Books by "Robin Saxon" (8)


Deserto di sangue

Serie Sanguis Noctis
$6.99 $1.00

Quando Jed viene ingaggiato da David, suo vecchio contatto e qualche volta amico, per indagare su una serie di sparizioni al Cairo, coglie al volo l’occasione per mostrare un po’ di mondo al compagno, Redford Reed. Anche il ragazzo di David, Victor Rathbone, esperto del sovrannaturale e professore un po’ antiquato, si unisce al gruppo. Quel viaggio in Egitto, però, riserva molti più pericoli e misteri di quanto Jed si aspettasse. Quello che sembra un caso semplice si rivela tutt’altro: nature nascoste emergono alla luce, le relazioni si complicano e il controllo sugli istinti si assottiglia fino a spezzarsi. 

Nonostante sia stato proprio lui a chiedere aiuto, David nutre già dei sospetti su chi sia la mente dietro ai rapimenti, ma il suo atteggiamento e i continui scontri tra personalità forti rendono difficile arrivare alla soluzione del mistero. Mentre la relazione tra Jed e Redford diventa ancora più intima e profonda a ogni ostacolo che incontrano sul loro cammino, David e Victor lottano per non perdere la fiducia reciproca quando devono affrontare le loro differenze. Man mano che i quattro si avvicinano ai rapitori, David è costretto a fare i conti con qualcosa di più pericoloso dell’eminenza grigia che sta dietro ai rapimenti: se stesso.


$6.99 $1.00

Luna di sangue

Serie Sanguis Noctis | Libro 1
$6.99 $1.00

Serie Sanguis Noctis, Libro 1

Jed Walker è un killer su commissione che deve svolgere un incarico apparentemente semplice: introdursi in un’abitazione per recuperare qualcosa. Il suo nuovo cliente non sta cercando soldi o oggetti. Vuole il timido e bellissimo Redford Reed, un uomo che in un solo giorno sconvolge il mondo di Jed, che non è proprio pronto a innamorarsi così repentinamente del suo obiettivo.

Redford Reed vive rinchiuso nella casa della nonna, è afflitto da una terribile maledizione e osserva il mondo scorrere fuori della sua casa, fino a quando non arriva Jed, inviato da un uomo che non si fermerà davanti a nulla pur di reclamare Redford come sua proprietà. La sua unica possibilità di salvezza è fare squadra con Jed ma, mentre la violenza cresce, così aumenta anche la tensione fra loro. Anche se hanno entrambi trovato qualcosa per cui vale la pena vivere, ci vorrà tutta l’abilità di Jed e ogni piccola goccia di coraggio di Redford per rimanere in vita.


$6.99 $1.00

Lune de sang

Sanguis Noctis (Français) | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Sanguis Noctis, tome 1

Jed Walker, mercenaire, ne pensait pas que ce boulot serait compliqué : il lui suffisait d’entrer, de récupérer ce que son client voulait et de repartir. Sauf que son nouveau client ne veut ni argent, ni objets de valeur. Il veut Redford Reed, un homme timide, mais superbe, qui retourne tout l’univers de Jed en une journée. Et Jed n’est pas vraiment préparé à tomber si rapidement sous le charme de l’objet de sa dernière mission !

Redford Reed a vécu toute sa vie enfermé dans la maison de sa grand-mère, hanté par une terrible malédiction, à regarder le monde avancer autour de lui. Jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, Jed débarque, envoyé par un homme qui ne s’arrêtera à rien pour que Redford lui appartienne. S’associer à Jed est sa seule chance de survivre, mais au fur et à mesure que la violence empire, la tension monte entre eux. Et même s’ils ont enfin trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait donner sens à leurs vies, maintenant il va falloir tout le talent de Jed et tout le courage de Redford pour qu’ils puissent ne serait-ce que rester en vie.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

For the last ten years, James Mitchell has conned numerous groups by impersonating a religious guide. No longer able to take the guilt of scamming people, he decides to call it quits. A trip might be the best way to heal his bruised soul, and New Zealand looks like the perfect place.

Under one of the oldest trees in New Zealand, James meets Tāne Kokiri, a woodworker traveling the length of the country to scatter the ashes of his recently deceased mother. After several accidental meetings, they decide to road trip together. Among the mountains of the West Coast and the plains around Ruapehu, they begin to connect on a level neither of them expected, and discover they may have found what they need to move forward in each other.


$6.99 $5.24


Sanguis Noctis | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood in the Sand
Sanguis Noctis: Book Three

Mercenary Jed Walker and his reclusive boyfriend, Redford Reed, are all set for a much-needed trip—nothing but sand, fish, sun, and drinks with those tiny umbrellas in them—when Victor Rathbone shows up with an acquaintance in tow.

Randall Lewis pleads for their help in finding a cure for his brother Anthony’s rare disease. Jed, Redford, and Victor join the Lewises as they set out to find the Gray Lady, legendary leader of the largest wolf pack in existence, who may be able to help. What they don’t expect is to find themselves caught up in her pack’s struggles with local human hunters or a growing conflict among the supernatural communities.

Jed is abruptly faced with what it means to be human in a world rife with the supernatural, and the challenges keep piling up: fear that his way of life is hurting his Redford, sparks flying between the half-blood Victor and wolf Randall, the impending threat of hunters, and the quickly approaching war that could kill them all. All things considered, Jed wishes fishing was the only thing he had to look forward to.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

By day, Weston Davies designs mascots for Sanderson Designs and avoids the new productivity consultant, Sidney Romero, who has been hired to ensure maximum efficiency. In the evenings, Weston writes. Fantasy, detective stories, science fiction—he’s tried it all, and he isn't very good. All his attempts are riddled with clichés, and his characters become mouthpieces for scathing commentary on overused literary stereotypes. Though fantastical dreams that inspire his stories haunt his nights, Weston can’t put words to paper without cringing.

Worse, Weston’s work has begun to invade his sleep. Everybody in the office thinks Sidney is strange, quiet, and out to destroy the company. But in Weston’s dreams, Sidney is a mysterious dragon, a street-smart law enforcer, and a rebellious agent of the future government. While Weston reluctantly gets to know Sidney better in the real world, he struggles to reconcile him with the Sidney of his subconscious.

What are his dreams telling him? Is Sidney being wrongly vilified? And what if Sidney recommends Weston’s boss fire him? Weston must learn to pick through the clues his dreams are giving him, or he will never understand Sidney’s role in his life—professional or otherwise.


$6.99 $5.24

Blood in the Sand

Sanguis Noctis | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood Howl
Sanguis Noctis: Book Two

When David, an old contact and sometimes friend, hires Jed Walker to look into a series of seemingly unrelated disappearances in Cairo, Jed jumps at the chance to show his partner, Redford Reed, more of the world he’s been missing. David’s boyfriend, supernatural expert and resident stuffy professor Victor Rathbone, joins them in their journey to Egypt, which holds many more dangers and mysteries than Jed ever expected. Hidden natures resurface, relationships collide, and instincts are stretched to their breaking point. What seems to be a simple case turns out to be anything but.

David may have called for help, but he has his own suspicions about who’s behind the kidnappings—suspicions that, along with clashing personalities, make getting to the bottom of the mystery difficult. While Jed and Redford grow more intimate and trusting with each new obstacle in their path, David and Victor struggle not to lose their trust in each other in the face of their differences. As the four close in on the kidnappers, David is forced to face the one thing more dangerous than the mastermind behind the disappearances: himself.


$6.99 $5.24

Blood Howl

Sanguis Noctis | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Sanguis Noctis: Book One

Gun for hire Jed Walker doesn’t figure it for a difficult job—a simple smash and grab retrieval—except his new client doesn’t want money or goods. He wants shy, gorgeous Redford Reed, a man who turns Jed’s world upside down inside a day. He is in no way prepared to fall hard and fast for his newest assignment.

Redford Reed lives his life locked in his grandmother’s house, haunted by a terrible curse and watching the world pass him by until Jed shows up, sent by a man who will stop at nothing to claim Redford as his own. Teaming up with Jed is Redford’s only chance at survival, but as the violence escalates, so does the tension between them. Even though they each finally have something to live for, now it’s going to take all Jed’s skill and every bit of courage Redford has just to stay alive.


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