Books by "Marguerite Labbe" (15)


A Beautiful Disaster

Geek Life | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

Geek Life: Book Three

When best friends Brenden and Dakota launch the biggest comics and pop-culture convention of their careers, they finally realize what everyone around them already knows: they’ve been in love for years.

Now what are they going to do about it?

Meticulously organized Brenden Wade and easygoing Dakota Nye turned their love of geek culture into a business, running conventions all over the Chesapeake Bay area. Now the weight of their pasts is threatening not only their friendship but their dream. Brenden fears losing his foster family when his secrets come out, and though the last thing Dakota wants is to hurt his plus one, he doesn’t know if he’s capable of settling down.

One night of passion challenges both men’s preconceptions and forces them to evaluate what they want from the future. They’re both scared, and though they’ve always been able to figure out anything together, hearts are on the line. Will taking a chance on romance lead to a beautiful disaster, or just a disaster?


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A Whole Latte Sass

Geek Life | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

Geek Life: Book Two

It’s no secret cosplayer Felipe Suero is looking for his happily ever after—in his love life as well as his career. He’s getting his degree so he can quit his miserable job and start his own costume business. Now he just needs to land the sexiest silver fox to ever attend a con.

Trask Briscoe’s life revolves around staying clean and sober, running the Magick Den, and attending local cons. His rules haven’t left much room for romance. But he can’t deny Felipe has caught his complete attention. He’s just not sure what he can offer a man so full of joy and sass.

When Trask finally accepts Felipe’s offer for a cup of coffee, he soon finds himself on a second date and a third. Between cosplay projects and roleplaying games, they discover a deeper connection than either of them expected. And Trask realizes that sometimes rules are made to be broken.

Now Felipe just has to convince his family—and Trask—that Trask has more love to offer than he ever dreamed.


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A Little Side of Geek

Geek Life | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Geek Life: Book One

When opposite worlds collide, it’s anyone’s game.

Proud geek and comic book artist Morris Proctor wants nothing more than to live in semiseclusion with his devil cat and gamer friends. Despite what his well-meaning family thinks, he’s perfectly content with his status quo. The last thing he needs is to date another nongeek hell-bent on changing him.

Then he meets his adorkable new neighbor, Theo Boarman, who doesn’t know Star Trek from Star Wars, but who tempts him like no other.

Theo has spent the last year recovering from the loss of his parents and trying to play both roles for his teenage brother, while working to keep the family restaurant afloat. Dating is the last thing on the menu, especially with a man who thinks the height of dining is shoving a packaged meal into the microwave.

But if Morris gives him one more shy smile or flaunts that kilt he wears so well, Theo will be forced to convince him that a hot summer fling is just the recipe to let off a little steam.

When that fling gets serious fast, Morris has to decide if he’s willing to give his heart to Theo on the chance that they’re a perfect mix.


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$6.99 $3.49

Haunted by the screams of the men he murdered, ex-Marine medic Riff Khora is serving a life sentence on board a prison ship. Seeking more punishment for his crime, he strikes a deal with the corrupt Captain Vidal—an exchange of pleasure and pain—and forges a new life leading the team that surveys space wreckage for salvage.

Ship engineer Zed Jakobsen’s psychometric abilities make prison a sentence worse than death, and the barrage of emotional stimuli is an unending torment. His only regret is that he didn’t kill the monster who sent him to prison, and only a glimmer of hope to escape a judgment he doesn’t deserve keeps him clinging to a brutal existence.

When they board derelict ship Pandora and discover a lone survivor, the hell of prison life plunges into abject horror. An epidemic of violence and insanity consumes their ship, driving the crew to murder and destruction. Mutual need draws Riff and Zed together, and their bond gives them the strength to fight a reality they cannot trust. But Vidal possesses the only means of escape from the nightmare, and he’s not letting anyone leave alive.


2nd Edition
First Edition published as Pandora in the Deep Into Darkness: Aliens, Alphas and Antiheroes Anthology by Smashwords, 2015.


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Triquetra Trilogy
$9.99 $4.99

When vampire Kristair binds his heart and soul to a human vessel in an ancient ritual, he never expects to fall in love with Jacob Corvin as well. As The Syndicate moves in to discover the secrets Kristair hold, the bonded pair will discover that not even death can separate them. Unfortunately, it won’t stop their enemies from coming after them, either.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$6.99 $3.49

Nach nur einer Nacht mit Ash Gallagher ist sich Eli Hollister sicher, dass er schließlich den richtigen Mann zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gefunden hat. Gut, dass er darauf nicht gewettet hat, denn wie sich herausstellt, ist Ash Student in einem seiner Kurse am örtlichen College. Eli kann die Anziehung nicht leugnen, doch jetzt wird es kompliziert. Er hat schon genug Probleme mit dem Leiter seiner Abteilung, dem es am liebsten wäre, Eli bekäme nicht die Festanstellung oder würde sogar gekündigt werden.

Ash freut sich darauf, seinem Leben eine neue Richtung zu geben. Nachdem er bei den Marines und in der Reserve gedient hat, möchte er nun sein militärisches Leben hinter sich lassen. Der Lust zu seinem Englisch-Professor zu verfallen, war das Letzte, womit er in diesem Semester gerechnet hat, doch je mehr Eli sich ihm widersetzt, desto hartnäckiger ist Ash. Als er feststellt, dass Eli auf der Suche nach einer festen Beziehung ist, wo er selbst doch nur an einer Affäre interessiert ist … oder etwa nicht? Alles ist möglich zwischen den beiden, wenn es um die Liebe und das Leben geht.


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$6.99 $3.49

Caleb Hudson and Hal Zimmer became best friends the day they stood up against the schoolyard bully together. Life’s complicated enough with their friendship crossing racial lines in 1960s Charleston, South Carolina, but as time passes, they realize it’s more than their friendship that sets them apart from other kids. At first, Caleb denies his feelings for Hal could be more than companionship. He supports his friend when Hal admits he’s gay, but Caleb isn’t ready to face his own truth.

Hal becomes a staunch antiwar protester, and the divide between them widens after Caleb is drafted. But when Caleb returns from Vietnam, the time for denial is over. His homecoming sets off a series of events that force Caleb and Hal to confront their desires and what lines they’re willing to cross to get what they truly want out of life.


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$6.99 $3.49

Une nuit avec Ash Gallagher, c’est tout ce qu’il faut à Eli Hollister pour se convaincre qu’il a enfin rencontré la bonne personne au bon moment. Heureusement qu’il n’avait rien parié là-dessus parce qu’il s’avère qu’Ash est étudiant dans la classe d’Eli à l’Université locale. Eli ne peut nier qu’il est attiré, mais la situation est complexe. Il a déjà assez de problèmes avec son directeur de département. Celui-ci ne souhaite qu’une chose : refuser à Eli sa titularisation et le renvoyer.

Ash attend avec impatience de pouvoir passer à la prochaine étape. Après un tour sur le terrain dans les Marines et une période en tant que réserviste, il est prêt à mettre fin à sa carrière militaire. La dernière chose qu’il imaginait expérimenter ce semestre était de tomber sous le charme de son professeur de littérature. Mais plus Eli résiste, plus Ash est déterminé à l’avoir. Puis Ash découvre qu’Eli est sérieux, et Ash ne veut qu’une aventure… Ou peut-être pas ? Entre ces deux-là, quand il s’agit d’aimer, tous les paris sont permis !


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$6.99 $3.49

Basta una sola notte con Ash Gallagher perché Eli Hollister si convinca di aver finalmente trovato l’uomo giusto al momento giusto; fortuna che non ci ha scommesso sopra, perché Ash si rivela uno studente della sua classe al college locale. Eli non può negare la sua attrazione, ma adesso le cose si complicano; inoltre ha già abbastanza problemi col preside del suo dipartimento, un uomo gretto e meschino che aspetta solo l’occasione propizia per poterlo licenziare.

Dal canto suo, Ash non vede l’ora di dare una svolta alla sua vita. Dopo aver prestato servizio nel corpo dei Marines e successivamente nella Riserva, è pronto a lasciarsi la vita militare alle spalle. L’ultima cosa che aveva programmato però era intrecciare una relazione col suo professore di letteratura inglese e più Eli resiste, più Ash è determinato ad averlo. Poi scopre che Eli ha intenzioni serie, mentre lui cerca solo un’avventura… oppure no? Su questi due, che si tratti di vita o di amore, non si possono fare scommesse.


$6.99 $3.49

Make Me Whole

2013 Award Winners
$6.99 $3.49

After a grueling battle in ancient Greece, lovers Dexios and Lykon committed their lives to each other in the name of Goddess Cythera. After the war, fearing the strength of his love for Dexios, Lykon abandoned his vow and returned home. Heartbroken, Dexios called on Cythera, who changed him into four unfinished statues. In that form he would wait for his fickle lover to return, break the curse, and make him whole.

Thousands of years have passed when Galen Kanellis finds the disassembled pieces in the storeroom of a Seattle museum and makes them the focus of his new exhibit. Needing information, he contacts his ex-lover Nick Charisteas. Nick has a lifelong dream of finding the Dexios Collection, and the last thing he expected was for it to wind up in the hands of the man who broke his heart. As both men search for answers about the statues, worries of abandonment and fear of loss test their renewed relationship, threatening to separate them again—this time permanently.


$6.99 $3.49

Ghosts in the Wind

Bittersweet Dreams
$6.99 $3.49

Andrei Cuza and Dean Marshall celebrated their tenth anniversary only to have their happiness shattered by a random, insane event: On his way home from closing a business deal, Dean stops on the parkway to help a young mother with her flat tire, and her ex arrives, murders them, and takes off with his two kids.

Ghosts have haunted Andrei all his life. He bears the guilt for his sister being stuck in limbo, because ghosts are frozen at the moment they died, unable to adapt to the changes in their living loved ones. When Dean returns to Andrei as a ghost, the double punch of losing him and having to watch him founder if he doesn’t move on is almost more than Andrei can bear.

Despite dangers in limbo—Jackal Wraiths that devour souls are hunting him—Dean isn’t going anywhere until he helps Andrei track down the missing children. Andrei is in danger as well when he pays dearly to feel Dean’s touch one last time. Time is slowly running out as Dean and Andrei try to say good-bye while they track a killer who’s more than happy to kill again.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


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$6.99 $3.49

It only takes one night with Ash Gallagher to make Eli Hollister think he’s finally met the right man at the right time. Good thing he doesn’t bet on it, because Ash turns out to be a student in Eli’s class at the local college. Eli can’t deny he’s attracted, but now it’s complicated. He’s already in enough trouble with the department head, a man who would like to see Eli denied his tenure and fired.

Ash is looking forward to taking his life in a new direction. After serving one active-duty stint in the Marine Corps and another in the Reserves, he’s ready to put his military life behind him. The last new experience he’d planned for this semester was to fall in lust with his English professor, but the more Eli resists, the more Ash is determined to have him. Then he discovers Eli’s playing for keeps, and Ash is only interested in a fling... or is he? Between these two, when it comes to life and love, all bets are off.


$6.99 $3.49

Our Sacred Balance

Triquetra Trilogy
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Haunted by Your Soul
Book Three of the Triquetra Trilogy

Lovers Kristair and Jacob believe they're done with the supernatural and on the road to a new life. But the supernatural isn't done with them. A stalker is targeting vampires, tearing them from their sanctuaries and leaving them to burn in the sun, and when the vampires of Pittsburgh call upon the ancient Kristair, he cannot refuse them aid despite Jacob's objections.

While their quest becomes more dangerous, tempers flare when Jacob tries to make Kristair understand the limitations of being human again. As they struggle to reach a balance between them, the other vampires become restless, eager to find the person responsible for the deaths of their own so they can vent their rage.

But the enemy is closer than they ever imagined and carries a personal grudge against them. Their mental link gone and spiritual strength halved, Jacob and Kristair must conquer Kristair's newfound helplessness and learn to communicate with each other before their enemy destroys everything they've fought so hard to win.


$6.99 $3.49

Haunted by Your Soul

Triquetra Trilogy
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to My Heart Is Within You
Book Two of the Triquetra Trilogy

Heartbroken by the death of his vampire lover, Jacob Corvin finds himself embroiled in the intricacies of vampire hierarchy. He is consumed with rage after Kristair's torment and death, and when The Syndicate returns he is more than ready to personally destroy every one of the power-hungry vampires.

That anger and pain cannot be soothed, because before he disappeared, Kristair transferred all his memories and a piece of his soul to Jacob. So as hard as Jacob tries to move on— he can't. Kristair's heart still beats in his chest, and Kristair's memories whisper to him.

As he gets dragged further into a war between the vampires, Jacob starts to believe he's losing his mind. Those whispers and a feeling of Kristair's presence are growing within him, and he starts a desperate struggle to retain his own sense of self and sanity. But Kristair is not so easily silenced when he's determined to return to where he belongs.

Rainbow Award for Best Gay Paranormal/Horror - Honorable Mention


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$6.99 $3.49

Book One of the Triquetra Trilogy

The power of heart and soul holds the key to the survival of the last of the ancient vampires. Kristair is running out of time. His race has faded away, prey to delusion and deterioration, and his only chance to live long enough to find a cure is to bind his psyche to a human vessel in a long forgotten ritual.

Kristair's chosen vessel is Jacob Corvin, a man of passionate stubbornness and fierce loyalty; he has captured Kristair's fantasies so completely that he is both the vampire's greatest strength and most crippling weakness. Drawing upon Jacob's spirit and Kristair's resolve, they each bind a portion of their souls to one other. For as long as Jacob carries Kristair's heart within him, the vampire can continue his quest.

Just when they have hope, their mission is threatened by The Syndicate, a group of younger vampires who attempt to force Kristair to teach them his secrets before he disappears like the rest of the ancients. Battling both The Syndicate's attacks and his unexpected need and love for Jacob, Kristair's strength begins to fade, forcing him to make a decision that will change his and Jacob's lives forever.


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