

Robin, der Empfänger eines neuen Herzens, weiß, dass er es nicht einfach an den Erstbesten verschenken darf …

Robin hat in letzter Zeit viel erlebt, von einer Herztransplantation bis hin zu einer sehr schmerzhaften Trennung. Doch seine Erfahrungen haben ihn gelehrt, dass das Leben kurz ist, und er ist bereit, jeden Tag zu nutzen und einen Neuanfang zu machen. Ein Job bei Euro Pride Tours ist genau die Art von Abenteuer, die er sucht. Dabei lernt er die Welt kennen und kann sein Leben genießen, aber an Liebe denkt er überhaupt nicht. Er ist sich nicht sicher, dass sein Herz das ein weiteres Mal verkraften könnte.

Johan mag seine Familie enttäuscht haben, indem er seinen eigenen Weg geht, aber als er Robin kennenlernt, hat er nicht vor, ihn im Stich zu lassen. Die beiden Männer sind für den anderen genau das, was ihm gefehlt hat, um sich wieder vollständig zu fühlen. Auch ist Johan nicht der Mann, für den Robin ihn ursprünglich gehalten hat, sondern er ist der Richtige, um Robins geborgtes Herz schneller schlagen zu lassen. Während einer Rundreise durch Süddeutschland kommen sie sich näher, aber als Robins Ex sich der Reisegruppe anschließt, könnte er ihrer aufkeimenden Liebe ein jähes Ende bereiten.


Black Dog Blues

The Kai Gracen Series | Book One

The Kai Gracen Series: Book One

Ever since being part of the pot in a high-stakes poker game, elfin outcast Kai Gracen figures he used up his good karma when Dempsey, a human Stalker, won the hand and took him in. Following the violent merge of Earth and Underhill, the human and elfin races are left with a messy, monster-ridden world, and Stalkers are the only cavalry willing to ride to someone’s rescue when something shadowy appears.

It’s a hard life but one Kai likes—filled with bounty, a few friends, and most importantly, no other elfin around to remind him of his past. And killing monsters is easy. Especially since he’s one himself.

But when a sidhe lord named Ryder arrives in San Diego, Kai is conscripted to do a job for Ryder’s fledgling Dawn Court. It’s supposed to be a simple run up the coast during dragon-mating season to retrieve a pregnant human woman seeking sanctuary. Easy, quick, and best of all, profitable. But Kai ends up in the middle of a deadly bloodline feud he has no hope of escaping.

No one ever got rich being a Stalker. But then few of them got old, either, and it doesn’t look like Kai will be the exception.

Third Edition
First Edition published by Rhys Ford, June 2013 Second Edition published by DSP Publications, February 2015


Exploring Limits

Exploring Limits

Exploring Limits: Book One

We could always share him….

After failing to capture the attention of their bicurious costar singlehandedly, Kit and Devon team up to seduce Jonathan, who plays King Arthur in the new miniseries Camelot

The chemistry between the three actors is off the charts, and it brings out the adventurous side in all of them. Things heat up in the bedroom as the trio explores the pleasures of dominance, submission, bondage, toys, and anything else they can find to get the most out of their secret time together. 

But a gay ménage presents problems without easy solutions—especially as they work closely together on set. For their threesome to survive and evolve into a true committed relationship, they’ll all have to test their physical and emotional limits.


This volume includes newly edited and expanded versions of the novellas:

Exploring Limits

Stretching Limits

Refining Limits

First Edition
Second Editions: Exploring Limits, Stretching Limits, Refining Limits previously published individually by Dreamspinner Press, respectively: January 2010, March 2010, May 2010.


Feu et glace

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 2

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 2

Carter Schunk est un agent de police dévoué avec un passé difficile et un grand cœur. Lorsqu’il est appelé pour une dispute conjugale, il trouve une femme mortellement blessée et un enfant, Alex, qui a désespérément besoin de soin. Les services sociaux sont appelés, et le dernier homme sur terre que Carter voulait voir passe la porte. Carter avait eu une aventure avec Donald un an auparavant et l’avait découvert aussi froid que la glace depuis que c’était fini.

Donald (le Glaçon) Ickle a eu une vie difficile qu’il ne partage avec personne, et il a fermé son cœur à tout le monde. C’est en partie pour se préserver lui-même d’être blessé et en partie la manière dont il gère son travail auquel il excelle, parce qu’il fait ce qui doit être fait sans être émotionnellement impliqué. Lorsqu’il rencontre à nouveau Carter, il maintient son habituelle distance, mais Carter arrive à se frayer un chemin sous sa peau, et contre son meilleur jugement, Donald laisse Carter le convaincre de prendre Alex quand il n’y a pas d’autre foyer d’accueil disponible. Carter propose même son aide pour s’occuper de l’enfant.

Donald a un passé dont il ne veut parler avec personne, surtout pas avec Carter qui a également le sien et qu’il garde aussi pour lui. Mais c’est le secret d’Alex qui pourrait les attirer ensemble ou les séparer, des secrets que le garçon n’est pas capable de leur dire et qui pourtant pourraient être la clé de leur bonheur à tous.


Jacked Cat Jive

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Three

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Three

Stalker Kai Gracen knew his human upbringing would eventually clash with his elfin heritage, but not so soon. Between Ryder, a pain-in-his-neck sidhe lord coaxing him to join San Diego’s Southern Rise Court, and picking up bounties for SoCalGov, he has more than enough to deal with. With his loyalties divided between the humans who raised him and the sidhe lord he’s befriended and sworn to protect, Kai finds himself standing at a crossroads.

When a friend begs Kai to rescue a small group of elfin refugees fleeing the Dusk Court, he’s pulled into a dangerous mission with Ryder through San Diego’s understreets and the wilderness beyond. Things go from bad to downright treacherous when Kerrick, Ryder’s cousin, insists on joining them, staking a claim on Southern Rise and Kai.

Burdened by his painful past, Kai must stand with Ryder against Kerrick while facing down the very court he fears and loathes. Dying while on a run is expected for a Stalker, but Kai wonders if embracing his elfin blood also means losing his heart, soul, and humanity along the way.


Die aufstrebenden Kochtalente Beck Douglas und Duncan Walters befinden sich seit Jahren auf dem Radar der Gourmetpaparazzi, da ihr Status als Erben der beiden größten Kochimperien weit und breit sie zu Kochkönigen macht. Beck ist durch seinen Charme und seine klassischen Gerichte als Co-Moderator in der beliebten Fernseh-Kochshow seines Onkels bekannt geworden. Duncan dagegen hat sich durch seine Weigerung, im Restaurant seines Vaters zu arbeiten, und seine avantgardistischen Methoden einen Ruf als Bad Boy in der Kochszene erworben. 

Außerdem haben sie eine Kochrivalität geerbt, die die berühmte Familienfehde der Hatfields und McCoys harmlos erscheinen lässt. Als sie mitten in einer hitzigen Diskussion fotografiert werden, überschlägt sich die Presse mit wilden Spekulationen. Zur Schadensbegrenzung fädeln Freunde aus dem PR-Bereich eine Scheinfreundschaft ein. Schnell wünschen sich beide aber insgeheim mehr.

Die Gängelungen seines Onkels reiben Beck auf und Duncans Verhältnis zu seinem homophoben Vater spitzt sich noch mehr zu, als sich Beck und Duncan näherkommen. Als Duncan in Becks Kochshow einsteigt, fällt es ihnen schwer, im überregionalen Fernsehen die Chemie zwischen ihnen zu verbergen. Ganz ohne Scherben wird sich ihre Beziehung – oder ihre Karriere – jedoch nicht auf die nächste Stufe heben lassen.


Mad Lizard Mambo

The Kai Gracen Series | Book Two

The Kai Gracen Series: Book Two

Kai Gracen has no intention of being anyone’s pawn. A pity Fate and SoCalGov have a different opinion on the matter.

Licensed Stalkers make their living hunting down monsters and dangerous criminals… and their lives are usually brief, brutal, and thankless. Despite being elfin and cursed with a nearly immortal lifespan, Kai didn’t expect to be any different. Then Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, arrived in San Diego, and Kai’s not-so-mundane life went from mild mayhem to full-throttle chaos.

Now an official liaison between the growing Sidhe court and the human populace, Kai is at Ryder’s beck and call for anything a High Lord might need a Stalker to do. Unfortunately for Kai, this means chasing down a flimsy rumor about an ancient lost court somewhere in the Nevada desert—a court with powerful magics that might save Ryder’s—and Kai’s—people from becoming a bloody memory in their merged world’s violent history.

The race for the elfin people’s salvation opens unwelcome windows into Kai’s murky past, and it could also slam the door on any future he might have with his own kind and Ryder.

Second Edition
1st Edition published by DSP Publications, September 2016


Frat House Troopers (Manga)

Brandt and Donnelly Capers


Black & white interior illustrations with a color paperback cover.

State trooper Brandt’s new assignment to infiltrate a sex-cam operation puts him in a very uncomfortable position, especially since he’ll have to perform naked on camera for his audition. Fortunately his partner and best friend, Donnelly, has his back—whether that means helping Brandt shop gay boutiques for sexy underwear or offering Jäger and encouragement while he researches porn.

Despite his mortification, Brandt gives the audition his best “shot”—and becomes an overnight sensation. But to meet the man behind the operation, he'll have to give a repeat performance, this time live on webcam opposite the highest bidder. Donnelly makes sure to win that auction for his partner’s sake, but their plan has a flaw: faking it is not an option.

In the aftermath, Brandt is a humiliated mess trying desperately to come to terms with what he’s had to do for the job and his own mixed feelings. But Donnelly has been on a journey of discovery of his own. Suddenly everything the two men thought they knew about themselves and each other gets turned inside out. Meanwhile, they still have a case to solve… but it may not be the case they thought it was.



Né pauvre et devenu orphelin très jeune, Daveth Blyd a eu une chance de réussir lorsque ses talents de combattant lui ont valu une place au sein de la garde civile de Tangye – une place qu’il a perdue à la suite fausses accusations de vol. Désormais, il joint les deux bouts en recherchant des époux malhonnêtes et des enfants disparus. Quand un noble lui offre une petite fortune pour retrouver un saltimbanque ayant volé une bague, Daveth accepte l’affaire.

Que Jory Pearce soit ou non un voleur, on ne peut certainement pas lui faire confiance. Mais, envoûté par la beauté et la voix ensorcelante de Jory, Daveth se retrouve bientôt au cœur d’une conspiration. Alors qu’il cherche désespérément des réponses, il se rend compte qu’il s’attache de plus en plus à Jory. Dans leur quête pour découvrir la vérité, les deux hommes affrontent des assassins mystiques et humains, allant de tentatives de meurtre en trahisons. Mais quand l’intégrité de tous est remise en question et que la Mort est pressée d’entrer dans la danse, Daveth a besoin de plus que de sorcellerie pour survivre.


A Harmony Ink Press Title

There’s a time when life changes, when childhood is left behind and the first fumbling steps are taken into adulthood. One group of friends sets out for a summer of adventure and discovery. Jordan, Brandon, Ethan, and Dominic are ready to grow up and test themselves. But will their friendship buckle under the strain as they face the inevitable misunderstandings and conflicts? If they can hang on to their bond, it will see them through to the ultimate victory….

Finding love.


Familiar Demon

Familiar Love | Book Two

Familiar Love: Book Two

For over a century, Edward Youngblood has been the logical one in a family of temperamental magical beings. But reason has not made him immune to passion, and Edward’s passion for Mullins, the family’s demon instructor, has only grown.

Mullins was lured into hell through desperation—and a fatal mistake. He’s done his best to hang onto his soul in the twisted realm of the underworld, and serving the Youngblood family when summoned has been his only joy. Edward concocts a plan to spring Mullins by collecting a series of items to perform an ancient ritual—an idea that terrifies Mullins. He can’t bear the thought of losing Edward and his brothers to a dangerous quest. 

But every item in their collection is an adventure in brotherhood and magic, and as Mullins watches from the sidelines, he becomes more and more hopeful that they will succeed. When the time comes for Mullins to join the mission, can he find enough faith and hope to redeem himself and allow himself happiness in the arms of a man who would literally go to hell and back—and beyond—to have Mullins by his side?


Professional basketball player Bri Early needs a physical therapist after an injury, and he’s heard that Obie is the best. Bri takes an immediate liking to the out-and-proud man with the magic touch, and even though Bri isn’t openly gay himself, he’d never let anything stand in the way of something he wants.

Obie can’t deny that the sexy athlete presses all his buttons, but he’s a professional and has no intention of getting involved with a client. While they’re working together, it’s hands off, no matter how great the temptation.

But being a pro athlete isn’t easy. Bri has enemies, and one of them is making his life hell. When his house is set ablaze, Bri can no longer pretend the threatening messages he’s receiving are jokes. He needs a safe place to stay, and Obie can’t turn his back. But the two of them in the same house is a recipe for combustion that could burn them both….



The Elusive Spark | Book Three

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Elusive Spark: Book Three

Splinters are forming among the superpowered teens known as the Star Children. Loyalties are tested and relationships fall apart as new ones form. But despite their differences, James, Keira, Lumen, and Paul—along with new allies—must work together. Their doubts and animosity aside, they need to figure out a way to stop Nibiru, a Doomsday object hurtling toward earth. Only the teens—alien-human hybrids—can control a crashed extraterrestrial craft, intercept the object, and prevent death and destruction on a global scale. While they’re held captive at Fort Bragg, where Dr. Albion studies their powers, their friendships, family ties, and romantic bonds are tested. Not all the relationships can remain intact as each teen must make difficult decisions about where they stand—with family, friends, old love interests… or new ones. In the end, the Star Children are the only ones who can save the planet.


Jonathon de Mountford a décidé de se rendre au village de Merrychurch pour passer un peu de temps avec son oncle Dominic, mais son séjour commence mal quand celui-ci oublie de venir le récupérer à la gare. Quand Jonathon retrouve le corps de son oncle sans vie dans son bureau, à la suite de ce qui semble être une chute, son monde se retrouve bouleversé. D’une part, il est l’héritier du manoir. D’autre part, il n’est pas si sûr que ce soit un simple accident. Il se met en tête de prouver sa théorie avec l’aide de Mike Tattersall, propriétaire du pub local – si tant est qu’il puisse se concentrer assez longtemps sans être distrait par la beauté de cet homme.

Ensemble, ils établissent une liste – de plus en plus longue – rassemblant les personnes qui avaient une raison d’en vouloir à Dominic. Quand la situation prend un tournant inattendu, les détectives amateurs restent perplexes. Pour compliquer les choses, l’inspecteur de police qui est envoyé pour résoudre cette affaire est la dernière personne que Mike a envie de voir, surtout quand il leur demande de ne pas fourrer leur nez dans cette enquête.

Autant dresser un drap rouge devant un taureau…


Liebe ist nicht allmächtig

Liebe ist... | Band 1

Jeremy Cox hatte keine sehr glückliche Kindheit. Er wuchs in einer Kleinstadt in Kansas auf, wurde in der Schule schikaniert und von seinen Eltern vernachlässigt. Aber er entkam dieser Enge und ging nach Portland, Oregon, wo er jetzt als Park Ranger arbeitet und versucht, Ausreißern und Obdachlosen zu helfen. Er ist mittlerweile schon über vierzig und hat sich mit seinem Leben arrangiert, da steht eines Tages sein ehemaliger Freund Donny, den er vor sechs Jahren an die Alkohol- und Drogensucht verlor, vor der Tür und zieht Jeremy unweigerlich mit in seine Probleme hinein. Und als ob das noch nicht genug wäre, trifft Jeremy einen faszinierenden, rätselhaften Mann, der seinerseits auch sein Bündel zu tragen hat.

Qayin Hill hat den Keller voller Leichen und den Kopf voller Dämonen. Er war früher drogensüchtig und kämpft auch jetzt noch mit Depressionen und Panikanfällen. Qay weiß nicht, ob er Jeremy seine Geheimnisse anvertrauen kann oder wie er darauf reagieren soll, dass Jeremy immer wieder versucht, ihn vor sich selbst zu retten.

Doch obwohl sie beide von ihrer Vergangenheit heimgesucht werden, finden Jeremy und Qay zusammen Leidenschaft, Freundschaft und die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft. Jetzt müssen sie nur noch entscheiden, ob ihre Liebe wirklich die Macht hat, um – wie ein altes Sprichwort besagt – alles zu überwinden. Oder ob manche Hindernisse so hoch sind, dass selbst die größte Liebe vor ihnen kapituliert.


Two men, each with a hidden destiny. Can they defeat a web of deceit and dark magic to ensure their fates intertwine?

Bedouin Isra al-Grayjaab’s dreams lead him to Janan, an amnesiac beggar on the street of Qena—one who steals his heart and starts him on a seemingly hopeless quest. With only their wits, Isra’s knowledge of the desert’s secrets, and the aid of a mercurial djinn, they must recover Janan’s past. But neither can predict his true identity or the lengths others will go to see that his mind remains broken and his true power out of his reach.

In a sweeping romantic adventure that takes them across the Eastern Desert to the modern streets of Cairo and on to the luxurious Red Sea Coast, Janan and Isra seek a truth that will either bring them into each other’s arms or tear them apart forever.


Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads for Florida, where he’s got a month to pull his head out of his ass before he ruins his little sister’s Christmas. 

Harold Justice Lombard the Fifth is at his own crossroads—he can keep being Hal, massage therapist in training, flamboyant and irrepressible to the bones, or he can let his parents rule his life. Hal takes one look at Pierce and decides they’re fellow unicorns out to make the world a better place. Pierce can’t reject Hal’s overtures of friendship, in spite of his misgivings about being too old and too pissed off to make a good friend. 

As they experience everything from existential Looney Tunes to eternal trips to Target, Pierce becomes more dependent on Hal’s optimism to get him through the day. When Hal starts getting him through the nights too, Pierce must look inside for the knight he used to be—before Christmas becomes a doomsday deadline of heartbreak instead of a celebration of love.


Paperback edition includes the new novella Pierce and Hal's Road Trip!

First Edition (novella) by Dreamspinner Press, December 2017


Abaddon's Locusts

BJ Vinson Mysteries

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When B.J. Vinson, confidential investigator, learns his young friend, Jazz Penrod, has disappeared and has not been heard from in a month, he discovers some ominous emails. Jazz has been corresponding with a “Juan” through a dating site, and that single clue draws BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, into the brutal but lucrative world of human trafficking.

Their trail leads to a mysterious Albuquerquean known only as Silver Wings, who protects the Bulgarian cartel that moves people—mostly the young and vulnerable—around the state to be sold into modern-day slavery, sexual and otherwise. Can BJ and Paul locate and expose Silver Wings without putting Jazz’s life in jeopardy? Hell, can they do so without putting themselves at risk? People start dying as BJ, Paul, and Henry Secatero, Jazz's Navajo half-brother, get too close. To find the answer, bring down the ring, and save Jazz, they’ll need to locate the place where human trafficking ties into the Navajo Nation and the gay underground.