Paranormal Romance books

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An Aster Story

Noah Hitchens loves the New York City life he worked hard to build. But when his father dies and leaves him a bankrupt bookstore in their sleepy Georgia hometown, Noah knows he has to save it. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know anything about business. He finds unlikely help in Henry, the man who owned Stardust Books before his 1966 murder, and Kyle St. James, a shy but kind-hearted out-of-towner with a past almost as mysterious as Henry's.

Kyle came to Aster, Georgia, looking for redemption. On the run and out of hope, he’s just trying to get on with his life. Then he meets Noah, a ghost, and a big sloppy lab named Jake who redefine his idea of living. But his past is closing in, and when it finds him, they could lose everything.


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$6.99 $5.24

Costruirsi una nuova vita a New Orleans è tutto quello che Jason Thorpe desiderava: il suo pittoresco negozietto attira uno staff devoto e grazie al suo cuore premuroso e amorevole ha una leale cerchia di amici. Dopo essersi lasciato alle spalle il gelo di un’assurda e pericolosa notte nello stato di Washington, comincia a sentirsi soddisfatto, finché non scopre qualcosa di incredibile in agguato nelle tenebre fumose delle strade piene di ombre del Vieux Carré, qualcosa che si rivela terrificante… e del tutto affascinante. 

Il principe dei vampyr, Varic Maedoc, è in visita a New Orleans quando scopre che l’uomo che aveva soccorso il suo consigliere è lì nel Quartiere Francese. Pensa di limitarsi a incontrare Jason e ringraziarlo… finché non posa lo sguardo su di lui. Varic, che ha dedicato la vita a proteggere l’onore della sua razza, non ha mai voluto un compagno, ma sa immediatamente che deve avere quell’uomo, e che non andrà bene nessun altro. 

Varic desidera portare Jason nel suo mondo, tenerlo al sicuro, ma qualcuno a cui non piace quell’influenza umana e rasserenante sui vampyr ha dei progetti letali che potrebbero distruggere i suoi sogni. Ora, incapace di distinguere i nemici dagli amici, Jason deve trovare un modo per tenersi stretto il cuore del principe intanto che lotta per la propria vita.


$6.99 $5.24

The Touchstone

$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

A Touchstone Novel

It’s no surprise teens Sam and Harry are inseparable. Harry’s ability to fly manifested at age ten—when he saved Sam’s life. Since then, Sam’s made it his mission to shield Harry from danger. They’re being watched by people with an unknown agenda, and their only chance is to run.

An encounter with Jonah Clayton and the group of gifted teens he’s training means a place for Harry and insight into his powers. But is there a place for an ordinary kid like Sam, or has he reached the end of his quest to help his best friend? Jonah’s group isn’t as benign as it seems, however, and the danger is far from over. Harry still needs Sam—who is far more than anyone can imagine.


$6.99 $5.24

Chasser les corbeaux

Un hiver de loup
$6.99 $5.24

Lorsque l’hiver s’abattra, les Loups franchiront le mur et dévoreront les petits garçons dans leur lit.

Le Dr Nicholas Blake a beau avoir peur du noir, il sait que les histoires de monstres racontées par sa grand-mère pour le tourmenter durant son enfance ne sont pas réelles. 

Ou du moins, il le pensait… avant de voir la mer geler, le pays être paralysé par la neige, et de trouver un homme à l’agonie, se vidant de son sang sous le regard d’une étrange femme morte. À présent, ses cauchemars empiètent sur sa vie et seul son patient imprévu semble connaître le fin mot de l’histoire. 

Pour Gregor, la situation est simple : ces traîtres de prophètes l’ont mutilé et lui ont volé son frère, Jack, et il compte bien les faire payer. Sans son loup, la tâche s’avérera difficile, mais jamais il ne laisserait quelqu’un d’autre tuer son jumeau à sa place, même s’il doit quémander de l’aide auprès de son médecin très attirant, mais trop humain.

Cependant, peut-être les prophètes visent-ils un but pire que la mort, et peut-être Nick s’avère-t-il moins humain qu’il le pense ? À mesure que les cadavres s’entassent et que les vieilles histoires se réalisent, les deux hommes doivent se serrer les coudes pour sauver Jack et empêcher les prophètes de réveiller une chose plus terrible encore que l’hiver de loup.


$6.99 $5.24

Stealing His Heart

Connoll Pack
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Connoll Pack

Love sneaks in like a thief in the night.

Danny’s parents raised him to believe his wolf was a curse. He’s part of the wealthy and powerful Connoll Pack, but only nominally. He abandoned that world to volunteer with supernatural kids, and he isn’t looking for a mate….

Max is a shifter who is also a detective. He’s working a case that could make or break his career. Danny’s caught up in the case he’s on, and he’s also irresistible. They’re a bad match—Max, an Alpha having trouble with his new powers and Danny, who trusts Alphas as far as he could throw one. But they can’t get enough of each other, and they might bond before they even see it coming.

They could be amazing together, but they have to get past a few obstacles—especially since someone close to Danny might be involved in the thefts Max is investigating.


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$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie L'inverno dei lupi

Il mondo non finisce con uno schianto, ma con un diluvio. I tornado invadono il cuore di Londra, New York soffoca sotto un’ondata di calore che fa sciogliere persino l’asfalto, mentre la Russia congela sotto uno spesso strato di permafrost. All’inizio le persone si uniscono, paracadutando aiuti dal cielo e facendo evacuare la popolazione, ma il clima non fa che peggiorare.

A Durham, il mite professore universitario Danny Fennick si prepara ad affrontare la tempesta. È cresciuto nelle Highlands scozzesi, perciò ha già vissuto inverni rigidi in passato. Inoltre, ha un vantaggio. È un lupo mutaforma. O, per essere precisi, un cane mutaforma. Meno impressionante, ma sempre utile. 

Tuttavia gli altri lupi mutaforma non credono che quello sia un inverno qualsiasi e stanno attraversando il Vallo per marcare il loro nuovo territorio. Tra loro ci sono l’ex di Danny, Jack, Principe Ereditario del branco del Numitor, inseguito dal fratello che vuole ucciderlo. 

L’inverno dei lupi non è bianco. È rosso come il sangue.


$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Demon

Familiar Love | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Familiar Love: Book Two

For over a century, Edward Youngblood has been the logical one in a family of temperamental magical beings. But reason has not made him immune to passion, and Edward’s passion for Mullins, the family’s demon instructor, has only grown.

Mullins was lured into hell through desperation—and a fatal mistake. He’s done his best to hang onto his soul in the twisted realm of the underworld, and serving the Youngblood family when summoned has been his only joy. Edward concocts a plan to spring Mullins by collecting a series of items to perform an ancient ritual—an idea that terrifies Mullins. He can’t bear the thought of losing Edward and his brothers to a dangerous quest. 

But every item in their collection is an adventure in brotherhood and magic, and as Mullins watches from the sidelines, he becomes more and more hopeful that they will succeed. When the time comes for Mullins to join the mission, can he find enough faith and hope to redeem himself and allow himself happiness in the arms of a man who would literally go to hell and back—and beyond—to have Mullins by his side?


$6.99 $5.24

Perception extra-sensuelle

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $2.49

Si un harceleur ne les tue pas, la chaleur qui règne entre eux pourrait bien le faire.

Christopher Vincent a tellement besoin d’un travail qu’il accepte de devenir médium pour divertir les clients dans la discothèque d’une amie. Jackson Whitman, l’autre propriétaire de la discothèque, n’est pas vraiment ravi de ce nouveau numéro. Pour lui, les médiums sont ridicules et un risque. Mais quand ils se retrouvent face à face, leur attirance est immédiate. 

Cependant, quelqu’un observe Jack et Chris dans l’ombre. Ce qui commence comme une série d’événements louches mène à des attaques meurtrières.

Jack et Chris doivent mettre leurs différences de côté et travailler ensemble pour survivre à un harceleur bien décidé à tuer. Mais pourront-ils survivre à leur attirance explosive ?


$4.99 $2.49
$6.99 $1.00

Two men, each with a hidden destiny. Can they defeat a web of deceit and dark magic to ensure their fates intertwine?

Bedouin Isra al-Grayjaab’s dreams lead him to Janan, an amnesiac beggar on the street of Qena—one who steals his heart and starts him on a seemingly hopeless quest. With only their wits, Isra’s knowledge of the desert’s secrets, and the aid of a mercurial djinn, they must recover Janan’s past. But neither can predict his true identity or the lengths others will go to see that his mind remains broken and his true power out of his reach.

In a sweeping romantic adventure that takes them across the Eastern Desert to the modern streets of Cairo and on to the luxurious Red Sea Coast, Janan and Isra seek a truth that will either bring them into each other’s arms or tear them apart forever.


$6.99 $1.00

The Spirit Key

Lock and Key | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Lock and Key: Book One

When he was eight years old, Scott Fogel died. Paramedics revived him, but he came back changed. Ghosts and spirits tormented Scott for over a decade until, thinking he was going mad, he did the only thing he could.

He ran—leaving behind his best friend, Tim Jennesee.

Scott’s had five normal, ghost-free years in Chicago, when the spirit of Tim’s mother comes to him and begs him to go home because Tim’s in trouble and needs him.

He isn’t prepared for what he finds when he goes home—a taller and sexier Tim, but a Tim who hasn’t forgiven Scott for abandoning him… a Tim whose body is no longer his own. The ghost of a serial murderer has attached itself to Tim, and it’s whispering dark and evil things. It wants Tim to kill, and it’s becoming harder for Tim to resist. To free the man who has always meant so much to him, Scott must unravel the mystery of the destiny he shares with Tim.


$6.99 $3.49

A new life in New Orleans is all Jason Thorpe had hoped: his quaint little store attracts a devoted staff and his warm, loving heart grants him a loyal circle of friends. He's perfectly content, having left behind the chill of a confusing and danger-filled night in Washington, until he discovers something unbelievable lurking in the steamy darkness of the shadowy streets of the Vieux Carré, something that turns out to be terrifying... and utterly mesmerizing.

The prince of the vampyrs, Varic Maedoc, is visiting New Orleans when he finds out the man who once helped his counselor is there in the Quarter. He thinks to simply meet and thank Jason—until he lays eyes on him. Varic’s devoted himself to protect the honor of his race, and he's never wanted a mate before... but he immediately knows he must have this man, and no one else will do.

Varic may want to bring Jason safely into his world, but someone who doesn’t like the human's soothing influence on vampyrs has deadly plans that would disrupt Varic's dreams. Now, unable to tell friend from foe, Jason finds himself wondering how to hold on to the prince’s heart when he’s fighting for his life.


A Series of Fates

A Series of Fates

The Series of Fates Anthology

Easter Valley is a place for shifters to thrive, protect each other, and be themselves. It’s also a place for friendships, laughs… and love. From the Alpha, to the shyest of pack members, these mates find their way into each other’s arms in this trio of romantic comedy tales, and while the path to love can be bumpy when fate is involved, the endings are always happy.


Stories include:

Denying Fate

Embracing Fate

Fearing Fate


See excerpt for full individual blurbs.


Fearing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Three

He is a fearless protector by nature and in his heart. But nothing’s ever simple with love… or fate. 

At nearly seven feet tall, Zeus’s role had always been to protect the pack—but his newest charges need him more than most. Kimber and Kron are transplants from another pack, and they have a dangerous stranger on their tails. Zeus is determined to do his duty and drive the human out of town. But when he confronts Toren, his wolf has other ideas…. 

Something isn’t right, but should a huge, tattooed wolf with a secret soft heart fear his fate—to love a man with secrets of his own?


$3.99 $2.99

Lover Behind Enemy Lines

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

True mates, together at last.

Claw—fearless leader of Seattle’s Team 32—has faced many dangers during more than a century and a half as a dreamcatcher. Yet nothing has ever scared him more than his obsession with Nathan Gallagher. Tormented by visions and dreams about the man ever since he first laid eyes on him, Claw now has to deal with living under the same roof with the object of his most ardent desires. And Nathan is so much more than a simple crush.

Brother of the caster who’s been plaguing Team 32’s area and less-than-willing houseguest of the team after a strange break-in attempt, Nathan may hold the key to finally apprehending his sister and putting a stop to the havoc she’s wreaking on Queen Anne…. Meanwhile, Nathan’s wreaking some havoc of his own on Claw’s heart.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

When Sunny retires to the northern Ontario wilderness to mourn his parents’ deaths, he’s hoping the change of scenery will afford him some peace and quiet.

His hopes are soon spectacularly dashed.

In self-imposed exile, dragon Emile runs across the Fold between his dimension and Sunny’s—and right into Sunny’s arms. Centuries out of touch with human culture, bright, beautiful Emile incinerates any hope Sunny had for an ordinary existence. With dryads and water sprites coming to life all around them, Sunny can’t deny the magic Emile brings to his life—or his heart. But that same magic leads the unrelenting dragon who would keep Emile captive right to them. To save his love, Sunny will have to reach deep and find some magic of his own.


$6.99 $5.24

Colina de Lavanda

2018 Advent Calendar | Warmest Wishes
$3.99 $2.99

Lord protector of whores, thieves, sorcerers, and deviants.

Owning a parcel of land the railroad needs to cross means Edward gets to run the border town around the station as he sees fit. What starts as a place to indulge his varied appetites becomes a haven to society’s castoffs, and if Edward encourages legends about its founder to flourish, well, he’s not so much a liar as a man who wants to protect all the cultures living in peace. Being mayor means folks might ignore his vices, but they also expect him to fix what goes wrong.

When a crushing heat wave and drought threaten not only the town’s diverse holiday celebrations but its very existence, Edward must turn to the one man he’d rather french kiss a timber rattler than face—the icily elegant Cantonese mage Edward walked out on but never stopped loving.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."


$3.99 $2.99

Embracing Fate

A Series of Fates | Book Two
$3.99 $2.99

A Series of Fates: Book Two

Sometimes you just have to embrace your fate. 

Seth has a secret: he has a crush on the human next door. His brilliant plan to meet Jack, the man of his dreams who happens to be an animal trainer? Take wolf form and ask his best friend, Max, to take him next door for training. Seth is the only one surprised when things go horribly awry.

Still, can this shy wolf and a human meet their fate as mates?


$3.99 $2.99

Hiding the Moon

Racing for the Sun | Book Two
Fish Out of Water | Book 4
$6.99 $3.49

Fish Out Of Water: Book Four - A Fish Out of Water/Racing for the Sun Crossover

Can a hitman and a psychic negotiate a relationship while all hell breaks loose?

The world might not know who Lee Burton is, but it needs his black ops division and the work they do to keep it safe. Lee’s spent his life following orders—until he sees a kill jacket on Ernie Caulfield. Ernie isn’t a typical target, and something is very wrong with Burton’s chain of command.

Ernie’s life may seem adrift, but his every action helps to shelter his mind from the psychic storm raging within. When Lee Burton shows up to save him from assassins and club bunnies, Ernie seizes his hand and doesn’t look back. Burton is Ernie’s best bet in a tumultuous world, and after one day together, he’s pretty sure Lee knows Ernie is his destiny as well.

But when Burton refused Ernie’s contract, he kicked an entire piranha tank of bad guys, and Burton can’t rest until he takes down the rogue military unit that would try to kill a spacey psychic. Ernie’s in love with Burton and Burton’s confused as hell by Ernie—but Ernie’s not changing his mind and Burton can’t stay away. Psychics, assassins, and bad guys—throw them into the desert with a forbidden love affair and what could possibly go wrong?


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