Rekindled Flame

By Andrew Grey

Rekindled Flame
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  • Release Date
  • Type Novels
  • Words 60,200
  • Pages 200
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63477-469-7
  • SKU 7824
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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Rekindled Flame: Book One

Firefighter Morgan has worked hard to build a home for himself after a nomadic childhood. When Morgan is called to a fire, he finds the family out front, but their tenant still inside. He rescues Richard Smalley, who turns out to be an old friend he hasn’t seen in years and the one person he regretted leaving behind.

Richard has had a hard life. He served in the military, where he lost the use of his legs, and has been struggling to make his way since coming home. Now that he no longer has a place to live, Morgan takes him in, but when someone attempts to set fire to Morgan’s house, they both become suspicious and wonder what’s going on.

Years ago Morgan was gutted when he moved away, leaving Richard behind, so he’s happy to pick things up where they left off. But now that Richard seems to be the target of an arsonist, he may not be the safest person to be around.

Cover Artist: L.C. Chase


Genres Contemporary Romance / Gay