Books by "Rhys Ford" (80)


Hanging the Stars

Half Moon Bay | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Half Moon Bay: Book Two

Angel Daniels grew up hard, one step ahead of the law and always looking over his shoulder. A grifter's son, he’d learned every con and trick in the book but ached for a normal life. Once out on his own, Angel returns to Half Moon Bay where he once found… and then lost… love.

Now, Angel's life is a frantic mess of schedules and chaos. Between running his bakery and raising his troubled eleven-year-old half brother, Roman, Angel has a hectic but happy life. Then West Harris returns to Half Moon Bay and threatens to break Angel all over again by taking away the only home he and Rome ever had.

When they were young, Angel taught West how to love and laugh, but when Angel moved on, West locked his heart up and threw away the key. Older and hardened, West returns to Half Moon Bay and finds himself face-to-face with the man he'd lost. Now West is torn between killing Angel or holding him tight.

But rekindling their passionate relationship is jeopardized as someone wants one or both of them dead, and as the terrifying danger mounts, neither man knows if the menace will bring them together or forever tear them apart.


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Kiss (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi Serie

Der ehemalige Polizist und Privatdetektiv Cole Kenjiro McGinnis kämpft noch damit, über die Ermordung seines Liebsten hinwegzukommen, als er mit einem scheinbar alltäglichen Fall beauftragt wird. Der Selbstmord des Sohnes eines erfolgreichen koreanischen Geschäftsmannes entpuppt sich als ganz und gar nicht gewöhnlich, vor allem, als Cole bei seinen Nachforschungen Jae-Min kennenlernt, den gut aussehenden Cousin des Toten.

Jae-Mins Cousin hatte ein schmutziges Geheimnis der Art, mit der Cole sich bestens auskennt und die Jae-Min selbst vor seiner Familie geheim hält. Die Ermittlungen führen Cole von geschmackvollen Villen zu zwielichtigen Begegnungen im Dirty Kiss, wo die Reichen und Verschwiegenen ihr Verlangen abseits ihrer konservativen Familien stillen.

Sie führen ihn außerdem in Jae-Mins Arme, was Probleme mit sich bringt. Der Selbstmord sieht mehr und mehr wie ein Mord aus, während Jae-Min das nächste Ziel zu sein scheint. Cole hat bereits einen geliebten Menschen auf diese Weise verloren – bei Jae-Min wird er es mit allen Mitteln verhindern.


$6.99 $5.24

Whiskey and Wry (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Il était mort. Et c’était le plus odieux des meurtres. Si effacer l’existence d’un homme pouvait être considéré comme un meurtre.

Lorsque Damien Mitchell reprend connaissance, il n’a plus de vie, plus de nom. Les médecins de l’asile du Montana lui affirment qu’il est délirant et que ses souvenirs ne sont que des mensonges : il est vraiment Stephen Thompson et il a basculé dans la folie, obsédé par une rock star morte dans un violent accident. Sa chance de pouvoir s’échapper pour retrouver sa vie survient quand sa prison brûle, mais un homme armé l’attend, déterminé à ce que, ni Stephen Thompson, ni Damien Mitchell n’y survivent.

Avec un assassin sur les talons, Damien s’enfuit jusqu’à la Ville sur la baie, où il fait profil bas, seule façon pour lui de survivre pendant qu’il cherche son meilleur ami, Miki St John, dans les rues de San Francisco. Retournant à ce qui lui permettait de se nourrir avant qu’il ne devienne connu, Damien chante devant le Finnegan, un pub irlandais sur la jetée, pour avoir de quoi manger, et il tombe bientôt sur le propriétaire, Sionn Murphy. Damien n’a pas besoin d’une complication tel que Sionn et, pour aggraver les choses, le tireur – qui ne se soucie pas de faire face à Sionn, ou à n’importe qui d’autre, si cela lui permet de tuer Damien – resurgit pour finir ce qu’il a commencé.


$6.99 $5.24

Sinner's Gin (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Série Sinners, tome 1

Il y a un homme mort dans la Pontiac GTO Vintage de Miki St John et ce dernier n’a aucune idée de la manière dont il a pu arriver là.

Après avoir survécu au tragique accident qui a tué son meilleur ami et les autres membres de leur groupe Sinner’s Gin, tout ce que Miki veut, c’est se cacher du monde dans l’entrepôt rénové qu’il a acheté avant leur dernière tournée. Mais quand l’homme qui l’a agressé sexuellement dans son enfance est tué, et que son corps est retrouvé dans sa voiture, il redoute que la mort n’en ait pas encore fini avec lui.

Kane Morgan, un inspecteur de la police départementale de San Francisco qui loue un atelier à la coopérative d’art à côté, suspecte tout d’abord Miki d’être impliqué dans l’assassinat, mais il se rend vite compte que ce dernier est autant une victime que l’homme écorché vif à l’intérieur de la GTO. Alors que le nombre de corps imputable à l’assassin augmente, l’attirance entre Miki et Kane s’enflamme. Aucun d’eux ne sait si une relation entre eux a la moindre chance de réussir, mais en dépit des traumatismes émotionnels de Miki, Kane est déterminé à lui apprendre à aimer et à être aimé… à condition, bien sûr, que Kane puisse attraper le tueur avant que Miki ne devienne sa prochaine victime.


$6.99 $5.24

Absinthe of Malice

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sloe Ride
Sinners Series: Book Five

We’re getting the band back together.

Those six words send a chill down Miki St. John’s spine, especially when they’re spoken with a nearly religious fervor by his brother-in-all-but-blood, Damien Mitchell. However, those words were nothing compared to what Damien says next.

And we’re going on tour.

When Crossroads Gin hits the road, Damien hopes it will draw them closer together. There’s something magical about being on tour, especially when traveling in a van with no roadies, managers, or lovers to act as a buffer. The band is already close, but Damien knows they can be more—brothers of sorts, bound not only by familial ties but by their intense love for music.

As they travel from gig to gig, the band is haunted by past mistakes and personal demons, but they forge on. For Miki, Damie, Forest, and Rafe, the stage is where they all truly come alive, and the music they play is as important to them as the air they breathe.

But those demons and troubles won’t leave them alone, and with every mile under their belts, the band faces its greatest challenge—overcoming their deepest flaws and not killing one another along the way.


$6.99 $5.24

Dunkle Schatten

Ink and Shadows (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Ein DSP Publications Titel

Buch 1 in der Serie - Ink and Shadows

Kismet Andreas lebt in Angst vor den Schatten.

Für den jungen Tattookünstler bedeuten sie mehr als nur Dunkelheit. Er hält sich für verrückt, weil er darin Kreaturen und kriechende Dinge sieht – Monster, die die Schwachen jagen, um ihren Verstand und ihre Seelen zu fressen, und nichts als leere Hüllen der Verzweiflung zurücklassen.

Kismet fürchtet nichts mehr, als ebenfalls auf diese Weise in den Wahnsinn getrieben zu werden.

Die schattenhafte Welt der Grenze ist Colms Zuhause. Als Pestilenz ist er der jüngste und unerfahrenste der apokalyptischen Reiter – wiederauferstandene Menschen, die nun als Unsterbliche der Menschheit dienen und sie zugleich eindämmen. Nur sichtbar für die Toten oder Wahnsinnigen existieren sie zwischen der Welt der Sterblichen und der Grenzwelt, an ihr nahezu ewiges Schicksal gebunden. Da selbst andere Unsterbliche sie fürchten, leben die vier Reiter größtenteils isoliert. Doch Colm möchte mehr kennenlernen als Tod, Krieg und Hunger.

Colm möchte … menschlicher sein und nicht nur mit Wahnsinnigen und Toten zu tun haben.

Als Kismet Colm vor einem Angriff aus den Schatten rettet, findet Pestilenz sich plötzlich in einer heftigen Auseinandersetzung wieder, bei der die Menschheit auf dem Spiel steht. Kismet allein hat Vertrauen zu ihm, obwohl die anderen Reiter den Tod des Menschen voraussehen.


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Heart

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

Cole McGinnis Mysteries

Former LAPD detective Cole McGinnis’s life nearly ended the day his police partner and best friend Ben Pirelli emptied his service weapon into Cole and his then-lover, Rick. Since Ben turned his gun on himself, Cole thought he’d never find out why Ben tried to destroy him.

Years later, Cole has stitched himself back together. Now a private investigator and in love with Jae-Min Kim, a Korean-American photographer he met on a previous case, Cole’s life is back on track—until he discovers Jeff Rollins, a disgraced cop and his first partner, has resurfaced and appears to be working on the wrong side of the law.

As much as Cole’s fought to put the past behind him, he’s soon tangled up in a web of lies, violence, and death. Jeff Rollins is not only trying to kill Cole’s loved ones, he is also scraping open old wounds and long-forgotten memories of the two men Cole loved and lost. Cole is sure Rollins knows why Ben ruined all their lives, but he isn’t looking for answers. Now Cole is caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a cold-blooded killer with the key to not only his past but his future.


$6.99 $5.24

Baci sporchi - Dirty Kiss

Le indagini di Cole McGinnis
$6.99 $5.24

Un'indagine di Cole McGinnis

Cole Kenjiro McGinnis, ex-poliziotto e investigatore privato, sta cercando di superare la morte del suo amante, avvenuta durante una sparatoria, quando gli capita un’indagine apparentemente di routine. Investigare l’apparente suicidio del figlio di un importante uomo d’affari coreano si rivela subito un incarico tutt’altro che ordinario, specialmente quando Cole incontra Kim Jae-Min, il bel cugino del defunto.

Il cugino di Jae-Min aveva un piccolo, sporco segreto, uno che Cole conosce da tutta la vita e che Jae-Min sta ancora nascondendo alla sua famiglia. L’indagine porta Cole da ville eleganti e squallidi appuntamenti segreti di amanti fino al Dirty Kiss, il locale dove i ricchi vanno a soddisfare con discrezione i desideri di cui le loro famiglie troppo tradizionali preferirebbero non sapere niente.

Inoltre porta Cole McGinnis fra le braccia di Jae-Min, ma questo potrebbe essere un problema. La morte del cugino di Jae-Min appare sempre meno un suicidio, e il ragazzo appare sempre più un bersaglio. Cole ha già perso un amante per una morte violenta: non perderà anche Jae-Min.


$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications

Meurtre et complications
$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications, tome 1

Seuls les cadavres ne parlent pas.

Cambrioleur réformé, Rook Stevens a jadis volé d’innombrables objets de valeur inestimable, mais jamais il n’avait encore été accusé de meurtre – jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Déjà surpris de découvrir une de ses anciennes complices à Potter’s Field, sa boutique dédiée aux collectionneurs et fans du cinéma, Rook l’est encore plus de constater qu’elle a été assassinée.

L’inspecteur Dante Montoya pensait ne jamais revoir Rook Stevens – surtout après une douteuse affaire de falsification de preuve commise par son ancien partenaire pour piéger le voleur. Aussi, quand il intercepte un suspect couvert de sang fuyant la scène d’un crime, est-il choqué de reconnaître celui qu’il avait tant voulu mettre en prison quelques années plus tôt. Et comme autrefois, Rook Stevens lui enflamme le sang.

Rook, malgré son attirance inexplicable pour l’inspecteur cubano-mexicain qui vient de l’arrêter, est déterminé à se disculper. Malheureusement, les cadavres ne cessent de s’accumuler autour de lui. Quand sa vie est menacée, Rook est obligé d’accepter l’aide d’un flic qu’il n’aurait jamais cru capable de croire à son innocence : Dante, le seul homme qu’il ait dans la peau.


$6.99 $5.24

Fish Stick Fridays

Half Moon Bay | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Half Moon bay: Book One

Deacon Reid was born bad to the bone with no intention of changing. A lifetime of law-bending and living on the edge suits him just fine—until his baby sister dies and he finds himself raising her little girl.

Staring down a family history of bad decisions and reaped consequences, Deacon cashes in everything he owns, purchases an auto shop in Half Moon Bay, and takes his niece, Zig, far away from the drug dens and murderous streets they grew up on. Zig deserves a better life than what he had, and Deacon is determined to give it to her.

Lang Harris is stunned when Zig, a little girl in combat boots and a purple tutu, blows into his bookstore, and then he’s left speechless when her uncle, Deacon Reid, walks in hot on her heels. Lang always played it safe, but Deacon tempts him to step over the line… just a little bit.

More than a little bit. And Lang is willing to be tempted.

Unfortunately, Zig isn’t the only bit of chaos dropped into Half Moon Bay. Violence and death strike, leaving Deacon scrambling to fight off a killer before he loses not only Zig but Lang too.


$6.99 $5.24

Sloe Ride

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Tequila Mockingbird
Sinners Series: Book Four

It isn’t easy being a Morgan. Especially when dead bodies start piling up and there’s not a damned thing you can do about it.

Quinn Morgan never quite fit into the family mold. He dreamed of a life with books instead of badges and knowledge instead of law—and a life with Rafe Andrade, his older brothers’ bad boy friend and the man who broke his very young heart.

Rafe Andrade returned home to lick his wounds following his ejection from the band he helped form. A recovering drug addict, Rafe spends his time wallowing in guilt, until he finds himself faced with his original addiction, Quinn Morgan—the reason he fled the city in the first place.

When Rafe hears the Sinners are looking for a bassist, it’s a chance to redeem himself, but as a crazed murderer draws closer to Quinn, Rafe’s willing to sacrifice everything—including himself—to keep his quixotic Morgan safe and sound.


$6.99 $5.24

Von Fischen und Geistern

Hellsinger (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Hellsinger

Als sein Onkel Mortimer starb und ihm Hoxne Grange hinterließ, die Familienvilla aus dem späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert, wurde Tristan Pryce der Zweite in der Familie, der sich als Verwalter um das Anwesen kümmerte, einer Zwischenstation für Geister auf ihrem letzten Weg ins Leben nach dem Tode. Tristan ist auf die Herausforderung vorbereitet, wenn auch nicht unbedingt durch die Geister, die er seit seiner Kindheit sehen kann. Fest entschlossen, zu beweisen, dass Tristan geisteskrank ist, um Zugriff auf sein Erbe zu bekommen, heuern seine liebenden Verwandten Dr. Wolf Kincaid und seine paranormalen Ermittler, Hellsinger Investigations, an, um zu beweisen, dass es auf dem Grange nicht spukt.

Der Skeptiker Wolf Kincaid hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, übernatürliche Phänomene zu entlarven. Nach Jahren voller Schwindel und Fälschungen kann er es nicht erwarten, zu beweisen, dass die Geister des Grange nur auf knarrende Bodendielen und ein zugiges, altes Haus zurückzuführen sind. Auf dem Grange erwarten ihn einige Überraschungen, inklusive des bissigen, verschlossenen Besitzers. Tristan Pryce ist viel attraktiver und viel weniger verrückt, als Wolf bereit ist zuzugeben, und als sein Team im Grange einen geisterhaften Serienmörder befreit, ist er hin und hergerissen zwischen seinem Skeptizismus und dem Verlangen, den Mann zu beschützen, den er eigentlich diskreditieren soll.


$6.99 $5.24

Ink and Shadows

Ink and Shadows | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Book One of Ink and Shadows

Kismet Andreas lives in fear of the shadows. 

For the young tattoo artist, the shadows hold more than darkness. He is certain of his insanity because the dark holds creatures and crawling things only he can see—monsters who hunt out the weak to eat their minds and souls, leaving behind only empty husks and despair.

And if there’s one thing Kismet fears more than being hunted—it’s the madness left in its wake.

The shadowy Veil is Mal’s home. As Pestilence, he is the youngest—and most inexperienced—of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, immortal manifestations resurrected to serve—and cull—mankind. Invisible to all but the dead and insane, the Four exist between the Veil and the mortal world, bound to their nearly eternal fate. Feared by other immortals, the Horsemen live in near solitude but Mal longs to know more than Death, War and Famine.

Mal longs to be… more human. To interact with someone other than lunatics or the deceased.

When Kismet rescues Mal from a shadowy attack, Pestilence is suddenly thrust into a vicious war—where mankind is the prize, and the only one who has faith in Mal is the human the other Horsemen believe is destined to die.


$6.99 $5.24

Murder and Mayhem

Murder and Mayhem
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Murder and Mayhem: Book One

Dead women tell no tales.

Former cat burglar Rook Stevens stole many a priceless thing in the past, but he’s never been accused of taking a life—until now. It was one thing to find a former associate inside Potter’s Field, his pop culture memorabilia shop, but quite another to stumble across her dead body.

Detective Dante Montoya thought he’d never see Rook Stevens again—not after his former partner falsified evidence to entrap the jewelry thief and Stevens walked off scot-free. So when he tackled a fleeing murder suspect, Dante was shocked to discover the blood-covered man was none other than the thief he’d fought to put in prison and who still makes his blood sing.

Rook is determined to shake loose the murder charge against him, even if it means putting distance between him and the rugged Cuban-Mexican detective who brought him down. If one dead con artist wasn’t bad enough, others soon follow, and as the bodies pile up around Rook’s feet, he's forced to reach out to the last man he’d expect to believe in his innocence—and the only man who’s ever gotten under Rook’s skin.


$6.99 $5.24

Down and Dirty

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A Cole McGinnis Mystery

From the moment former LAPD detective Bobby Dawson spots Ichiro Tokugawa, he knows the man is trouble. And not just because the much younger Japanese inker is hot, complicated, and pushes every one of Bobby’s buttons. No, Ichi is trouble because he’s Cole McGinnis’s younger brother and off-limits in every possible way. And Bobby knows that even before Cole threatens to kill him for looking Ichi’s way. But despite his gut telling him Ichi is bad news, Bobby can’t stop looking… or wanting.

Ichi was never one to play by the rules. Growing up in Japan as his father’s heir, he’d been bound by every rule imaginable until he had enough and walked away from everything to become his own man. Los Angeles was supposed to be a brief pitstop before he moved on, but after connecting with his American half-brothers, it looks like a good city to call home for a while—if it weren’t for Bobby Dawson.

Bobby is definitely a love-them-and-leave-them type, a philosophy Ichi whole-heartedly agrees with. Family was as much of a relationship as Ichi was looking for, but something about the gruff and handsome Bobby Dawson makes Ichi want more.

Much, much more.


$6.99 $5.24

Duck Duck Ghost

Hellsinger | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Fish and Ghosts
Hellsinger: Book Two

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


$6.99 $5.24

Tequila Mockingbird

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Whiskey and Wry
Sinners Series: Book Three

Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division wasn’t looking for love. Especially not in a man. His life plan didn’t include one Forest Ackerman, a brown-eyed, blond drummer who’s as sexy as he is trouble. His family depends on him to be like his father, a solid pillar of strength who’ll one day lead the Morgan clan.

No, Connor has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a family. Instead, he finds a murdered man while on a drug raid and loses his heart comforting the man’s adopted son. It wasn’t like he’d never thought about men — it’s just loving one doesn’t fit into his plans.

Forest Ackerman certainly doesn’t need to be lusting after a straight cop, even if Connor Morgan is everywhere he looks, especially after Frank’s death. He’s just talked himself out of lusting for the brawny cop when his coffee shop becomes a war zone and Connor Morgan steps in to save him.

Whoever killed his father seems intent on Forest joining him in the afterlife. As the killer moves closer to achieving his goal, Forest tangles with Connor Morgan and is left wondering what he’ll lose first—his life or his heart.


$6.99 $5.24

The Devil's Brew

Sinners Series
$3.99 $2.99

Sinners Series: Book 2.5

Miki St. John’s life has been turned upside down, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

His best friend, Damien Mitchell, is back from the dead. He has a dog named Dude. And more importantly, he and his lover, SFPD Inspector Kane Morgan, now share Miki’s converted warehouse.

For the first time ever, Miki’s living a happy and normal-ish life, but when Valentine’s Day rolls around, Miki realizes he knows next to nothing about being domestic or domesticated. Nothing about the traditional lover’s holiday makes sense to him, but Miki wants to give Kane a Valentine’s Day the man will never forget.

Can he pull off a day of wine and roses? Or will his screwed-up childhood come back and bite Miki in the ass?



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