jeff Stevens. Quand tout se passe bien, c’est magnifique ; affection, humour, passion. Mais tout ne se passe pas toujours au mieux.

Dan a toujours du mal à accepter la perte de son compagnon précédent, et semble douter parfois de son droit à être heureux. Evan est jaloux de chaque rival possible, y compris Jeff. Et Jeff se demande s’il n’est pas trop vieux pour les deux jeunes hommes, s’il ne devrait pas se retirer complètement. Malgré tout, Dan a commencé à s’attacher aux deux hommes. Est-ce suffisant ? Être ensemble les blesse ; mais être séparés ne les blesserait-il pas davantage ?


Feuerfuchs - Der Außenseiter Bd. 2

Der Außenseiter | Buch 2

Fortsetzung zu Sturmrappe — Der Außenseiter
Buch 2 in der Serie - Der Außenseiter

„Es ist schon zu zweit schwer genug. Wenn man noch einen Dritten dazu nimmt … ich weiß nicht, fordern wir damit nicht das Schicksal heraus?“

Es war nicht leicht, doch Pferdetrainer Dan Wheeler hat begonnen, sich ein neues Leben aufzubauen und mit seinen Liebhabern Evan Kaminski und Jeff Stevens seinen Platz in Kalifornien gefunden. Wenn alles gut läuft, ist es großartig: dann teilen sie Zuneigung, Humor und Leidenschaft. Aber leider scheint es nur selten gut zu laufen.

Dan leidet auch weiterhin unter dem Verlust seines letzten Partners und zweifelt manchmal sogar daran, dass er es verdient, glücklich zu sein. Evan ist auf jeden Nebenbuhler in Bezug auf Dan eifersüchtig – sogar auf Jeff. Und Jeff fragt sich, ob er nicht zu alt für die beiden jungen Männer ist und das Feld räumen sollte. Trotz seiner Vorsätze hat Dan Gefühle für die beiden Männer entwickelt, doch er ist nicht sicher, ob das ausreicht. Er weiß, dass das Zusammensein mit ihnen manchmal schmerzt. Nun muss er entscheiden, ob der Schmerz einer Trennung nicht noch größer wäre.


Sombre est le cheval

Californie équestre | Tome 1

Californie équestre, tome 1

Dan pourrait simplement partir, laisser tout ça derrière lui. Il a suffisamment d’argent. Il pourrait se faire envoyer ses affaires et son cheval plus tard, où qu’il soit. Partir, c’était ce qu’il faisait quand il ne pouvait plus faire face, avant. Et ça marchait.

Justin Archer est pour Dan Wheeler un collègue, un partenaire, un amour et une stabilité incomparables. Mais quand Dan se retrouve seul, à travailler comme entraîneur pour les parents de Justin, il doit accepter l’inéluctable : sa vie parfaite a disparu à jamais.

Mais il rencontre le milliardaire Evan Kaminski, venu acheter un cheval pour sa petite sœur, et Jeff Stevens, le partenaire d’Evan et l’entraîneur de sa sœur, et qui semble partager plus qu’une passion des chevaux avec Dan. Pris dans la tourmente de sa propre vie, Dan est confronté aux passions tumultueuses d’Evan et à la sagesse tranquille de Jeff. Sera-t-il assez fort pour se jeter à nouveau dans le jeu de l’amour, ou serait-il plus simple – plus sûr – de rester seul ?